At the January 25 meeting, members and guests heard a presentation by Joe Wang, President, Lynwood Rotary club.
Before the presentation, there was mention of several events, including an announcement by guest J.D. Whitaker of the 7th Annual Gospel Brunch, on Sat, Feb 3, 10am – 2pm, in the Bateman Hall Auditorium, organized by Senator Ricardo Lara, California's 33rd District, whose district includes the City of Lynwood. The event, which will be well-attended, is free, but it is necessary to obtain a ticket from the Lynwood Senior Center. J.D. Whitaker will be both the Master of Ceremony and the principal speaker. The theme this year is: “African Americans in Times of War”. (JD provided 10 tickets for Lynwood Rotary members, and Daniel still has 5 tickets left to give out to Rotary members.)
There was also a discussion of Fireworks Sales coordination. Joe Wang discussed briefly coordination with Justine from Phantom Fireworks Co. Also a representative from Plaza Mexico must be contacted. The objective is to try to avoid having to pay a rental charge for use of the space provided for the fireworks stand in the Food 4 Less Supermarket parking lot, which is a part of Plaza Mexico property. In addition to Joe, Ramon Rodriguez and Barbara Battle are involved in this effort.
Vision to Learn Program. Joe Wang stated that the next LUSD School to visit will be Abbott ES on Fri, Jan 19, at 9am. Joe and three other Rotary volunteers stated they would attend.
Youth act Roosevelt ES 5 K Run assistance. Fernando and Tila Millan announced that Youth act will participate in a 5K Run event at Dodger Stadium on Sat, Mar 17, which begins at 6am. There will be carpools organized from Lynwood. Participants need to be at Roosevelt ES at 5:30am to join a carpool. This is a part of the LA Marathon event. Lynwood Rotary members are encouraged to participate in this event.
(Note that there is also a 5K Run being held by Rotary District 5280, on the same day, Mar 17, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, in Griffith Park for Polio. More info later.) Another Rotary District 5280 event is a planned trip to Tijuana, to an orphanage named, Corazon de la Vida, to provide assistance to the needy located here. Rotary International is sponsoring this event, for Sat, Feb 24.
Adrian Landa, Field Rep for Assembly member Anthony Rendon, announced a Coffee with Rendon event at Tierra Mia Coffee Shop on Atlantic Blvd., Lynwood, for Fri, Jan 26, and he also announced two other Rendon organized events which are mentioned in the Cover Page.
Associated with LUSD, Jaffrey J. Davis announced an event at FHS on Sat, Jan 27, involving Millennials in Entertainment, with a speaker’s panel and also with live performances.
Joe Wang's presentation of his recent tour with his wife on Viking Tours provided very interesting photos of Moscow. Particularly memorable were his photos from Moscow that included views of the Red Square, the Palace, and photos of the Moscow subway system. The latter gives one the impression of visiting an ornately decorated art museum. In the City of St. Petersburgh, views of several historic churches were most memorable.
Among the questions asked Joe Wang, was one from Daniel about whether graffiti and other vandalism was observed. Joe said not in Russia, but from other of his travels, there was some observed in Eastern European countries.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club