At the Jan 9, Noon meeting, Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, called the meeting to order.
Since this was the first meeting held in January, there was no speaker. There were two guests: Anguiee Agular, a Roosevelt ES teacher; and Ulia Hernandez, a niece of Fernando Millan (both Fernando and his wife, Tila, attended the meeting}.
Among the items discussed by President Crosthwaite, were a Rotary grant received by the Lynwood Club for $2,000, which will be matched by $2,000 from the Lynwood Club, plus another $2,000 from LUSD. These funds will be used by a food pantry, already established by the Lynwood school district, to provide food to needy families with children in Lynwood.
There was discussion about charging meeting guests for the food served. It was agreed by a vote, that guests coming to meetings will be charged $10.00 per meeting. The exception is guests invited by a club member, there will be no charge, up to three visits. The $10.00 charge will apply to both the noon meetings and the evening meetings. Part of the implementation of this change, is that at every meeting there will be a table with a sign welcoming guests and explaining the $10.00 charge for food for the meeting guests, and also encouraging guests to become members.
Of note, participating and supporting this change, were besides the current president, and also the President-Elect for the year 2020- 2021, Victor Gomez, and also the President-Elect for the year 2021- 2022, Larry Esparza.
Funding was approved for students from LHS to attend the annual Rotary youth training conference. (As background information, there are students at FHS and LHS that are being supervised by LUSD staff or teachers, who with approval from the Rotary District 5280, can be formally recognized as Rotary youth, with the future possibility of becoming members of the Lynwood Rotary Club.)
Member Fernando Millan provided a lengthy list of coming events for the Roosevelt ES Youthact club, led by Fernando and his wife, Tila. The events on the list include activities starting in Feb through May 2020.
There was mention of the coming Rotary District 5280 District Conference, of particular importance for club president-elect members. It will be Jan 11, at the Proud Bird Restaurant, from 7am to 1pm. President-elect, Victor Gomez, said he would attend.
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club