Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.16.2017
At the February 16, 2017 meeting, members and guests met to meet together.
Rotary Events: Before the speaker's presentation, President Ramon mentioned again that the next District 5280 Breakfast will be Tuesday, Feb 28, at the usual location, which is the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX. The event begins at 7:30 am and ends at 8:45 am. The speaker will be Angela Perez Paraquio, who was Ms. America for 2001. Since then, she has served as a teacher and as a school principal. Ramon noted that he and Daniel and Victor Gomez are going for sure, and Club Secretary, Maria Quinonez, may also RSVP. A carpool will be organized and leave from Lynwood City Hall at 6:30 am.
President Ramon mentioned again the Rotary District Conference, at Lake Arrowhead, the weekend of May 7-10 is 100 percent full. However interested Rotary members can attend this annual conference on a day basis.
Daniel and Ramon mentioned that the Lynwood Rotary Club will have a table at the Grand Opening of the Lynwood Union, Sat, March 4 event from 10am to 3pm, at the historic Lynwood Depot, which will house The Lynwood Union Museum and office. Daniel and Barbara Battle will staff the table, and Ramon said he will be able to come for two hours around noon. Daniel encouraged more club members to volunteer, since additional club members at the table makes a good impression for all the participants in this community event. Daniel mentioned that Rowland Becerra has requested from Mark Flores, Head of the Lynwood Recreation Department, for a table and some chairs.
Club President Ramon Rodriguez explained that the meeting will adjourn early at about 1:00 pm in order that club members can assemble in front of the new Lynwood Rotary sign adjacent to the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station for a photo. Rotary member Victor Gomez announced that his company's sign board ( Display Bulletin LLC) was installed with a Lynwood Rotary message starting on Monday, Feb 13.
Club member Ivan Ezquievel explained that the planned speaker, Tomy Loreta, Salesian High School Administrative Director for Sports was unable to attend the meeting. Ivan stated that he will try to get Tomy Loreta rescheduled as a speaker, or as a alumni of the school, he will present a program about Salesian High School's history of providing an active program of athletic activities.
Ivan also the memorial service held for Jim Jenkins, the longtime manager of the Brandy Salon, a popular location for quincienieras and other similar events in the community. Ivan mentioned the staff that will continue to operate this facility.
President Ramon mentioned that Frank Calderon had a heart attack on Christmas Day. His wife, Pearlone, said that he is recovering at their home. Also Ramon mentioned that the Assistant District Governor for Rotary District 5280, for this area of the District, Hector Torres, has taken a leave of absence, with no reason given. (Hector Torres is a member of the South Gate Rotary Club, and a resident of South Gate.)
Ramon welcomed back, long time Lynwood Rotary member, Dr. Manlapaz, who has not attended a meeting for some time. Thanks to member Victor Gomez for bringing Dr. Manlapaz to the meeting.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club