At the Mar 28, meeting, Club President-Barbara Battle , called the meeting to order.
Daniel introduced the speaker Marisela Santana, City of Lynwood, Council Member.
Marisela noted that she is a new council member (starting in Dec 2018). She explained that after 20 years of being involved in the community, Marisela ran for city council to be a voice for the community. Marisela noted that over 20 years she has been an advocate and a voice for the community. This includes serving as a reporter, for a local newspaper, with the name of the Lynwood Press (for about 16 years), and as Public Information Officer for the City of Lynwood (for about 3 years). She explained that as a council member she hopes to continue being a voice for the community.
She was invited to make a presentation to the Lynwood Rotary Club, and was asked to speak on her thoughts about Women's History Month. Marisela, along with city staff, hosted the 2019 celebration of the Lynwood's Women event, at the Avalos Center on Mar 16. The event's theme was: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Over 150 women attended this event, which included recognitions, a key note speaker, and a vendor and boutique faire. Marisela wanted women to feel empowered and valued with this event. Marisela said she hoped women could start uplifting each other and being compassionate with each other, instead of judging and hurting one another. And she stated while she wanted this event to empower women, she believed that as women, we should remember and learn from women in history books. But we should not want to forget to honor and learn from the women around us.
Daniel expressed his interest in Marisela's presentation and stated he hoped that Marisela can periodically attend Lynwood Rotary meetings, and perhaps hopefully become a Rotary member. Upon inquiry by Daniel, Marisela said she is a graduate of LHS and has invested years to trying to make a difference in the community, with other women leaders.
After the presentation by Marisela Santana, there was a discussion about coming Lynwood Rotary events and plans.
There was mention again of a need for Rotary members to plan specific coming events, as well as fund raising projects. So, a half day retreat has been planned for Sat, Mar 30, from 7:30am to 11:30 am. The event will be held on Sat morning, Mar 30. The location is Hacienda Mariachi at 11035 Long Beach Blvd., which is north of Imperial Hwy., on the west side. (Apparently, this is a small restaurant inside a small shopping center.)
Tila Millan said that youth are encouraged to attend the next District Breakfast meeting on Tue, Apr 23, because of the youth oriented program, and Tila and Fernando want to send two youth to this event. Joe Battle and Barbara Battle agreed to pay the cost of $43.00 for each attendee and will provide Treasurer Martina with checks for this cost. (Daniel noted that he is attending, and has already sent a check for $43.00 to the District 5280 Office (Keri Hittinger).
Daniel was wearing a T-Shirt from Verbum Dei High School, near Lynwood on Central Ave. in So. LA. He explained that he participated in the annual Career Day, held on Thur, from about 9am to about 2pm. President Battle noted that two of her grandsons graduated from this school.
Daniel also noted that the application for the fireworks stand with Phantom Fireworks Co. was completed by Club President-Elect, Gudiel Crosthwaite. Since Gudiel had to attend a LUSD Board Meeting the same time as the 6pm Rotary meeting, Daniel obtained a copy of the application from Gudiel, and noted that the deadline for application is Tue, Apr 2. (The City Hall is closed on Mon, for a holiday.) President Battle took the copy and she must confirm with the City Clerk's office on Tue, that they have received the application.
Daniel also mentioned the following LUSD event: 6th Annual Art Festival, LHS, Sat, Apr 6, 10am – 2pm Free Activities Art, Music, Drama, Dance, Food Vendors, Performance by Ballet Floclorico Do Brazil, Conga Kids Dance Competition
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club