At the Apr 4, meeting, Club President-Barbara Battle , called the meeting to order.
The principal presenter was Lynwood Rotary President-Elect, Gudiel Crosthwaite (also LUSD Superintendent) talking about the morning ½ Day retreat on Sat., Mar 30 at the Hacienda Mariachi Restaurant, 11035 Long Beach Blvd., just north of Imperial Hwy, on the west side of the street.
Gudiel handed out copies of the Lynwood STRATEGIC PLANNING GUIDE that all participants at the Mar 30 meeting used. He also distributed a handout of the Lynwood Rotary Club 2019-2020 Goals. Gudiel said that he would have his staff member, Kristiana Cameros, send out by email to all Lynwood Club members the info on club goals for the coming year, starting Jul 1, 2019. So the details are not listed herein.
Concerning the goal for getting new members, both Barbara and Gudiel mentioned the importance of getting new quickly involved in club projects and activities. Also if was noted that an effective club needs to develop a camaraderie among all the members. One way to accomplish this goal, is to have social activities among all the members, one example of which is to schedule activities such as hiking in local and regional parks Another activity should be having joint meetings with other Rotary clubs, such as the nearby clubs in South Gate and in Compton.
Concerning youth involvement in the Lynwood Rotary Club, both Barbara and Gudiel commented about the possibility of obtaining LUSD staff support to develop Roto Act clubs at LUSD middle schools and high schools,
Other comments were from President Barbara Battle. She mentioned the email info she has received from District 5280 staff, Tori Hettinger, about the scheduled Annual District 5280 District Conference, which will be at the Marriot Hotel in Ventura CA, on Sat, May 18. President-Elect Crosthwaite said he is planning to attend, and it was suggested that the future President-Elect Victor Gomez should also attend.
Barbara mentioned that she visited the City Clerk Office on Tue (the city offices were closed on Mon, due to the holiday in honor of Cesar Chavez) to confirm that all the necessary paperwork from Phantom Fireworks had been received by the City, on Apr 2, the deadline for the application for the sale of fireworks on Jul 1 thru Jul 4.
Daniel mentioned that Fernando Millan suggested on the phone, that following a suggestion from Martina Rodriguez, three Honorary Members be approved for their supportive work with the Roosevelt ES Youthact Group. Their names are: Marisol Briezula. Elizabeth Briezula, and Miria Miranda. The idea is that after becoming Honorary Members, that these individuals would be motivated to become regular club members.
At the end of the meeting, Daniel mentioned his follow-up on three items from the Sat, Mar 30 meeting at the restaurant: (1) getting signs on the Caltrans ROW, indicating support by Lynwood Rotary Club; his action was to talk to a personal friend who works for Caltrans, to find out the required procedure; (2) finding out the procedure with the City of Lynwood, for a Rotary sign on a major street; his action is to request the procedure from Assistant City Manager, Raul Alvarez, (Raul is out on leave for several days, and Daniel will check again, in the coming week); (3) talking to the Plaza Mexico manager, Mario Cardenas, about getting a Rotary Sign added to the Plaza Mexico electronic sign, similar to the Greater Lynwood Chamber of Commerce sign; the answer from Mario (on Sat, Mar 30) was yes Lynwood Rotary can be added to the Plaza Mexico electronic sign and there will be no charge. (Rotary needs to present the exact format to Mario; Daniel suggested that the same format be used as printed in the City’s monthly LNP publication.)
Daniel also mentioned the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, on Sat, Apr 20, 11am -- 2pm at Lynwood City Park. He noted that he will attend, and that the Rotary Banner that Martina has, should be posted on the fence. After some quick coordination with Mark Flores on his cell phone, Martina wrote a Rotary check for $300, which Daniel then personally gave to Mark Flores. Daniel requested that several more Rotary members plan to attend this annual event.
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club