Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.06.2017
At the April 6, 2017 meeting, members and guests discussed among themselves several issues. Guests included Jesse Martinez, Maria Viera (and briefly, Margaret Arajo.)
Before the Rotary Board Meeting, Daniel described the women’s event, entitled, “Herstory”, held last Thursday, Mar 30, from 5pm to 8pm at the Lynwood Union office and museum. The event was organized by Marisela Santana and by Rowland Becerra. The event focused on the accomplishments of women, and included display of art works, live music and refreshments. Daniel and President Ramon attended, along with several Rotary members. Daniel presented a collage of photos he took at the event, which photos included Rotary members present.
Daniel encouraged members to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for Sat, Apr 15, 11am – 1:30pm at Lynwood City Park, noting that Rotary members have always supported this popular community event. Also Daniel mentioned Earth Day, planned for Apr 22 at the Lynwood Civic Center.
Also it was mentioned at the meeting by President Ramon that all the paperwork for the fireworks sales, July 1- July 4, have been filed in the City Clerk’s Office. Daniel mentioned that he talked with Fernando Millan about the need for Rotary youth and their parents to again staff the fireworks stand. Fernando stated that during the Spring break, he will bring some Rotary youth to the weekly meeting on April 20
At the Rotary Board Meeting, there was considerable discussion pro and con about the request of guest Jesse Martinez to become a Lynwood Rotary member. Members will receive the required confirmation inquiry, through which 100 percent OK is required for any person seeking to become a Rotary member in the club.
A separate issue also generated considerable discussion which, was proposed by President Ramon, which was the proposal by President Ramon to change the weekly meeting time from noon to an evening meeting, say, 6:00pm to 7:30pm, once or twice a month. The purpose of the proposed change in time is to try to attract new members who, due to their work requirements, cannot attend a noon meeting.
Daniel suggest the first Thursday of each month. He stated that due to his requirements to attend various evening functions, he cannot attend regularly Lynwood Rotary meetings, if they are held in the evening. He stated: “I am not going to schedule speakers at meetings that I cannot attend.” Therefore he proposed the evening meeting be scheduled on the first Thursday, when no speaker is scheduled. However President Ramon and other members preferred an evening meeting when there is a speaker scheduled, as a way of making the meeting more interesting for potential new members. If necessary, President Ramon stated another Rotary member will be responsible for getting the speaker on the evening meeting which is proposed for the last Thursday of each month.
After further discussions, there was a vote and it was unanimous that on a trial basis the last Thursday of each month will be changed to an evening meeting. The time probably will be 6:00pm to 7:30 pm. It is assumed and hoped that the location will continue to be Bateman Hall. Recreation staff directed that the requested change in meeting time be through a written request to City staff from President Ramon. As documented by member Barbara Battle, “The motion was made by Joe Wang, seconded by Victor Gomez, to start a Pilot Program, the last Thursday of June. President Ramon will send a letter to City. Motion carried unanimously.” (Daniel voted in favor of the motion.) The first two meetings with the changed meeting time will be: Thursday June 29 and Thursday July 27.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club