At the Apr 11, meeting, Club President-Barbara Battle , called the meeting to order.
Daniel explained that the planned speaker for the meeting, Larry Esparza, has been postponed until the May 30, 6pm meeting. There was mention among several members about attending events relating to the recent passing of Larry’s son.
Before President-Elect Gudiel Crosthwaite, continued his discussion from the previous meeting of the results of the 1/2 Day Sat Retreat on Mar 30, at the Hacienda Mariachi Restaurant on Long Beach Blvd. Daniel mentioned, as a volunteer docent, several facts about the LA Metro Art program. Most notably, he talked about the Metro Art artist who in addition to being the artist for the Mariposa Station on the Green Line, also did the statuary of Martin Luther King, Jr., at the MLK shopping center at 103rd Street and Compton Ave., just adjacent to the 103rd Street Station on the Blue Line. The name of the artist is Charles Dickson, an African American artist who works in sculpture, and who works and lives in Compton. Daniel had photos of the artwork at the shopping center that features the speech by MLK, “I have a Dream” that he made in Washington DC in 1963. As a part of the artwork, the entire MLK speech is included. Daniel suggested to Gudiel, as LUSD Superintendent, that a short school bus trip to see this artwork would be good for LUSD students to see and to read at least part of the complete speech that is part of the artwork.
Gudiel introduced a guest on the staff of LUSD, Greg Fromm, Chief Business Official for LUSD. Mr. Fromm, is recently hired, and has extensive experience on the staff of several other school districts, to include serving as school principal at several schools. Among the guests were Diana Romero, Asst Superintendent for the Recreation Dept, and John Thornton. In charge of the Youth Center. They talked about the Easter Egg Hunt Event
Gudiel and Ramon Rodriguez and others present talked about fund raising projects and events. Several events at member homes are opportunities for fund raising. The 5K Pumpkin Run was again mentioned as a possible fund raiser. Also Tila and Fernando have talked about a wine and pastry tasting event, with an appropriate charge for fund raising.
There was also mention of changing the 6pm meeting to be on either the second or third Thur of the month, instead of the last Thur of each month.
Concerning the goal for getting new members, both Barbara and Gudiel mentioned the importance of getting new members quickly involved in club projects and activities. Also if was noted that an effective club needs to develop a camaraderie among all the members. One way to accomplish this goal, is to have social activities among all the members, one example of which is to schedule activities such as hiking in local and regional parks Another activity should be having joint meetings with other Rotary clubs, such as the nearby clubs in South Gate and in Compton.
Concerning youth involvement in the Lynwood Rotary Club, both Barbara and Gudiel commented about the possibility of obtaining LUSD staff support to develop Roto Act clubs at LUSD middle schools and high schools,
Other comments were from President Barbara Battle. She mentioned the email info she has received from District 5280 staff, Tori Hettinger, about the scheduled Annual District 5280 District Conference, which will be at the Marriot Hotel in Ventura CA, on Sat, May 18. President-Elect Crosthwaite said he is planning to attend, and it was suggested that the future President-Elect Victor Gomez should also attend.
Daniel also mentioned the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, on Sat, Apr 20, 11am -- 2pm at Lynwood City Park. He noted that he will attend, and that the Rotary Banner that Martina has, should be posted on the fence. Daniel requested that several more Rotary members plan to attend this annual event.
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club