At the April 12, meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests heard a presentation from Rotary member Victor Gomez, Operations Manager for Bulletin Displays, “Creative Outdoor Advertising”.
Before the presentation, it was mentioned again that there is a planned Town Hall Event organized by the Century Sheriff's Station on Thursday, April 19, at 6:00 pm. “Come join Captain Carter, Deputy Personnel and your neighbors in a Community Town Hall Meeting. Location is Greater Emmanuel Temple, 3740 E. Imperial Highway, Lynwood.
Victor Gomez talked about the advertising signs his company has which are located on either side of the 105 Freeway, west of Long Beach Blvd. He mentioned the contracts his company has with the City of Lynwood for the right to locate these signs within the city.
Victor provided some drawings that depict these signs. Victor also mentioned the upgrading of the design for the sign that is located on Long Beach Blvd. south of the Green Line Station.
There was mention of the use of sign adjacent to the Green Line Station on the north side of the station that promoted the Lynwood Rotary Club. This was free for the Lynwood Rotary Club, thanks to the generosity of the owner of Bulletin Displays, Mark Cutler.
Rotary member Gudiel Crosthwaite, and LUSD Superintendent, asked whether it would be possible for Bulletin Displays to provide some space for publicizing information about the Lynwood schools at no charge to the school district.
At the Apr 12 meeting, there were comments about how Rotary members from other Rotary clubs have expressed their surprise and support for seeing the sign with the Lynwood Rotary information.
Note: Daniel was not in attendance at this weekly meeting, due to being out of town. However, he has had some informal communications with Victor Gomez about getting the Lynwood Rotary information displayed again. He was advised that it is more feasible to display this information on one of the company’s electronic signs. When there is space available (= unpaid space by advertisers), it is easy to insert an electronic message, in this case, a message about the Lynwood Rotary Club. So what is needed is to get an IT technician to develop an electronic file, based on a photo of the Lynwood Rotary sign when it was posted on the sign board.
From the Lynwood Rotary Meeting of Apr 5, Roosevelt ES Youth act officers talked about past events and future events, and handed out a flier with photos.
For emphasis, the announced future events are repeated herein. Four items were mentioned: 1. Friday, April 20 of 2018 from 3:15pm to 4:15pm “A day of service” school spring cleaning. 2. Friday April 27 of 2018 “A fun Coco movie night” from 5pm-8pm. 3. A Mother’s day fundraiser from May 7 thru May 11 of 2018. 4. The Club banquet will be held on Friday June 8th, our theme will be “Star Wars”.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club