At the Apr 18, meeting, Club President-Barbara Battle , called the meeting to order.
There were two speakers: Sandi Linares Plimpton, Conservation Manager, for the Central Basin Municipal Water District, and also Leticia Vasquez, a Director for the Central Basin Municipal Water District.
With the help of a power point presentation, Ms. Plimpton, summarized, the sources of water for the City of Lynwood, the function of the Central Basin Municipal Water District, and specific programs and activities designed to enourage local residents and businesses to save on water.
The sources of the water are the Colorado River, through the Metropolitan Water District, and the Valley River source, along with recycled water. The Central Municipal Water Basin serves as a wholesale of water sales from the Metropolitan Water District for 24 cities in the S.E. Los Angeles County, to include the City of Lynwood. Besides water for drinking purposes, recycled water is treated but is not for consumption, but is used for irrigation. Currently, the City of Lynwood uses recycled water for the Linear Park, and for Ham Park along Atlantic Blvd.; and soon, Lynwood Park may be using recycled water. (Purple colored piping and signing designates this type of water.)
Examples of water saving programs are payments to home owners for elimination of grass plantings, substituting drought tolerant plants. As an example in Lynwood, is the complete new landscaping for the home of Loraine Reed.
Ms. Plimpton noted that her agency has less funds for education and motivations to save water, because now it is selling less water, due to the success of conservation efforts.
Leticia Vasquez commented on specific programs of the agency. In addition, in response to Daniel, she commented on her recent campaign, among 14 candidates, to replace California State Senator, Ricardo Lara, who left to assume a state of California position. The top two candidates, a city council member in Cudahy and a city council member in Long Beach will have a final election in early June.
Leticia Vasquez commented that the election to replace Senator Lara, was a very positive experience for her participation. Among the issues she advocated were health issues for the community and also actions that will get more jobs for the local population. Rotary member Ramon Rodriguez commented to Leticia, that he thought her campaign was very positive and effective!
Daniel also mentioned again the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, on Sat, Apr 20, 11am -- 2pm at Lynwood City Park. He noted that he will attend, and that the Rotary Banner that Martina has, will be posted on the fence. Daniel requested that several more Rotary members plan to attend this annual event. Possibly, President Battle will attend at the beginning of the event, and Martina Rodriguez will attend at the end of the event.
Leticia's father was in attendance at the meeting. In addition, two staff from the City of Lynwood Department of Recreation and Community Services were present, to talk about the Easter Egg Hunt.
Daniel said that he will attend the District 5280 Breakfast on Tue, Apr 23, and apparently several Youthact members will attend with Fernando and Tilla Millan, due to the youth oriented program. Daniel reminded every one that next week's meeting is at 6pm.
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club