Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.08.2017
At the June 8, meeting, members and guests heard the speaker, and Lynwood Rotary member , Gurdip Hari, talk about his latest book, “Go Back to Nature & Heal your 'Self'”. Before the speaker, Club President Ramon Rodriguez, presided over a very large turnout, consisting of a large number of Lynwood members and their guests, also members from the South Gate Rotary Club, and two members from the Downey Rotary Club.
President Ramon mentioned again the coming evening meeting on Thursday, June 22, for the annual installation of Lynwood Rotary officers for the year starting July 1, 2017 thru June 30, 2018. Members are encouraged to bring guests to this important annual meeting! Also, President Ramon agreed to the request from the South Gate Rotary Club that the week after June 22 evening meeting, would be a joint meeting with the South Gate Rotary Club at their meeting time and place; Wednesday, June 28, 12pm – 1:30 pm at the Auditorium Building in South Gate Park. (Hence there will no Lynwood Rotary meeting on Thursday, June 29.)Jerry Brown from the South Gate Club and Chief of Staff for District 5280 again talked about the District 5280 humanitarian trip in which he participated, to the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, arriving at Meredith. Jerry described some of the specific tasks the participants did to help the very poor residents of this part of Mexico.
President Ramon again talked about the staffing requirements for the Jul 1 to Jul 4 fireworks sales, as well as the requirements for the day before and day after the four days of sales, for product delivery and organization and for product packing of unsold product, after the four days of sales. Also mentioned is the requirement for a volunteer to stay overnight each night parked in a vehicle each night that there is fireworks product at the site. It was noted that Daniel Miller and Barbara Battle attended the District 5280 Assembly Meeting held at the City of Carson Community Center from 7:30 am to Noon on Saturday, June 3. This annual event, in addition to hearing presentations from outgoing and incoming District 5280 staff, provides for attendance at separate sessions that explain Rotary procedures and programs that are helpful for Rotary members to learn about.
There was discussion again about the American Cancer Society 24 hour Relay for Life, for Lynwood and South Gate this year at the South Gate Park, from 9am on Sat, Jul 15 to 9am on Sun, July 16. A representative of this event encouraged Lynwood and South Gate Rotary Clubs to participate: Daniela E. Rodriguez, Downey Rotary / Wesley Health Centers. (Hopefully Lulu, who was present, will again take the lead in organizing Lynwood Rotary participation.)
Daniel introduced guests, City of Lynwood Mayor Pro Tem Jose Solache and City Manager Alma Martinez. Then Daniel introduced Jesus Gonzalez who is a resident of Lynwood and a student at CSU Dominguez. Jesus is seeking scholarship assistance and stated: “I am currently working on my B.A. and is focusing on getting my Spanish Linguistics. I want to teach a second / first Language.” It was stated that the Club will contribute $100 initially, but there may be additional contributions. MPT Solache told Jesus that he graduated from Dominguez and welcomed the scholarship request from Jesus. Then Fabian Valencia, a potential new Lynwood Club member and head of Lost Angels, which meets weekly at the American Legion Post in South Gate, distributed a flier with a photo of the artist, Sheila Fonseca who won the Congressional Art Competition from US Rep Nanette Diaz Barragan.s District. Lost Angeles assisted in this accomplishment. Sheila may visit the Capitol and her painting will be displayed for 1 year in the Capitol, in addition to a $1,000 award.
Speaker Gurdip Hari This short description of Gurdip’s presentation does not imply that the speaker had little to say. His topic addressed a world of issues relating to right living thru effective diet and regular exercise and a psychological and religious outlook on the world. Purchasing Gurdip’s book at the meeting and quickly scanning it the next day, Daniel highly recommends that everyone read the book, and Daniel will loan the book to Rotary members and guests. Just a few of the multitude of concepts are mentioned herein. For example, Gurdip told a memorable history of the life of Mahatma Gandy of India. The author Gurdip states he is 60 years old but functions as a man much younger, “including perfect vision.” His life includes daily work outs, with 30 minute bike rides in a gym. Keeping his body physically clean, as well as keeping his home clean. Drinking 1-1/2 liters of water each morning. Spiritually, one must know yourself, the Kingdom of God is within each one of us. Everyone has a dream. Avoid procrastinations and make a monthly health to-do list. Knowledge is power when practically applied.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club