At the Jun 13, 2019, Noon, meeting, in the absence of Club President-Barbara Battle , club member Ramon Rodriguez called the meeting to order.
In the absence of the scheduled speaker, J.D. Whitaker, Manager of Public Safety, City of Lynwood, there was a shorter meeting discussing some of the same issues and events as discussed at the previous meeting on Thur, Jun 6.
Of particular interest is the printed program for the annual celebration of the Rotary Club change of officers, to be held on Fri, Jun 28, 6 – 9 pm in Bateman Hall. Member Raj has the data and format for the program which he is responsible for printing. Input for the program involves President-Elect Gudiel Crosthwaite, as well as club secretary, Maria Quinionez (Lulu).
There was also discussion about staffing for the annual fireworks stand sales, for Jul 1 (Mon) thru Jul 4 (Thur). Fernando and Tilla Millan have accepted responsibility for scheduling the volunteers, both adults and youth. The fireworks products from Phantom fireworks will be delivered on Fri morning, Jun 28. It was determined that unpacking of the product can start with several adult volunteers on Fri morning, to only about 2pm, in order to leave time to prepare for the important evening event that starts at 6pm. The rest of the unpacking will have to be done on Sat, Jun 29. There will have to be an adult volunteer to guard the trailer each night, starting Fri, Jun 28 (after the Bateman Hall event ends at 9 pm). The procedure is to park one’s vehicle in front of the fireworks trailer each night.
Ramon Rodriguez again mentioned the importance of having at least one adult present in the fireworks sales trailer at all times when it is open for sales (9am – 10 pm).
Also, as a reminder again, there will be a silent auction, as a fund raising action at the annual officer installation event. Everyone should bring at least one item for the auction.