At the Jun 4 Video Phone Meeting, Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, took the lead in sharing info with other meeting attendees. President Crosthwaite again shared about accomplishments during the year, to include new members, fundraising, and new programs. And it was shared that the five LUSD scholarship students, with the funds provided by the Lynwood Rotary Club, will be available for the Thur, Jun 18, Zoom meeting. As to coming Lynwood Rotary Club meetings in June, these are described in the list of coming meetings, a separate section of the weekly update.
As presented in the previous Video Phone meeting, again the most important item discussed at this virtual meeting, is the decision on the next Lynwood Club president, for the year 2020 – 2021. At the meeting, club members, Victor Gomez, and Dr. Larry Ezparza agreed that Larry will accept the position of being the next club president for the year, 2020 – 2021. However, for the year 2021 – 2022, instead of Victor Gomez, the President-Elect for the following year, 2021- 2022, will be Lalo. There was an election at the previous virtual meeting, on Thur, Jun 4. Everyone present at the meeting voted in favor of this change for the next two club presidents. Club Secretary, Yolanda Rodriguez shared that she would email the rest of the club's members to also vote on the election of the next two club presidents.
Club Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez shared her concerns that club funds for food for the Lynwood community go to the most needy families in the community. President Gudiel shared that there is a list of needy families used by LUSD. It was mentioned that there is a separate organization that partners with LUSD, the LA Food Bank.
Fernando and Tila shared at the virtual meeting the following info about coming youth events:
Meetings every Friday at 3 pm, via Zoom
Youthact is creating a google form application for new members. Youthact Officers will create a flyer to recruit and invite members to our Zoom meetings Recruitment Meeting Via Zoom will be Friday, June 12, 2020. Fernando and Tila also shared that two potential new members to the Lynwood Rotary Club are the following: Rita Soto, Roosevelt ES Vice Principal; and Lydia Hernandez, Roosevelt ES Special Education Teacher. Also, not mentioned at the last meeting, a third potential new member is Alma Placentia, who is involved with the Long Beach Mission and Shelter Program.
NOTE: The City of Lynwood has re-opened as of Tue, May 26, (after Memorial Day holiday). However, also, only on a restricted basis, in that advance request/ appointment is necessary to visit any office or person on the staff.
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club