At the July 6 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests discussed a number of activities and projects.
President Joe Wang provided an overview of the Rotary Fireworks stand results.
The fireworks sales from the Phantom Fireworks Company amounted to about $19,000 and as usual, with most of the sales occurring on the last day, July 4. However, the net income to the club will be only about one third of that amount, after all the expenditures are paid for.
President Joe, as well as Past President Ramon and Daniel emphasized that this project was only possible with the great amount of staffing and expertise provided by the Youth act group and parents as well as some other older youth involved in managing and assisting with the sales over the four day event, plus the day before, on Friday, June 30 to organize the product that was delivered on Friday. Also there were several teachers from Roosevelt ES who also staffed the fireworks stand.
Possible new members were discussed, to include the new LUSD Superintendent, Gudiel Crosthwaite, who started June 1. He started with LUSD in 2010, supervising operations for elementary and middle schools, and then he was promoted to deputy superintendent of educational services in 2013. (Rotary member Paul Gothold resigned as LUSD Superintendent to become the Superintendent of the San Diego County Office of Education.)
LUSD Special Recognition Superintendent Crosthwaite, talked about the special recognition the school district received for a dramatic increase in the number of students taking AP (Advanced Placement) classes and AP Tests. Daniel displayed the LA Times California Section front page for July 5, which featured the Lynwood accomplishment. Quoting from the front page article: “This year, Lynwood became one of two L.A. County school systems named to the College Board's honor roll for significantly increasing their number of students taking and passing AP exams. (The other was comparatively prosperous Arcadia Unified School District.)” Supt. Crosthwaite said that there will be banners placed at the schools to publicize this great accomplishment.
There were a number of coming events discussed.
First of all, on Saturday, July 15, from 9am to 9am on Sunday, July 16, there is the 24 Hour American Cancer Society Relay for Life in South Gate Park. Club Secretary Lulu will organize a Lynwood Rotary Club group to participate. Daniel mentioned that he will start at 9am on Sat, and then leave to participate in another important event that starts at 11am at the Lynwood Union Gallery to commemorate the history of the Pacific Electric Railway System. The Lynwood Union Gallery building is part of the historic Pacific Electric Station that served Lynwood, which building was moved by Caltrans to its present location, across from Lynwood City Hall, when the 105 Freeway was constructed and opened in 1995. The President of the Pacific Electric Railway System Society will make a major presentation, starting at 11:00 am. There will be historic maps and photos on display. And it is planned that there will be drawings of trains that youth will do.
On Tuesday, July 18 there will be the next District 5280 Breakfast meeting at the usual location, the hotel on Century Blvd. Near LAX. The breakfast meeting starts at 8:00 am and Rotary members are urged to make a reservation before the date.
Another event for Lynwood Youth act members is planned for Saturday, July 29, from 9am to 3pm, which is Kayaking in Los Alamitos Bay in east Long Beach. To show support for this kayaking sport, Rotary members are encouraged to show up. Daniel suggests that there be carpooling from the Lynwood City Hall, to leave at 8am. (The youth and parents will have their own transportation to this event.)
Also there will be the Annual District 5280 Picnic and Boat Competition at Redondo Beach Harbor in late August with Lynwood Youth act participants. As usual, Joe Wang will construct the cardboard boat, and then the youth will paint the cardboard boat.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club