Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.14.2016
Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jul 14, 2016
At the July 14th meeting, members and guests heard the speaker, Miguel Angel Ochoa, provide a very effective motivational presentation.
Only mentioning a portion of what he presented, Ochoa arrived with his family in 1991 when he was ten years old. He was one of 15 siblings. A resident of Lynwood, due to some violent crime incidents at that time, his mother transferred him to Bell Gardens HS. He is a graduate of Cal State LA majoring in psychology and philosophy. Thanks to a friendship with Jose Solache, he worked for the Old Timers Club providing services to seniors for several years. Then he said it is time for me to start my own business. He is a director of clinics now for 3 years, providing services and products, a business that now includes 9 countries, “ it's been a wonderful ride”, he exclaims! His motivational presentation consists of a mental cycle of success. You must define what success you want. “God gave us gifts” Using the white board, Miguel wrote a series of words that ended with four key words: “faith, enthusiasm, action and results.”
In responses from the audience, Miguel asked members from the audience to suggest words to describe the steps to success. Before he wrote on the white board the word “results”, Rotary member Raj offered “Prosperity”, which is close to the word, “Results.”
Other audience comments were Club President Ramon Rodriguez, who commented that he also came with his family when he was young, and that all of us in this country have an opportunity to accomplish our goals, and to help others.
Daniel thanked Miguel for his inspiring presentation, and suggested that he return to be a speaker again. Daniel also thanked Miguel's business associate, George Ortiz, for attending, and suggested that both of them consider being Rotary members.
Before the speaker Ramon Rodriguez addressed the group noting again the contributions of Tila and Fernando and all the youth and parents that they brought to help run the fireworks stand.
Ramon suggested a pizza night for the kids and their parents as a thank you. Fernando attended the meeting, and talked about the annual Rotary District 5280 Annual Picnic at the Redondo Beach Lagoon. This time the event has been scheduled sooner: it will be Sat, Aug. 27. And it will be later, from 5 pm to maybe 9 pm. He talked about the annual card board boat races. He noted that the Lynwood Youth act group with all their families is one of the largest groups at this annual event. Joe Wang has already constructed the boat, with only the painting to be done. Two youth act girls have been selected to participate in the boat races. Fernando mentioned that perhaps the Youth act Group would want to participate in the Chili Cook-off, and in addition to adding to the food provided for the event, compete for the winning chili.
Ramon mentioned that soon the club will know the financial results of the fireworks sales. After the close of the meeting, a Rotary Club Board meeting was briefly held, at which it was approved that the club will provide for the hot dogs and relishes for the national night out! Rotary member Lucy Avalos has agreed to provide all the buns. The National Night out Event is Tuesday, Aug 2.
Daniel welcomed again Rotary guest Barbara Battle, noting that it would great if Barbara Battle would become a member.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club