At the Jul 19 meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests, were presented information from Bruno Naulls, Senior Project Manager, Community Development, City of Lynwood, and President of the City of Lynwood Block Watch.
The subject of this presentation is Bruno’s accomplishments since his recent appointment as head of the city’s Block Watch organization.
With reference to a very informative two page hand out, Bruno talked about his goals and objectives for Block Watch. One goal is to get the city more involved in supporting Block Watch while at the same time getting residents to more effectively working together for the purpose of accomplishing increased safety block by block as well as supporting common interests of the residents. Effective coordination with LASD deputies is also a goal. Bruno provided a map showing the locations of the block watch units. Bruno noted that recently the City Council allocated $10,000 to Block Watch for one year to pursue Block Watch objectives. The attendance at the monthly Block Watch meeting the last Tuesday evening of each month is one opportunity to pursue more coordination of Block Watch projects.
A major activity of Block Watch is to help organize and support the annual National Night Out event, which this year will be in the front lawn of City Hall on Tuesday evening, August 7. Bruno mentioned the many organizations representing a multitude of activities and interests within the Lynwood community that have been requested to attend.
At the request of Daniel, Bruno briefly mentioned the status of the planned commercial and residential development on Plaza Mexico property immediately to the west of the existing Plaza Mexico commercial center. At a recent community meeting held at Bateman Hall, many comments were made about the concern whether there would be adequate parking provided, both for the commercial property and for the residential property, which will be located above the commercial property in six floor buildings. Bruno stated that the plans document that adequate parking will be provided.
In answer to a question from Daniel, after several more actions required by the City Council, the start of construction should be in the Fall of 2018, with construction completed in two years.
Before the presentation, Daniel mentioned two important events taking place in the coming weekend. As mentioned regularly at recent Rotary meetings, the annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life event will again be held in South Gate Park. As explained by Daniel, the 24 hour relay event will start Sat morning, Jul 21 and end Sun morning, Jul 22. The concept is that teams try to have at least one member on the race course during the 24 period. There is an opening and closing ceremony. Also, just in the last week, there is notice of Assembly member Anthony Rendon holding a first “SELA Arts Festival LA at the RIVER”, from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, on Jul 21, in the LA River Channel. Parking is at the Hollydale Regional Park which is close to the South Gate Park. Daniel noted that it is possible to attend this Arts Festival, and also to attend the American Cancer Relay event, before and/or after the Arts Festival, since the events are only about one mile apart.
Also, Joe Wang, talked about the construction of two cardboard boats for Youthact kids to compete in the annual boat race at the Seaside Lagoon in Redondo Beach, as part of the annual District 5280 Picnic, scheduled for Sat, Aug 25.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club