At the July 20 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation from Marisela Santana, Community Relations and Public Information Consultant
Ms. Santana explained that she is Secretary and Rowland Becerra is President of the Lynwood Union Gallery that is housed in the historic Pacific Electric Train Station located in Lynwood and then moved to its present location by Caltrans with City of Lynwood involvement when the 105 Freeway was constructed along the right of way of the PE rail route from Santa Ana to downtown LA.
Marisela stated that the Gallery will be staffed by volunteers and that Monday thru Thursday, the Gallery will be open, 11am -2pm, and again 4pm -6pm.
On Saturday, July 15, from 11 am to 4 pm, the 100 Year Anniversary of the historic train station was celebrated at the present location of this building. Many photos of the Lynwood PE train station as well as of the Pacific Electric regional train system were on display. Presenters included from the Pacific Electric Historical Society, Michael Patris, President, and Steve Crise, Vice President. Marisela noted that it was the first time some of the PE train photos have been on public display.
Also Marisela was very involved in the Coffee with the City Manager, Alma Martinez, also at the Lynwood Union Gallery on Thursday pm July 20, 5- 7pm. Marisela mentioned the event was well attended, to include all city department heads, as well as many from the community. A number of issues were raised by Lynwood residents, to include gang problems and parking on city streets. J.D. Whitaker handled questions about parking permit districts, under consideration. One issue is the percent of residents in a proposed residential district that must vote in favor of a parking district.
Marisela noted that the City Manager is very accessible, very open to communications with residents and businesses.
Before the presentation by Marisela Santana, President Joe Wang talked about coming events.
Coming events were discussed, starting with the annual National Night Out event planned for Tuesday evening, August 1. The Lynwood Rotary Club will have a table and will provide hot dogs and buns and relish for participants in this well attended annual city event. Other events planned are listed in the cover page of the weekly update which is emailed to Rotary members and to nonmembers who have requested these weekly updates. It was noted that for the boat races at the District Picnic on Saturday, August 26, at Redondo Beach Harbor Lagoon, as usual, Joe Wang will construct the cardboard boat, and then the youth will paint the cardboard boat. This year the District annual picnic will be held in the evening, starting at 5pm.
Daniel noted the participation of Lynwood Rotary members in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, held in South Gate Park from 9am Saturday, July 15 to 9am Sunday, July 16. This year, this event was held for both Lynwood and South Gate. The major coordinator for this combined Lynwood / South Gate event was Ms. Esparanza Galvan Trejo, who happens to be active in the South Gate Rotary Club. Daniel mentioned that he attended the Relay For Life Event both before the Lynwood Union Gallery event, celebrating 100 years of the historic Pacific Electric Station building which now houses the Lynwood Union Gallery ( which event took place 11 am to 4pm), and also in the evening on Saturday. July 15. And he noted he also drove back to South Gate for the closing Relay For Life event at 9am Sunday, Jul 16. Mayor Pro Temp Jose Solache made a welcoming speech for the closing activities on Sunday morning.
Lynwood Rotary Secretary, Ms. Maria Qunionez, (Lulu) noted that the fund raising goal for the American Cancer Society event this year in South Gate Park was $50,000. Lulu proudly noted that a total of $60,000 had been raised, which included more than $1,000 from Assembly Member Anthony Rendon, to bring the total up to $60,000.
President Wang reminded everyone, that the next weekly meeting will be in the evening, at 6pm, July 27. He also mentioned that the District 5280 Governor will attend the Lynwood Club’s meeting for the second meeting in Oct.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club