Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.11.16
Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 12, 2016
The August 11th meeting was the annual visit by the District 5280 Governor, Greg O’ Brien, to the Lynwood Rotary Club.
As planned, the District Governor met with Rotary members at 11am in the staff conference room in Bateman Hall. This meeting was an exchange of information, whereby Rotary members talked of their activities and programs, to include Youth act and the adult leaders, Tila and Fernando Millan. The club’s finances were discussed by Club Treasurer, Larry Esparza, noting that besides dues, the club’s income comes from the annual fireworks sales, at which it was explained, that in addition to the participation of all the members, Youth act members and their parents provide much help. The Governor was impressed with the extensive list of youth activities described.
The District Governor, who has been active in the Palos Verdes Peninsula Rotary Club, described various programs that have been successful in reaching out to groups in their community that had not been a part of Rotary. For example, the Governor described events that were planned to celebrate specific community groups. First to attract community members of Asian ethnicity, and then subsequently, an event to attract community members from with a Middle Eastern background. Also he mentioned how his club changed the format of the traditional Christmas party into an event that was held at a local theater, were the balcony was reserved for the club with food and drinks served before the performance and during intermission. The Governor described a speaker’s bureau his club developed over several years with several dozen speakers. Daniel handed out the weekly update that is emailed by Rotary volunteer Rowland Becerra to three separate email groups: members; non-members who have requested to receive the weekly updates, and a small group of city staff. The weekly updates lists coming speakers for two months in advance; also a separate attachment of the minutes of the last meeting; and a cover page which highlights coming events.
The Governor suggested the Lynwood club make lists of small businesses and of other groups in the Lynwood community, and then consider how to communicate with each group in order to attract new membership. President Ramon Rodriguez explained the Lynwood club is in the process of doing this, and described the flyer, based on the format of the South Gate Rotary Club format, that will be developed for the Lynwood Club.
At the regular meeting that started at 12 Noon,
There were a large number of guests in attendance. Before the Governor started his presentation, Daniel introduced two students, both Lynwood residents: Oscar Avila, now attending a science and math magnet school in Carson, and Alexander Vazquez, a student at Lynwood Middle School. Oscar described his summer school experiences for the last two summers, thanking Rotary for its financial support. Oscar became an Eagle Scout at the young age of 15. His summer experiences include John Hopkins summer school for both summers. Alexander Vazquez, as explained by Oscar, is having similar summer experiences. The Governor gave out awards to four Rotary members. The Governor inducted two new members: Barbara Battle, who was sponsored by Club Secretary Lulu; and Ruben Cervantes, who was sponsored by Rotary member Ivan Esquivel. Lulu highlighted some of the many accomplishments in the community by Barbara. Ivan talked about Ruben’s physical ed. Programs for LUSD staff, and the value of avoiding being overweight.
The Governor’s presentation was both informative and inspiring. He talked about his training he received to become a governor. He described several historical leaders, including Paul Harris and Herb Taylor and his Jewel Tea Company in Chicago during the Great Depression in the thirties. There was a sign on a wall at training for the governors "Imagine." The governor said he thought about that word a lot and we can do the same. The governor talked about the "4 way test" and how it came about for several decades. The governor talked about International leaders in Europe before, WWII. He mentioned the fact that in 1945 in San Francisco at the conference to develop United Nations Charter they were 49 members participation in the conference. The governor described more involvement of Rotary International leaders in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks. Over all the governor presented us with much to remember about Rotary, including the following, "Imagine" "Service, Ethics, Good Will, World Peace" and Peace thru service."
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club