Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.20.2016
Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Oct 20, 2016
At the October 20th meeting, members and guests met the speaker, Edwin Saucedo, USC Student Body President / Undergraduate Student Government, and heard and saw his power point presentation.
The description of Edwin Saucedo in the weekly update is included here, since Edwin mentioned briefly all of the activities, in addition to other projects included in his power point presentation. Edwin Saucedo is a senior at the University of Southern California double majoring in Political Science and Sustainable Planning and a candidate for Masters in Public Administration. He is a first generation college student who has been honored as a Gate Millennium, Norman Topping, and Presidential Scholar.
Outside of USC, Edwin has interned for LA City Council Member Bernard Parks, the Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment, and California Assembly member Ed Chau. Edwin has also worked abroad as an Intern in the Asia-Idaho Trade Office in Taipei. This summer, Edwin interned in the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. In this role he worked to ensure that housing discrimination is abolished across the country and underserved communities are given access to economic opportunities. Edwin was also elected as a District Level Delegate for Hilary Clinton to represent the 44th Congressional District at the Democratic National Convention.
Most recently Edwin led the United States at the G20 Youth Summit held in China. Here, Edwin delivered a speech on Social Injustices happening across the world and ways the G20 nations can work together to ensure Social Justice and Equal Opportunities for all. He also advocated for the inclusion and recognition of the rights of the LGBTQI and refugee communities in negotiations. Not included in his bio is a recent stay in Brazil, to observe and learn about the cultural differences he notes. Of particular note in his presentation, Edwin served as an Intern in Washington DC in the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity and he described working as an Intern in Taipei in the Asia-Idaho Trade Office. And most impressive, Edwin led the US Team of five students to the G20 Youth Summit held in China.
Edwin was elected as a delegate for the 44th Congressional District to attend the Democratic National Convention. He explained that he did not attend the DNC, due to his commitment to be the leader of the US delegation at the G20 Conference in China (the two events occurred at the same time). As a candidate from the 63rd Assembly District (Anthony Rendon's district, which includes Lynwood), at a coming dinner event, Edwin will receive the award of “LA County Democrat of the Year”. Edwin was born in Lynwood, then his family moved to Houston before returning to LA. Edwin is a graduate of South Gate HS, and to attend USC, he received several financial aid grants. He has worked with SE Cities to help organize support for Hillary Clinton. One example of working with local cities is Edwin's successful efforts to get two candidates elected to the City Council of the City of Bell (Fidencio Gallardo and Ali Salah).
There were a number of questions from members and guests. Martina Rodriguez asked Edwin about her concerns about State Proposition 64 (Making Recreational Marijuana Legal) and its impacts on communities like Lynwood. Edwin commented that Martin's concerns were a good question. President Ramon, Secretary Lulu, Member Barbara Battle and Daniel all congratulated Edwin on his amazing accomplishments to date in his leadership actions within different levels of our communities and within governmental agencies. Lulu's statement reflected everyone's thoughts: “Congratulations to you for everything you have done.”
After the speaker's presentation, Club President Ramon Rodriguez, led the attendees in discussion of several projects, in part through a Board meeting. Maria Viera and Maria Garcia were thanked for their attendance, and President Ramon again recognized Ms. Garcia for her work every day at the fireworks stand in July. The club will provide turkeys at the turkey give away event at the Senior Center, with the costs funded by a local company. Also there was a decision that the first meeting in Dec (Dec 1) will be a commemoration for recently departed Rotary members, with a short brochure to be available for distribution. Also Member Ivan participated in a discussion about family preferences for commemorating Lucy as a part of the Rotary (and Youth act) participation in the annual Christmas parade on Fri, Dec 2. Also there was final coordination for the Oct 22 US IOWA Rotary District Event.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club