At the Aug 30 meeting, , Rotary members in attendance and guests, heard presentations from two speakers: Deborah Warren and Eddie Sarmiento. Before introducing each speaker, Daniel talked briefly about the District 5280 Annual Picnic at the Redondo Beach Seaside Lagoon, that took place Aug 25, Sat from 5pm to 9pm. As usual, the Lynwood Youthact members and their parents attended the event and participated in the cardboard boat race. This year, Lynwood Rotary youth had two boats: a three person boat which included the name Lynwood Rotoact, on the side, and a two person boat which included the name, Lynwood Youthact on the side. Daniel displayed a series of photo collages at the meeting of the event, and asked everyone present to check out the photos before leaving the meeting. Of note, as shown in several of the photos, the three person boat flipped over in the water, but the two person boat completed the race in the lagoon. Also shown in the photos, were all the youth participants from Lynwood, and a series of photos showing Lynwood youth and parents enjoying relaxing and eating food at tables and beach chairs near the edge of the lagoon.
Daniel introduced Eddie Sarmiento, Assistant to the City Clerk, City of Lynwood, who provided information about the coming elections in November for residents of Lynwood. Eddie provided two information reports for distribution. Los Angeles County, through the offices of the LA County Registrar- Recorder/ County Clerk, will have in place a revised voting procedure for the Nov 6, 2018 elections. The revision includes the option of a VSAP (Voting Solutions for All People) VPM (Vote By Mail). Voters who choose to vote by mail, can obtain VBM packets, starting Oct 9. In addition, for voters voting in person, there will be voting centers throughout LA County. At these locations, the procedure for voting will involve voter interface with voting machines, that will be different from the existing procedure that has involved punching a ballot to mark a paper ballot that then is counted from the paper document.
Daniel asked about the candidates for City Council within the City of Lynwood. Eddie stated that there are three of the five Council positions that are open to candidates, and that there are 12 candidates who have qualified with the required paperwork. He stated that soon there will be a list published of these candidates, with a brief statement from each candidate. Daniel stated that when Eddie is scheduled to be the principal speaker at the Sep 20 Rotary meeting, he hopes that Eddie can provide this list of candidates for the Lynwood City Council positions.
The second speaker for the Sep 30 Rotary meeting was Deborah Warren. Daniel mentioned Deborah's involvement within the community of Lynwood. This includes her association with the Lynwood Worship Center, and its Pastor for 20 years, Woody Robinson. One of the outreach efforts of this parish has been and continues to be a ministry to the girls caught up in the sex trafficking business along Long Beach Blvd. Deborah's current job is at a hospice center, the Evergreen Hospice Center in Cerritos. Daniel mentioned that one experience Deborah and he share is that both are graduates of one of five Claremont Colleges. He noted that he graduated from Claremont McKenna College, and across the street, Deborah graduated from Pitzer College.
Deborah provided several information sheets/ reports pertaining to the matter of providing care giving for people seriously ill and for whom many are approaching the the end of the lives. Some of the concerns Deborah mentioned were the importance of the care giver taking care of herself or himself. Other information in memos provided by Deborah include Identifying Critical Tasks that include managing the home of the patient and providing hands-on patient care. Another report provided by Deborah is titled The California Medical Association's Advance Health Care Directive Kit; “My Health Care Wishes.” This legal document would be signed by the person receiving the care. Another document provided by Deborah is entitled: “Five Wishes.” The “wishes are: The Person I Want to Make Care Decisions for Me When I Can't; The Kind of Medical Treatment I Want or Don't Want; How Comfortable I Want to Be; How I Want People to Treat Me; What I Want My Loved Ones to Know. Another informative source Deborah provided is: “Hard Choices for Loving People.” Lastly, a statement provided by Deborah, entitled “Caregiver's Bill of Rights”, the first paragraph is quoted for its importance: “I have the right to take care of myself. This is not an act of selfishness. It will give me the ability to take better care of my loved one.”
Lynwood Rotary Club President, Barbara Battle, held a Club Board Meeting to discuss specific issues at 5:30 pm, before the the start of the regular meeting at 6pm. A brief review of the results of the Board meeting may be included before the speaker at the Thur, Sep 6 Rotary Meeting.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – Public Rel/ Comty Outreach Lynwood Rotary