At the October 5 meeting Lynwood Rotary members and guests discussed Rotary programs and activities.
Since this was the first meeting of the month there was no speaker planned. However, Rotary visitor Nora Maclellan provided detailed information about the Vision to Learn Rotary Program.
Before the Noon meeting, Lynwood Rotary members Joe Wang, Larry Esparza, Martina Rodriguez and Daniel Miller went to Cesar Chavez Middle School and from 8:00 am to 12Noon assisted in screening all the students as to vision. The two leaders were Nora MacLellan from the Rotary Club of Westchester, and Dave Davis from the Rotary Club of Bellflower. The students found to have vision deficiencies, through the coordination of the school nurse, will be given a form for their parents to sign, that will authorize the students to receive corrective glasses through the Vision to Learn Program. Assuming there are the funds available through the Vision to Learn Program, at a later date a truck will come to the school and the authorized students can select the type of glasses they would like to wear (color, design, etc.).
It is intended that all the schools (15,000 students) within the Lynwood Unified School District (LUSD) receive this vision screening, and the opportunity to be fitted for eye glasses, as described in the previous description. Although the Lynwood Rotary has not committed to participating in this program, Nora MacLellan and Dave Davis are hopeful that the Lynwood Rotary Club will get involved in this program for the benefit of LUSD students.
Discussion of Lynwood Rotary events.
Lynwood Rotary Club President Joe Wang reminded meeting attendees that the next meeting on Thursday, Oct 12 will be the Annual visit of the District 5280 Governor, who this year is Ms. Cozette Vergari. Joe urged that a special effort be made to get all members to attend this annual event. And he noted that family members of Rotary members as well as guests are also encouraged to attend, so that there will be good turnout for hear and talk to the governor.
There was mention of the Tamale Festival in the Front Lawn of the City Hall, for Sat, Oct 7, 10am – 2pm. There was a discussion among members to see if a group of members would plan to attend the Saturday, October 28 Rotary District 5280 Foundation dinners, at which the Keynote speaker will be Dr. Peter Salk, Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation and President. Member Martina Rodriguez spoke very favorably of LUSD Supt Gudiel Crosthwaite. She stated that she was a member of the LUSD School Board and having followed closely the LUSD for many years that Gudiel is very involved and close to all the work of the LUSD teachers and staff. She also stated that she is going to coordinate with Gudiel to see if the Lynwood Rotary Club can be mentioned in the quarterly newsletter that is sent out to all the LUSD parents and staff.
Also Daniel mentioned that last week’s monthly evening meeting there was a very interesting speaker who is a docent for the Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum, located on Alameda Street, just south of Lynwood. The docent, Kathleen Rabago, whose card describes herself as a Historical Re-enactor, to include dressing as a women from the hacienda days 200-150 years ago of Alta California, described the Battle of Dominguez Hill which occurred in 1846. The museum holds an annual event to celebrate the Battle of Dominguez Hill, which this year is October 7 and Oct 8 from 10am to 4pm. Rowland Becerra who attended the September 28 evening meeting, will attend the museum event in order to get better acquainted with Kathleen, and Daniel encouraged other members and guests who attend the Lynwood Rotary meetings to also attend.
Also there was mention that Tila and Fernando would like to have a Halloween theme for the October evening meet on Oct 26, with possibly a pot luck dinner. More coordination will be needed next week.
Briefly Daniel mentioned the City of Lynwood Park and Recreation Halloween Festival on Tuesday, Oct 31, from 5pm to 8pm, to include a costume contest for kids ages 1 year to 12 years.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club