At the November 16, meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation from Victor Ibarra, Field Representative for Assembly Member Mike Gipson, 64th District.
Before the presentation, Rotary Club President Joe Wang covered Vision To Learn eye screenings, noting that he along with Martina Rodriguez and Barbara Battle, participated in the screenings this week at Mark Twain ES on Mon, Nov 13; and Will Rogers ES on Tue, Nov 14; and tomorrow, Fri, Nov 17, the club’s participants will help screen students at Roosevelt ES. Rotary member and LUSD Supt Gudiel Crosthwaite noted that Rotary members should plan to attend Vision To Learn events in Jan and Mar 2018 to observe the process of providing students with glasses (after they were previously screened).
Martina Rodriguez mentioned that the Youth act group at Roosevelt ES created Thanksgiving baskets, but this year Lynwood Rotary will not participate in their distribution. Joe Wang explained that the turkey giveaways, which Lynwood Rotary agreed to fund 50 turkeys, needs to be coordinated with Ramon Rodriguez. (The give-away event at the Sr. Center is Monday morning, Nov 20.) Joe Wang reminded everyone that the next meeting will be Thursday November 30, at 6pm. Daniel encouraged attendance at the Lynwood Film Festival at the Lynwood Union Gallery on Fri Nov 17.
Daniel introduced the speaker, Victor Ibarra, who has been on the staff of Assembly member Mike A. Gipson, 64th District for a year. Victor is a graduate of UC Irvine with a major in Political Science. Victor is a member of the Wilmington Rotary Club and also was a member of the Compton Rotary Club. For Rotary District 5280 he has been the Chair of the Ethics Forum for the Youth Legislature. So he has helped youth deal with important issues that include ethics. With respect to the District 5280 Youth Ethics activities, Victor noted that he will provide Lynwood Rotary with specific information when a forum will be held at Marymount College in Apr 2018.
Victor described programs that Assembly member Gipson is leading and encouraged Lynwood residents to participate: Flyers were distributed for a District Office Holiday Open House, Mon, Dec 4, 4-6pm, at the District Office, 879 W. 190th St., Suite 920, Gardena; also solar systems, and how to qualify for no-cost systems, meeting, Nov 29, 6:00-7:30 pm, 540 N. Marine Ave., Wilmington; also helping residents sign up for healthcare, every Mon, thru Jan 29, 2018, at the Gardena District Office; and another flyer listing nine bills that the assembly member has initiated, a portion of which have been signed by Gov. Brown. Of particular note for the assembly member, is AB7, Gun Control, which will take effect Jan 1, 2018.
On behalf of Mike Gipson, Victor provided additional information. The 64th District extends from Wilmington to Watts, which includes a small section of Lynwood. District 64 is now 68% Latino. Assembly member Gipson plans to run for re-election, for another two year term. His background includes serving as Mayor Pro Tem for the City of Carson and he served as part of the Maywood Police Dept.
Major issues include the homeless population, housing, rent control, Section 8 Housing, also the future of DACA youth. The shortage of homes and jobs is important. The assembly member assisted in getting Compton College re-accredited. The CEO of Compton College, Dr. Curry, has worked closely with the assembly member. Speaking of youth leaders in the community, LUSD FHS student Ricardo Ortega, now a FHS senior, has worked with the assembly member and with Senator Ricardo Lara. Rotary member and LUSD Supt, Gudiel Crosthwaite commented on the exceptional ability of this youth. (Daniel notes that perhaps Ricardo Ortega can be a Rotary speaker while he is still a senior at FHS.)
Note from the previous meeting on Thursday, October 19, The City of Lynwood Director of Recreation and Community Activities, Mark Flores talked about coming events. This information is repeated herein, as a helpful reminder of coming events. Minus the events that have already occurred. Monday, November 20, a Turkey give-away at the Senior Center, and apparently, LUSD has a similar event on the same day; (it was noted that Rotary members can help volunteer at the Senior Center for turkey give-away; Tue, Nov 28, 10 am, Ribbon Cutting Event for opening of City Hall Annex; Thursday November 30, 5:30pm Mayor’s State of the City Address by Mayor Santillan- Beas in Bateman Hall (RSVP required); and Friday, December 8, Christmas Parade, with reception in Bateman Hall at 5pm and start of the parade at 7pm. (Daniel noted that Lynwood Rotary and Youth act as usual will participate, starting with meeting at Martina’s home, with food provided, which is the location where the parade starts on MLK Blvd, east of Atlantic Ave.)
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club