Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.08.2016
Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Dec 09, 2016
At the December 8th meeting, members and guests celebrated several events
Including appreciation for the toy donations organized by Rotary Youth act for donation to students at Roosevelt ES with apperception also for the donations from the local business, Food 4 Less Market. (Also thanks for the help of Club secretary, Lulu with the toy donations.) Before the parade, youth and some of the parents enjoyed food and fun in the back yard of the home of Martina Rodriguez. Also, it was great to have the Principal of Roosevelt ES to attend the event at Martina’s home before the parade and to sit on the beautiful float and wave at the very large turnout of spectators along the parade route. As usual, Youth act participants marched in the parade each carrying a flag of a different country.
The Dec 8 Rotary meeting was beautifully decorated in honor of the club elections, with two Assistant Governors from Rotary District 5280 in attendance: Jerry Brown, and Hector Torres.
The donated toys were artistically displayed by Youth act participants who attended the Dec 8 meeting.
The meeting had many guests, including City of Lynwood Mayor, Maria Santillan, and the new City Manager, Alma K. Martinez. The Mayor read a proclamation prepared by the Office of Assembly member Anthony Rendon, commending the beautiful life of Lucy Avalos and her many contributions to the Lynwood community. (Thanks are due for the help of Maria Santana in helping arrange for the certificate for Lucy Avalos.) Also, Club Secretary, Lulu, read remembrances from several Club members for the four departed Club members. Besides Lucy Avalos, remembrances were read for Oliver Conner, Gerardo Raya and Jim Morton. Iris Pygatt talked about her remembrances of Oliver including his installation as Club president in 1984 and his interest in working with Rotary youth.
Other memories include Lulu's noting that Jim Morton was the Club secretary for many years until Lulu took over, and that for Jim Morton, Lynwood was his family. Arturo Reyes commented that he met Lucy thru her husband who was working for the City of Lynwood. Lucy told him that she was born in Mexico and was very proud of her Mexican heritage. She helped with the Sister City youth from Talpa, when the youth visited Lynwood. She provided the food for the annual Las Posadas events; Also Lucy was very supportive of the United Families of Lynwood.
President Ramon Rodriguez described the successful Rotary participation in the Annual Candy Lane Parade, on Friday evening, Dec 2. Lucy's brother helped build the float. It was very beautiful! The float was decorated in part by Youth act participants. As usual, Youth act participants marched in the parade and carried flags from different countries.
At the end of the meeting, the elections were held, with the following results.
President Elect: Barbara Battle; Secretary: Maria Quinionez (Lulu); Treasurer: Larry Esparza; Note: The current President-Elect is Joe Wang, who will become Club President on July 1, 2017. Barbara Battle will be President-Elect throughout 2017, and will become Club President on July 1, 2018. The Board members elected include: Victor Gomez, Martina Rodriguez, Raj Daliwander; Ivan Esquivel, Daniel Miller; Arturo Reyes, Iris Pygatt, and Ruben Cervantes.
President Ramon Rodriguez reminded all members and guests planning to attend the December 15 club meeting, to bring a gift for the gift exchange.
(Ramon Rodriguez has arranged to provide needed office supplies for residents of the Teen Challenge facility in Lynwood, whose Manager is Cheryl Bradford.)
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club