Scholarship Fundraiser

Lynwood Rotary Fundraiser for
Lynwood Partners Education Foundation Scholarships!!!
Lynwood Rotary is committed to making a difference in our local community and the world. Lynwood Rotary has partnered with the Lynwood Partners Education Foundation to support Lynwood student scholarships. Please consider making a contribution to support our youth, any amount helps. Click on the "Make A Donation" button below, send a check, visit us on November 1, 2020 or reach out to any of our Lynwood Rotarians to learn how you can make a difference. #Together #LynwoodRotary
Scholarship Fundraiser 2020-09-18 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.30.2020

At the July 30  Video Phone Meeting at 12:30 pm- 1:15 pm,  Lynwood Rotary Club President, Fernando Millan for the Year 2020 – 2021,  took the lead in sharing info with other meeting attendees.
Of note,   Assistant 5280 District Governor. Karen Greenberg, was present at this video meeting .
Also of note,  Daniel was asked to lead with the Pledge of Allegiance, and Tila Millan shared a Inspirational Message with a quote from Harriet Tubman.
Among the items shared was the Lynwood Rotary Club participation in the Community Service Day at  Cesar Chavez  MS on Sat Jul 25  from about 7am to about noon.  Food was distributed to families lined up on the street in front of the school.  About 9 Lynwood Rotary members distributed hand sanitizers in bottles (obtained from the Carson Rotary Club and several other Rotary clubs from that area) together with an info card, explaining safe practices during the Pandemic.  Also, there were 10 gift cards Lynwood Rotary distributed, each with a value of $50.00.
From the previous Video meeting,
Tila and Fernando shared info about 4 prospective new club members:  Brenda Romero, Real Estate Business, and a LUSD Para Professional for Special Ed. (also Youthact parent) ;   Lydia Hernandez, LUSD Resource Specialist, she helps students with academic needs;  Rita Soto.  Vice Principal Roosevelt ES;  Alma Plascencia, Educator for Solution Plus (the company provides home visits for people with special needs).  It was shared that there must be a meeting with these four prospective new members, to ensure that they understand the objectives of the club and their responsibilities as members.
Two of the four prospective new members met with Ramon Rodriguez, at his house on Jul 25, 6:30 pm –  10:00 pm.  The two were  Rita Soto and Alma Plascencia.  The other two prospective members met at the home of Fernando and Tila on Jul 30, starting at 4:30 pm.  There names are Lydia Hernandez and Brenda Romero.
It was shared that there will be another Community Day of Service on Thur, Aug 13, adjacent to  LUSD offices on Bullis Road from 12 :30 pm to 2:00 pm.  The Rotary Club may again distribute bottles of hand sanitizers.
It was also shared that there will be a speaker at the Aug 6 Video meeting.  She is Kailyn Canes, a student at LHS and previously a member of Youthact at Roosevelt ES.  (She may mention about the possibility of getting a Interact Club started thru LUSD.}
  NOTE:  By a decision of The City of Lynwood at a recent City Council meeting, the City will be closed until further notice. 
   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.30.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-07-30 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.02.2020

The July 2, Video Phone Meeting was focused on the induction of the incoming Lynwood Rotary Club President for the year 2020 -2021, Larry Esparza.
Besides Dr. Esparza, the other three main persons who shared statements were the
following persons: outgoing District 5280 Governor, Melanie St. John, and incoming
District 5280 Governor, Bette Hall pronounced (Bet) Hall, and of course, outgoing
Lynwood Club, President, Gudiel Crosthwaite.
To start the meeting, there was the Pledge of Allegiance, and the singing the well-known song, “America The Beautiful.” The two District 5280 Governors shared how much the activities and projects by the Lynwood Rotary Club are appreciated. Outgoing District Governor, in particular commented about the accomplishments of the Youthact Club. Also, the incoming Governor, Bette mentioned that she has observed Lynwood Youthact members participating in Lynwood Club activities.
Outgoing President Gudiel Crosthwaite thanked all the club membership for helping out at various projects and events throughout the year. He reviewed some of the events carried out, starting in the Fall of 2019, reviewing events that include Thanksgiving food, Christmas events, etc.

Incoming President, Larry Esparza, shared that he looks forward to working with club members on a variety of projects. Of note, given his military experience, he mentioned a possible project involving donating items for military families based at Camp Pendleton,  located between Orange County and San Diego. Items could include for children, diapers, toys, etc. Also, he mentioned possible projects helping to fund clean water for Native Americans on a reservation in Arizona, and possibly in a poverty stricken area in a Third World Country.

Fernando and Tila Millan attended the District 5280 Video Awards Conference on Fri,
June 19. Of major note, Governor Melanie awarded Fernando and Tila the Shining Star Award for their Youthact Leadership accomplishments during the last 15 years.
Fernando and Tila were one of only three to receive this prestigious award !
Although not shared at the July 2 meeting, Fernando and Tila shared at a previous Video meeting the following info about coming Youthact Meetings every Friday at 3pm, via Zoom. Youthact is creating a google form application for new members. Youthact Officers will create a flyer to recruit and invite members to our Zoom meetings. NOTE: It has to be determined if the Youthact meetings will continue on Fridays in July.

Fernando and Tila also shared that three potencial new members to the Lynwood Rotary Club are the following: Rita Soto, Roosevelt ES Vice Principal; and Lydia Hernandez, Roosevelt ES Special Education Teacher. Also, a parent of a YouthAct member, Brenda Romero.

NOTE: The City of Lynwood has re-opened as of Tue, May 26, (after Memorial Day
holiday). However, also, only on a restricted basis, in that advance request/
an appointment is necessary to visit any office or person on the staff.
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Club Schedule
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.02.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-07-02 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.18.2020

At the  Jun 18   Video Phone Meeting, Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, took the lead  in sharing info with other meeting attendees.
President Crosthwaite again shared about accomplishments during the year, to include new members, fundraising, and new programs. And it was shared that the five LUSD scholarship students, with the funds provided by the Lynwood Rotary Club,  two of whom were present at the Thur, Jun 18, Zoom meeting.  The first two students who attended the meeting are as follows:  Jiselle Felix, a graduate of Vista HS, will attend Cerritos College, with a major in Criminal Justice; also George Mendez, a graduate of FHS, will attend Cal State Northridge, with a major in structural engineering.  The other three students are:  Hugo Sanchez, a graduate of LHS, will attend Dominguez Hills Cal State, with a major in Spanish Language and Literature, and wants to be a Spanish teacher in Lynwood schools; also Sebastian Escobar, graduate of LHS, will attend Long Beach City College, with a major in American Sign Language, and wants to be an ASL Interpreter; also April Castenada, graduate of LHS, will attend UC San Diego, with a major in Biochemistry, and wants to be a Clinical Laboratory Scientist.
Fernando and Tila Millan attended the District 5280  Video Awards Conference on Fri, June 19.  Of  major note, Governor Melanie awarded Fernando and Tila the Shining Star Award for their Youthact Leadership accomplishments during the last 15 years.  Fernando and Tila were one of only three to receive this prestigious award! 
The major presentation at the Jun 18 meeting was by Anna Kozoma, a member of Westchester Rotary Club and also serving as LAX People Mover Project Community Representative.  Using a photo presentation, she showed the plans for the People Mover Project, and the current construction.  This 5 Billion project is slated to be completed and operational by 2023.  She described how it connects with the existing airport stations for arriving and departing flights, and how it will connect with the new MetroRail Crenshaw Line that will operate from the Crenshaw Station on the MetroRail Expo Line to the Green Line.
As presented in the Jun 4 Video, this is a repeat item that the next Lynwood Club president, for the year 2020 – 2021, is Dr. Larry Ezparza.  The President-Elect for the following year, 2021- 2022, will be Lalo Trujillo. There was an election at the virtual meeting,  on Thur, Jun 4.  Everyone present at the meeting voted in favor of this change for the next two club presidents.  Club Secretary, Yolanda  Rodriguez shared that she would email the rest of the club's members to also vote on the election of the next two club presidents.
Other notes, club member Lulu, talked again about the food bank operation that is based at her church, Emanuel, in Lynwood.  Club Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez shared her concerns that club funds for food for the Lynwood community go to the neediest families in the community.  President Gudiel shared that there is a list of needy families used by LUSD.  It was mentioned that there is a separate organization that partners with LUSD,  the LA  Food Bank.   Also, an item of good news, Victor Gomez shared that he will continue with his current job with the Call Bulletin sign board company. 
Fernando and Tila shared at the virtual meeting the following info about coming youth events:  Meetings every Friday at 3pm, via Zoom.   Youthact is creating a google form application for new members.  Youthact Officers will create a flyer to recruit and invite members to our Zoom meetings.  Fernando and Tila also shared that two potential new members to the Lynwood Rotary Club are the following:  Rita Soto, Roosevelt ES Vice Principal;  and Lydia Hernandez, Roosevelt ES  Special Education Teacher.  Also, not mentioned at the last meeting, a third potential new member is Alma Placentia,  who is involved with the Long Beach Mission and Shelter Program.  NOTE:  The City of Lynwood has re-opened as of Tue, May 26, (after Memorial Day holiday).  However, also , only on a restricted basis, in that  advance request/ appointment is necessary to visit any office or person on the staff.  
Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.18.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-06-18 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.04.2020

At the  Jun 4 Video Phone Meeting, Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, took the lead in sharing info with other meeting attendees. President Crosthwaite again shared about accomplishments during the year, to include new members, fundraising, and new programs. And it was shared that the five LUSD scholarship students, with the funds provided by the Lynwood Rotary Club,  will be available for the Thur, Jun 18, Zoom meeting. As to coming Lynwood Rotary Club meetings in June, these are described in the list of coming meetings, a separate section of the weekly update.
As presented in the previous Video  Phone meeting,  again the most important item discussed at this virtual meeting, is the decision on the next Lynwood Club president, for the year 2020 – 2021.  At the meeting, club members, Victor Gomez, and Dr. Larry Ezparza agreed that Larry will accept the position of being the next club president for the year, 2020 – 2021. However, for the year 2021 – 2022, instead of Victor Gomez,  the President-Elect for the following year, 2021- 2022, will be Lalo.  There was an election at the previous virtual meeting,  on Thur, Jun 4.  Everyone present at the meeting voted in favor of this change for the next two club presidents.  Club Secretary, Yolanda  Rodriguez shared that she would email the rest of the club's members to also vote on the election of the next two club presidents.
Club Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez shared her concerns that club funds for food for the Lynwood community go to the most needy families in the community.  President Gudiel shared that there is a list of needy families used by LUSD.  It was mentioned that there is a separate organization that partners with LUSD,  the LA  Food Bank.
Fernando and Tila shared at the virtual meeting the following info about coming youth events:
Meetings every Friday at 3 pm, via Zoom
Youthact is creating a google form application for new members. Youthact Officers will create a flyer to recruit and invite members to our Zoom meetings Recruitment Meeting Via Zoom will be Friday, June 12, 2020. Fernando and Tila also shared that two potential new members to the Lynwood Rotary Club are the following:  Rita Soto, Roosevelt ES Vice Principal;  and Lydia Hernandez, Roosevelt ES  Special Education Teacher.  Also, not mentioned at the last meeting, a third potential new member is Alma Placentia,  who is involved with the Long Beach Mission and Shelter Program.
NOTE:  The City of Lynwood has re-opened as of Tue, May 26, (after Memorial Day holiday).  However, also, only on a restricted basis, in that advance request/ appointment is necessary to visit any office or person on the staff.
   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.04.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-06-04 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting 05.21.2020

At the  May 21  Video Phone Meeting , Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, took the lead  in sharing info with other meeting attendees.

President Crosthwaite, thanked everyone for sharing photos of Rotary activities, to use in a District Rotary grant application for more funds for the community food bank.

 Martina Rodriguez and Lalo talked about the possibility of reducing dues temporarily, as a way of encouraging increased membership, and considering the current savings from not serving food each week at face to face meetings.  Gudiel stated that is something to consider.   

Tila Millan shared that contributions for the food bank are now up to almost $5,000.

Gudiel shared info about five LUSD scholarships

More sharing about the community food bank, Gudiel and other attendees noted the need for volunteer drivers to deliver food.

Lulu shared that she would participate as a volunteer driver for the food bank.

There was discussion about planning and coordination for the incoming  Club President- Elect.  More discussions to come in the next several meetings!

NOTE:  Apparently, the City of Lynwood has re-opened as of Tue, May 26, (after Memorial Day holiday).  However, also apparently, only on a restricted basis, in that  advance request is necessary to visit any office or person on the staff.

 Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting 05.21.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-05-21 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.13.2020

At the  May 13,   Service Day Event,  Lynwood Rotary Members helped out at the scheduled community food pantry event held at the Lynwood Emmanuel Church.

Volunteers from the community helped with food packaging from 10am to about 11:30 am and then volunteers helped with food distribution from 11:30 am to about 1:30 pm.

The Lynwood Rotary club had a good turnout in terms of the number of participants.

Most of the recipients for the food arrived in cars, as there was a long line of cars waiting in the adjacent street.  Plus there were a few recipients who arrived by walking with some kind of cart to carry the food received.  There was food for a total of 150 families, which consisted of enough food for a number of meals for each family.

The procedure for receiving the food consists of advance registration, as to the number of people desiring the donated food, who are residents of Lynwood.  However, it was noted if a car arrives whose members are not registered in advance, that car will be allowed to receive food anyway.

NOTE:  As of Wed, May 13, there was a posted sign on a main  entrance to the offices of the City of Lynwood,  that the city would reopen on May 26.

     Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.13.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-05-13 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.07.2020

At the  May 7,   Video/  Phone meeting at  12:30 pm  

Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, took the lead in sharing info with other meeting attendees.

Gudiel started the discussions, what would we have done differently, if on March 1, we knew what was going to happen to the community?

Then Gudiel looked to Audrey Casa, staff member at Pathway Continuation HS, and to Jeff Ballinger, teacher at the same school, for their sharing of info.  Jeff said he has asked coworkers for donations of $10.00 to help needy families.  Then he asked Audrey to join him to help families with income loss due to reduced employment.

There was sharing of info about a Resource Fair at Cesar Chavez MS, that included gift cards for groceries.  There was a radio station that participated in the Resource Fair.  Rotary member Elsa Chagolla, along with Audrey noted that the families who were helped were very grateful for the assistance provided. 

Then Gudiel asked Elsa about the Food Pantry.  Elsa suggested that Lynwood Rotary do a Service Day as a substitute for a virtual Rotary meeting.  The Service Day would help out at the Food Pantry at the Lynwood Emmanuel Church.  (See the meeting update info for the Service Day Event on Wed, May 13 from the hours of 10am to 12 Noon to help package the food and /or to help with food distribution from 12 Noon to 2pm. )   Also hats and masks, each with Rotary insignia are available:  $10.00 each for the masks, and $15.00 for the hats. (Call or email Fernando to order them.)

Fernando shared that he attended the District 5280 Virtual Breakfast Meeting on Tue, May 5.   He shared that by the fall of 2020,  the District hopes to be able to start holding regular (face to face) meetings, instead of virtual meetings.

Then Gudiel shared that through a Lynwood Rotary Foundation source of funds, there will be four scholarships awarded as follows:  at LHS and at FHS –  1 general ed. and 1 special ed scholarship.  Also Fernando expressed his surprise and appreciation for a elementary student contributing from her piggy bank $100 for the foundation.

At the Lynwood Rotary Video meeting, there was one question again, as to whether the City of Lynwood has mentioned when it plans to reopen.  As of the meeting day of   May 7, there has been no information available on this important date.

  Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.07.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-05-07 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.30.2020

At the  Apr 30,  Video/  Phone meeting at  12:30 pm  

In the absence of Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite,  Fernando Millan, long term Rotary Club member, and adult leader, along with his wife, Tila, of the Youthact Club, took the lead in sharing info with other meeting attendees.

One of the first things shared among the video meeting participants, were comments about what people are doing differently now that everyone is spending most of their time at home.  Several said they were spending more time eating, and also in  food preparation.  Tila shared that she has now time to get organized, without being rushed.   Elsa Chagala shared that now they are eating together at home compared to before where her husband was eating at a restaurant and she was just getting food from a fast food place.

Then there was sharing about community food banks.  Now there are more  people obtaining from the food bank at Lynwood Emmanuel Church explained Elsa.  There is a nation wide organization called “Feeding America Hunger Relief.”  This nonprofit partners with the City of Lynwood to obtain food.  They bring food on pallets and only charge for the delivery, not the food. The food is put into bags by volunteers at the church.  Rotary members are needed to volunteer to prepare the packages on Weds.  LUSD and the City of Lynwood are doing distributions  5 days.  For LUSD there are 5 locations at 5 different schools.

Other items shared is that Redondo Beach Rotary is having an online auction of collectible items such as Kobe Bryant clothing items.  Tila shared that three businesses were recognized for donations:  Powerhouse Mortgage Co. in Downey; also the Kong Company in Long Beach; and an organization in North Long Beach that supports homeless and needy persons.

Fernando commented on topics covered at the District Webinar,  with the title:  “Rotary Opening Doors.”  The leader was Kathleen, Deputy Gov to Melanie St. John.  One of the themes was how do we ensure that we are providing activities that serve the interests of our members.  We need to survey our members as to what topics they would like to have covered in presentations.  Also what community support activities members would like.  There was the suggestion that each month, possibly instead of a weekly meeting, members would do a community service project, such as cleaning up part of a local park.  Also regular newsletters of what is happening and what needs to happen in local communities.  Also the suggestion that clubs could join adjacent Rotary clubs for occasional joint meetings.

The Webinar was attended by 60 attendees.  And then there were break out groups.

At the Lynwood Rotary Video meeting, there was one question, as to whether the City of Lynwood has mentioned when it plans to reopen.  As of the meeting day of April 30, there has been no information available on this important date.


Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.30.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-04-30 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.23.2020

At the  Apr 23,  Video/  Phone meeting at  12:30 pm  

Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite,    provided information on a variety of actions relating to the Pandemic.

Gudiel asked each participant , whether accessing the meeting b y Video or by phone what they have been doing during the week.

Gudiel mentioned that he visited  Will Rogers  ES for the distribution of chrome books that will enable students to study and do lessons using digital data.  While there he said he met a LA Times reporter for the Education Section who said he may lose his job due to the current sitiuation.

Fernando Millan talked to Fernando Brizuela, President of Youthact at Roosevelt ES, who also was a participant in this meeting, about the amount of time the youth president is spending each day on his leadership responsibilities.

Rotary member Elsa Chagolla talked about the food pantry and the financial needs due its increase in food distribution daily at the Lynwood Emmanuel Church.  Elsa shared  that she has done thank you letters for donars to the food bank,  plus she has made a flyer to be distributed by email:  “If you wish to donate money,  use Pay Pal.”

Gudiel mentioned that Council member Jose Solache has helped out at the food pantry and that the City of Lynwood is also trying to help out needy families through the Parks and Recreation staff, to include setting up a tent in the park adjacent to city hall.  Gudiel shared that a Rotary District grant  to LUSD has certain requirements that recipients have to meet, to include income status.  Concerning the food pantry, at the church it is open from 10:30 am to 11:30 am M-F, and 500 people are being served.

Fernando Brizuela, Pres, Youthact , at Roosevelt ES, shared that the club has raised $70 for the food pantry, and requested that a flyer and a letter by distributed where parents are working.

Tila Millan shared that $2605 has been donated by the Lynwood Rotary for the pantry.  Martina Rodriguez shared that she is working on a Pay Pal account for the Rotary club.

Gudiel is attending video meetings with District 5280 on Tues and Wed mornings, but would like some one else from Lynwood Rotary to attend these meetings, due to a conflict he has in attending other meetings by video.  District 5280 is providing masks for health workers.  Gudiel shared that LHS students have made 100 masks for St. Francis Hospital.

Fernando Millan shared that there is a District 5280 meeting on the needs of current and potential members.  Also that on June 25 UCLA if holding a blood drive.

Martina Rodgriquez, as club treasurer shared that Lulu as previous club secretary should be removed from the Bank Account, and replaced by the current club secretary, Yolanda Rodriguez.  This was approved as a part of the video meeting.

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.23.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-04-23 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.16.2020

At the  Apr 16,  Video/  Phone meeting at  12:30 pm  

Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite,    provided information on a variety of actions relating to the Pandemic.  He again noted that the Lynwood Rotary Club has raised $1,750 for the food bank serving the Lynwood community thru the LUSD. 

Gudiel noted that LUSD is providing 5000 meals;  also it is providing chrome books for students (helpful in studying in virtual situations).  New Lynwood Rotary member Elsa Chagallo mentioned several action items for the Lynwood community.  She participated in a radio station program about food banks;  including a donation of $4,000;  then obtaining donations amounting to $25,000, as a help to Lynwood families.

Gudiel's comments included several updates.  One item is that Lynwood Rotary should do a flyer: “Lynwood Rotary reaching out to our community and giving a helping hand.”

He also stated that the Lynwood club should hold a joint Zoom meeting with the Rotary clubs in South Gate and in Compton.

Fernando and Tila Millan had several comments.  Fernando noted that he participated in a Rotary District 5280  by  Video on Sat, Apr 11.

 Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.16.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-04-16 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.09.2020

At the  Apr 9,  Video/  Phone meeting at  12:30 pm  

Adrian Landa,  staff to Anthony Rendon, California Assembly Member, and Speaker of the House thanked all the Lynwood Rotary members for participating in this electronic event.

Adrian reviewed the multiple programs now being provided by the Federal Government , including funds to help with people who have lost employment or who have to live with much reduced income due to much reduced hours of work.  He said he will advise Gudiel of websites that deal with mental health, to include “cabin fever “, as a result of being confined to home, as a result of the Pandemic.

Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite,    provided information on a variety of actions relating to the Pandemic.  He again noted that the Lynwood Rotary Club has raised $1,750 for the food bank serving the Lynwood community thru the LUSD. 

With respect to Rotary District 5280, he described some of the actions underway, relating to the Pandemic.   The District is involved in fund raising for a food pantry at various locations.  Also the District will provide face masks, face shields and related equipment for medical personnel, with stickers attached, “Rotary Cares”. 

There was reference to the need to support small businesses.  There was reference to “Go Fund Me” as a possible resource for small clubs.  Gudiel asked Rotary member Gloria Chagolla for her comments.  She noted the support of Lynwood Emmanuel Church's involvement in providing food for Lynwood students and their families.

 Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.09.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-04-09 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.02.2020

 At the  Apr 2,  Video/  Phone meeting at  12:30 pm  


There was more discussion about meeting the needs of LUSD students, during the time schools are closed due to the Pandemic.

In particular, there was a discussion about providing food for students at this time.

President Crosthwaite called out all those attending this video / phone meeting, by name,  as a way of thanking each participant in this new way to holding meetings.


Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.02.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-04-02 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.19.2020

At the  Mar 19,  Noon   meeting, Lynwood Rotary Club  President, Gudiel Crosthwaite  , called the meeting to order.

The program consisted of a presentation of the classes offered at the Lynwood Community Adult School  (LCAS).

Representing LCAS included Administrators, Nina Brown and Estella Banks.

Graduates of LCAS , who talked about their own struggles is getting an education leading to productive careers, included Perla Reyes and Juan  Favarado. 

Concerning the history of LCAS, the adult school started in 1954.  It was noted that 65 years later, while the demographics have changed, “the mission has not, the motto is : enter to learn, depart to serve.” 

Memorable thoughts of Perla include that she dropped out of FHS, to take care of two just born children, before entering LCAS.  “I regret I dropped out, but I had duties as a mom.” “ I was inspired to be strong like my teachers at LCAS, and the experiences helped my marriage.”  Juan said that he had to overcome a grudge about his past life, but that his mother from Mexico thought that a good education was important.

LCAS provides a wide variety of classes, including medical care / nursing, also skills relating to engineering careers and information technology.

Attendees at the Rotary meeting were provided a Catalog for LCAS, (in English and Spanish) which  gives one a detailed understanding of what LCAS offers its students.

 Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.19.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-03-19 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.05.2020 

At the  March 5,  Noon   meeting, Lynwood Rotary Club  President, Gudiel Crosthwaite , called the meeting to order.

The first item to be discussed among members present, was a proposal by Ms. Quionez, known as Lulu;  As a fund raiser, Lulu discussed four different casinos in the So. Cal. Area, who provide charter buses to their casinos.  After discussion among the members present, it was agreed that the Pauma Casino in the San Diego area, offers the best options for the Lynwood club.  There is a requirement for 45 guests to ride the charter bus, and a five hour stay requirement.  It was agreed that the best day of the week for the club members and club guests is a Saturday.  April 25 is the date that was agreed upon.  Gudiel and Ramon Rodriguez agreed that a flyer will need to printed ASAP that promotes this event.  In order for this casino trip be a financial success there will have to be immediate publicity and promotion in order to obtain a full bus of 45 persons, signing up to take this trip !!!

Club President Gudiel Crosthwaite explained that on Tue, Feb 25 he met with Lynwood City Manager about the possibility of installing a sign on Harriet Tubman Lane/ Street, adjacent to the City Hall, commemorating the accomplishments of Harriet Tubman, in bringing slaves to their freedom at the time of the Civil War.  Gudiel, said that the city manager strongly supports this proposal, and that the city can provide a pole for the sign.  So a club member will need to work with companies that can design and produce appropriate signs.  (J. D. Whitaker has stated to Daniel that is available to help with this proposed project.)  One or more cost estimates will be necessary from sign makers.  Perhaps a club campaign can promote this proposal with the objective of obtaining contributions, in addition to using club funds to pay for the cost.  Also, at the time of the installation, perhaps a celebration of this accomplishment will be in order.

Daniel mentioned that the speaker at last week’s 6pm meeting, LUSD Board member, Alfonso Morales, provided a great deal of interesting information about the accomplishments and current innovative programs at LUSD.  President Gudiel Crosthwaite commented on Daniel’s suggestion that Mr. Morales come back to talk about his law practice in Lynwood which specializes in immigration legal issues.   Gudiel suggested that the club  could promote an event within the community to come to a Rotary meeting that would be a workshop dealing with current immigration issues, at which Alfonso Morales would preside and answer questions from attendees.

Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.05.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-03-05 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.27.2020

At the  Feb  27,  6pm   meeting, Lynwood Rotary Club Former President, Barbara Battle , called the meeting to order.

Before the introduction of the speaker,  Fernando Millan talked again about the support the Roosevelt ES Youthact members will provide for a 5-K Run on Sat Mar 7, at Dodger Stadium.  Carpools are leaving from their house at 5am in the morning.  Also, the Youthact members and their parents will help out at a feed the homeless project in Long Beach on Sat, Mar 28, 5:30 pm  -   8:30 pm.

Daniel mentioned that the last District 5280 Breakfast meeting for this year, will be Tue, Mar 31,  7am – 9am, at the Proud Bird Restaurant, near LAX

Daniel mentioned that Club President Gudiel Crosthwaite on Tue, Feb 25 met with Lynwood City Manager about the possibility of installing a sign on Harriet Tubman Lane/ Street, adjacent to the City Hall, commemorating the accomplishments of Harriet Tubman, in bringing slaves to their freedom at the time of the Civil War.

Again Daniel mentioned that at the last meeting, Jos Vasquez made reference to a Mar 14 event “Pageant of the Arts” at LMU w/ students from LUSD and also a project in Commerce on Mar 28, involving packaging of food for the needy. 

Daniel introduced the speaker, Alfonso Morales, long time member of the LUSD Board of Education, noting that like elected positions for the City of Lynwood, members must be resiodents of the city, but unlike the city, there are no term limits.  Daniel said that Alfonso has worked with numerous superintendents, each serving an average of 3-5 years.  And Daniel also noted that Alfonso and himself both graduated from the same college in Claremont, Claremont McKenna College  (CMC).

Using a combination of a power point presentation and a group of handouts, Alfonso provided a great deal of info about LUSD accomplishments.  Only a small portion of the info presented by Alfonso is included herein.

LUSD is one of 14 new members in the League of Innovative Schools.  The Lynwood Promise “2024 Vision” includes making sure students have their necessities and also a Sustainability Plan to ensure that teachers and staff obtain the necessary skills to train students.

Physical upgrading of facilities were described to include athletic facilities.  Also Safety upgrades include:  Safe School Zones, New Perimeter Fencing, District Task Force, and Active Shooter Training.  Also Child Nutrition to include Free Breakfast and lunch for ALL students.

Also Digital Promise which provides “Advanced information and Digital Technologies”.  Also Science, Engineering and Math (STEM) for ALL.    Other recognitions of note, include PBIS Recognitions –six schools.  And Washington Elementary Top Performing School for closing achievement gaps.

Also of note, Kaiser Permanente Downey Medical Center, provided a grant of $50.000 which includes scholarships for students pursuing health, medical or public health ,  $5,000 each.  Also, LUSD students received 381 college acceptances and won scholarships doing a visit from the Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU) Caravan in Jan.

At the end of Alfonso’s presentation,   Daniel noted that Alfonso has a law practice, with two offices, one of which is within Lynwood, and that he specializes in serving clients with immigration issues.  Daniel noted that perhaps Alfonso can be a speaker again, talking about various immigration issues he deals with in serving these clients.

 Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.27.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-02-27 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.20.2020

At the  Feb  20, Noon    meeting, Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, called the meeting to order.

He introduced Joe Vasquez, previous District 5280 Governor whp explained that he was present to formally induct several new to the Lynwood Rotary Club.

Daniel complemented Joe Vasquez for the info he provided each Rotary Club as to each club’s goals with dates, to include Youth Act events.  Daniel stated he intended to attend the Black Heritage event at Bateman Hall, on Sat, Feb 15, but he had to take his car for major repairs.  Barbara Battle, previous club president, said she went to the well- attended event, and commented on J.D. Whitaker’s presentation.  President-Elect Victor Gomez mentioned that the Lynwood Rotary Club meeting on Thur, Apr 30, 6pm – 7:30 pm, there will be an important Workshop.  Also, at the Jun 25, 6pm meeting, there will be the  “Changing of the Guard” Ceremony to formally bring in the new officers in the club for the year 2020- 2021.  Daniel mentioned that the last District 5280 Breakfast meeting for this year, will be Tue, Mar 31,  7am – 9am, at the Proud Bird Restaurant, near LAX.   It was noted that Joe Wang participated in the Vision To Learn eye glasses program held at Cesar Chavez Middle School the morning of Feb 20.

President Crosthwaite noted in the coming week he is meeting with the Lynwood City Manager about the club’s proposal  to place a sign commending Harriet Tubman along the walkway/ lane adjacent to City Hall, contingent upon the city’s approval, the club would fund the sign.  J.D. Whitaker provided an example of a sign with a description of her place in American history  “A legendary conductor on the underground railroad.”

The four candidates that were inducted formally into the Lynwood Club were: 

Lalo Trujillo,   President Mission Trail Advisors (Financial Advisors).   Elsa P. Chagolla,  Lynwood Partners, Educational Foundation, (which has a relationship with LUSD).  Yolanda Rodriguez,  15 years office manager, also has been VP, Block Watch, and former Lynwood City Treasurer.  And,  Maria Viera, honorary Lynwood Club member, frequent supporter  of club projects involving meeting and contacting Lynwood residents. 

The former District Governor, Joe Vasquez, along with Club President Crosthwaite and member Ramon Rodriguez, again reviewed with the candidates that the purpose of Rotatory clubs is community service projects and events.  All four candidates accepted these challenges and required commitments for community service,  “Service Above Self.”

Karen Greenburg, Asst District Governor,  read biographies of the four candidates.    Three of the four candidates, have four year degrees and advanced degrees with many years of work in their businesses and being involved in their communities.  The four candidate received Rotary pins and plaques.

At the end of the meeting, Joe Vasquez again commented how impressed he is with the accomplishments of the Rotary Youthact club at Roosevelt ES.  He noted youth officers meet every Friday afternoon, when school is in session at the school to coordinate on their existing and possible future activities for the youth club.  Joe Vasquez said:  “I challenge all Lynwood Rotary Club members to visit the Youthact  club on a Friday afternoon.”   Daniel commented that the success of this youth club is largely due to the great support and leadership provided by the adult leaders, Tila and Fernando Millan,  plus support of the parents of the youth members.

Also Jos Vasquez made reference to a Mar 14 event “Pageant of the Arts” at LMU w/ students from LUSD and also a project in Commerce on Mar 28, involving packaging of food for the needy. 

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.20.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-02-20 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.13.2020

At the  Feb  13, Noon    meeting, Lynwood Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, called the meeting to order.

Before the introduction of the two speakers, Daniel mentioned some coming events.

Daniel again mentioned that among the coming dates of events in the community, there is the Black Heritage Celebration, on Sat, Feb 15,  1pm – 4pm in Bateman Hall  (Admission $10.00)  Also, he mentioned  the coming District 5280 Breakfast meeting on Tue, Mar 31, at the Proud Bird Restaurant, near LAX  ($40.00 charge).

Member Joe Wang mention that the next event for Vision To Learn is the coming Thur, Feb 20, starting at 8:30 am at Cesar Chavez Middle School.  Joe will be and hopes several other members will also help out.  (  The non profit takes measurements as to need for eye glasses.  And with approval from parents, free eye glasses are subsequently provided the students.)

Daniel introduced the two speakers, both with the nonprofit org:  Tobacco Control Program:  speakers  –  Griselda Sanchez, Community Engagement Coordinator, and Diedre Ehule, Project Coordinator.

Through informative handouts and a power point program, a lot of information was provided.

The organization represented by the speakers  is FAME Assistance Corporation, a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization.  It was incorporated in 1992 in response to the LA Riots.  Its mission is to empower and improve the quality of life for residents within greater LA.

In summary, second hand smoke (SHS) is very harmful to adults, children and pets.  In apartments SHS drifts into adjacent units, to include through walls and doorways and windows.  There is even “thirdhand smoke” which consists of residue that is left behind when someone smokes indoors.  It re-emits from surfaces back into the air and is progressively more toxic.

Some cities in LA County have adopted ordinances to prohibit smoking in multi-unit housing.  “There is no constitutional right to smoke.  Smokers is not a privacy right and thus not protected under U.S. Law.”

In Lynwood “a recent public survey found that 58% of Lynwood residents in multi-unit housing reported that SHS  drifted into their unit and 97% would choose to live in a completely non smoking building, if given the option.” 

Several questions were raised by the audience.  It seemed that persons interested in promoting smoke free living environments should personally contact the speaker, Diedre Ehule,  Project Coordinator,  at 323 643 - 1135.

After the presentation, there was a sitdown discussion with potential new member, Lalo Trujillo,  President, Mission Trail Advisors, (Financial Advisors).  After a detailed discussion of the benefits of being a member, and of members'  responsibilities, it was agreed that Mr. Trujillo will be accepted as a new member, subject to the concurrence of the club members (thru email or other communication). Also, at a previous meeting, it was agreed that Elsa P. Chagolla will be accepted as a new member.  (She is associated with Lynwood Partners, Educational Foundation, which has a relationship with LUSD.) 

 (The induction will take place at the next meeting with previous District Governor, Joe Vasquez,  performing the induction.)

 Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.13.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-02-13 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.06.2020

At the  Feb  6, Noon  meeting, Long time  Rotary member,  Joe Wang, called  the meeting to order.   

Daniel again mentioned that among the coming dates of events in the community, there is the Black Heritage Celebration, on Sat, Feb 15,  1pm – 4pm in Bateman Hall  (Admission $10.00) 

Also, Daniel mentioned what Fernando Millan, had mentioned at the previous meeting at 6pm, Jan 30, that among the numerous events for Rotary Youthact at Roosevelt ES,  planned in the coming months, there are two to note now:  First, a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser from Feb 5 to Feb 12, with delivery planned for Feb 14.  Then support for the 5K Run at Dodger Stadium on Sat, Mar 7, from 8am  – 12pm.,  with required registration for the 5K event available till Feb 5.

Also, Daniel mentioned the coming District 5280 Breakfast meeting on Tue, Mar 31, at the Proud Bird Restaurant, near LAX  ($40.00 charge).

As to group discussions, the focus was on potential new members.  Specifically, Elsa P. Chagolla.  She is associated with Lynwood Partners, Educational Foundation, which has a relationship with LUSD.  It was stated that the she had explained to her the objectives to Rotary, and she has accepted these commitments.  Now a notice needs to be sent to each member for their consent to agree to accepting Elsa as a member of the club.  There was also mention of Lulo Trujillo, as a potential new member, and another name was also mentioned as to new/ potential new members.

It was noted that previous District 5280  Governor, Joe Vasquez, will attend (but not make a presentation), at the Feb 20 noon meeting.  It is planned that in the presence of Joe Vasquez  Elsa will be inducted as a new member to the Lynwood Rotary Club.

Daniel asked if anyone knows of Lynwood businesses from which their owners or managers could be speakers at one of our weekly meetings.  Ramon Rodriguez said he knows of someone who he will contact about being a speaker, who owns a local business.  (Daniel mentioned another possibility is Lynwood Rotary member, Alejandra Avalos, who is involved in starting a new business.)

Note:  A repeat of last meeting’s  info from Bruno Naull’s presentation:

US Census.  Briefly, Bruno covered information on a handout.  Census Day is Apr 1.  “Once every 10 years, the census counts EVERYONE living in the U.S. – regardless of age, race/ethnicity or citizenship status.”  It is important because resources provided by government agencies are based on population, and because representation is based on population.  “You can complete the census online, by mail, or by phone.”

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.06.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-02-06 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.30.2020

At the  Jan 30,  6pm  evening   meeting, Rotary Club President-Elect, Victor Gomez, called the meeting to order.   

Before the speaker was introduced, there were comments about the guests.  Besides Herito Fuentes and Ana Barrazo, Maria Viera was named.  However, it was pointed out that Maria Viera is now a honorary member of the club,  with the hope that soon she will become a regular member.  Daniel pointed out that in addition to the usual weekly update report, there is a second report that everyone has a copy of, which is a revised listing of the coming speakers, since recently there have been a number of changes in the dates for coming speakers.  Daniel again mentioned that among the coming dates of events in the community, there is the Black Heritage Celebration, on Sat, Feb 15,  1pm – 4pm in Bateman Hall  (Admission $10.00)  Fernando Millan, mentioned that among the numerous events  for Rotary Youthact at Roosevelt ES,  planned in the coming months, there are two to note now:  First, a Krispy Kreme Fundraiser from Feb 5 to Feb 12, with delivery planned for Feb 14.  Then support for the 5K Run at Dodger Stadium on Sat, Mar 7, from 8am  – 12pm.,  with required registration for the 5K event available till Feb 5.

Daniel introduced the speaker, Bruno Naulls, Senior Project Manager, Community Development Department, City of Lynwood.  Bruno's main topic was the homeless problem within the city.  In addition he provided brief information on the coming US Census, 2020. Using a carefully prepared illustrations and fact explanations shown on the screen, the audience was provided with a lot of pertinent information.

As to statistics, in California there are now 134,000 people experiencing a state of being homeless.  People are homeless because they cannot afford a place to live, also other factors are needing health care, being mentally ill, and experiencing substance abuse.  In Lynwood, the first phase of gentrification is starting to occur,  making housing less affordable for a number of residents.  Now a one bedroom apartment in Lynwood costs at least $1,400 a month.  It  now requires 3.3. minimum wage jobs to afford this level of rent in Lynwood.

Bruno described his work with the homeless situation in Lynwood, “an interesting journey.”  Due to favorable weather, California is a magnet for attracting more homeless.  In California, there are now a number of laws providing legal protection for homeless people.  Removing  homeless people can subject those involved to legal actions.   Now efforts to remove homeless people requires that alternative housing and other support services be provided them.

One question discussed by the audience was the building of shelters.  So far, the City of Lynwood has not provided any, but alternatives are under consideration.  The question was raised as to the source of funding for construction and operation of shelters for the homeless.  One comment of note, Fernando Millan, asked about the possibility of using the vacant structure adjacent south of City Hall, to house the homeless.  The answer was that the city does not want such a facility so close to city hall buildings.

There was mention that the LUSD has a special needs task force relating to the homeless population.  With respect to youth involved in the homeless situation, there was a question about the ability of the LUSD to provide support.  In general, rehabilitation services, it was noted are an important part of the solution.  There was a question about what actions Caltrans can take to remove homeless activities within their property, particularly adjacent to Lynwood.  It was noted that Lynwood residents can call Ramon Rodriguez, of the City Managers Office to report homeless problems, and then Bruno will get involved.

US Census.  Briefly, Bruno covered information on a handout.  Census Day is Apr 1.  “Once every 10 years, the census counts EVERYONE living in the U.S. – regardless of age, race/ethnicity or citizenship status.”  It is important because resources provided by government agencies are based on population, and because representation is based on population.  “You can complete the census online, by mail, or by phone.”

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.30.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-01-30 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.23.2020

At the  Jan 23,  Noon   meeting, Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, called the meeting to order.    Club President Crosthwaite introduced Karen Greenberg,  Assistant District 5280 Governor, and member of the South Bay Sunrise Rotary Club, located in Torrance.

There was a discussion about small Rotary clubs.  Ms. Greenberg mentioned two coming District events.  In Commerce, Sat Jan 25, the LA Food Bank.  Also the next District Breakfast, on a Tue, 7am – 9am, in Apr,  at the Proud Bird Restaurant,  near LAX . 

Daniel introduced the speaker, Julia Brown, LACMTA Community Affairs Manager.  Daniel noted that Ms. Brown presented a LACMTA update of major LACMTA  transportation projects, a year ago at a Lynwood Rotary meeting.

Since Ms. Brown had another  appointment, she needed to  complete her presentation before additional announcements.  Using a power point presentation, and a very informative handout report, here is a description of the rail project.  It is 19 miles from the last station in Cerritos, Pioneer Station.  The route follows the existing rail route, now operated by the Union Pacific RR (historically, it was a Pacific Electric RR Route).  (It was noted that there will have to be careful coordination during construction to enable the freight rail operation to continue.)   Then it follows a rail route north thru South Gate and Huntington Park.  There are 12 new stations and 5 park and ride facilities.  In DTLA,  there are two alternative routes,  one ending at Union Station, and the  other route, ending at the existing 7th & Metro Station.  Both of these alternative routes are under ground (subway).  There are two Initial  Operating Segments  (IOS).  On IOS would operate from the end station at Pioneer to a new station along the Green Line.  The other IOS would operate from the end station to Slauson adjacent to the Slauson Station on the Blue / A Line.  The purpose of the two initial operating segments is to get into operation a portion of the entire line, while the rest of the line is still under construction.  The funding for this project is from Measure M, which was approved by the voters in LA County a few years ago.  The LACMTA Board has given this project top priority, in order that the full line be completed and in operation by 2028.

After the presentation, Daniel briefly mentioned coming events of note, in order of their dates.   First of all, he noted, that after the Jan 23 meeting, there will be the annual homeless count for the community of Lynwood, from 7pm  --  12pm, starting in Bateman Hall.  On Sat, Jan 25, Plaza Mexico, 9am – 4pm, Main Stage, 4th  Tech + Business Expo, Presented by Latina Nerds;  On Sat, Feb 15, 1pm- 4pm, Lynwood’s Black Heritage Celebration, to include Blues Gospel, Bateman Hall, (Admission $10.00).

J.D. Whitaker, Lynwood Staff, talked about the history of Black History Month.  Originally it was only one week.  He talked about several African American people who  attended college and were local leaders a hundred years ago.  He also talked about a proposal to put a sign up along the Harriet Tubman walkway/ lane, adjacent to the Lynwood City Hall.  The Lynwood Rotary would help fund the cost, along with the support of the City of  Lynwood.  Club President Crosthwaite, along with J.D. Whitaker, are coordinating  a  meeting with the City Manager, and/or other city staff.  J.D. will speak at the Black Heritage Celebration, and encouraged Lynwood Rotary members to attend.

There was also detailed discussion with visitor, Elsa Chagolla, Executive Director of the Lynwood Partners, Educational Foundation, whose organization, works with the  LUSD.  She has stated she would like to become a Lynwood Rotary member.  Several Rotary members talked about the community service objectives and accomplishments, and the satisfaction that members receive from supporting each other.  Also, the commitment of each member to avoid any political involvememt  while performing Rotary projects.  Several members talked about their long time involvement in the community and their long time membership in the club, including Ramon Rodriguez, who was a Council member and current long time owner of a hardware store in Lynwood.  For example, member Iris Pygatt, stated:  “I was was the Treasurer for the City of Lynwood for 16 years, and  now I feel that I should support the community through membership in the Rotary club.”Also Martina Rodriguez stated:  “I have been a club member for 15 years, and I joined the club because I love to support the community.”

  Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.23.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-01-23 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.16.2020

At the  Jan 16,  Noon   meeting, Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, called the meeting to order. 

Before the speaker,   there was mention that this is the first meeting at which the new procedure adopted by the club board is in effect, that is, that visitors will be charged $10.00 for the food,  (unless they are new guests brought by a club member.)

Daniel introduced, Adrian Landa,  Staff Representative for California Assembly Member, and Speaker of the House, Anthony Rendon.    Adrian  introduced Diana Morales, staff member for Rendon, who made the presentation about the Los Angeles River.  Adrian explained that within the 63rd District, there are 9 cities, and now  he has been reassigned to represent several cities to the south, and Diana will now represent the City of Lynwood, within Rendon's district.

Diana Morales distributed several information sheets and maps pertaining to current land use planning underway for upgrading the Los Angeles River and the immediate adjacent land for the southern half of the 50 mile long Los Angeles River, which starts in the northwestern end of the San Fernando Valley and then after passing through the eastern edge  of DTLA, ends up in Long Beach.

Among the informative hand outs, there is documentation of the organization of groups interested in enhancing the southern half of the river.  Specifically, the County Department of Public Works and the River and Mountains Conservancy are taking lead positions. “ Now Rendon and his communities face the challenge of implementing the Revitalization Plan.”

Of note, Diana described a park on the eastern edge of the river, near Imperial Hwy. In South Gate that is under construction.  Also an art center, located in South Gate.  At the confluence of the Rio Hondo and the LA River,  “He's working on building a 'cultural arts center' near the Confluence.  Rendon has engaged the County of Los Angeles, the City of South Gate, world renowned architect Frank Gehry,  LA County Museum of Art, and the LA Philharmonic, in reimagining what the Confluence could offer the people who live near the LA River.”

There was mention of the SELA Arts Festival.  As stated in a flyer:  “The Southeast LA (SELA) Arts Festival is a celebration of the vibrant cluture of the Southeast region.  Hosted on the bed of the LA River, the SELA Art Festival features local artists from street muralists to musicians to visual artists.”

There was mention that the Linear Park, parallel to the 105 Freeway, possibly could be extended to the LA River. 

Questions from the audience, included member Raj  about whether it is feasible to make use of the water, rather than the water just flowing into the ocean in Long Beach.  There was no response specifically about this possible use.

Club member Ramon asked when these projects would be done.  Diana answered that the park in South Gate to the north of Imperial Hwy.  Is now under construction. 

One comment from the audience was that these described projects, while definitely are of benefit to the adjacent communities,  there was no mention specifically of improvements  to trails along the river and small parks to attract more users.  Also of the provision for park rangers and possibly of security personnel to ensure a safe environment for persons using the areas along the river.

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.16.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-01-16 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.09.2020

At the  Jan 9,  Noon   meeting, Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, called the meeting to order. 

Since this was the  first meeting held in January, there was no speaker. There were two guests:  Anguiee Agular, a Roosevelt ES teacher;  and Ulia Hernandez, a niece of Fernando Millan  (both Fernando and his wife, Tila, attended the meeting}.

Among the items discussed by President Crosthwaite, were a Rotary grant received by the Lynwood Club for $2,000, which will be matched by $2,000 from the Lynwood Club, plus another $2,000 from LUSD.  These funds will be used by a food pantry, already established by the Lynwood school district, to provide food to needy families with children in Lynwood. 

There was discussion about charging meeting guests for the  food served.  It was agreed by  a  vote, that guests coming to meetings will be charged $10.00 per meeting.  The exception is guests invited by a club member, there will  be no charge, up to three visits.  The $10.00 charge will apply to both the noon meetings and the evening meetings.   Part of the implementation of this change, is that at every meeting there will be a table with a sign welcoming guests and explaining the $10.00 charge for food for the meeting guests, and also encouraging guests to become members.

Of note, participating and supporting this change, were besides the current president, and also the President-Elect for the year 2020- 2021, Victor Gomez,  and also the President-Elect for the year 2021- 2022,  Larry Esparza.

Funding was approved for students from LHS to attend the annual Rotary youth training conference.  (As background information,  there are students at FHS and LHS that are being supervised by LUSD staff or teachers, who with approval from the Rotary District 5280, can be formally recognized as Rotary youth, with the future possibility of becoming members of the Lynwood Rotary Club.)

Member Fernando Millan provided a lengthy list of coming events for the Roosevelt ES Youthact club, led by Fernando and his wife, Tila.  The events on the list include activities starting in Feb through May 2020.

 There was mention of the coming Rotary District 5280 District Conference, of particular importance for club president-elect members.  It will be Jan 11, at the Proud Bird Restaurant, from 7am to 1pm.  President-elect, Victor Gomez, said he would attend.

  Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.09.2020 Gurdip Hari 2020-01-09 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.19.2019

At the  Dec 19,  Noon   meeting, Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, called the meeting to order. 

Before the speaker, Joe Wang, Maria Viera, long time community activist and supporter of community events, was accepted as a Honorary Club Member. It was stated that in the future, Maria will agree to become a regular member.  President Crosthwaite noted that we are all active members in the community and want to make Lynwood even better.

There was mention of the coming Christmas event on Sat, Dec 21, 3 – 8 pm, at Lynwood City Park, called Snow Days with Snow Play, Jumpers, Santa and Live Entertainment and Food &  Craft Vendors.

Daniel  introduced four guests as follows:  three sisters of Lulu --- Laura Solorano, Rose Rodriguez, and Martha Sanchez.  Laura and Rose are residents of Lynwood an Martha is a visitor from Mexico.  Also, Ana Barraza, a frequent visitor, who is Block Watch Captain and also member of the Lynwood Commission on Parking and Safety.

Joe Wang’s presentation, consisted of many interesting photos and explanations of his recent travels with his wife, to several places in Mexico, followed by a flight to  Cuba, where he showed photos of various places visited in Cuba.

From his laptop, there were many interesting photos to view.  Among the places were several visits to the Capital, (D.F.), other cities and locales Cholula, Puebla and Cancun.  Impressive views of pyramids were shown, including two where Joe climbed the steps.  Also, photos of the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which attracts an amazing number of visitors every day.  Other images of note are underground caverns, where visitors can swim, Mayan pyramids (different in style from the pyramids to be seen in D.F.), and interesting views  of wetlands seen in Cancun.  In Cuba, photos of their visits to Havana and to Cienfuegos, on the other side of the island of Cuba.  Near Havana, the Moro Castle, built to defend Havana against attacks.  Now there are regular events and ceremonies at this historic location.   Also of memorable locations, the residence of Ernest Hemingway, where he wrote the famous novel, the “Old Man of the Sea”.  Also shown was a bar where Hemingway was seen regularly.  Among the questions at the meeting, is crime in the community either in Mexico or Cuba, a concern?  Concerning traveling to Cuba, Martina noted that flying from Mexico instead of the US, avoids the problems of US citizens accessing Cuba from the US.

After  the speaker, Joe Wang,  There were the annual club elections, with Barbara Battle handing out the ballot.  Elected were as follows:

Club President for Year 2020- 2021   Victor Gomez  Club President;   Club President-Elect for Year 2021- 2022  Hilario Esparza;  Club Treasurer   Martina Rodriguez;  Club Secretary   Yolandra Rodriguez;   Club Board Members:   Joe Wang,  Ramon Rodriguez, Daniel Miller,  Iris Pygatt,  Fernando Millan, and Rajen.

Then the Christmas exchange was held, with members and participating guests coming away with gifts of interest to them.

Daniel reminded everyone that there will be no  meetings for Dec 26 and Jan 2, with the next meeting being Thur, Noon,  Jan 9, 2020.

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.19.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-12-19 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.12.2019

 At the  Dec 12,  Noon   meeting, Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, called the meeting to order. 

Before the speaker, Daniel asked if anyone had attended the Town Hall Meeting, hosted by Sheriff Alex Villanueva, at the Lynwood Worship Center, on Tue, Dec 10, 6:30 pm.  He noted that it is good when Rotary members attend Lynwood community meetings.

There was mention of the coming Christmas event on Sat, Dec 21, 3 – 8 pm, at Lynwood City Park, called Snow Days with Snow Play, Jumpers, Santa and Live Entertainment and Food &  Craft Vendors.

There  was mention again of the successful 2nd Food Festival at the home of Ramon Rodriguez and his wife, Lupe.  Daniel  mentioned the results of the  annual Candy Cane Christmas Parade on Fri evening, Dec 6.  While the ground and yards were wet from rain, during the parade there was no rain.  Daniel and Raj and Joe Wang, along with four Youthact parents carried the Rotary  banner.  The Roosevelt ES Youthact members (about 40 kids) marched behind the Rotary banner and carried their own banner.

President Gudiel introduced three guests on the staff of LUSD:  Jeff Ballinger, Audrey Casas and Jalo Trujillo.  Audrey is a graduate of LUSD schools and now is a college graduate.  Lulo Trujillo  is interested in becoming a Rotary member.    Jeff (a LUSD teacher for 10 years)  and Audrey are both involved with Helping Hands, an organization providing food and  services for people in need in  the community.

Councilmember Marisela Santana invited everyone to a business mixer to be held at a restaurant in the evening ( 6:30 pm), Thur, Dec 12.  The restaurant is located at the corner of  MLK Blvd. & Imperial Hwy.

Daniel explained the coming meeting schedule that includes a Christmas celebration at the Dec 19 meeting with a gift exchange, along with a presentation by Joe Wang, of his most recent travels with his wife to several places in Mexico and to Cuba.  Then there will be no  meetings for Dec 26 and Jan 2, with the next meeting being Thur, Jan 9, 2020.

At the end of the  meeting, there was a meeting for Rotary Board members.  Agreement was reached on candidates to be elected at the next Lynwood Rotary meeting, Dec 19.  There was agreement that Maria Viera will be elected as an honorary member of the club.  In response to a question from Daniel, it was stated that in the future, Maria will agree to become a regular member.  There was agreement that the President –Electfor Year 2020- 2021 will be Larry  Esparza. 

There was mention that two of the three LUSD guests are involved with high  school youth, and according to Gudiel, could convert the youth group to Rotary Interact Groups.  It was agreed that Gudiel will contact Rotary District 5280, to confirm the requirements for these LUSD students to become Rotary Interact members.

The presentation by Gudiel Crosthwaite, LUSD Supt (and Club President) focused on the League of Innovative Schools.  From the handout provided and  on the screen, the League Goals consist of:  “Galvanize networks to design, validate, champion, and scale effective innovative learning  opportunities to advance equity and excellence for every student.”  Districts selected are based on:  “Vision and key achievements.  Impact on student learning and educational leadership.  Commitment to networking and knowledge sharing.”

Among the questions from the audience, included the role bilingual classes plays in the program.  Gudiel attended a national conference in the East to receive the recognition, as one of 14 new member school districts, among a total of 114 districts as a part of the League of Innovative Schools.

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.12.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-12-12 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.21.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Nov 21, 2019
At the  Nov 21  meeting, Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, called the meeting to order. 
Before the presentation by the speaker, there was brief discussion of several items.
There was mention that the Rotary Club has registered to be a parade participant for the Fri, Dec 6, Annual Candy Cane, Christmas Parade.  More info will be provided about the financial results of this event.
There was discussion of the great success and enjoyment of the Second Food Festival at the home of Lupe and Ramon Rodriguez in Lynwood, on Fri, evening Nov 15.  President Crosthwaite thanked everyone who helped make this event successful.
There was mention of gift booklets to give out as part of a Thanksgiving event at a Senior Home. 
President Crosthwaite introduced guest Elsa Chagolla, who is new LUSD staff member, Executive Director of the district’s Educational Foundation.  Also guests Laura Soloraza, Maria Viera and Ana Borraza were introduced. 
President Crosthwaite mentioned that he attended the memorial service for Juan Enciso, on Wed afternoon, at Plaza Mexico, which event was attended by several City of Lynwood Council members.  Martina Rodriguez mentioned that she would attend a memorial event for Juan Enciso at the Cemetery in Long Beach.
Daniel mentioned that he would attend the meeting to be held at Bateman Hall, that evening on community discussions about the LA River, in particular, about changes to the southern half of the 50 mile long river, that begins in the San Fernando Valley and ends at the ocean in Long Beach.  The questions are how the LA River and adjacent areas can be made more attractive for recreational purposes and outdoor enjoyment.
Daniel introduced the speaker, J.D. Whitaker, who is the City of Lynwood Manager of Public Safety, and other responsibilities, to speak on the history and significance of Harriet Tubman.
J. D. Whitaker used a PowerPoint presentation to talk about the significance of Harriet Tubman.   He outlined the current movie, “Harriet” that presents her life.  He noted that there is some controversial aspects of her life, in leading members of her family and ultimately about 300 slaves from the South to the area of Philadelphia, during the Civil War.  Her accomplishments are known  as “The Underground Railroad.”  J.D. noted that the actress in the movie, is not African American, rather she is from Great Britain, so she is African – British.    J.D.  mentioned John Brown, as partnering with Harriet  She served in the Northern Army, and in part served as a spy for the North.  She was recognized by President Lincoln for her service.  She always carried a pistol.  She had eight siblings and several husbands.  She sometimes dressed as a man for her work in the Army.
J.D. mentioned some current issues that go back to the days of slavery, such as the controversial issue of reparations for African  Americans.  Also he talked about several Supreme Court decisions relating to civil rights.  And he mentioned the proposal to have Harriet Tubman pictured on the US twenty dollar bill. J.D.  talked about the proposal to obtain approval from the City of Lynwood to have a sign posted at one or both ends of Harriet Tubman Lane adjacent to the Lynwood City Hall. 
Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.21.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-11-21 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.14.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Nov 14, 2019
At the  Nov 14   meeting, Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite,  called the meeting to order. 
Before the presentation by the speaker, there was a brief discussion of several items.
There was a brief discussion again of getting the membership data current for the District Rotary, to complete the data required for the grant application.   (The grant application is for funding for the Food Pantry for LUSD.  Then there was a brief discussion about the Second Food Festival which was held on Fri, Nov 15, at the home of Ramon Rodriguez, 12120 Phillips Avenue, Lynwood. 
The sale of tickets for this event was an important part of fundraising.  Maria Viera said she has sold about $600.00 worth of tickets.  The principal food was pozole, along with other tasty items.
A repeat from last week’s minutes, In terms of Lynwood Club Outreach, among many activities, Rotary should set up info tables at various community events, and order extra banners to ensure that Rotary is prominently displayed at any volunteer events.
There was a brief discussion again of getting the membership data current for the District Rotary, to complete the data required for the grant application.   (The grant application is for funding for the Food Pantry for LUSD 
Daniel introduced the speaker, Eddie Sarmiento, Deputy City Clerk, City of Lynwood, noting that Eddie is well-known throughout the Lynwood community.
Eddie talked about the results of the Nov 5 Election within Lynwood on Measure PS.  Lynwood voters acted to continue the sales tax overwhelmingly.  From a brochure produced by the City of Lynwood, herein are several quotes.
 What is Measure PS?  It is a one cent sales tax that brings more services to our residents.  It is used to fund repairs and improvements to Lynwood’s streets, sidewalks and alleys, improve public safety staffing and maintain recreation and community services.  Will our taxes go up?  No, the amount of sales tax you pay will not change.  What happens is if Measure PS passes, the money it raised will stay in Lynwood.  If it fails, the sales tax will be spread to all of LA County, severely reducing what the city will have available to spend on programs and services.
 Eddie cited some impressive statistics of what the penny tax pays for within the city.  It passed with 76.3% yes and 23.7% no among a total of 1800 votes.  Of note, there are about 70,000 residents in the city, with currently 29 polling places.   Other statistics of note, the PS Measure produces 3.8 million dollars a year, within a city budget of 34.9 million a year.
Then Eddie talked about the new voting procedures for 2020.  There were “Mock Election Vote Center locations throughout the county on Sep 28 & 29, which included Lynwood Bateman Hall.  The new system will be more electronically oriented and will take place at voting centers which will receive voters for a larger number of voters rather than the previous precincts.  Voting will take place over 11 days, instead of just one day.  Rotary member Raj asked how secure the new system will be from fraud? 
On another issue, Eddie noted that of the five Lynwood city council members, two will be termed out in Nov 2020:  Aide Castro and Salvador Alatorre. 
Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.14.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-11-14 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.24.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Oct 24, 2019
At the Oct 24, Noon meeting, long time Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite, member, called the meeting to order. Before the speaker was introduced by Daniel, there was discussion about the planned Nov 15 , 2nd Food Festival at the home of Ramon Rodriguez (12120 Phillips Ave., Lynwood), which will have the theme of Dia de los Muertos. As there was for the First Food Festival at Martina Rodriguez' home, there will be tickets to distribute for local businesses to encourage attendance at this event. It was also suggested that a flyer be available for distribution that describes Lynwood Rotary in terms of it goals and its community events and accomplishments.
The speaker, Illu Johnson, on the staff of the City of Lynwood, Department of Recreation and Community Services, presented Part II of his book that he personally developed on thehistory of Lynwood. (Mark Flores and Jose Trejo, leaders of the Department of Recreation and Community Services, also participated in the creation of this book.) Using a PowerPoint presentation, which showed fascinating photos of the history of Lynwood, Illu talked about the city's history, starting with the two Ranchos with the names of Lugo and San Antonio. These two ranchos acquired the land from grants from Spain. Of note, the area experienced flooding from banks of of Los Angeles and what we now call Rio Hondo. The flooding problem was largely solved with the construction of concrete barriers on the Los Angeles River in the late 30's. Also in the thirties, several photos of earthquake damage from the major quake that occurred in Long Beach. Earlier, gradually, the area was developed as a farming area, specifically for cattle for dairy production. The developer, Charles H. Sessions, named the area Lynwood, based on his wife's given and maiden name, Lynne Wood. Memorable photos are of the Pacific Electric Station, adjacent to what is now the 105 Fwy. Also churches that still exist, in the same location, such as, the Methodist Church on Carlin St. and a photo of the Methodist Church (1942) that is now the Church of the Nazarine (in Spanish) (adjacent to Plaza Mexico). Other memorable photos are several of St. Francis Hospital. Interesting photos of people include a celebration event of the Ham family, inside their restaurant; and also of a ground breaking ceremony in 1956 for the original library with Supr Burton Chace and several city council members and other city and community staff, including
city manager, Al Bateman.
Daniel Miller Public Relations/Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.24.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-10-24 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.17.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Oct 17, 2019
At the  Oct 17  Noon  meeting, long time  Rotary member, Raj , called the meeting to order. 
Before the speaker was introduced by Daniel, there was discussion about the planned Nov 15 , 2nd Food Festival at the home of Ramon Rodriguez (12120 Phillips Ave., Lynwood), which will have the theme of Dia de los Muertos.  Daniel mentioned he attended the District 5280 breakfast on Tue, at the Proud Bird Restaurant, close to LAX.  He said he will describe the speaker at next week’s meeting.  At the District Breakfast meeting, there was a presentation on the world-wide District foundation funding, and the opportunities for US Rotary clubs to participate in these humanitarian projects and activities, IF the clubs have members who have completed the required training.
The speaker, Jose Trejo, Deputy Director of the Department of Recreation and Community Services, presented many coming activities, each one, with a separate flyer.  From the many flyers, only a few events are listed herein.  (Also as a reference, the cover sheet to the weekly updates, also includes coming activities directed by the Recreation Department.
Sat, Oct 26, Lynwood City Park, Noon – 4pm, 2nd Annual Animal Care Fair
Thur, Oct 31, Lynwood City Park, 5pm – 8pm, Halloween Festival
Fri, Nov 1, Lynwood Union Gallery, 5pm – 10pm, Dia De Los Muertos Celebration, activities include live music and the movie, “Coco”.
Thur, Nov 7, Veterans Day Ceremony, Bateman Hall Lawn, 10am.  Keynote speaker, Lt. Col. Patricia Jackson, who is head of Woman Warriers.  The role of women in the military will be featured.
Sat, Nov 17,  Miss and Mr. Lynwood Scholarship competition.
Jose Trejo also talked about two coming upgrades to the city parks.
Through a grant from Prop 68, State of California Parks & Water Bond, 2018 for Recreational Trails & Greenways, Ham Park will receive a 5.1 million grant to improve the park’s recreational paths.  Also in Lynwood Park, a state of the art, Fitness Court will be installed.  Also Trejo described improved facilities for picnics and play areas and for meetings in the city park adjacent to Cesar Chavez Blvd.
Jose Trejo also mentioned several activities that pertain to the seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
Because of its importance, the following paragraph is repeated from a discussion at the previous meeting, Oct 3. :  President Crosthwaite described the LUSD State of the School District Breakfast , on Fri, Oct 25.  Elected officials will be invited to attend.  Lynwood Rotary members are encouraged to attend.   Also, it was noted that a flyer describing Lynwood Rotary club’s objectives and ongoing activities can be distributed throughout the community, including Lynwood businesses.
Also, as a reminder from previous meetings,  the Rotary Foundation event that member Raj is coordinating is Sun, Oct 27, at The Taglyan Complex, Hollywood  (1201 Vine St. Los Angeles, 90038).
   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.17.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-10-17 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.03.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Oct 03, 2019
At the Oct 3 Noon meeting, Rotary Club President, Gudiel Crosthwaite called the meeting to order. After the Pledge of Allegiance, there was a time of silence for personal prayers. Then Rotary guest, Griselda Sanchez, Community Engagement Coordinator, for Tobacco Control Program, was introduced. Grisela briefly described the purpose of this nonprofit organization, which included, eliminating smoking will benefit not only smokers but also people who are harmed by breathing second hand smoke. Griselda will be a Lynwood Rotary speaker at an upcoming meeting.
It was approved by a vote of the club officers that the Oct 31 weekly meeting at 6pm will be cancelled so that club members can attend and participate in the Halloween Festival that evening from 5pm to 8pm in Lynwood City Park.
President Crosthwaite described the LUSD State of the School District Breakfast, on Fri, Oct 25. Elected officials will be invited to attend. Lynwood Rotary members are encouraged to attend. Also, it was noted that a flyer describing Lynwood Rotary club’s objectives and ongoing activities can be distributed throughout the community, including Lynwood businesses. Gudiel talked about membership and fundraising projects. Concerning membership, Martina Rodriguez is involved in documenting all current members for District 5280 membership files. There are possible funds available for student scholarships through Rotary Foundation resources.

Concerning fundraising projects, besides the coming Nov 15 Food Festival being planned, there was talk of a possible spring festival that could be held in Bateman Hall. The issue of serving alcohol at these events was brought up. At a home event, serving alcohol must be funded through donations, it cannot be sold. At Bateman Hall, with the licensing in effect it can be legal to sell alcohol.
President Crosthwaite, announced Martina Rodriguez as the Rotarian of the Month for September. Congratulations Martina!!!
Again the Food Festival at Martina's home was reviewed. Martina again was congratulated for her hard work in making the event financially successful, but equally important it had a nice family affair feeling, several members emphasized. For the Nov 15 event, at the home of Ramon Rodriguez, Roman pointed out that a group of women will take the initiative in organizing and planning for the food, which group includes Tila Millan, Martina Rodriguez and Maria Viera. The food pozole is planned to be served.
Victor Gomez, the Lynwood Rotary President-Elect, mentioned that he is planning on assuming the necessary responsibilities, including the required District training for president-elect Rotarians. At this meeting, Martina Rodriguez, was awarded Rotarian of the Month. As a reminder from previous meetings, the Rotary Foundation event that member Raj is coordinating is Sun, Oct 27, at The Taglyan Complex, Hollywood (1201 Vine St. Los Angeles, 90038).
After the meeting, Cheryl Hunt, Manager for the Teen Challenge facility in Lynwood, spoke briefly. A current Teen Challenge resident, Merina Zazuela, talked about her recovery from domestic violence and addiction. In the 30 bed facility, currently Merina is one of the 26 women residents. Cheryl periodically attends Lynwood Rotary meetings and distributed a flyer that lists supplies needed for the Lynwood facility. The following is a quote from the flyer: “At the LA County Teen Challenge residential women’s home, survivors of domestic violence, abuse and/or addiction are in a safe place, recovering from the devastating effects of trauma, are becoming empowered and given vital tools for their success.”
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.03.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-10-03 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.26.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Sep 26, 2019
At the Sep 26, 6pm meeting, long time Lynwood Club member, Raj, called the meeting to order. Before the speaker’s presentation, introduced by Daniel, several items were briefly discussed. As at the Sep 19 meeting, there was applause for the fun and financially successful Good Festival, held Fri, Sep 13, at Martina Rodriguez’ home. Martina’s financial report showed a net profit of $2,568.12. It was noted that additional food festivals are being planned during the year, with the next one to be at Ramon Rodriguez’ home on Nov 15. Member Raj mentioned the possibility of a food festival based on foods from India. Fernando and Tila Millan encouraged Rotary members to come to the Youthact event at Roosevelt ES, the next day on Fri afternoon at 3pm, at which event the new District 5280 Governor will meet with Youthact members and some of their parents and will present awards to Youthact officers. Note: Daniel and Martina attended this event and both were recognized by the new Governor, also by last year’s 5280 Governor, Joe Vasquez, who also attended and spoke to all in attendance (at the school library).
Daniel mentioned that Mark Flores, Director of Recreation and Community Services, would like to have Rotary members participate in the City’s Halloween Festival, scheduled for Thur, Oct 31, from 5pm to 8pm, in Lynwood Park. Daniel suggested that the Rotary meeting for Thur, Oct 31, 6pm, be cancelled so that Rotary members can participate in the City’s Halloween Festival.
Member Raj said a decision can be made at the coming Rotary meeting on Oct 3. Daniel noted that the next meeting will not be in Bateman Hall, due to a cleaning and treatment of the flooring. Instead, the meeting will be in the Community Services Building, across the street, in Room 2, where Rotary has held meetings when Bateman Hall roof was being repaired during several months.
Daniel introduced the speaker, Armanda Noriega, Principal of Will Roger ES, LUSD. Her topic was the Dual Language Program at Will Rogers ES, which has been in effect six years. This is the first year that Ms. Noriega is serving as principal at this school. Previously served as a principal at the El Rancho Unified School District in Pico Rivera. Using PowerPoint, Amanda had a detailed presentation on the dual immersion program, Spanish – English, at Will Rogers ES.
Amanda mentioned that some schools teach fluency in English and other languages, besides Spanish, noting the example of Glendale schools, teaching English and Farsi languages. Amanda explained the difficulties in teaching pronunciation in English, compared to Spanish, in that English pronunciation require subtle differences in sounds compared to Spanish pronunciation rules and uses. Among the statistics Armanda cited, Will Rogers ES has 718 students, of which 211 are in the Dual Immersion Program. In the school as a whole, 50% are learning English, with the first language being Spanish. Among the statistics presented, Armanda explained that for Will Rogers ES students, acquiring fluency in English is a gradual process that takes 5-7 years to fully learn the other language.
Language fluency in English is gradual so that by the 4-6th grades, students can communicate in both languages.  The below chart indicates the gradual increase in English  fluency.
Grades      Spanish       English                Grades           Spanish            English                 Grades      Spanish         English
K                 90%             10%                      2                     70%                   30%                       4 – 6           50%               50%
1                  80%              20%                     3                    60%                   40%
A quote is provided from a flyer for the English & Spanish Dual Immersion Language Program at Will Rogers ES. “Your child will be bilingual, biliterate, bicultural, and be ready for the future!” (Also written in Spanish.)
The Rotary Foundation event that member Raj is coordinating is Sun, Oct 27, at The Taglyan Complex, Hollywood (1201 Vine St. Los Angeles, 90038).
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.26.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-09-26 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.19.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Sep 19, 2019
At the Sep 19, Noon meeting, Lynwood Club President – Gudiel Crosthwaite called the meeting to order. Before Gudiel Crosthwaite introduced the speaker, Koji Stevan Sakai, who he personally knows, several items of Rotary business and activities were briefly mentioned.
First of all, there was applause for the great Food Festival held at Martina’s home last Friday, Sep 13, from 4pm – 10 pm. Martina commented it was a lot of work on her part, along with support from other volunteers. She said that the financial results will be reported at the next Rotary meeting, 6pm, Sep 26. The Lynwood Rotary Club may plan for two more of these events during the year. Ramon Rodriguez has accepted responsibility to plan the next festival event, possibly to be held in Nov 2019. There was appreciation for members Joe Wang and Larry Esparza for helping with the Vision To Learn Program, this week, Mon, Tue, Wed, and Thur mornings at FHS. (The program provides eye glasses for students needing them, with the support of their parents.)
President Crosthwaite distributed a flyer about Rotary Days of Service at the LA Food Bank. Rotary District 5280 will support this event on four dates from Oct 2019 to May 2020. The first date is Oct 5, 2019. The locations are Commerce and Vernon. More coordination at the next Lynwood meeting.
The Rotary Foundation event that member Raj is coordinating is Sun, Oct 27, at The Taglyan Complex, Hollywood (1201 Vine St. Los Angeles, 90038).
Among the guests at the meeting, were a parent, Alma Betancourt and her daughter, Kimberly Wenceslao, who graduated from  FHS and now attends Yale, in Hartford, Conn.
President Crosthwaite introduced Koji Steven Sakai. He is a writer, producer and curator. He has an office and residence in South Pasadena. He was on the staff of the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo, in DTLA for about 15 years. Koji talked about Japanese American experiences with WWII internment camps and of  the WWII combat team in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, made up of Japanese Americans that were the most decorated unit of WWII, despite the fact that many of their families were still in the internment camps. Concerning these camps, Koji explained after the US Executive Order of Feb 19, 1942, by President FDR, on the USA west coast, Japanese American families received orders to evacuate to a camp, with two weeks to one day advance notice. A total of 120,000 people were sent to these camps, mostly in the high desert.
Koji’s presentation included PowerPoint images of the 442 combat unit where they were deployed in NW France with the assignment to rescue a Texas regiment, who were trapped in dark forests and endangered by Hitler’s military campaign. Concerning the Texas battalion, out of 225 soldiers, 175 soldiers survived. Koji distributed FREE copies of his book, entitled “442”, which images were shown on the screen. The hand drawn images related to the combat experiences of the 442 unit in NW France. Concerning the camps, one Rotary member visited the Manzanar Camp in Northern Calif and Koji mentioned that now there is a museum at the former camp to explain the life there during WWII. Rotary guest Irene Zapata, Teen Librarian for the City of Lynwood Library, was pleased to take multiple copies of Koji’s book for distribution through the library.
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.19.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-09-19 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.12.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Sep 12, 2019
At the Sep 12, Noon meeting, Lynwood Club President – Gudiel Crosthwaite called the meeting to order. Since the speaker, Bruno Naulls, had to leave at 1 pm, his presentation preceded the discussion about Rotary business items. Bruno Naulls, as President of the City of Lynwood Neighborhood Block Watch, used a PowerPoint presentation and a handout to explain the purpose and accomplishments of the Lynwood Block Watch organization.
The Block Watch Executive Board consists of Bruno Naulls Sr. – President; Yolandra Rodriguez -- Vice President; Ana Barraza – Secretary; Maria Viera – Treasurer; and Mel Greer -- Sergeant at Arms; and Ramon Galindo, City of Lynwood staff support. As stated in the handout, OUR PURPOSE “Enhance QUALITY OF LIFE by establishing and maintaining an open line of communication and liaison between neighborhoods, law enforcement and the City of Lynwood, working together toward crime prevention and our safety, welfare, and health.” WORKING WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT “The neighborhood Watch Program is organized to enable law enforcement and the community to work together to make specific geographical areas more crime resistant to reduce crime. It is a citizen involvement, neighborhood and community-based effort, designed to help the Sheriff’s Department in preventing primarily residential burglaries. In harmony with the philosophy of Community Policing, Neighborhood Watch encourages strong working relationships between patrol officers and the citizens they serve.” THE BLOCK WATCH CAPTAIN IS THE VOICE OF YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD “Once a month the Block Watch Captain’s meet with the City advisor and Sheriff’s to discuss what is impacting their neighborhoods and get reports from the Sheriff’s about public safety issues in our community.
Bruno emphasized Block Watch Clubs create a sense of community. The organization contributes to a healthy life style by helping feelings of comfort and contributing to accomplishing one’s goals. If a block watch club does not yet exist, Bruno urged all residents to take the initiative, “If you do not do it, who will?” Bruno’s PowerPoint presentation had photos of last year’s National Night Out event. He noted that this year’s event was again an effective way for the community to come together. Bruno thanked Lynwood Rotary for again providing 500 hotdogs and buns and relishes for the event.
President Elect Victor Victor Gomez asked how many block watch captains are there. Bruno answered about 40 captains, and a little more than half attend the monthly meetings with the LASD officer and city staff. Victor asked what do I accomplish by organizing a block watch club? Bruno answered that you are creating an additional source for communicating with the LASD officers. At the monthly meetings, additional patrols could be implemented in a particular area, based observations communicated. Martina Rodriguez asked about the required size of a block in order to be eligible for a captain. Bruno noted they are flexible as to the exact size of a block. Raj asked about dues or financial support requirements. Bruno responded there are no financial support requirements from block watch participants. Bruno noted that funds can be requested from the city, such as the city’s financial contributions for the annual national out event.
After the presentation from Bruno Naulls, there was a brief discussion of the final preparations for the Lynwood Rotary Food Festival at Martina Rodriguez’ home (4 houses, east of Atlantic Ave.) There will be food and music. Martina said she is expecting 200 people. Martina said that Firebaugh HS has approved parking within the school’s parking lot and Martina said she will have a sign posted about the available parking. As noted in planning for this event, the purpose of this event is to raise funds for scholarships and to attract a large number of people in the community to increase awareness of the Lynwood Rotary club and its activities and events and to hopefully increase membership. Daniel noted that he publicized the event in a number of businesses along Atlantic Ave. and that for sure,three business owners said they would attend.
From last week’s meeting, this is repeated herein: Joe Wang mentioned Vision To Learn dates at FHS on four dates in one week: Sep 16, 17, 18, & 19 (Mon- Thur). Several club volunteers are needed each day.
The procedure involves checking students eye conditions.
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.12.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-09-12 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.05.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Sep 05, 2019
At the Sep 5, Noon meeting, Lynwood Club President – Gudiel Crosthwaite called the meeting to order. There was a review of the club’s budget. After a discussion, amendments were approved by a vote of the club’s officers. The budget amendments included a more precise amount of the net income from the fireworks stand sales in July. Also, budget revisions included current estimates of the costs of pending events.
The main item for discussion was the coming Lynwood Rotary Food Festival, at Martina’s home at 5146 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, (4 houses east of Atlantic Ave.) Items included how many people are expected to attend, and provisions for the number of tables and chairs to provide. The purpose of the event is to raise funds for scholarships and to attract a large number of people in the community to increase awareness of the Lynwood Rotary club and its activities and events and to hopefully increase membership. For the food festival, a company will be used for rental of tables ($70.00 for 8 tables) and if necessary could immediately provide additional tables with a request that night. Of note, Maria Viera is one volunteer that has publicized the event by talking to people and businesses in the community. So far, 200 tickets have been sold for the event. A brochure/ flier was handed out, which is intended to publicize the Lynwood Rotary Club, which includes a partial list of Rotary Club activities.
Concerning other events, President Crosthwaite has decided to change the annual installation dinner to a fund-raising dinner. There was mention of the Rotary and Youthact participation in the annual Lynwood Candy Cane parade, and whether the club will try to have a parade float. (It was several years ago when the club had a float in addition to marching in the parade with club banner.)
Joe Wang mentioned Vision To Learn dates at FHS on four dates in one week: Sep 16, 17, 18, & 19 (Mon- Thur). Several club volunteers are needed each day. The procedure involves checking student on their eye conditions. Daniel encouraged club members to attend the Fri afternoon Sep 27 event at Roosevelt ES, as a show of support when the District Governor visits the Youthact group. Time to arrive is 3:15 pm.
Rotary member Raj reminded all members that he distributed ticket books to each member for the Rotary Foundation Annual Event, to be held on Sun, Oct 27, at a Hollywood event center. Every member must write their check for $100 to the Rotary Foundation. Daniel showed the design of the electronic sign that will be added to the Plaza Mexico electronic sign (the same size as the Greater Lynwood Chamber of Commerce sign). Jamel Goodloe, Media Specialist for the City, is coordinating with the marketing representative at Plaza Mexico, with the approval of Mario Cardenas, Director of Plaza Mexico.
Guest, Bill Hernandez, Public Relations officer for Waste Resources, Inc. “Todays Waste, Tomorrow,s Resource” mentioned the Fall Clean Up Day, Sep 21, with the location for bringing salvage items location at Alameda Ave. and Bellinger Ave. There was mention of the South Gate Rotary Club being interested in exchange of meetings, with the South Gate Club coming to one of the Lynwood meetings, and the Lynwood Club coming to a South Gate meeting, held on Wed noon at the meeting room in South Gate park. It was a number of years ago, that this exchange of meetings was done, and has to be scheduled in advance of speaker dates (currently scheduled up to Nov 2019).
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.05.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-09-05 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.29.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Aug 29, 2019
At the Aug 29, 6 pm , meeting, Lynwood Club President –Elect, Victor Gomez, called the meeting to order.
Before the speaker, President Elect Victor Gomez , talked about the planned Fiestas Patrias event at Martina’s home on Sep, 13, and each member present received 10 raffle tickets ($10.00 each) to sell, (with a $100.00 check to the club being due) Also, again there were copies of a letter for distribution to the community, requesting donations for this event, to include requests intended to be made to businesses. (The purpose of this event is not just to raise funds, but also to serve as a way to attract people in the community to become more aware of the purpose and accomplishments of our club, and to increase our membership.)
Daniel mentioned the fun event enjoyed by the large turnout of Rotary Youthact and some of their parents at the annual District 5280 Picnic and boat races held on Sat, Aug 24, 5pm – 9pm at the Seaside Lagoon, Redondo Beach. Joe Wang again helped construct two cardboard boats for the boat races. Daniel noted that he will present at a coming meeting, photos of this event, including Youthact participants racing in the two cardboard boats that Joe Wang again constructed.
Fernando Millan mentioned a series of events through the fall and Thanksgiving and Christmas that the Roosevelt ES Youthact will be involved. Rotary member Raj reminded all members that he distributed ticket books to each member for the Rotary Foundation Annual Event, to be held on Sun, Oct 27, at a Hollywood event center. Every member must write their check for $100 to the Rotary Foundation. Also Joe Wang mentioned that the Vision To Learn Program has scheduled four days for checking students on their eye conditions at FHS on Sep 16, 17, 18, 19 (Mon – Thur). Several Lynwood Rotary members are needed to help out on these four days. As an additional note, Yolanda Ramirez received a Rotarian of the month award.
Daniel had Fernando Milllan introduce the Speaker, Maria G. Rendon, since Fernando and his wife Tila, have a very personal knowledge of Ms. Rendon. Fernando explained that Maria Rendon is a graduate of LUSD Wilson ES, Hosler MS, and LHS. Maria noted that she remembers Tila through their attendance at St. Emidyius Catholic Church. Her parents still live in Lynwood. Maria is a graduate of UC Irvine, with a Ph.D. From Harvard in Political Science, and is now a professor at UC Irvine, in the Urban Planning & Public Policy Department. Her book is in the process of being published, entitled: “Stagnant Dreamers –How The Inner City Shapes The Integration of 2nd Generation Latinos.”
Maria noted that 2nd Generation means children of immigrants. Through her investigations and assessments, Maria got acquainted with young men in the community of Lynwood, to determine how they are doing with their educations and careers. She also spent time with their parents. Statistically, Maria explained that the median income for LA County is around $50,000, compared to a median income for Lynwood of around $32,000. Maria assessed how neighborhood factors are important in influencing the progress of these young men. So to empower these young men, it is important to focus on resources within the community, and to identify and connect resources outside the community, to help these young men advance in their lives. Maria stated that the activities of Rotary members in this community can be and should be important positive sources of help.
At the end of her presentation, Daniel suggested that Maria Rendon be scheduled for a second presentation, after her book is available. The month of Nov or Dec was suggested when Maria would again be our speaker at one of our weekly meetings.
Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.29.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-08-29 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.01.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Aug 01, 2019
At the Aug 1, Noon, meeting, Lynwood Club President – Elect Victor Gomez, called the meeting to
order. Before the speaker, District 5280 Governor, Melody St. John, talked about the Lynwood Club,
in the context of what the club can do with all the activities of Rotary at the district level, and world-wide,
there was a discussion of club activates and projects. (District Asst. Governor, Karen Greenberg, also

The exceptionally large turnout included Youthact members, leaders and some parents. Substituting
for Lynwood Club President Gudiel Crosthwaite, were four LUSD staff members: Shawna Dinkins,
Assistant Superintendent; Greg Fromm, Chief Business Official; Carlos Zaragos, Director of Human
Resources, and Ana Gonzalez. Principal, Lynwood High School.

Before the start of the regular meeting, District Governor Melody St. John, met with Lynwood Club
officers in the conference room adjacent to the regular meeting hall. Treasurer Martina Rodriguez took
the lead in talking about club projects and goals. Also, Fernando and Tila Millan talked about past and
coming activities of the Youthact group from Roosevelt ES. The District governor showed particular
interest in the presentation from Tila and Fernando.

Of special note about the Youthact events, is that Fernando and Tila meet with the Youthact leaders
every Fri, to review coming projects, and noted that school starts again on Aug 22. Concerning
Youthact members that now attend middle and high schools in LUSD, there continues to be a search
for faculty members or staff who can sponsor Interact groups, after they leave Roosevelt ES. As a
note, several graduates of Roosevelt ES helped out at the fireworks stand sales, Jul 1-4, this year. Also
of note, there is a Youthact Parent Open House on Sep 13, and a Yogurt land back to school sale on
Sep 20.

Daniel mentioned another Free Summer Concert event at Avalos Community Center in Ham Park on
Atlantic Ave, featuring the musical group, “Past Action Heroes.” Also he displayed two custom
T-Shirts that will be for sale at the Rotary Tables in the National Night Out Event on Tue, Aug 6, to be
located in the front lawn of the Lynwood City Hall. One T-Shirt has a photo collage by Daniel and by
Plaza Mexico staff to Plaza Mexico Director, Mario Cardenas. A second T-Shirt has a colorful design
with the words “Straight Otta Lynwood.” Daniel emphasized it is important for all Rotary members to
attend the National Night Out Event on Tue, Aug 6, from 5pm to 8pm, in the lawn in front of Lynwood
City Hall. (The Club is again providing 500 hotdogs with buns and relishes, provided by our catering

The District Governor, Melody St. John, talked about District and District International projects and
trips planned, that may be of interest to Lynwood Rotary and Youthact members. Of particular interest
is intern programs where youth from other countries can stay for brief visits at homes of US residents.
Also the opportunity for US youth to visit other countries with the opportunity to stay in homes where
they are doing Rotary projects of community service.

Daniel Miller Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.01.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-08-01 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.25.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jul 25, 2019

At the  July 25, 6pm meeting,  Lynwood Club President – Elect Victor Gomez,  called the meeting to order.  (President  Gudiel Crosthwaite arrived too late to call the meeting to order.)

Two guests from Rotary District 5280 were introduced to include Karen Greenberg, Assistant District 5280 Governor.  Karen reminded Lynwood Rotary members  that the District 5280 Governor, Ms. Melody, will attend the next meeting Thur, noon, Aug 1.  (Club officers must arrive at 11:00 am for a meeting with the District Governor, before the regular meeting starts at 12 Noon.)  Daniel mentioned the Free Summer Concert event and distributed flyers for the Fri 7pm – 9pm Latino Band performance at Avalos Community Center in Ham Park on Atlantic Ave.   Also he displayed two custom T-Shirts that will be for sale at the Rotary Tables in the National Night Out Event on Tue, Aug 6, to be located in the front lawn of the Lynwood City Hall.  One T-Shirt has a photo collage by Daniel and by Plaza Mexico staff to Plaza Mexico Director, Mario Cardenas.  A second T-Shirt has a colorful design with the words “Straight Otta Lynwood.”

Daniel introduced the speaker, Illu Johnson, author of a book about the history of Lynwood.  The book was published by the Arcadia Book Publishers.  This is a well-known series of books on histories of cities and histories of important groups and events in history.  He  noted he  was pleasantly surprised to see that this Lynwood history book was authored by well-known member of the Lynwood city staff, Illu Johnson, in the Department of Recreation and Community Services.

Illu’s Power Point presentation included many memorable photos of people and places relating to the early history of the City of Lynwood.  (Fast forward, due to memorable images and references to early settlers, Illu agreed to come back soon for a second presentation from his book on the history of Lynwood.) 

Illu explained that it is good for our community to know our roots.   His research included accessing data from the central library of the LA City Library network of branches throughout the LA Region.   Starting with references to historic persons, Illu mentioned  Don Lugo.  In the history of Spain, the Spanish conquers settled California and very large ranches were the origin of property ownership.  Names that some of us have heard, include the Sessions family, Jay Jay Willard, Jim Morton, Perry Brent.  Also reference to the dairy industry, and the woman Lynne, whose family was part of a major diary.  Hence the name Lynn Wood.  The Sessions family helped incorporate Lynwood.  Two prominent bankers were from the Slauson and the Huntington families. 

Memorable photos include farm structures and some businesses along Long Beach Blvd.  Also of flooded areas from rains and as overflows from the Los Angeles River and from the San Gabriel River.  (Before the rivers were encased in concrete by the US Bureau of Engineering, starting in the late 30’s.)  Of interest, were photos of buildings that have not changed in appearance over the years.  For example, there is a house at Carlin & Atlantic, that is one of the original homes and today, has not changed.  Also the United Methodist Church and the Church by Plaza Mexico, The Church of the Nazarenes, has not changed since their original construction.  Also, the big trees along Joseph and Agnes streets, have a long history.  Unfortunately, some memorable structures no longer exist, such as a theater along Long Beach Blvd.  Another interesting reference is the origin of the name for our city to the north:  South Gate, a reference to boundary of farm lands in that area. 

A memorable comment from Illu is that he attended a meeting of graduates from Lynwood schools in the City of Anaheim.  And he noted everyone was ethnically white!  In preparation for Illu’s second presentation, Daniel suggests that Rotary members drive around Lynwood to think about changes that have occurred  over the last 100 years.  Also, some reference to the dramatic changes in the ethnic makeup of this part of Los Angeles County.  And also some reference to the Pacific Electric Railway System in Los Angeles County, with particular reference to the PE Station that was part of Lynwood, and the rail system that extended north to what is now downtown LA and downtown Long Beach.  

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.25.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-07-25 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.18.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jul 18, 2019

At the  July 18, noon meeting,  Lynwood Club President Gudiel Crosthwaite,  called the meeting to order.

Before Daniel introduced the speaker, Oscar Avila,  President Crosthwaite reviewed important issues for club members to address.  These items were emailed to all the  members after the  meeting.  As a reminder, several of the items are repeated herein.

Fundraising:  We have a  list of recommended fundraisers that we need to narrow down.  I’ll personally reach out to those of you who made some recommendations so that we can get a better sense of cost and potential revenue.  This needs to happen by the end of next week.

Final Budget:  I’ll be sharing a draft of the budget with you soon and I want to make sure that each of you have a chance to provide feedback.  This will happen, once I get a better sense of potential fundraising projects.

Membership:  We have made a commitment as a club to identify and recruit members.  That being said, it would help if each of us can identify two potential candidates that we can invite to attend one of our upcoming volunteer events.  Please send me a list of your recommendations by the end of the month and I will personally invite them to attend one of our upcoming events.

Daniel mentioned three items he accepted to pursue, from the workshop meeting held at the Lynwood restaurant recently.   1)  adding an electronic message to  the Plaza Mexico electronic sign (similar to the  Greater Lynwood Chamber of Commerce message);  2)  installation of a Lynwood Rotary sign on a Lynwood street (probably Long Beach Blvd.);  and 3)  installation of a Lynwood Rotary sign  through the Caltrans Adopt a Highway Program (requested location to be on the 105 Freeway ROW adjacent to the Long Beach Blvd. 105 Freeway entrance.  Daniel  provided a brief update on the status  of these proposals.

The speaker, Oscar Avila, presented a carefully prepared text.  Herein is the first paragraph of his presentation.  Copies of his complete text will available at Lynwood Rotary meetings during the next two months.

Good afternoon everyone.  My name is Oscar Avila, a lifelong Lynwood resident.  I went to elementary and middle school in Lynwood and to high school at the  California Academy of Math and Science in Carson;  I’m currently a rising sophomore at Georgetown University.  I’ve come to speak to the rotary club on a number of occasions: to invite the  members to participate in my Eagle Scout project restoring sports courts at the Lynwood  City Park and then to my Eagle Court of Honor and to speak about my experiences with Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth among other things.  Today, I’m here to share and reflect on my freshmen year with you all.

(Note:  As mentioned, copies of Oscar’s complete text will be available  at Lynwood Rotary meetings during the next two months.)


    Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.18.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-07-18 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.11.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jul 11, 2019

At the  Jul 11, noon meeting,  in the  absence of President Crosthwaite, assisted by member Joe Wang, LUSD Chief  Business Official, Greg Fromm, called the meeting to order.

Before Daniel introduced the speaker, Bruno Naulls, City of Lynwood staff member, and President of the Lynwood National Block Watch organization, presented a letter requesting that the Lynwood Rotary again provide hotdogs, relish and buns for the Aug 6, National Night Out Annual Event.  With the support of Lynwood Club officials present at the meeting, a call was made to President Crosthwaite, to obtain his concurrence for this expenditure.  The president immediately responded by cell phone, and thus Bruno obtained the necessary decision by the Lynwood Rotary Club at that moment.

There was also a discussion about the LASD Sheriffs support for and attendance at the monthly Block Watch meetings (4th Tue evenings in Bateman Hall) to review issues of importance with the Block Watch leaders present.  (There currently are about 40 Block Watch units within the City of Lynwood.)   Greg Fromm stated that he thought that LUSD Security Officers would be interested  in participating in some of the discussions at the monthly Block Watch meetings.  Bruno concurred that some of the safety and crime issues discussed are of mutual interest between the Block Watch leaders and LUSD concerns.

Daniel introduced the speaker, long time member, Rajinder Dhaliwal (Raj), by reading the description of his presentation in the weekly meeting update.  Daniel noted that Raj's daughter, Tamana Dhaliwal, and his grandson, Eman Goodloe, were in attendance to hear Raj's presentation.

Raj talked about the origins of religion in India, current practices, and some descriptions of the economy of India from a historical perspective. 

Raj described the religions of India by describing the gradual settlement of ethnic groups from the north into what is now India  over the last 10,000 years.  The predominant religion is Hindu, which includes a caste system of four groups, starting with a ruling group, and then consisting of another three groups, each with a particular type of labor.  The lowest group, sometimes referred to as the untouchables, are the poorest, with the lowest form of labor.    The laws do not recognize these categories, but they still exist.  For about 200 years India was a British colony until about 1950.  English is widely used, although there are many dialectics in different areas of India.

India's economic output, expressed in GDP, is one of the world's largest, but so is the population of India.  Raj compared the statistics of China, India and the US.  After the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, the productivity per person in the US is much higher, even though the total productivity of India and China is much larger than the US.  India is one third the size of the US, but has four times the population.

The religion of Raj is the Sikh religion.  The adherents of this religion are located in the NW portion of India in the  sector called Punjab.  The Sikh religion does not believe in or practice a caste system.  One interesting aspect of the religion is the practice of serving food to everyone on periodic festival days.  The Sikh people have a tradition of personal defense and of serving in the India military. 

The government of India is similar to the form of government of Great Britain. 

    Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.11.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-07-11 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.04.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jul 04, 2019

At the  lunch at the fireworks stand on Thur, Jul 4,  the plan was to hold an informal meeting.  In the absence of Rotary President Gudiel Crosthwaite, there were no discussions pertaining tp Rotary events and business.  

Daniel had planned to refer to the update for the Fri, Jun 28 meeting from 6 – 9 pm, and he distributed copies to everyone present during the lunch.   Specifically, he planned to discuss the club goals written by Gudiel, which goals Daniel  included in the weekly update.  For example, as to membership, as a personal goal every member will recruit two potential members, and the club goal is to recruit five new Rotary members during the 2019- 2020 year.  Daniel suggests that everyone review the update for the Fri, Jun 28 meeting.  Better yet, everyone should review President Gudiel Crosthwaite’s actual report on club goals for the coming year.

At the Wed. Jul 3 lunch at the fireworks stand, Daniel also distributed copies of his update for the Fri, Jun 28 meeting.  This luncheon get together included more Youthact volunteers and some of their parents, as well as a variety of adult volunteers working the fireworks stand for the four days of sales from Jul 1 thru Jul 4.

At both the Jul 3 and Jul 4 luncheons at the fireworks stand, Daniel mentioned that next week for Thur, Jul 11, meeting,  long time member Rajinder Dhaliwal (Raj) will be the speaker, and he will talk about a variety of facts and subjects about the country of  India.  (Raj attended both the Jul 3 and the Jul 4 luncheon events at the fireworks stand.)

    Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.04.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-07-04 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.28.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jun 28, 2019

At the  Fri, Jun  28,  2019,  6pm – 9pm   meeting, outgoing Club president, Barbara Battle,   called the meeting to order.

However, this was the annual change of officers and directors meeting, so the procedure varied from the  usual meeting sequences.  Of particular note was the annual change of officers brochure / bulletin  printed by Club  member Raj, after input from  current officers, and  incoming Club President, Dr. Gudiel Crosthwaite,  (also LUSD Superintendent). 

The sequence included Installations:  Master of Ceremonies, Rajen Dhaliwal; Demotion of  Officers, Tila-Aguilar-Milan;  Installation of Board Officers,  Tila-Aguilar-Milan;  Installation  of President,  Tila Aguilar-Milan.

Following the Dinner, there was:   Outgoing President’s Remarks & Awards;  Incoming President’s Remarks;  and the Auction,  which was conducted by Ramon Rodriguez.  (There was much enthusiasm by the participation in the auction of all members and guests from this fund raising event.)

Also in this brochure are the following:  2018-2019 Outgoing Officers:  President, Barbara Battle;  Presidnet-Elect, Dr. Gudiel Crosthwaite;  1st Vice-President, Victor Gomez;  Secretary, Maria (Lulu) Quinonez;  Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez;  Immediate Past President, Joseph Wang.  Also,  2019-2020 Incoming Officers:   President, Dr. Gudiel R. Crosthwaite;  Presidnet  Elect, Victor Gomez;  Secretary,  Yolanda Rodriguez;  Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez;  Immediate Past President, Barbara Battle.  Also, Directors:  Rajen Dhaliwal,  Alejandra Avalos, Daniel  Miller, Iris Pygatt, Tila Milan, Dr. Hilario (Larry) Esparza.

2019- 2020 President Gudiel Crosthwaite talked about the 2019- 2020 Club Goals.  (And club members should refer to this detailed list of goals  regularly.)

The club goals are grouped into three broad areas:  Membership,  Outreach, and Fund Raising.

Only a few of the goals  are listed herein.

For membership, as a personal  goal, every Rotarian will recruit two potential members.  The Club goal is to recruit 5 new rotarians.   Develop a Lynwood Rotary pamphlet.  Promote and support Lynwood City/ District events and activities,  to include, National Night Out, Vision To  Learn, Easter Egg Hunt, and  Thanksgiving Dinners.  Support Youth Act Activities, to include Marathon support,  Senior Citizen Visits. Also set up Rotary info table at various community events.  Order extra  banners to ensure that Rotary is  prominently displayed at any volunteer events.   Order stickers, t-shirts, hats, etc.   Fundraising:  Explore possible fundraisers and schedule at least two!

At the end of the  meeting,  Fernando and Tila Milan addressed the attendees about the status of the necessary tasks to perform for the sales of fireworks for Mon, Jul 1 thru Thur Jul 4.  The fireworks  stand must be staffed by adults (18 years and older) from 10am to 10 pm, each  day of the four days of sales (allowed by the city).  And each night, from Sat, Jun 29 through  Fri Jul 4, there must  be an  adult volunteer to park their vehicle in  front of the fireworks stand  to provide security from 10pm until the reopening of the stand  the following day,  at 10 am.  Youthact members will be help out in the sales procedures, although the actual sales  transaction  must be limited to adults, 18 years and older.

    Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.28.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-06-28 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.20.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jun 20, 2019

At the  Jun  20,  2019,  Noon,  meeting,     in the absence of  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   club member Joe Wang called the meeting to order.

The main announcements before the presentation was from member Fernando Millan, who presented a large sign up/ work shift table for fireworks stand.   He made particular comment about the need for volunteer adults to provide security each night (by parking their vehicle in front of the sales trailer). 

Daniel commented about the special meeting next week on Fri 6pm – 9pm at Bateman Hall for the annual celebration of the change of Rotary Club officers.  He encouraged members to bring family and friends to the important annual club event.  Daniel also mentioned the importance of everyone bringing one or  more items for the silent auction, which is a fund raiser for the club.  (As noted at last week's meeting, for the fireworks stand, unpacking of the product can start on  Fri morning until about  2pm, in order to leave time to prepare for the important evening event, starting Fri, Jun 28, 6pm, at Bateman Hall.  The unpacking can be finished on Sat, Jun 29.)

Presentation of the program:  There were  brief talks by two immigrants from Honduras, with a translation  into English provided by a third immigrant.  Their names are Jose Luis Hernandez, Benito Murrilo and Guillermo Armenta.  Last year in Sep 2018, Jose Luis Hernandez spoke at a Lynwood Rotary meeting, with assistance from a friend who translated the Spanish from Jose.  Daniel showed two photos taken at that Rotary meeting:  one was a group photo of meeting attendees and the second photo was of the back side of a T-shirt Jose was wearing with the following wording:  LOS SOBREVIVIENTAS DE LA TREN    LA BESTIA/  The Survivors of the Train,  “La Bestia”  (with facebook, email & tel # info).

Benito briefly described his experience of riding the freight train, “La Bestia” and falling of the train with severe injuries, involving a crushed leg and arm.  He talked about the difficulties of living in Honduras, with its poverty, violence from organized crime groups and the corruption of the political system.  Benito referred to “The Triangle” countries of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, each of the three countries with difficult conditions in which to live.  Benito is now living in housing provided by a immigration support group.  He has, he said, four children in Honduras, for which he tries to provide some financial support.

At his second appearance at a Lynwood Rotary meeting, Jose Luis Hernandez also briefly talked about his experiences as an immigrant to the US.  Both Jose Luis and Benito returned to Honduras after their injuries from riding the freight train and then managed to travel again to the US, although both were detained about 6 months by US Immigration at the US Border. And in between, apparently obtained a Humanitarian Visa from Mexico.  They are now both involved in the lengthy US Asylum process.

Both expressed great appreciation for the support they are receiving from US supporters and they thanked Lynwood Rotary for the invitation to speak.  They mentioned Jovenes Inc.  which is the US nonprofit organization which supports immigrants with disabilities, such as Jose Luis and Benito have to live with.

Martina Rodriguez spoke about her experience as an immigrant arriving in the U S, she explained, as an immigrant at the age of nine from Zacatecas, Mexico.  She noted that “I relate to the problems of survival from countries south of the border,” and “I see this country as the promised land.”

Daniel commented that his source of information for this presentation, both last year and this year is from Fr. Richard Estrada, Asst. Vicar, Church of the Epiphany / Iglesia De La Epifania, Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles.  Daniel thanked the three presenters for coming and encouraged them to come back again soon.


   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.20.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-06-20 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.13.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jun 13, 2019

At the  Jun  13,  2019,  Noon,  meeting,  in the absence of  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   club member Ramon Rodriguez called the meeting to order.

In the absence of the scheduled speaker, J.D. Whitaker, Manager of Public Safety, City of Lynwood, there was a shorter meeting discussing some of the same issues and events as discussed at the previous meeting on Thur, Jun 6.

Of particular interest is the printed program for the annual celebration of the Rotary Club change of officers, to be held on Fri, Jun 28, 6 – 9 pm in Bateman Hall.  Member Raj has the data and format for the program which he is responsible for printing.  Input for the program involves President-Elect Gudiel Crosthwaite, as well as club secretary, Maria Quinionez (Lulu).

There was also discussion about staffing for the annual fireworks stand sales, for Jul 1 (Mon) thru Jul 4 (Thur).  Fernando and Tilla Millan have accepted responsibility for scheduling the volunteers, both adults and youth.  The fireworks products from Phantom fireworks will be delivered on Fri morning, Jun 28.  It was determined that unpacking of the product can start with several adult volunteers on Fri morning, to only about 2pm, in order to leave time to prepare for the important evening event that starts at 6pm.  The rest of the unpacking will have to be done on Sat, Jun 29.  There will have to be an adult volunteer to guard the trailer each night, starting Fri, Jun 28 (after the Bateman Hall event ends at 9 pm).  The procedure is to park one’s vehicle in front of the fireworks trailer each night.

Ramon Rodriguez again mentioned the importance of having at least one adult present in the fireworks sales trailer at all times when it is open for sales (9am – 10 pm).

Also, as a reminder again, there will be a silent auction, as a fund raising action at the annual officer installation event.  Everyone should bring at least one item for the auction.
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.13.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-06-13 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.06.2019

At the  Jun  06,  2019,  Noon,  meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order. President-Elect Gudiel Crosthwaite explained he had a recent conversation with member Victor Gomez, and that Mr. Gomez committed to participating in Rotary club activities no later than early Fall of 2019, in order to carry out the necessary responsibilities as the Rotary Club President-Elect for the year July 2019 thru June 2020, after which he will become the Club President from July 2020 to June 2021.

There were major discussions about planning for the annual celebration of the Rotary Club’s change of club officers, to be held on FRI,  Jun 28.  Member Raj took the lead, since he has all the data from previous annual events.   Club secretary Lulu must provide input.  This must be done ASAP.  Then Raj will send draft to Gudiel soon for confirmation of all the participants to be recognized during this annual event.  Ramon mentioned that all attendees should bring items for the silent auction, as a fund-raising action.  Also, there will be a $25.00 charge for guests.

Then there was discussions about preparation for the Fireworks stand sales.  Fernando and Tila will prepare lists for the daily work assignments, to include all Rotary members.  Daniel commented that their acceptance of doing this vitally important task, means it will be done well.  Also he noted the importance of responsible adults to be present for unpacking the product an also on Jul 4, at 10 pm, when the stand closes, and the unsold product must be inventoried and packed up for delivery to Phantom sales location for their shipment to the Phantom storage location.  He also noted that the fireworks sales trailer must be guarded every night every night when there is product stored in the sales trailer.  Since the scheduled delivery is Fri, Jun 28, that means there must be adult volunteers to unpack the product during the day, then to attend the evening celebration of the change of Rotary officers, then a volunteer is required to park in front of the sales trailer, all night, after the Bateman Hall event .  Ramon mentioned the importance of having a Rotary member inside the  sales trailer at all times during the sales hours.

Roman commented about Lynwood City Council discussions at the Tue, Jun 4 meeting, regarding future fire works sales.  No final decision has been made, but he noted that the Council seems to be leaning to prohibition of sales after the July 2019 sales.  Also the Council members talked about the high cost of fireworks celebration in the park on the night of July 4.  Several members at the meeting commented that the city’s  concern about the practice of using illegal fireworks must be understood as unrelated to the sales of “safe and  sane” fireworks sold through the fireworks trailers by non profit organizations, including the Lynwood Rotary Club.

In response to a question from Daniel, President Elect Gudiel explained that a Lynwood teacher at LHS in dance, Maria Washington, was honored to be the dance performer at last year’s Super Bowl, with much appropriate Los Angeles and Lynwood publicity.  Also in response to additional news articles, Gudiel explained LUSD student travel to various countries and to well-known universities in the US, with funds provided by LUSD.  Of note, was the funds from the recent Comedy Night event to help pay for these summer visits by LUSD students.

Also Daniel and Ramon welcomed as guests Arturo Ramirez and Maria Alvarado, expressing the hope that they can attend Lynwood Rotary meetings regularly.

Daniel distributed a flyer for the Annual Banquet and installation of youthact officers for Roosevelt ES Youthact to be held the next evening, Fri, Jun 7, at Bateman Hall, Rotary members to attend includes Barbara Battle, Larry Esparza and Daniel.  Also, Daniel noted that he, along with  Barbara Battle, and Joe Battle attend the Sheriff’s Prayer Breakfast on Wed, Jun 5. A brief comment from Daniel, was that among the large turnout at the 6pm meeting on May 30, was Maria Quonionez (Lulu) and Eddie Sarmiento, Assistant to the City Clerk, to provide an update on coming changes in voting procedures. 

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.06.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-06-06 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.30.2019

At the  May  30,  6 pm,  meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

Before the presentation by the speaker,  President-Elect, Gudiel Crosthwaite, (and LUSD Superintendent), talked about a LUSD staff person, who was attending his first Lynwood Rotary meeting.  He is on the staff of LUSD, and is also a leader in one of the  unions representing LUSD staff, (and at the end of the meeting, he agreed to  be a speaker at a meeting in August.)

There was mention again of preparation for the fireworks stand, to include having volunteers present when the product is delivered, before, Jul 1,  and also to have staff present after sales close at 10 pm on Thur , Jul 4.  Completion of the inventory of the unsold product and the packing of the product and delivery to the Phantom Fireworks location, is a major effort, late on the evening of Jul 4.   Another requirement is to have one or more volunteers to be on site, each night that the fireworks stand has product present.  (The procedure involves spending the night in a vehicle parked close to the  stand.)

Fernando and Tila Millan were present with several officers of the Roosevelt ES Youithact Club, as well as two parents.  It was noted again that this group attended the District 5280 Annual Conference, on Sat Mar 18, at the Marriot Hotel in Ventura, to be recognized by District Governor, Joe Vasquez, for the accomplishments of the  Youthact Club.

Daniel introduced the speaker, as Dr. Larry Esparza, noting  that Larry is  also  trained and experienced as a professional chiropractor.  Long term Rotary member Larry  Esparza, talked about his long term experiences with the US Air Force, consisting of  two periods of active duty, with a combined service of about 28 years.  He talked about his participation in multiple campaigns, involving the near east, terms that  evoke much US military and US foreign policy actions.  The military campaigns include:  Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Operation Iraq Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Southern Watch, and Operation Anacanda. 

It was interesting to hear Larry talk about his efforts to get hired a second time into the active Air Force Reserve, being 40 years old at the time. There was mention of Fr. Bragg, NC and the 82nd Airborne Unit.   Larry’s presentation included film of a huge  equipment for loading onto aircraft of huge weapons.  And the film of paratroopers in training, having to jump out of aircraft while thousands of feet in altitude, are images not to be forgotten!

Daniel thanked Larry for his most interesting and memorable  presentation, before a very large  turnout for this evening meeting.

On a separate  topic, Daniel again the Sheriff’s Department Century Station Prayer Breakfast, scheduled for Wed, Jun 5, 9:30 am  --  11:30 am, Century Station, Kenneth Hahn Auditorium.  Daniel stated he would attend, with the hope that one or more other Lynwood Rotary members would attend.


   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.30.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-05-30 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.23.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on May 23, 2019

At the  May  23,    meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

Before the presentation by the speaker,  President-Elect, Gudiel Crosthwaite, (and LUSD Superintendent), talked about his guest, Gilbert Mireles, Principal at Vista HS, LUSD.  Gudiel noted that Mr. Mireles, is a long term employee of Lynwood Unified School District.   Member  Joe Wang noted that he will participate again in the distribution of eye glasses from the Vision To Learn Program. The distribution this time will be at LHS.  Gudiel noted that there will be special publicity from outside sources and that it would be good if other Lynwood Rotary members participated.  Several other members mentioned that they expected to participate, including Club President Barbara Battle and member Larry Esparza. 

It was noted that Gudiel attended recently the mandatory training from the supplier of the fireworks stand, Phantom Fireworks, Inc.   It was also noted that volunteers will be needed for the setup of fireworks stand.  The dates of sale are Jul 1 thru Jul 4, which this year, is Mon thru Thur.  The supplier (Phantom Fireworks) will advise when they will make delivery.  For example, it could be Sat Jun 29.  And for the pack up and inventory of unspent product, that must be done after close of sales (around 9pm) on Jul 4.  Both of these procedures require extensive use of volunteers.

Mark Rogo, was introduced by Daniel, as the Past President, Westwood Village Rotary Club.  Mark provided copies of several hand-outs about Rotary Global grants.  The minimum size of the grant application is $30,000.  The club initiating the application needs to seek out potential donors.  District 5280 is able to identify potential recipient Rotary clubs in other countries needing assistance.  There are six areas for funding:  (1)  Peace and conflict prevention/ resolution;  (2)  Disease prevention and treatment;  (3)  Water and sanitation;  (4)  Maternal and child health;  (5)  Basic education and literacy;  (6)  Economic and community development.

The procedures are quite strict and require considerable training and expertise.  Close coordination is required with the recipient club.  Mark Rogo explained that it is important to know who you are partnered with.  He said:  “Be careful.  Find a good club.”

Mark also mentioned scholarships, as another form of Rotary funding.  Mark provided two examples of scholarship applications for local high school students.

Speaker Rogo mentioned that there is the Rotary International Convention in June 1920.  Also, the next District 5280 Breakfast, is Tue, Aug 13.

As a final note, the speaker, Mark Rogo, mentioned that at the District 5280 Annual Conference, Sat, May 18, at the Marriot Hotel in Ventura, he observed the recognition that members of the Youthact group from Roosevelt ES, received from District Governor, Joe Vasquez.


   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.23.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-05-23 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.16.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on May 16, 2019

At the  May  16,    meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

Before the presentation by the speaker,  President-Elect, Gudiel Crosthwaite, (and LUSD Superintendent), talked about the college acceptance program and scholarships granted to LUSD students during a HBCU Caravan Tour.  (HBCU stands for Historically Black College and Universities.)  As stated in the LUSD newsletter:  “Lynwood High students received $3.2 million in scholarships and 248 acceptances, and Firebaugh/ Vista High students obtained $1.9 in scholarships with 154 acceptances.”

Gudiel also introduced guest Ana Gonzales who serves as Principal at LHS.

As shown in this week’s cover page, at the Rotary District 5280 Annual Conference, Sat, May 18, at the Marriot Hotel, in Ventura.   Youthact leaders from Roosevelt ES, along with some parents, and adult leaders, Fernando and Tila Millan will attend  this event, where they will be recognized for their exceptional accomplishments during the last year.

The speaker, Cheryl Hunt, Assistant Operations Manager, Teen Challenge, International talked about the mission of the national and international organization, which  is to help young women and men overcome their addictions to alcohol and drugs.  The facility in Lynwood is a 28 bed home for young women, located in a structure that looks like a regular home, located in the southern edge of Lynwood on Euclid Ave. near Santa Fe Ave.  It  has been in use there since the 80's. 

 In answer to questions from Ramon Rodriguez, women interested in living at this center or other centers of Teen Challenge, will have an interview with written documentation of their situation.  For those approved based on their applications and interview, a one year residency is provided.

 In total, there are 1400 Teen Challenge centers throughout the world, with 200 centers in the US, and 10 centers in So Cal.  In the Inland Empire, there is a center for men.

As noted, in a fact sheet, “Since 1963, Teen Challenge of Southern California has been providing a no-cost one year faith based residential recovery solution for men and women who struggle with life controlling drug and alcohol problems.”  As to statistics, about 20 million American adults battle a substance use disorder, whether it be alcohol or illicit drugs or both.  “Drug abuse and addiction cost American society more than $740 billion annually in lost work place productivity, healthcare expenses and crime-related costs.”

As a faith based private organization, all of its funds are donated.  For example, there is a coming fund raising event, that Cheryl encouraged the Lynwood Rotary to support and to participate.  Included in a brochure:  Los Angeles Teen Challenge 5K Walk For Recovery at Belmont Shores.  “Join us for a Sunset Walk”  Sep  21,  Granada Launch Ramp,   5000 E Ocean Blvd., Long Beach CA 90803  Registration at 3:30 pm /  Walk is 4:30  – 6:30 pm.

Rotary member Raj asked what is the difference between Teen Challenge and other drug treatment centers.  Cheryl answered that Teen Challenge is faith based.  To another question from Raj, Cheryl said that 70 – 80 % of Teen Challenge residents recover from their addictions, and that recidivism is only between 20- 30 %.   This is lower (meaning better than) than other treatment centers.  As to another question, Cheryl said that Teen Challenge does not follow the procedures (the 12 steps  of Alcoholic Anonymous), instead we follow steps provided in the Bible.

Member Martina commented about the issue of marijuana use within the community and how its availability is likely to make worse problems of people struggling with addiction problems  within Lynwood.

Three women currently living at Teen Challenge home in Lynwood talked briefly about their experiences and current recovery:   Eva talked about the wrong choices she made.  She exclaimed that her life is completely changed, noting that she has two children.  Eliana noted  that she has four children, and that she experienced abuse from her husband.  Now she is experiencing complete  restoration.   Rhonda  noted how she is now always looking for  good things to happen to her each day.

Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.16.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-05-16 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.09.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on May 09, 2019

At the May 9th  meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

Before the presentation by the speak,  there was mention of the Rotary District 5280 Training Assembly, Sat, May 11, 7am to Noon, at the City of Carson Community Center.  President-Elect Gudiel Crosthwaite said he was planning to attend. 

Also there was mention of the Rotary District 5280 Annual Conference, Sat, May 18, at the Marriot Hotel, in Ventura.  It was mentioned that Youthact leaders from Roosevelt ES, along with some parents, and adult leaders, Fernando and Tila Millan are planning to attend this event, where they will be recognized for their exceptional accomplishments during the last year.

The speaker, Bruno Naulls, Sr.,  Senior Project Manager, Community Development, City of Lynwood, talked about two major planned developments within the City of Lynwood.

First, Bruno provided an update on the status of the approved development of Plaza Mexico property,   along Imperial Hwy, west of the existing Plaza Mexico commercial center.  He again described the development, consisting of several floors of residential units over the street level commercial development.  He noted that “soon”, within the coming year, construction may start.

The other development Bruno described is the Northgate Supermarket project,  to be located on the east side of Long Beach Blvd., south of the 105 Freeway, and the Green Line Station.  This project has a ground contamination problem that must be eradicated before final approval by the city is possible.  The problem is  due to leakage of oil and other dangerous residue from a previous gas station and related developments.  The city is in the  process of obtaining grants for the necessary ground clean-up,  There was a question about whether the existing Food For Less Market to the north of the 105 Freeway, on the west side of Long Beach Blvd. will compete against the potential customers  for the planned Northgate Supermarket.  The answer is  that the owner of property planned for Northgate property still wants to construct another supermarket at this location within the City of Lynwood.


Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.09.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-05-09 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meting Update 05.02.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on May 02, 2019

At the  May  2,    meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

Concerning  coming events, Daniel handed out again a flyer for the Comedy Showcase, scheduled for Fri, May 3, at LHS Auditorium, with doors opening at 7:30 pm and showtime beginning at 8:00 pm.  Daniel encouraged members to attend, noting that President-Elect Gudiel Crosthwaite, mentioned this event, as an example, of what Lynwood Rotary could organize to raise funds.  President Battle said she plans to attend,  and member Ramon Rodriquez stated he will try to attend also.

Another coming event is the Vision To Learn eyeglasses project, to be held at LHS on Fri May 24.  Volunteers need to arrive at 8:15 am to organize for handing out eye glasses, with participants starting at 9:00 am.  Members Larry Esparza and Joe Wang are volunteers for this important event.

Daniel mentioned that he talked briefly to Juan Barroso, on the LUSD staff (Coordinator CTE, College & Career) about progress on getting faculty to sponsor Interact clubs at LUSD middle schools and high schools.  Juan mentioned several contacts he has had about possibilities.  Also, Daniel mentioned the Rotary club's interest in and need for volunteers to help staff the fireworks stand for the four days of sales,  Jul 1 thru Jul 4.  Ramon Rodriguez mentioned the importance of having an adult closely monitor all cash transactions during the fireworks sales.

Daniel mentioned that he will not be able to attend the next meeting, on MAY 9, when Bruno Naulls, Sr.,  Senior Project Manager, Community Development Department, will talk about planned development projects within the City of Lynwood, including Plaza Mexico.  When he returns to Lynwood on Monday, May 13, he will talk to Ramon Rodriguez, to get the necessary information for the weekly meeting notes.


Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meting Update 05.02.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-05-02 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.18.2019

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Apr 18, 2019

At the  Apr 18,    meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

There were two speakers:  Sandi Linares Plimpton, Conservation Manager, for the Central Basin Municipal Water District,  and also Leticia Vasquez, a Director for the Central Basin Municipal Water District. 

With the help of a power point presentation, Ms. Plimpton, summarized, the sources of water for the City of Lynwood,  the function of the Central Basin Municipal Water District, and specific programs and activities designed to enourage local residents and businesses to save on water.

The sources of the water are the Colorado River, through the Metropolitan Water District, and the Valley River source, along with recycled water.  The Central Municipal Water Basin serves as a wholesale of water sales from the Metropolitan Water District for 24 cities in the S.E. Los Angeles County, to include the City of Lynwood.  Besides water for drinking purposes, recycled water is treated but is not for consumption, but is used for irrigation.  Currently, the City of Lynwood uses recycled water for the Linear Park, and for Ham Park along Atlantic Blvd.; and soon, Lynwood Park may be using recycled water.  (Purple colored piping and signing designates this type of water.)

Examples of water saving programs are payments to home owners for elimination of grass plantings, substituting drought tolerant plants.  As an example in Lynwood, is the complete new landscaping for the home of Loraine  Reed.

Ms. Plimpton noted that her agency has less funds for education and motivations to save water, because now it is selling less water, due to the success of conservation efforts.

Leticia Vasquez commented on specific programs of the agency.  In addition, in response to Daniel, she commented on her recent campaign, among 14 candidates, to replace California State Senator, Ricardo Lara, who left to assume a state of California position.  The top two candidates, a city council member in Cudahy and a city council member in Long Beach will have a final election in early June.

Leticia Vasquez commented that the election to replace Senator Lara, was  a very positive experience for her participation.  Among the issues she advocated were health issues for the community and also actions that will get more jobs for the local population. Rotary member Ramon Rodriguez commented to Leticia, that he thought her campaign was very positive and effective!

Daniel also mentioned again the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, on Sat, Apr 20,  11am  --  2pm at Lynwood City Park.  He noted that he will attend, and that the Rotary Banner that Martina has, will be posted on the fence.  Daniel requested that several more Rotary members plan to attend this annual  event.  Possibly, President Battle will attend at the beginning of the event, and Martina Rodriguez will attend at the end of the event.

Leticia's father was in attendance at the meeting.  In addition, two staff from the City of Lynwood Department of Recreation and Community Services were present, to talk about the Easter Egg Hunt.

Daniel said that he will attend the District 5280 Breakfast on Tue, Apr 23, and apparently several Youthact members will attend with Fernando and Tilla Millan, due to the youth oriented program.    Daniel reminded every one that next week's meeting is at 6pm.

   Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.18.2019 Gurdip Hari 2019-04-18 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.11.2019

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Apr 11, 2019

At the  Apr 11,    meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

Daniel explained that the planned speaker for the meeting, Larry Esparza, has been  postponed until the May 30, 6pm meeting.   There was mention among several members about attending events relating to the recent passing of Larry’s son.

 Before President-Elect Gudiel Crosthwaite, continued his discussion from the previous meeting of the results of the  1/2 Day Sat  Retreat on Mar 30, at the Hacienda Mariachi Restaurant on Long Beach Blvd.  Daniel mentioned, as a volunteer docent,  several  facts about the LA Metro Art program.  Most notably, he talked about the Metro Art artist who in addition to being the artist for the Mariposa Station on the Green Line, also did the statuary of Martin Luther King, Jr., at the MLK shopping center at 103rd Street and Compton Ave., just adjacent to the 103rd Street Station on the Blue Line.  The name of the artist is Charles Dickson, an African American  artist who works in sculpture, and who works and lives in Compton.  Daniel had photos of the artwork at the shopping center that features the speech by MLK, “I have a Dream” that he made in Washington DC in 1963.  As a part of the artwork, the entire MLK speech  is  included.  Daniel suggested to Gudiel, as LUSD Superintendent,  that a short school bus trip to see this artwork would be good for LUSD students to see and to read at least part of the complete speech that is part of the artwork.

Gudiel introduced a guest on the staff of LUSD, Greg Fromm, Chief Business Official for LUSD.  Mr. Fromm, is recently hired, and has extensive experience on the staff of several other school districts, to include serving as school principal at several schools.  Among the guests were Diana Romero, Asst Superintendent for the Recreation Dept,  and John Thornton. In charge of the Youth Center.  They talked about the Easter Egg Hunt Event

Gudiel and Ramon Rodriguez and others present talked about fund raising projects and events.  Several events at member homes are opportunities for fund raising.  The 5K Pumpkin Run was  again mentioned as a possible fund raiser.  Also Tila and Fernando have talked about a wine and pastry tasting event, with an appropriate charge for fund raising.

There was also mention of changing the 6pm meeting to be on either the second or third Thur of the month, instead of the  last Thur of each month.

Concerning the goal for getting new members, both Barbara and Gudiel mentioned the importance of getting new members quickly involved in club projects and activities.  Also if was noted that an effective club needs to develop a camaraderie among all the members.  One way to accomplish this goal, is to have social activities among all the members, one example of which is to schedule activities such as hiking in local and regional parks    Another activity should be having joint meetings with other Rotary clubs, such as the nearby clubs in South Gate and in Compton.

Concerning youth involvement in the Lynwood Rotary Club, both Barbara and Gudiel commented about the possibility of obtaining LUSD staff support to develop Roto Act clubs at LUSD middle schools and high schools,

Other comments were from President Barbara Battle.  She mentioned the email info she has received from District 5280 staff, Tori Hettinger, about the scheduled Annual District 5280 District Conference, which will be at the Marriot Hotel in Ventura CA, on Sat, May 18.  President-Elect Crosthwaite said  he is planning to attend, and it was suggested that the  future President-Elect Victor Gomez should  also attend.

Daniel also mentioned the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, on Sat, Apr 20,  11am  --  2pm at Lynwood City Park.  He noted that he will attend, and that the Rotary Banner that Martina has, should be posted on the fence.  Daniel requested that several more Rotary members plan to attend this annual  event.

Daniel Miller    Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club



Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.11.2019 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2019-04-11 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.04.2019

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Apr 04, 2019

At the  Apr 4,    meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

The principal presenter was Lynwood Rotary President-Elect, Gudiel Crosthwaite (also LUSD Superintendent) talking about the morning ½ Day retreat on Sat., Mar 30 at the Hacienda Mariachi Restaurant, 11035 Long Beach Blvd., just north of Imperial  Hwy, on the west side of the street.

Gudiel handed out copies of the Lynwood STRATEGIC PLANNING GUIDE that all participants at the Mar 30 meeting used.  He also distributed a handout of the Lynwood Rotary Club 2019-2020 Goals.  Gudiel said that he would  have his staff member, Kristiana Cameros,  send  out by email to all Lynwood Club members the info on club goals for the coming year, starting Jul 1, 2019.  So the details are not listed  herein.

Concerning the goal for getting new members, both Barbara and Gudiel mentioned the importance of getting new quickly involved in club projects and activities.  Also if was noted that an effective club needs to develop a camaraderie among all the members.  One way to accomplish this goal, is to have social activities among all the members, one example of which is to schedule activities such as hiking in local and regional parks    Another activity should be having joint meetings with other Rotary clubs, such as the nearby clubs in South Gate and in Compton.

Concerning youth involvement in the Lynwood Rotary Club, both Barbara and Gudiel commented about the possibility of obtaining LUSD staff support to develop Roto Act clubs at LUSD middle schools and high schools,

Other comments were from President Barbara Battle.  She mentioned the email info she has received from District 5280 staff, Tori Hettinger, about the scheduled Annual District 5280 District Conference, which will be at the Marriot Hotel in Ventura CA, on Sat, May 18.  President-Elect Crosthwaite said  he is planning to attend, and it was suggested that the  future President-Elect Victor Gomez should  also attend.

Barbara mentioned that she visited the City Clerk Office on Tue (the city offices were closed on Mon, due to the holiday in honor of Cesar Chavez) to confirm that  all  the necessary paperwork from Phantom Fireworks had been received by the City, on Apr 2, the deadline for the application for the sale of fireworks on Jul 1 thru Jul 4.

Daniel mentioned that Fernando Millan suggested on the phone, that following a suggestion from Martina Rodriguez, three Honorary Members be approved for their supportive work with the Roosevelt ES Youthact Group.  Their names are:  Marisol Briezula. Elizabeth Briezula, and Miria Miranda.  The idea is that after becoming Honorary Members, that these individuals would be motivated to become regular club  members.

At the end of the meeting, Daniel mentioned his follow-up on three items from the Sat, Mar 30 meeting at the restaurant:  (1)  getting signs on the Caltrans ROW, indicating support by Lynwood Rotary Club; his action was to talk to a personal friend  who works for Caltrans, to find out the required procedure;  (2) finding out the procedure with the City of Lynwood, for a Rotary sign on a major street;  his action is to request the procedure from Assistant  City Manager, Raul Alvarez, (Raul is out on leave for several days, and Daniel will check again, in the coming week); (3)  talking to the Plaza Mexico manager, Mario Cardenas, about getting a Rotary Sign added to the Plaza Mexico electronic sign, similar to the Greater Lynwood Chamber of Commerce sign;  the answer from Mario (on Sat, Mar 30) was yes Lynwood Rotary can be added to the Plaza Mexico electronic sign and there will be no charge.  (Rotary needs to present the exact format to Mario; Daniel suggested that the same format be used as printed in the City’s  monthly LNP publication.)

Daniel also mentioned the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, on Sat, Apr 20,  11am  --  2pm at Lynwood City Park.  He noted that he will attend, and that the Rotary Banner that Martina has, should be posted on the fence.  After some quick coordination with Mark Flores on his cell phone, Martina wrote a Rotary check for $300, which Daniel then personally gave to Mark Flores.  Daniel requested that several more Rotary members plan to attend this annual  event.

   Daniel Miller  Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.04.2019 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2019-04-04 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.28.2019

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 28, 2019

At the  Mar 28,    meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

Daniel introduced the speaker Marisela Santana, City of Lynwood, Council Member.

Marisela noted that she is a new council member (starting in Dec 2018).  She explained that after 20 years of being involved in the community, Marisela ran for city council to be a voice for the community.  Marisela noted that over 20 years she has been an advocate and a voice for the community.  This includes serving as a reporter, for a local newspaper, with the name of the Lynwood Press (for about 16 years), and as Public Information Officer for the City of Lynwood (for about 3 years).  She explained that as a council member she hopes to continue being a voice for the community.

She was invited to make a presentation to the Lynwood Rotary Club, and was asked to speak on her thoughts about Women's History Month.  Marisela, along with city staff, hosted the 2019 celebration of the Lynwood's  Women event, at the Avalos Center on Mar 16.  The event's theme was:  “Be the change you want to see in the world.”  Over 150 women attended this event, which included recognitions, a key note speaker, and a vendor and boutique faire.  Marisela wanted women to feel empowered and valued with this event.  Marisela said she hoped women could start uplifting each other and being compassionate with each other, instead of judging and hurting one another.  And she stated while she wanted this event to empower women, she believed that as women, we should remember and learn from women in history books.  But we should not want to forget to honor and learn from the women around us. 

Daniel expressed his interest in Marisela's presentation and stated he hoped that Marisela can periodically attend Lynwood Rotary meetings, and perhaps hopefully become a Rotary member.  Upon inquiry by Daniel, Marisela said she is a graduate of LHS and has invested years to trying to make a difference in the community, with other women leaders.

 After the presentation by Marisela Santana, there was a discussion about coming Lynwood Rotary events and plans.  

There was mention again of a need for Rotary members to plan specific coming events, as well as fund raising projects.  So, a half day retreat has been planned for Sat, Mar 30, from 7:30am to 11:30 am.  The event will be held on Sat morning, Mar 30.  The location is Hacienda Mariachi at 11035 Long Beach Blvd., which is north of Imperial Hwy., on the west side.  (Apparently, this is a small restaurant inside a small shopping center.) 

Tila Millan said that youth are encouraged to attend the next District Breakfast meeting on Tue, Apr 23, because of the youth oriented program, and Tila and Fernando want  to send two youth to this event.  Joe Battle and Barbara Battle agreed to pay the cost of $43.00 for each attendee and will provide Treasurer Martina with checks for this cost.  (Daniel noted that he is attending, and has already sent a check for $43.00 to the District 5280 Office  (Keri Hittinger).

Daniel was wearing a T-Shirt from Verbum Dei High School, near Lynwood on Central Ave. in So. LA.  He explained that he participated in the annual Career Day, held on Thur, from about 9am to about 2pm.  President Battle noted that two of her grandsons graduated from this school.

  Daniel also noted that the application for the fireworks stand with Phantom Fireworks Co. was completed by Club President-Elect,  Gudiel Crosthwaite.  Since Gudiel had to attend a LUSD Board Meeting the same time as the 6pm Rotary meeting, Daniel obtained a copy of the application from Gudiel, and noted that the deadline for application is Tue, Apr 2.  (The City Hall is closed on Mon, for a holiday.)    President  Battle took the copy and she must confirm with the City Clerk's office on  Tue, that they have received the application.

Daniel also mentioned the following LUSD event:   6th Annual Art Festival,  LHS, Sat,  Apr 6, 10am  – 2pm   Free Activities   Art,  Music,  Drama,  Dance,   Food Vendors,  Performance by Ballet Floclorico Do Brazil,  Conga Kids Dance Competition


   Daniel Miller  Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.28.2019 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2019-03-28 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.21.2019

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 22, 2019

At the  Mar 21,    meeting,  Club  President-Barbara Battle ,   called the meeting to order.

Daniel introduced the speaker, Francisco J. Huesca, Art Director, Lynwood Union Art Gallery.

Francisco displayed on easels seven paintings by student artists, plus a historic photo of the Pacific Electric train station, before a portion of the structure was relocated from the train tracks now occupied by the 105 Freeway.  That structure is now the Lynwood Union Art Gallery, owned by the City of Lynwood, with a contract with the Gallery.  The location is a corner of the Lynwood Park, close to the Lynwood Natatorium.  Francisco mentioned the background of the artists.  One artist used to do grafitti art.  Another artist, had experience as a soldier in the military campaign, Desert Storm, hence the art work includes images of a soldier, holding an American flag with a military tank in a desert.

The gallery now has 501 (3c) status, so it can receive charitable donations.  More volunteers are needed, so that the gallery can be open a few hours every day.  Rotary member Victor Gomez, on the staff of the sign board company, Display Bulletin, said that his company is able to insert publicity in its electronic sign boards along the 105 Freeway, through coordination with the City of Lynwood, with whom it has the contracts for operation of these sign boards.  So Daniel suggested that someone from the Gallery find out through the city, if the Gallery can get this free publicity.

Coming events at the Gallery include:   Theater at the Park, Sat. Mar 30, 6 – 8 pm;  and Mother's Day workshop, Thur, May 9,  6 – 8 pm;  and Father's Day workshop, Sat, Jun 15, 11am  – 1pm.

Francisco, under contract with the city, had a flyer, announcing a “Lynwood Master Art Class” at the Henning Youth Center on Tue and Thur, 4- 5 pm, ages 8 yrs – 17 yrs.

 After the presentation by Francisco Huesca, there was a discussion lead by the Club President about coming events, including possibly the sale of fireworks again,July 1-July 4.

There was mention again of a need for Rotary members to plan specific coming events, as well as fund raising projects.  So, tentatively, a half day retreat may be held with  the possible date of Sat morning, Mar 30, at a restaurant  in Plaza Mexico.

Also mentioned is the District 5280 Training Session on Sat, May 11, 7am to Noon, at the City of Carson Community Center.  Rotary members are encouraged to attend these informative sessions.

Repeated from last week's meeting minutes is the coming Career Day at Verbum Dei High School, by President Battle.  It will be Thur, Mar 28 from 8am to 2:30 pm.  Barbara suggested that it would be good if several Lynwood Rotary members could volunteer.  The school is looking for professionals in the following fields:  Business/ Entrepreneurs; Creative Arts; Public Service; Ministry/ Non profit.  The Letter from Brenda Tobar, Principal’s Assistant, explains the following:  “What to expect:  -- Students are in 10th and 11th grade; -- Each panel of professionals will remain in a room while students rotate; Each room will have a teacher chaperone;  --  Each rotation will last about 45-50 mins and will include a panel of 4-6 professionals;  We ask that you please introduce yourselves, your educational and professional journey and what your current profession entails;  Q&A towards the end.”  NOTE THAT THE VERBUM DEI HS EVENT does not conflict with the weekly Rotary meeting, since the meeting is at 6pm.

   Daniel Miller  Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.21.2019 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2019-03-22 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.27.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Sep 27, 2018

 At the 6pm, Sep 27  meeting,  Rotary members in attendance and guests, heard and discussed a variety of issues, projects and possible plans. 

Club President Barbara Battle, stated that this 6pm meeting is an opportunity for the 6pm members to talk about projects and activities they are interested in. 

Rotary 6pm member, Yolanda Rodriguez,  talked about the Relay For Cancer Run, in South Gate Park, this summer, for which she had a leadership role.  Yolanda mentioned that the Lynwood Rotary Club was recognized and publicized as a Silver Donor, because the club donated $1,000.  Yolanda presented to President Battle and displayed three certificates of recognition and appreciation of Lynwood’s participation in this annual event:  Assembly Member Anthony Rendon and Speaker of the House, Senator Ricardo Lara, and Congress Woman Annette Barragan.

Tila and Fernando Millan talked about programs and plans for the Roosevelt ES Youthact Club.  This coming weekend, there is the Long Beach Kid’s Fun Run, with Roosevelt ES Youthact and parents participating on Sat, Oct 6, 6am- 2pm, call Fernando and Tila Millan, by Wed Oct 3, for participation, (323) 422- 8328.  Also, on Sun, Oct 14, there will be a District 5280 Youth Conference, at Dana MS in the City of Hawthorne.  Sign up is supposed to be by Oct 1, there is a cost of $20 per participant, with a club budget of $300.00.  Call Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez for participation, home (310) 764 -1139.  Then, there is Dia de los Muertos Run on Overa Street, in DTLA, on Sat, Oct 27, Roosevelt ES Youthact will be participants with parents, deadline to sign up is Mar 8, call Fernando and Tila. 

The Pumpkin Run, still not confirmed.  LUSD has not yet approved a school for the run.  President Battle may contact Dr. Keith Curry, CEO of Compton College, as to possibly holding the event on the Compton College campus.

Daniel asked about the status of getting one or more Interact Clubs started at Middle Schools and High Schools for LUSD.  Fernando and Tila stated that the Principal of Hosler MS supports the plan to get a Youthact Club started at Hosler MS, but so far a teacher has not been found who is willing to serve as the adult leader.

Barbara mentioned the raffle ticket books that were distributed at last week’s meeting for the Annual Foundation Celebration.  The ticket books have the name “Service on the Rotary Express.”  The opportunity drawing consists of a $10/ticket or 12 tickets for $100.  Checks are to be payable to ”The Rotary Foundation”, and to be mailed with stubs to the District Office on Sepulveda Blvd.  As the Club Chair for International Services, Raj will accept payments for the raffle tickets with donars to keep the tickets purchased for the raffle.

Barbara talked about coming Rotary District 5280 events.  These include:  Of note is the coming Rotary District breakfast, Tue, Oct 30, with registration at 7:00 am at the usual hotel, the Westin LAX Hotel. 

Also of note, is the coming Rotary District Foundation Dinner Event, to be Sat, Nov 3, from 5:30pm- 10 pm.

There was mention of possible activities relating to the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons this fall.

Daniel asked the question whether a new Rotary banner is needed for the Christmas parade, after the large banner was damaged at the fireworks stand in July.

Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

Public Relations/ Community Outreach Lynwood Rotary Club 
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.27.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-09-27 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.30.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Aug 30, 2018

At the Aug 30 meeting, , Rotary members in attendance and guests, heard  presentations from two speakers:  Deborah Warren and Eddie Sarmiento.  Before introducing each speaker, Daniel  talked briefly about the   District 5280 Annual Picnic at the Redondo Beach Seaside Lagoon, that took place Aug 25, Sat from 5pm to 9pm.  As usual, the Lynwood Youthact members and their parents  attended the event and participated in the cardboard boat race.   This year, Lynwood Rotary youth had two boats: a three person boat which included the name Lynwood Rotoact, on the side, and a two person boat which included the name,  Lynwood Youthact on the side.  Daniel displayed a series of photo collages at the meeting of the event, and asked everyone present to check out the photos before leaving the meeting.  Of note, as shown in several of the photos, the three person boat flipped over in the water, but the two person boat completed the race in the lagoon.  Also shown in the photos, were all the youth participants from Lynwood, and a series of photos showing Lynwood youth and parents enjoying relaxing and eating food at tables and beach chairs near the edge of the lagoon.

Daniel introduced Eddie Sarmiento, Assistant to the City Clerk, City of Lynwood, who provided information about the coming elections in November for residents of Lynwood.  Eddie provided two information reports for distribution.  Los Angeles County, through the offices of the LA County Registrar- Recorder/ County Clerk, will have in place a revised voting procedure for the Nov 6, 2018 elections.  The revision includes the option of  a  VSAP (Voting Solutions for All People) VPM (Vote By Mail).  Voters who choose to vote by mail, can obtain VBM packets, starting Oct 9.  In addition, for voters voting in person, there will be voting centers throughout LA County.  At these locations, the procedure for voting will involve voter interface with voting machines, that will be different from the existing procedure that has involved punching a ballot to mark a paper ballot that then is counted from the paper document. 

Daniel asked about the candidates for City Council within the City of Lynwood.  Eddie stated that there are three of the five  Council positions that are open to candidates, and that there are 12 candidates who have qualified with the required paperwork.  He stated that soon there will be a list published of these candidates, with a brief statement from each candidate.  Daniel stated that when Eddie is scheduled to be the principal speaker at the Sep 20 Rotary meeting, he hopes that Eddie can provide this list of candidates for the Lynwood City Council positions.

The second speaker for the Sep 30 Rotary meeting was Deborah Warren.  Daniel mentioned Deborah's involvement within the community of Lynwood.  This includes her association with the Lynwood Worship Center, and its Pastor for 20 years, Woody Robinson.  One of the outreach efforts of this parish has been and continues to be a ministry to the girls caught up in the sex trafficking business along Long Beach Blvd.  Deborah's current job is at a hospice center, the Evergreen Hospice Center in Cerritos.  Daniel mentioned that one experience Deborah and he share is that both are graduates of one of five Claremont Colleges.  He noted that he graduated from Claremont McKenna College, and across the street, Deborah graduated from Pitzer College.

Deborah provided several information sheets/ reports pertaining to the matter of providing care giving for people seriously ill and for whom many are approaching the  the end of the lives.    Some of the concerns Deborah mentioned were the importance of the care giver taking care of herself or himself.   Other information in memos provided by Deborah include Identifying Critical Tasks that include managing the home of the patient and providing hands-on patient care.  Another report provided by Deborah is titled  The California Medical Association's Advance Health Care Directive Kit; “My Health Care Wishes.”  This legal document would be signed by the person receiving the care.   Another document provided by Deborah is entitled: “Five Wishes.”  The “wishes are:  The Person I Want to Make Care Decisions for Me When I Can't; The Kind of Medical Treatment I Want or Don't Want; How Comfortable I Want to Be; How I Want People to Treat Me; What I Want My Loved Ones to Know.  Another informative source Deborah provided is:  “Hard Choices for Loving People.”  Lastly, a statement provided by Deborah, entitled “Caregiver's Bill of Rights”,  the first paragraph is quoted for its importance:  “I have the right to take care of myself.  This is not an act of selfishness.  It will give me the ability to take better care of my loved one.”

 Lynwood Rotary Club President, Barbara Battle, held a Club Board Meeting to discuss specific issues at 5:30 pm, before the the start of the regular meeting at 6pm.   A brief review of the results of the Board meeting may be included before the speaker at the Thur, Sep  6 Rotary Meeting.

 Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – Public Rel/ Comty Outreach Lynwood Rotary
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.30.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-08-30 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.23.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Aug 23, 2018

 At the Aug 23 meeting, , Rotary members in attendance and guests, heard brief presentations from several in attendance:  Mr. Carlos Zaragoza, Director of Human Resources, LUSD; Cheryl Hunt, Asst. Operations Manager, Teen Challenge.  Also Daniel presented  portions of the detailed handout  from last week’s speaker:  Dr. Keith Curry, President and CEO of Compton College.

Cheryl Hunt, who attends periodically Lynwood Rotary meetings,  explained the mission of her organization, Teen Challenge.  Teen Challenge exists to provide housing and programs to enable persons with substance abuse to become completely cured and return to living productive lives. A current resident of the Lynwood facility, Sabrina Aragan, introduced herself and talked briefly how she is now completely free of her previous life of substance abuse.  Cheryl again encouraged Rotary members and guests to visit the Lynwood home/ facility at 3156 Euclid Ave.  There is also a facility elsewhere in So. Cal. for men.  Cheryl talked about a coming event and handed out fliers.  Los Angeles Teen Challenge Walk For Recovery at Belmont Shores.  Join Us for a Sunset Walk!  Sep 29, Granada Launch Ramp, 5000 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90803, Registration at 4pm, Walk is 5-7 pm. For more information, call 323-276-6074.

Carlos Zaragoza, LUSD, on behalf of Rotary member and LUSD Superintendent, Gudiel Crosthwaite, at the request of Daniel, talked about programs and accomplishments of LUSD.  Before becoming the HR Director, Carlos served as Principal for LHS for 8 years. Carlos noted that the first day of school for the fall semester was yesterday for 15,000 LUSD students from Kindergarten to 12th grade.  Carlos talked about LUSD programs that help prepare LUSD students  to be able to compete for being accepted at two and four year colleges.  There is help with preparation for PSAT testing in the fall and SAT testing in the spring.  And LUSD provides for students and parents in college applications.  There were questions about the costs for four year colleges and how LUSD helps students and parents find out about possible student scholarships.  Carlos made reference to the number of LUSD students now eligible for college applications compared to ten years ago, with impressive higher percentages of students now eligible for college acceptance.

  Dr. Keith Curry, President and CEO, of Compton College.  Daniel reviewed a portion of the detailed report that was presented last week by Dr. Curry.  Due to accountability problems and other management failures, the college lost its accreditation and subsequently became a part of El Camino College.  One date of note, was June 17, 2005, when the accreditation of Compton Community College was terminated.  Subsequently, on Aug 21, 2006, the El Camino College District Board of Trustees and the Compton Special Trustee approved a Memorandum of Understanding between the two college districts.  Dr. Curry explained the steps taken and accomplishments that enabled Compton College to regain its accreditation from the State.

On Feb 14, 2017, Gov Brown approved returning local authority to the Compton Community College District Board of Trustees.  Other factors of note:  the Compton District encompasses an area of about 29 square miles, providing educational services to nearly 300,000 residents of Carson, Compton, North Long Beach, Paramount, and Watts-Willowbrook.  It has 289 full full –time and adjunct faculty members; there were 574 degrees /certificates awarded in 2016-2017; in 2016-2017, Compton college enrolled 12,403 students.

Accomplishments noted in the report presented to the Lynwood Rotary, are the following:  In 2014-2015, 1,396 class sections were offered, an increase of 9 percent from 2006-2007; From 2006 to 2017, the number of degrees awarded increased nearly 17 times over, going from 26 associate degrees to 447; Since 2010-2011, the number of certificates awarded increased from 55 to 127; The total number of transfer students increased from 128 in 2007 to 615 in 2016-2017.  As to facility improvements, In Nov 2014, CCCD residents authorized the issuance of $100 million in General Obligation Bonds.  The following Facilities Projects were completed:  Library-Student Success Center –Approximately $25 million; Infrastructure Projects – Approximately $46.5 million, to include – Parking Lot and Road Improvements; -- New Central Plant; -- Campuswide Lighting Project;  Also, Allied Health Building Project –Approximately $13.5 million; and Football Field Renovation –Approximately $2.2 million.

Lynwood Rotary Club President, Barbara Battle, talked about the District 5280 Annual Picnic at the Redondo Beach Seaside Lagoon, that will occur this coming Sat from 5pm to 9pm.  As usual, the Lynwood Youthact members and their parents will attend the event and participate in the cardboard boat race.  Barbara encouraged all Rotary members to attend this important Rotary District annual event.     

Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – Public Relations/ Comty Outreach Lynwood Rotary 
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.23.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-08-23 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.19.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jul 19, 2018

At the Jul 19 meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests, were presented information from Bruno Naulls, Senior Project Manager, Community Development, City of Lynwood, and President of the City of Lynwood Block Watch.

The subject of this presentation is Bruno’s accomplishments since his recent appointment as head of the city’s Block Watch organization.

With reference to a very informative two page hand out, Bruno talked about his goals and objectives for Block Watch.  One goal is to get the city more involved in supporting Block Watch while at the same time getting residents to more effectively working together for the purpose of accomplishing increased safety block by block as well as supporting common interests of the residents. Effective coordination with LASD deputies is also a goal. Bruno provided a map showing the locations of the block watch units.  Bruno noted that recently the City Council allocated $10,000 to Block Watch for one year to pursue Block Watch objectives.  The attendance at the monthly Block Watch meeting the last Tuesday evening of each month is one opportunity to pursue more coordination of Block Watch projects.

A major activity of Block Watch is to help organize and support the annual National Night Out event, which this year will be in the front lawn of City Hall on Tuesday evening, August 7.  Bruno mentioned the many organizations representing a multitude of activities and interests within the Lynwood community  that have been requested to attend.

At the request of Daniel, Bruno briefly mentioned the status of the planned commercial and residential development on Plaza Mexico property immediately to the west of the existing Plaza Mexico commercial center.  At a recent community meeting held at Bateman Hall, many comments were made about the concern whether there would be adequate parking provided, both for the commercial property and for the residential property, which will be located above the commercial property in six floor buildings.  Bruno stated that the plans document that adequate parking will be provided.

In answer to a question from Daniel, after several more actions required by the City Council, the start of construction should be in the Fall of 2018, with construction completed in two years.

Before the presentation, Daniel mentioned two important events taking place in the coming weekend.  As mentioned regularly at recent Rotary meetings, the annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life event will again be held in South Gate Park.  As explained by Daniel, the 24 hour relay event will start Sat morning, Jul 21 and end Sun morning, Jul 22.  The concept is that teams try to have at least one member on the race course during the 24 period.  There is an opening and closing ceremony.  Also, just in the last week, there is notice of Assembly member Anthony Rendon holding a first “SELA Arts Festival LA at the RIVER”, from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, on Jul 21,  in the LA River Channel.  Parking is at the Hollydale Regional Park which is close to the South Gate Park.  Daniel noted that it is possible to attend this Arts Festival, and also to attend the American Cancer Relay event, before and/or after the Arts Festival, since the events are only about one mile apart.

Also, Joe Wang, talked about the construction of two cardboard boats for Youthact kids to compete in the annual boat race at the Seaside Lagoon in Redondo Beach, as part of the annual District 5280 Picnic, scheduled for Sat, Aug 25. 

    Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   Public Relations  and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.19.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-07-19 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood eting Update 07.12.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jul 12, 2018

At the Jul 12 meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests, were presented information from J.D. Whitaker, City of Lynwood, Public Safety Manager.

Before his presentation on parking, Daniel asked J.D. Whitaker to comment about his unit’s enforcement of the prohibition of the use of illegal fireworks within the City of Lynwood.  Compared to previous years, J.D. noted that his staff took more aggressive enforcement actions.  Also, he stated that the LASD officers were more actively involved in the search for the use of illegal fireworks.  J.D. mentioned the example of a father allowing his 8 year old son to ignite a hand held illegal fireworks that resulted in an explosion that caused the boy to lose a part of a finger.  Also pertaining to another of his responsibilities  J.D. mentioned the problem of proper care for pets  -- noting that on the average the city’s animal protection staff has to pick up an average of 25 deceased pets per month.

Related to the speaker’s topic, The Residential Permit Parking Program, J.D. explained that there are now 68,000 vehicles within the 4.9 square miles of the city.  Todate, there are now five residential parking districts.  J.D. distributed an information sheet, which explained:  “How to Petition the City for Residential Permit Parking.”  For City Council approval, after review by the Parking Enforcement Division staff and then the Traffic and Parking Commission, the petition must be signed by at least 75% of the persons residing within the proposed four adjacent block fronts.  If approved by the City Council, then staff procures official signs to be erected indicating “Parking by Permit Only.  Tow-Away Zone”.  Then staff issues residential parking permits to residents of the designated district.  Up to a maximum of 3 vehicles, the residents will post on their vehicles, the parking permit for the district.   Residents within the permit parking district receive a confidential telephone number to call for a tow company to pick up a vehicle that is in violation of the parking restrictions.  The call is confidential, so that no one will know who called to have a vehicle towed away.

As to questions, J.D. explained that the parking restrictions apply to parking at the curb, not to parking on resident’s property, to include driveways.

Before the presentation, Club President, Barbara Battle, read the letter, drafted by Daniel, using wording provided by Lorry Hemp, Public Works Special Projects Manager concerning obtaining for a City of Lynwood Mid-City Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Improvement Project. This draft letter had been discussed by attendees at the previous week’s meeting on Wed, Jul 4, held at the fireworks stand.  Since it was due that day, according to Daniel, Barbara agreed to sign the letter, rather than make more edits.  (Daniel delivered the letter to the Public Works offices that afternoon.)

Also, Barbara again expressed her appreciation to Fernando and Tila Millan for the very effective leadership and organization skills in providing help from Youthact members and their parents in the operation of the fireworks stand.  The stand was open for sales, 10am to 10pm from Jul 1 to Jul 4.  In addition there was work to do the day before and the day after the sales period, to get the products ready for sale, and for the organization of the unsold product for delivery to the pickup point in Montebello for Phantom fireworks products.

There was brief mention of the coming American Cancer Society Relay for Life event, Jul 21-22, in South Gate Park.  The Lynwood Rotary Club is a sponsor of this 24 hour annual event.

    Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   Public Relations  and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood eting Update 07.12.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-07-12 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.28.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jun 28, 2018

At the  Jun 28  meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests participated in and enjoyed the annual installation of Officers Meeting.

There are no changes for Secretary, Maria (Lulu) Quinionez; and for Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez.  For  2017-2018, the President was Joseph Wang and the President Elect was Barbara Battle; the 1st Vice President was Gudiel R. Crosthwaite, and the Immediate Past President was Ramon Rodriguez.  For 2018-2019, the President is Barbara Battle, President Elect is Gudiel R. Crosthwaite, and 1st Vice-President is Victor Gomez.

The Directors for 2017-2018 were Carlos Manlapaz, Daniel Miller and Iris Pygatt.  The Directors for 2018-2019 are Rajen Dhaliwal, Alejandra Avalos, Daniel Miller and Iris Pygatt.

New members installed for the so-called 6pm Meeting Group of the Lynwood Rotary Club are:  Yolandra Rodriguez, Joe Battle Jr., and Rowland Becerra.  Marisela Santana, who was slated to become a member, was unable to attend.  Also Daniel commented that Juan Enciso, who attended the meeting, had been considered to become a member, but declined due to his time commitments for his business.  Juan stated that perhaps soon he can become a candidate.

Awards were given for Rotarians-of-the Year:  to Tila and Fernando Millan; also for Membership Accomplishments to Ramon Rodriguez; and for Community Service to Daniel Miller.

After the Member Officer installations, Youthact officers and members present, were recognized.  Those present were:  Fernando Brizuela, President; Amanda Alva, Vice President;  Andrea Hernandez, Secretary;  Ginelle Miranda, Treasurer;  Analia Alvarez, Historian;  Alejandro Brizuela, Community Liaison;  also members present were Michelle & Fernando Brizuela, and Bryanne Miranda.

At the end of the meeting, there was a fun auction, led by Raj, of donated items, several of which items, received many bids ( with the winning bid, of course, resulting in more donated income to the club).  Just before the auction, Daniel displayed customized T-shirts that the Rotary Club will sell at its table, for the National Night Out event in the front lawn of the Lynwood City Hall, on Tue, evening, Aug 7.  From last year, more T-shirts will be on sale, with customized emblems:  One saying, “Straight out of Lynwood,” and one T-shirt with a design of the 105 Freeway, showing “The City of Lynwood”.  And a new T-shirt with a photo collage from Plaza Mexico, with the Plaza Mexico Logo, and the Phrase City of Lynwood, thanks in part to the cooperation of Mario Cardenas, General Manager, Plaza Mexico.

Concerning the fireworks stand, Joe Wang and Barbara Battle emphasized the importance of all Rotary members as well as Youthact officers, members and their parents to work the Lynwood Rotary Fireworks Stand, from Sunday, Jul 1 thru, Wed, Jul 4.  Also, Thur, Jul 5, assistance is needed in preparing the unsold fireworks products for delivery to the Phantom Fireworks site for return to the company.

It was noted that there will be no meeting on Thursday, Jul 5.  On Wed, Jul 4 there will be an informal meeting at the fireworks stand, at which food will be prepared by our usual catering firm.

Concerning the American Cancer Society Relay For Life event, Jul 21-22 in South Gate Park, Club Secretary reminded, Lulu, reminded everyone that participation in this annual 24 hour event is strongly encouraged.  Treasurer noted that a total of $1,100  from club members have been donated.  So that the Lynwood Rotary Club will be officially a sponsor.  Also a repeat from the May 31 notes is the  opportunity for fund raising through distribution of the Snow Factory tickets.    These are sales tickets from Snow Factory, for ice cream, priced at $5.99 each. The tickets are color coded for the participating non profit organizations.  The Rotary tickets have a yellow circle on them.  The Snow Factory is located on the second floor of Plaza Mexico.  So Rotary members can walk around Plaza Mexico urging persons to take a Rotary ticket and buy the ice cream at the Snow Factory store, explaining that Rotary will get the full price of $5.99 donated to the Lynwood Rotary Club.

    Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   Public Relations  and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.28.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-06-28 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.21.2108

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jun 21, 2018

At the  Jun 21  meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests heard a  presentation from Julia Brown, Community Relations Manager, Gateway Cities Region, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, (also called LA Metro.)

The Gateway Cities area is located in SE LA County, and includes Lynwood. Programs close to and impacting Lynwood were briefly explained.  LA Metro, among transportation agencies, has a unique role:  it is a operator, builder, funder and planner.  Among the projects described by Julia Brown are the following:  Next Gen bus study.  The first time in 25 years, a comprehensive study is underway to determine how the LAMetro bus network for the region should be modified.  Paid Parking.  On the Green Line, paid parking will be start in June for the Avalon/LAX Station, Crenshaw Station, Lakewood Station and Norwalk Station.  The rate will be $3.00 per 24 hours.  The primary purpose is to help ensure that parking is used only for LAMetro riders.  I-710 South Corridor Project.  This project involves interchange modifications and a truck bypass lane adjacent to the I-405 interchange with the 710 Freeway.  The Preferred Alternative, adopted by the LAMetro Board, is Alternate 5C, which will minimize the requirement for taking property adjacent to the freeway ROW.  As noted by Julia, the reconstruction of the freeway will be done by Caltrans, but the decision as to the specific changes, is within the authority of the LAMetro to decide, and LAMetro will fund the project.  Also described by Julia is the status of the West Santa Branch Transit Corridor.  This consists of a rail line from Artesia, following the old Pacific Electric route, to serve communities in SE LA County and ending in DTLA.  (A station at Gardendale in Downey, is close to Lynwood.)  The project is funded by Measure M, but one of the issues is getting it constructed in the next decade, rather than in the next 20 years.  In answer to questions from Daniel, Julia noted the Blue Line/ Green Line Station at Willowbrook, will soon be modified to improve passenger access to both lines and to improve station appearance.  Also, the Crenshaw Rail Line will open in the next two years, which line will extend south from the Crenshaw Blvd. Station on the Expo Line to serve LAX and will connect to the Green Line.  There will be shuttle bus service to LAX from the nearest Crenshaw Line station, until LAX constructs a people mover rail line, in time for the 2028 LA Olympic Games.

Before the presentation from the LA Metro representative, , there was considerable talk and focus on four visitors from LUSD. (At the Jun 14 meeting there were two FHS students, and two were LUSD staff involved in helping students organize for activities, such as Rotary Rotoact.)  At the Jun 21 meeting, there was again Kristiano  Camateros, LUSD Leader of College & Career, and three FHS students;  Leilani Celis, Susana Flores and Byran Reyes.  Bryan Reyes, FHS student,  took the lead in asking questions to Rotary members about opportunities for youth to participate in Rotary activities and programs.  For example, Byran expressed his interest in the late  August annual boat race at the El Segundo Marina, using cardboard boats built by the participating  clubs.   Joe Wang explained that he is the Rotary member that has helped construct the cardboard boats.  (The race is held in shallow water, so if the boat sinks, which occasionally happens, the participants can walk on the water and retrieve the boat.)  For developing Rotoact programs, it was noted that a resource is the very active Youthact group at Roosevelt  ES, with the very active support and adult leadership of Tila and Fernando Millan.  Also Rotary District 5280 provides conferences to train Rotoact youth in how to develop Rotoact membership and programs.

Relating to the fireworks stand, President Elect Barbara Battle, noted there will be an important coordination meeting, next Wed,, at 6pm, Jun 27, at the Patel Travel Lodge Motel meeting room.  ALL Rotary members are encouraged to attend this meeting.

 This weekly update there is a second page with more documentation of the Jun 21 Rotary meeting

Concerning the American Cancer Society Relay For Life event, Jul 21-22 in South Gate Park, Club Treasurer noted that a total of $1,100  from club members have been donated.  So that the Lynwood Rotary Club will be officially a sponsor of this annual event.

For next week’s evening meeting, that will start at 5:30 pm in Bateman Hall, Joe Wang and Barbara Battle determined the number of attendees to plan for, for the food preparation.  Also, Lucy Avalos daughter will need to be advised of the requested decorations for this special meeting.

Mention was made of the candidates to be installed (for the so-called 6pm membership group)  at the Annual Officer installation Dinner event that will start at 5:30pm at Bateman Hall on Thursday, Jun 28.  The names are:  Rowland Becerra, Joe Battle Jr., Yolandra Rodriguez, and Marisela Santana.

Also a repeat from the May 31 notes is the  opportunity for fund raising through distribution of the Snow Factory tickets.    These are sales tickets from Snow Factory, for ice cream, priced at $5.99 each. The tickets are color coded for the participating non profit organizations.  The Rotary tickets have a yellow circle on them.  The Snow Factory is located on the second floor of Plaza Mexico.  So Rotary members can walk around Plaza Mexico urging persons to take a Rotary ticket and buy the ice cream at the Snow Factory store, explaining that Rotary will get the full price of $5.99 donated to the Lynwood Rotary Club.

    Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 

 Public Relations  and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.21.2108 Gurdip Hari 2018-06-21 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.07.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Jun 07, 2018

 At the  June 7  meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests  engaged in discussions about several topics.

There was a detailed discussion of the specific charges / dues that 6pm members of the Lynwood Rotary Club will be responsible to pay.  Club Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez led the discussion, along with Club President, Joe Wang.  Club member Raj helped to clarify and simplify the explanation of the costs that the 6pm members will have to pay.

In response to a question from Daniel, the candidate new members are as follows:  Rowland Becerra, Joe Battle Jr., Yolandra Rodriguez, and Marisela Santana.  Although he did not attend the 6pm May 31 Rotary Meeting, as requested, Daniel asked Roman Rodriguez to call Juan Enciso because Juan had stated to Daniel of his intention to rejoin the club, as a 6pm member.  It was noted that Joaquin Mesinas, is not ready at this time to rejoin the Lynwood Rotary Club, but maybe later he can do this.

Guest J.D. Whitaker offered comments, in response to a question from Martina Rodriguez, in regard to new situations within the city involving illegal marijuana sales.

There was a brief discussion again of the coming American Cancer Society Relay for Life event, during the 24 hours event from Sat, Jul 20 until Sunday morning, Jul 21.  Based on individual contributions (starting with a check from Daniel for $200) Club Treasurer, Martina will issue a check in the coming week for $1,000, so that the Lynwood Rotary Club will be listed as an official sponsor again of this annual event.  As occurred last year, the event will again be held in South Gate Park.

A repeat from the May 31 meeting notes, Fernando and Tila have accepted responsibility for organizing the Fireworks Stand Sales this year, and Fernando noted that he will need ALL Rotary members to volunteer time during the four days of sales, plus the day before, in getting ready for sales, starting Jul 1 thru Jul 4.  Also the Youthact organization will provide lunch for all Fireworks Stand workers on Tue, Jul 3.

Also a repeat from the May 31 notes is the  opportunity for fund raising through distribution of the Snow Factory tickets.    These are sales tickets from Snow Factory, for ice cream, priced at $5.99 each. The tickets are color coded for the participating non profit organizations.  The Rotary tickets have a yellow circle on them.  The Snow Factory is located on the second floor of Plaza Mexico.  So Rotary members can walk around Plaza Mexico urging persons to take a Rotary ticket and buy the ice cream at the Snow Factory store, explaining that Rotary will get the full price of $5.99 donated to the Lynwood Rotary Club.

Also mentioned is the planned trip to Corazon De La Vida orphange in Tijuana, Sat, Jun 23.

Note:  To be mentioned at the weekly Jun 14 Rotary meeting, was the great success of the Fri, Jun 8, 5pm – 8pm (in Bateman Hall) Youthact Annual Banquet and Officer Awards and installation of new Youthact officers for the year starting, July 1.  ( A large number of Rotary members attended this important annual event for Youthact members and their parents.)

 Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 

 Public Relations  and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.07.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-06-07 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.31.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on May 31, 2018

At the May 31 meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests enjoyed the interesting presentations from the Youth act leaders, Tila and Fernando Millan and the Youth act leaders present.

This meeting had one of the largest number of attendees in memory with extra tables being added as more and more persons showed up, to include Youth act members, their parents, candidates for 6pm meeting membership to be interviewed and members of the community.)

A Power Point Program, led by Youth act Leaders Tila and Fernando, was very interesting, showing recent activities.  The Youth act president and other officers were introduced, and the Youth act President made part of the presentation.    The benefits of youth involvement in Youth act were mentioned, including the mother of Youth act President, Alex Brizuela, and of his brother, Fernando, Youth act Secretary, talking about the skills her sons have acquired in speaking and in learning to coordinate club activities.

Fernando and Tila have accepted responsibility for organizing the Fireworks Stand Sales this year, and Fernando noted that he will need ALL Rotary members to volunteer time during the four days of sales, plus the day before, in getting ready for sales, starting July 1 thru July 4.  Also, the Youth act organization will provide lunch for all Fireworks Stand workers on Jul 3.

Other Youth act discussion is the expected significant growth in Youth act membership, due in part to the support from Gudiel Crosthwaite and Juan Barrosco.  Also mentioned is the planned trip to Corazon De La Vida orphanage in Tijuana, Sat, Jun 23.

Before the Youth act presentations, opportunity for fund raising was again explained by club member Roman Rodriguez.  These are sales tickets from Snow Factory, for ice cream, priced at $5.99 each. The tickets are color coded for the participating nonprofit organizations.  The Rotary tickets have a yellow circle on them.  The Snow Factory is located on the second floor of Plaza Mexico.  So Rotary members can walk around Plaza Mexico urging persons to take a Rotary ticket and buy the ice cream at the Snow Factory store, explaining that Rotary will get the full price of $5.99 donated to the Lynwood Rotary Club.

Club Secretary Maria Quinionez (Lulu) again talked about the coming American Cancer Society Relay for Life event, Sat – Sun, 24 hours, Jul 20 & Jul 21, again in South Gate Park.  If Lynwood Rotary Club wants to be listed as a sponsor, the club needs to make a $1,000 donation in early June.  Like last year, individual contributions are needed to the club, so Lynwood Rotary can make a $1,000 contribution.  (Daniel at the meeting wrote a check to the club for $200, so that leaves $800 needed from other club members so the club can be sponsoring this important community event.)

Club member and LUSD Superintendent, Gudiel Crosthwaite, provided  several items of good news: Lynwood Unified School District just received a grant of over 4.2 million dollars to expand after school Saturday programs; LUSD will expand summer programs for K-8 students from 8:30 – 12:30 to 8:30 – 3:30 pm; New Pathway High School is under construction and should be completed by Aug 2018;  lastly, Juan Barroso, LUSD Coordinator and former Youth act advisor announced that he is speaking with high school students and teachers to identify an advisor for each high school.

At the end of the meeting, Club Board members met with the candidates to become members for the 6pm meetings, all of whom were present.  Club member Raj led the presentation about the benefits of becoming a Rotary member, and about the expectations for participation in club projects and activities.

 See the cover page to the weekly update for more information on Youth act planned activities.  Specifically, the Friday, June 8, 5pm event, at Bateman Hall, Rotary members encouraged to attend, but RSVP required, call Mr. Millan, (323) 422 – 8328.

 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.31.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-05-31 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.24.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on May 24, 2018

 At the May 24 meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests enjoyed the interesting presentations from the speakers, representing Congresswoman  Nanette Diaz Barragan, 44th Congressional District, Francisco Carrillo, District Director and staff member Gabriella Cid

Before the presentation, there was more discussion of a community fund raising project, that a representative explained, from Plaza Mexico, Kiana Velasco, Marketing & Community Relations, at the May 10 meeting.  Community Fundraising tickets were distributed to all the members present.  These are sales tickets from Snow Factory, for ice cream, priced at $5.99 each. The tickets are color coded for the participating nonprofit organizations.  The Rotary tickets have a yellow circle on them.  The Snow Factory is located on the second floor of Plaza Mexico. So Rotary members can walk around Plaza Mexico urging persons to take a Rotary ticket and buy the ice cream at the Snow Factory store, explaining that Rotary will get the full price of $5.99 donated to the Lynwood Rotary Club.

There was also more informal discussion about meeting with the candidates to become Rotary members, so that that they fully understand what Rotary is, and what are the responsibilities in becoming a member.  It was noted that the list of six candidates would become part of the 6pm meeting group, with reduced membership costs, and with an expectation of attending regularly only the 6pm meetings.  It was suggested that the candidates be urged to attend next week's 6pm meeting on May 31, to meet with the club president and hear exactly the expectations for the candidates to become Rotary members.

(The Lynwood Rotary Club sent a memorial wreath for the funeral service for the unexpected death of a daughter of Iris Pygatt and her husband.  The card of appreciation states: “To the Lynwod Rotary Club –  The family of Dr. Tami Pygatt –Dan Raro wishes to express Sincere thanks for the lovely flowers sent to console our hearts.  We appreciate the kind words and thoughts and thank God for such wonderful friends.  We thank you so much.  Love The Pygatt family and the Dan Raro family.”

(A repeat from the May 17 meeting, there is a deadline coming for the Lynwood Rotary to commit to again being a sponsor, at a cost of $1,000., for the Relay for Life by the American Cancer Society.  As last year, the 24-Hour event will be in South Gate Park on Fri and Sat, Jul 20 & Jul 21   and the deadline to be a sponsor is in Jun.)

The speakers were Francisco Carillo and Gabriella Cid.  One of the Congresswoman's programs for the 44th District was the student art competition.  On the cover page of this weekly email update is a complete statement about the competition and the winner.  The winning art was from a LUSD student, Evelyn Granados, from Lynwood High School.  Of note, is that of the 121 students submitting entries, at total of 49 entries were from students within LUSD!!!  Way to go!!!

Another coming event is the Senior Briefing & Health Fair for Friday, Jul 20, 9am- 2pm at the Carson Community Center.  There will be over 60 organizations for free health screenings and services.

As explained, environmental issues are very important to the congresswoman, especially air quality and water quality for all the residents of the 44th Congressional District.  Other issues are helping ensure that there are no hateful and hurtful actions in the District, including protection to persons in the DACA program   the congresswoman met recently with the ICE Director, successfully getting a man released.  Another recent action was meeting with Los Angeles City officials about the proposed citizenship question on the next Census Count.  This planned question has the potential to discourage participation from immigrant groups. (A decrease in the census count would mean less funds for California from Federal funds based on census data.)

See the cover page to the weekly update for more information on Youth act planned activities.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.24.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-05-24 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.17.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on May 17, 2018

 At the  May 17 meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests enjoyed the interesting presentation from the speaker, Dr. Patricia Brent-Sanco, LUSD, Director of Equity.

Before the presentation, there was discussion of a community fund raising project, that a representative explained, from Plaza Mexico, Kiana Velasco, Marketing & Community Relations, at the May 10 meeting.  Community Fundraising tickets were distributed to all the members present.  These are sales tickets from Snow Factory, for ice cream, priced at $5.99 each.  More information and coordination will follow. 

There was also more informal discussion about meeting with the candidates to become Rotary members, so that that they fully understand what Rotary is, and what are the responsibilities in becoming a member.  It was noted that the list of six candidates would become part of the 6pm meeting group, with reduced membership costs, and with an expectation of attending regularly only the 6pm meetings.  (Note:  there was brief mention of a required annual installation dinner, at which the candidates for membership would be installed by the Rotary District President or her representative. Daniel noted that this date needs to be confirmed ASAP, due to his scheduling of the speakers for the weekly meetings.)

Rotary Secretary Maria Quinonez (Lulu) mentioned again at this meeting, that there is a deadline coming for the Lynwood Rotary to commit to again being a sponsor, at a cost of $1,000., for the Relay for Life by the American Cancer Society.  As last year, the 24-Hour event will be in South Gate Park on Fri and Sat, Jul 20 & Jul 21   Lulu said that the deadline to be a sponsor is in Jun.

The speaker was Dr. Patricia Brent- Sanco, LUSD, Director of Equity. She brought with her six LUSD staff.  Five of whom consist of the Equity Services Team. (In addition, Juan Barroso, LUSD, Secondary Education, attended, who has previously led a youth Rotary program at LHS, (and who, it is hoped, can help organize again a Rotary youth group at LMS and/or one of the high schools.)  (Also, of note, Shirley, a member of the Equity Team, has been President of the Compton Rotary Club.) The speaker noted that the functions performed by the Equity Team have been going on within LUSD for several years, but the creation of the Team came about in 2016.

In the Power Point Presentation, were detailed lists of the purposes and function of the Equity Team.  “We believe it important to provide opportunities for every student to fearlessly achieve their own personal and professional goals.”  The targeted groups are African American students, English Learner Students, Foster Youth, Homeless Students and students who identify as LGBTG.  Also, Asian Pacific Islander Students are included.

Parents of course of all these groups are important to reach and serve in helping their own children as LUSD students.  To be effective, the Equity Team must use data to define, establish and implement culturally proficient practices throughout the organization, in this case, LUSD.

The presentation included a detailed list of Highlights accomplished.  Several are mentioned herein.  After school programs that service students K-12 at each school site in LUSD.  Summer Literacy Night for over 300 families -- Over 2,650 books were given to students to increase their home libraries.  A $3.1 Million Dollar partnership of in-kind services with the American Honda Foundation and the Great Eight for a STEM Pipeline. Gudiel Crosthwaite, LUSD Superintendent (and Lynwood Rotary member) mentioned a program called B.R.I.D.G.E. “Theatre Project’s mission is to educate, inspire, and connect young people around the globe through intensive theatre education programs …   through the creation and exchange of original plays and theatrical productions.”  Last year a play showcased by Abbott ES students was performed in Rwanda.  This summer students from Chavez MS will have a play they wrote performed in Rwanda.  Two students will travel to Rwanda with the cost funded by the US Embassy there.  (The parents will need to seek separate contributions, for their costs.) 

 See the cover page to the weekly update for more information on Youth act planned activities.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.17.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-05-17 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.03.208

Posted by Gurdip Hari on May 03, 2018

 At the May 3 meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests discussed a variety of issues and projects and recent and coming events.

Treasurer Martina Rodriguez talked about budget issues and documentation of expenditures.  She noted that after the meeting she would go with other staff to open up a Rotary bank account.  Martina and Past President Ramon Rodriguez talked about the cost of the Rotary District 5280 Annual Convention, and the plans for the Youth act Group to travel to the convention for one day to receive an award.

Ramon noted that at the City of Lynwood City Council meeting this week, the Council voted to end granting permission for safe and sane fireworks stand sales, but the action will not take effect until July 2019, so  for July 2018, the Lynwood Rotary Club will have another  year of fireworks sales.  It was noted that as in previous years, the participation of Youth act members and their parents in staffing the fireworks stand is much needed and appreciated.  Daniel suggested printing a flier that would be distributed to homes within a certain distance of the fireworks stand, encouraging residents to come to the stand and receive a certain discount for purchases.  There could be a requirement when presenting the flier to show residence ID.  The purpose would be to prevent persons not living in the immediate area of the stand from distributing the flier for discounts in other areas.  Daniel volunteered to design the flier and noted it would be nice if Raj would print the flier for free.

Due primarily to the 6pm meetings, there now are several potential new members.  Rotary member Raj stated that candidates must understand the responsibilities of club members.  He stated that there should be a written description of the expected responsibilities. The club members present voted unanimously that this be done.  The possible new members for the 6pm meetings are:  Rowland Becerra, Juan J. Enciso, Joaquin  Mesinas, John Battle, Yolanda Rodriguez and Marisela Santana.

 Rotary member Gudiel Crosthwaite and LUSD Superintendent mentioned that on Thursday, May 3, there would be the First Annual Comedy Showcase at LMS, doors opening at 7:30 pm, with tickets benefiting Lynwood Partners Educational Scholarship, featuring Paul Rodriguez, and other Latin Kings of Comedy, HBO, Comedy Central and more.

Also of note, there was a major event at Roosevelt ES that involved Youth act, along with other students and parents from Roosevelt ES on Friday, Apr 27.    The event was called “The Day of the Child”.  It was from 5pm to 8pm and there were tacos and drinks for sale. Concluding the evening, the movie Coco was shown.  (Raman Rodriguez attended and provided pinatas for students to play hit the pinatas.  Daniel attended; also Marisela staffed a table to represent the Lynwood Gallery, along with another young woman, also from the Gallery.)  Roman commented about the large turnout for this event, with parents expressing appreciation for the event.

NOTE:  See the cover page to the weekly update for more information on Youth act planned activities. Also other coming community events, to include Lynwood Union Gallery and Plaza Mexico.

Dr. Pygatt mentioned a sad event in his and his wife's life (Iris):  he explained that their youngest daughter, age 56, also a veterinarian, unexpectantly passed away this week. Services will be on Sat, May 5, 11am at Calgary Baptist Church, located at Bullis Rd. and Alondra Blvd.  Also it was noted that viewing would be at the Adams Funeral Home, Compton, Fri, May 4, 4 to 6pm.  The meeting concluded with a moment of silence for the Pygatt family.

 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.03.208 Gurdip Hari 2018-05-03 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.19.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Apr 19, 2018

 At the April 19, meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests heard a presentation from Rotary member and previous club president, Ramon Rodriguez. 

Before the presentation,   it was mentioned again that there is a planned Town Hall Event organized by the Century Sheriff's Station on Thursday, April 19, at 6:00 pm.  “Come join Captain Carter, Deputy Personnel and your neighbors in a Community Town Hall Meeting.  Location is Greater Emmanuel Temple, 3740 E. Imperial Highway, Lynwood.  It was stated that Daniel and Rotary Club President Elect Barbara Battle will attend the event and Daniel encouraged other Rotary members to also attend.

Club Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez said she received a call from Tila Millan, asking for club members to attend a Youth act event on Friday, Apr 27, at Roosevelt  ES. The event is called  “The Day of the Child”.  It will be from 5pm to 8pm and there will be food and also the movie Coco will be shown.

Rotary guest talked about apparently a non-Rotary event.  Her name is Laura Ramirez and she said she is a parent of students at Cesar Chavez MS.  She said she is involved in an event at this MS on Wed, May 23 at the parent’s center from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm.  She said there are 16 needy families.  She requested gift certificates, and Rotary members Ramon and Larry Esparza, each volunteered to fund 8 certificates for a total 16 gifts.

Rotary member Gudiel Crosthwaite and LUSD Superintendent mentioned that the next day, Fri, Apr 20, in the morning he will be involved, along with all other school staff in a planned national day of student organized rallies concerning current events.  At the LHS and FHS at 10am, LUSD will permit students to organize themselves outside the schools.  It will be a learning experience.  LASD staff will be deployed, to ensure safe conditions. 

The speaker, Ramon Rodriguez, talked about his life experiences and his experience in business.  He started by explaining that he was born in Mexico, in Zacatecas (the same place, he noted, as Martina.)  In elementary school years, he moved to the US.  He attended classes at Cerritos College and along the way, married his wife, Lupe, and is the proud parent of 3 sons and 1 daughter.    His business experience involved sales.  In 1986, he decided to own his own business in the hardware industry.  To be competitive, with the large hardware chain stores, he noted that providing expert customer service is a way to be successful.  His hardware store has strong areas in plumbing, electrical and painting, among other products and how to information.    His store currently has 5 employees, but in the past he had 11 employees.  Ramon noted with pride that he always was able to meet his payroll!    He noted the importance of maintaining good paper work to pay all taxes due, noting an incident with a state audit.    Concerning business finances, he noted recently he considered purchasing the building on Atlantic Ave. where is hardware store is located, but decided against it.

One of the questions asked from the attendees, was from Daniel, as to whether an active chamber of commerce would be helpful.  Ramon answered that while it does not exist now, that it could be helpful in promoting businesses within the City of Lynwood.

 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.19.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-04-19 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.12.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Apr 12, 2018

 At the April 12, meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests heard a presentation from Rotary member Victor Gomez, Operations Manager for Bulletin Displays, “Creative Outdoor Advertising”.

Before the presentation,   it was mentioned again that there is a planned Town Hall Event organized by the Century Sheriff's Station on Thursday, April 19, at 6:00 pm.  “Come join Captain Carter, Deputy Personnel and your neighbors in a Community Town Hall Meeting.  Location is Greater Emmanuel Temple, 3740 E. Imperial Highway, Lynwood.

Victor Gomez talked about the advertising signs his company has which are located on either side of the 105 Freeway, west of Long Beach Blvd.  He mentioned the contracts his company has with the City of Lynwood for the right to locate these signs within the city. 

Victor provided some drawings that depict these signs.  Victor also mentioned the upgrading of the design for the sign that is located on Long Beach Blvd. south of the Green Line Station.

There was mention of the use of sign adjacent to the Green Line Station on the north side of the station that promoted the Lynwood Rotary Club.  This was free for the Lynwood Rotary Club, thanks to the generosity of the owner of Bulletin Displays, Mark Cutler. 

Rotary member Gudiel Crosthwaite, and LUSD Superintendent, asked whether it would be possible for Bulletin Displays to provide some space for publicizing information about the Lynwood schools at no charge to the school district.

At the Apr 12 meeting, there were comments about how Rotary members from other Rotary clubs have expressed their surprise and support for seeing the sign with the Lynwood Rotary information. 

Note:  Daniel was not in attendance at this weekly meeting, due to being out of town.  However, he has had some informal communications with Victor Gomez about getting the Lynwood Rotary information displayed again.  He was advised that it is more feasible to display this information on one of the company’s electronic signs.  When there is space available (= unpaid space by advertisers), it is easy to insert an electronic message, in this case, a message about the Lynwood Rotary Club.  So what is needed is to get an IT technician to develop an electronic file, based on a photo of the Lynwood Rotary sign when it was posted on the sign board.  


From the Lynwood Rotary Meeting of Apr 5, Roosevelt ES Youth act officers talked about past events and future events, and handed out a flier with photos.

 For emphasis, the announced future events are repeated herein.   Four items were mentioned:  1. Friday, April 20 of 2018 from 3:15pm to 4:15pm “A day of service” school spring cleaning.  2. Friday April 27 of 2018 “A fun Coco movie night” from 5pm-8pm. 3. A Mother’s day fundraiser from May 7 thru May 11 of 2018. 4. The Club banquet will be held on Friday June 8th, our theme will be “Star Wars”.

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.12.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-04-12 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.05.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Apr 05, 2018

 At the April 5, meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests discussed issues and heard a presentation from Roosevelt ES Youth act officers about previous and coming events. 

Past President Roman Rodriguez explained that the City Council at its Apr 3 meeting did not discuss the issue of city approval for the safe and sane fireworks stands operated by community nonprofit organizations, to include the Lynwood Rotary.  Ramon stated he expects the City Council will address this issue soon.  President Joe Wang mentioned again that on Monday, April 9, there is another Vision to Learn service requiring Rotary volunteers.  The location is Will Rogers ES from 9am to approximately 12 Noon.  Besides Joe, possibly Larry Esparza, and Martina Rodriguez can participate.

Daniel talked about the Annual Easter Egg Hunt Program on Sat, Mar 31 from 11am to 2pm.  Daniel and Maria Quinionez (Lulu) attended the event.  Daniel displayed photos of the event that included Mayor Jose Solache and Councilmember Salvador Alatorre.  Daniel mentioned that he was publically recognized at the event, as a representative from Lynwood Rotary, and the flier from the City of Lynwood which had the schedule of events, included the Rotary emblem. 

Daniel encouraged Rotary members to attend the planned Town Hall Event organized by the Century Sheriff's Station on Thursday, April 19, at 6:00 pm.  “Come join Captain Carter, Deputy Personnel and your neighbors in a Community Town Hall Meeting.  Location is Greater Emmanuel Temple, 3740 E. Imperial Highway, Lynwood.

Youth act in attendance included: Alejandro Brizuela, President; Bryanne Miranda, Vice-President; Fernando J. Briuela, Secretary; Gianelle Miranda, Treasurer;  and also, Armando Brizuela, Elizabeth Brizuela,  Everette Miranda, and Maria Miranda;  plus several parents.

Youth act officers talked about past events and future events, and handed out a flier with photos. For Past Events, four items were mentioned, as shown on the flier:  Feed the homeless (including bringing food for 150 people) on Sat, Mar 24; LA Big 5K on Sat Mar 17 in Dodger Stadium; St. Emydius Church Play, during Holy Week, relating to Via Crucis, Stations of the Cross; and Movies at AMC Theaters – a) Daddy's Home 2; b) Star; c) Peter Rabbit; and d) Early Man.  For Future Events, four items were mentioned:  1. Friday, April 20 of 2018 from 3:15pm to 4:15pm “A day of service” school spring cleaning.  2. Friday April 27 of 2018 “A fun Coco movie night” from 5pm-8pm. 3. Mother’s day fundraiser from May 7 thru May 11 of 2018. 4. The Club banquet will be held on Friday June 8th, our theme will be “Star Wars”.

After the presentation by Youth act members, there was a detailed discussion of the requirement of the Lynwood Rotary Club to update its financial and planning documents, a portion of which are needed by CPA Dennis Benko to prepare the necessary documentation for the California requirements.  Martina Rodriguez has a key role in this process.  Elements discussed include, the programs the club wants to continue to support and to do; also the available funds.  Members participating in this important element of the work of the club were:  Martina Rodriguez, Ramon Rodriguez, Barbara Battle, Joe Wang, Raj, Larry Espinosa, Victor Gomez and Daniel

 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.05.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-04-05 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.29.2018

Posted by Gurdip Hari on Mar 29, 2018
At the March 29,   meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests heard the presentations and talks from two speakers:  Student Oscar Avila and Esparanza Galvane Trejo.
Before the presentation and discussion with the speakers, several Rotary activities and issues were briefly discussed.
President Joe Wang and Past President Ramon Rodriguez talked about the Lynwood City Council agenda item concerning the regulation of the annual fireworks sales by nonprofit community organizations, including the Lynwood Rotary Club.  Daniel urged Ramon Rodriguez to again attend the City Council meeting on Tue, Apr 3, when the issue may be considered.  The importance of continuing to operate the fireworks stand on Jul 1 to Jul 4 was discussed, as this is the only source of funding the club has for its community projects and activities.  Daniel encouraged Rotary members to attend the Easter Program at Lynwood Park, Sat, Mar 31, 11am to 2pm.   Joe Wang mentioned that on Mon, Apr 9, there is another Vision to Learn service requiring Rotary volunteers.  The location is Will Rogers ES from 9am to approximately 12 Noon.  Besides Joe, possibly Larry Esparza, and Martina Rodriguez can participate.
Daniel expressed his appreciation for the attendance of Rowland Becerra, President of the Lynwood Union Gallery, and hopefully a new “official” Rotary member soon.  Daniel noted the many art and local history events being held at the Lynwood Gallery, and stated that he hoped Rowland will present another arts related program soon for the Lynwood Rotary meeting. 
The first speaker was Oscar Avila, whose father is a long term employee of the Lynwood Public Works Department.  Oscar has talked about his experiences and plans several times at Rotary meetings.  Oscar also became an Eagle Boy Scout, and Lynwood Rotary members assisted in a park project that his father helped organize, as one of the Eagle Scout project requirements.  Oscar thanked the Rotary Club for its scholarship contributions.  Oscar will graduate this spring from the California Academy of Math and Science in Carson.  He showed a certificate he has just received from Georgetown University in Washington DC, approving his application for the Walsh School of Foreign Service, noting that he is one of about 1,600 students accepted out of many thousand applicants.  Oscar and his mother will visit G.U. soon, as part of deciding whether to attend G.U.  Daniel explained that he hopes Oscar attends G.U., noting that he obtained a Master’s Degree in Government from Georgetown University, graduating in 1966.
The second speaker was Esperanza Galvan Trejo, recently with St. Louise Resource Services, sponsored by Ministry Services of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, with a local office across from St. Francis Hospital on MLK Jr. Blvd.  In response to a question from Daniel, Verite is the current management group for St. Francis Hospital, explained Esperanza.  She noted that several months ago, a doctor who bought LA Times, is now acquiring St. Francis Hospital.  Recently the Daughters of Charity created the organization St. Louise Resource Services, where Esperanza had been working.  She noted that she is now working for her husband’s business in Cerritos.  Esperanza is a member of the South Gate Rotary Club and a former president of the South Gate Club.  Esperanza is a leader of the local American Cancer Society and encourages Lynwood Rotary members to again participate in the Relay for Life Event in South Gate Park on Jul 21 and Jul 22.  It was stated that the Lynwood Club Secretary, Maria Quinionez, Lulu, may again organize a Lynwood Rotary team for this fund raising event.     Esperanza talked about her personal experiences with breast cancer, noting that thanks to early detection and treatment she is now cured.  She stated that “early detection was the best thing that has happened to me.”  Also she explained that advances in cancer research are making recovery possible for many more people.  Esperanza also talked about a coming Clean Air event which relates to cancer causes.  She handed out a flier:  Symposium – A healthy Future for Southeast Los Angeles Communities.  “Sat., Apr 7, 8:30am 12:30pm, South Gate Park Auditorium.  Senator Lara and local officials to discuss issues.  Food provided.  It was noted that the next Rotary weekly meeting will be at 12 Noon to 1:30 pm at the Recreation Department Building, across from City Hall.  (During the month of April, it will be determined each week, whether the meeting will be held in the City Recreation Building or in Bateman Hall)
 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.29.2018 Gurdip Hari 2018-03-29 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.22.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 22, 2018

 At the March 22,   meeting, rotary members in attendance and guests heard the presentation and talked to Bruno Naulls, Senior Project Manager, Community Development, City of Lynwood, providing updated information on several projects in which he is involved.

Before the presentation and discussion with the speaker, several Rotary activities and issues were briefly discussed. With respect to planning for the annual operation of the fireworks stand in the Food for Less parking lot owned by Plaza Mexico, Ramon Rodriguez mentioned that the City Council  at its Mar 20 meeting discussed the possibility of not approving the annual fireworks stands by nonprofit community organizations, including the Lynwood Rotary.  Ramon noted that several in the audience stated their objections to the loud noises from fireworks discharged in the community on July 4 and noting the discomfort caused to family pet dogs.  Both Ramon and Daniel commented that the loud noises are not the result of fireworks sold at these firework stands (only “Safe and Sane” fireworks are sold).  These fireworks only rise a distance of a few feet and make no loud noises that can be heard in the neighborhood.  Daniel urged Ramon to attend the Council meeting on Apr 3 and explain that the objections voiced are from illegal fireworks purchased from sources in Mexico and other countries, and that the elimination of the fireworks stands in Lynwood will have no effect on the use of these illegal fireworks used in Lynwood and in other local cities. Daniel mentioned that he attended the  Youth act presence at the Sat, Mar 17, 5-K run at Dodger Stadium, 6am- Noon, which was part of the LA Marathon, that was held on Sun from Dodger Stadium to  Santa Monica.   Daniel displayed a marathon T-Shirt for volunteers and a badge and neck ribbon for the 5-K runners who completed the course;   Also on Sat, Mar 24, Youth act and parents assisted at serving food at a winter shelter for homeless in Long Beach, which involved bringing food for 150 people (new location in L.B.). It was noted that the next Rotary weekly meeting will be at 6pm on Mar 29, and will be at Bateman Hall (although the food will be prepared off site for this meeting).  It remains to be determined if any meetings will again be held in the Recreation Building.

Bruno Naulls provided detailed information on a series of pending projects.  He distributed a hand out paper with helpful background information.  Bruno noted that several of the projects involve ground contamination issues, but that the projects can proceed while the mandated cleanup requirements are pursued. 

Northgate Project (South of and adjacent to the 105 Freeway on Long Beach Bl. ); 3.8 acres, 40,000 sq. Feet Grocery store.

Plaza Mexico Expansion (SW corner of State & Imperial );  site plan review; developer agreement with city; 4 stories of apartments consisting of studios and 1 bedroom units, not likely to attract large families; 348 residential units, equaling 800 residents, generating 15-20 million in earned income, resulting in 2-3 million dollars spent on local businesses; 4 stories of residential units, ground floor, 27,000 sq. ft. retail and related commercial use.

Atlantic Housing Project (SW corner Atlantic and Agnes)  4 stories of housing; 1, 2, & 3 bedroom units with total of 67 units 

Veteran Housing Project (This is in the so-called triangular property; at Fernwood / Imperial / Alameda)

Also Lower LA River Revitalization Plan; also Bike Trail; also I-710 Livability InitiativeOf note, the River Plan, was initiated by Rendon and includes a Working Group to develop a revitalization plan for the 19 miles of the lower river.  Also the bike trail is the recipient of a Urban Greening Grant Program of         $2,853,000.  And the I-700 Livability Initiative, led by the Gateway Cities COG, with support from LA Metro, to improve transportation related projects, 1 mile, either side of I-710..Daniel suggested that Bruno come back soon with another update on these interesting and important projects within and impacting the City of Lynwood.     

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.22.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-03-22 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.15.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 15, 2018

 At the March 15,   meeting, Rotary members in attendance and guests heard the presentation and talked to Eduardo Luis, photo artist for theater performers.

Before the presentation and discussion with the speaker, several Rotary activities and issues were briefly discussed.

After the Mar 8 noon Rotary meeting, Rotary members Joe Wang, Larry Esparza, Iris Pygatt, Barbara Battle, Martina Rodriguez, and Daniel Miller attended the LUSD Board Meeting, at 6pm, each to receive a certificate in thanks for Rotary member’s participation in the Vision to Learn Program at LUSD schools.  (On Mar 12, Joe Wang participated in a Vision to Learn program in Bellflower at Washington ES.)

Martina Rodriguez is concluding coordination with Dennis Benko, CPA, in Downey, and member of the South Gate Rotary, in regard to Lynwood Rotary documentation with the State of California, which is necessary before a new bank account is opened for Lynwood Rotary at the Lynwood branch of Chas Bank. 

 Barbara Battle President-Elect is coordinating the paper work for Phantom Fireworks Co. for the Rotary Club planned fireworks sales in Plaza Mexico’s parking lot for the Food 4 Less Market on July 1 – July 4.

Daniel mentioned the planned Youth act presence at the Sat, Mar 17, 5-K run at Dodger Stadium, 6am- Noon, which is part of the LA Marathon.  Carpooling from Lynwood will be at 5:30 am.  Daniel said he would participate in this Youth act event.  Also on Sat, Mar 24, Youth act and parents will assist at serving food at a winter shelter for homeless in Long Beach, which involves bringing food for 150 people (new location in L.B.).  It was noted that this is the second Rotary meeting at the Recreation Center Bldg. and the next meeting, Mar 22, will also be at this temporary location.  Joe Wang will be advised how many more meetings this temporary location will be in effect.

Director of Secondary Education, Tony Hua, LUSD, was introduced by Daniel.  He has worked for LUSD for 17 years, and Daniel commented that Tony does not look old enough to have worked 17 years!  Tony started out at as classroom teacher and later was Principal of FHS for several years.  Also he noted that before working for LUSD he completed the LAPD Academy and served for several years as a LAPD officer.  In response to Daniel’s request, Tony agreed to be a future Rotary speaker.

Eduardo Luis presented a series of framed color photos of music performers at several major theaters in the DTLA  area, to include The Roxy and the Terragon Ball Room.  Daniel noted that Eduardo and his art photos were recently featured in a show at the Lynwood Union Gallery.  In response to questions from Daniel, Eduardo graduated from LHS last year and he developed an interest in photography from Ms. Montez, the photography teacher.  Currently Eduardo attends ELACC part time and also works part time at the Stonewood Mall in Downey at the Spencer Party Store.  He also noted that a friend, Debbie Delgrande, who he met at a concert, helped him to get passes to enable him to take pictures of the performers on stage.  Daniel suggested that Eduardo contact him when he has additional photos of performers so Eduardo can come back for another presentation to the Lynwood Rotary Club.  Eduardo says that he has a goal of becoming an elementary school teacher.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.15.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-03-15 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.08.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 08, 2018
At the March 8,   meeting, Rotary members in attendance hear the presentation and talked to Adrian Landa, Field Representative for Anthony Rendon, Speaker of the Assembly and Assembly member for the 63rd District (which includes the City of Lynwood).  (There were no guests present at this meeting.) 
Before the presentation and discussion with the speaker, several Rotary activities and issues were briefly discussed. Concerning coming events, the Vision To Learn Program will be at the Marshall ES, on Friday, Mar 9 from 9am to approximately noon.  Rotary volunteers are Joe Wang, Larry Esparza, Martina Rodriguez, and possibly Barbara Battle.  Also after the Thursday, March 8, the LUSD has requested that Lynwood Rotary members attend a LUSD Board meeting at 6pm  to receive certificates for participation in the Vision To Learn Program.  Attendees will be Joe Wang, Larry Esparza, Iris Pygatt, Barbara Battle, Martina Rodriguez, and Daniel Miller.
Following up on discussions at last week’s meeting, there was discussion of the need for better control and coordination of the club’s finances, to include clear documentation and regular updates of the club’s balance sheet with the club’s account in the bank.  As noted, the club will open a new bank account at the local branch of the Chase Bank, located close to the City Hall.  The Club Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez, along with the Club President, Joe Wang, and the Club Secretary, Maria Quionez (Lulu) need to go to the bank together to open up the new account.
Daniel mentioned again several events planned for the Youth act Club at Roosevelt ES, which Rotary members Fernando and Tila Millan, described when they attended the evening meeting on Feb. 22.  Planned activities include helping out at a 5-K run at Dodger Stadium, Sat, Mar 17, 6am – 12 Noon (a part of the LA Marathon, same day.)  Then two more planned events:  Sat, Mar 24, youth act and parents to assist at serving food at a winter shelter for homeless in Long Beach, which involves bringing food for 150 people (new location in LB.).  And a visit to a orphanage in Tijuana, Corazon de la Vida, in the third week of April or May.  Toiletries and related items need to be donated for use by the kids housed there (Daniel encouraged Rotary members to participate in these planned Youth act events.)
It was noted that this is the first meeting to be held in Room # 2 of the Recreation Building across from City Hall, due to a major reconstruction of the roof in the Bateman Hall meeting rooms. (As usual, food will be provided by the regular catering firm.)  It could be several months before the club can return to using Room #1 in Bateman Hall.
Adrian Landa started his presentation by explaining that his main responsibility is to serve the needs of the local communities.  Within the 63rd District, Adrian is assigned to serve the Cities of Lynwood, Paramount and Cudahy.  As to discussions and particular issues of legislation, that is the responsibility of the Assembly member’s staff in the Sacramento office.  That said, Adrian does attend City Council meetings.  In response to a question from Daniel, Adrian noted that he has recently attended Lynwood City Council meetings to observe the City's implementation of SB1, which imposed a gas tax increase, and allocated funds to cities for road infrastructure improvements.  Another issue for monitoring is the city's response to the changes in cannabis use within the state.
Adrian urged everyone to study the brochure from Anthony Rendon, which describes how the Assembly Member can be of help to his constituents.  The brochure explained assistance in three broad areas:  Constituent Services, State Information and Legislative Services.  Cited as examples of specific areas of help for the 3 categories are DMV matters, The State Budget and Propose a New Law.
For future coordination and communication, Daniel introduced all the Lynwood Rotary members present to Adrian.  Rotary member Gudiel Croasthwaite, and Supt for LUSD, noted that Adrian also attends meetings of the LUSD Board.   As an example of a community event organized by Rendon, Adrian mentioned a Veterans Event, Sat Apr 28, at Paramount Progress Park.  
 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.08.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-03-08 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.22.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Feb 22, 2018

 At the February 22, meeting, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm, members and guests heard a presentation from Rowland Becerra, President of the Lynwood Union Gallery, and Public Relations Assistant for the Lynwood Rotary Club.  

Separate from the presentation, Ramon Rodriguez, previous Rotary President, substituting for Joe Wang, who is out of the country with his wife, on a visit to China, talked about coordination for the annual Fireworks Stand sales, July 1-4, 2018.  In coordination with Plaza Mexico, General Manager, Mario Cardenas, the requested waiver of the rent/ charges for using the parking lot at Food 4 Less, which is owned by Plaza Mexico, was not approved, but as an alternative funding source, partnering with a Mexican ice cream vendor, was suggested.  Follow up coordination ASAP will be necessary.  Ramon reminisced about the history of community service clubs in Lynwood and elsewhere in the US.  There was a time when the Lynwood Rotary had around 40 members, and in Lynwood there were also an active Lions and Kiwanis clubs.  So, now, the Lynwood Rotary has to become more active in attracting new members, through promotions and talking about the satisfactions to be had by being an active member of the Lynwood Rotary Club.  Ramon Rodriguez noted that what keeps the club together, is a satisfaction for the community benefits we provide, and that in the process, we all have fun together!

Rotary members Fernando and Tila Millan talked about Roosevelt ES Youth act activities. Planned activities include Thursday, Mar 1, reading to kids at Roosevelt ES.  Also a 5-K runs assistance at Dodger Stadium, Mar 17, 6am – 12 Noon (a part of the LA Marathon, same day.)  (Daniel encouraged Rotary members to participate in both of these Youth act events.)  Then two more planned events:  Sat, Mar 24, youth act and parents to assist at feeding at winter shelter for homeless in Long Beach bring food for 150 people (new location in LB.).  And a visit to a orphanage in Tijuana, Corazon de la Vida, in the third week of April or May.  Toiletries and related items need to be donated for use by the 400 kids housed there.  Fernando and Tila also mentioned the possibility of starting a Youth act group at one of the LUSD Middle Schools.  A crucial step in making this happen is finding a teacher willing to be the sponsor.

Rowland Becerra’s presentation described with a power point presentation various events at the Lynwood Union Gallery.  Rowland also mentioned the public art in Metro Rail Stations and facilities, with specific reference to the public art at the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station.  He mentioned several years ago he made a presentation to Metro Art Docents at the Metro Headquarters Bldg. in DTLA, on Valentine’s Day in 2016.  He handed out a description of one of the art works at the Long Beach Station, which had photos of the description of the Chumash Indian legend about the sky coyote, written in English and in Spanish.  Daniel mentioned that free tours can be arranged for groups or 10 or more persons to see the art works at selected stations.  For example, he noted that a group could start at the Long Beach Blvd. Station and then see the artwork at some of the stations on the Blue Line south to downtown LB. or the tour could see the artwork at some stations on the Blue Line north to DTLA, ending perhaps at Union Station.

Lynwood Union Gallery events that Rowland described include the following:  the planning for and painting of the great mural adjacent to the Gallery by LHS students; also two years ago an art walk along the Linear Park;  Receptions for artists, usually with food and music provided include the artist Maritza Munguia in early Feb 2018, who has been a Lynwood resident since 1978, she has worked at St. Francis Hospital; the flyer notes “her first profession has been as a Mariachi Violinist and Singer…  she would moonlight as Mariachi and study nursing in the daytime,  painting recently began to interest her, while she grew up  drawing for hours and hours … .” Another reception for an artist was in early Jan 2018, by Eduardo Luis, whose art show consisted of photos of musicians performing.

Major Gallery events described by Rowland include:  The Grand Opening, March 4, 2017;  Twenty Five Years remembering the LA Riots from the perspective of people experiencing the riots as Lynwood residents, event held on April 29, 2017;  another major event the Dia De Los Muertos, with artwork a part of several altars on display, November 1 & 2, 2017;  also Snow Day on December 15, 2017, with an astounding attendance to participate in the snow event of more than a 1000 kids and adults; (Rowland thanked Rotary members Ramon Rodriguez and Taj for their generous contributions for this event.) 


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.22.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-02-22 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.15.2018 

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Feb 15, 2018

 At the February 15,  meeting, members and guests heard a presentation from Gabriela Cid, Field Representative for Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragan, 44th District, California.

Separate from the presentation, there was mention of the next Vision to Learn activity.

It will be on Friday, Feb 16, at Hellen Keller ES, starting at 9am to about 11- 12 am.  Lynwood Rotary will have three participants:  Larry Esparza, Martina Rodriquez and Iris Pygatt.

The presentation by Gabriela Cid generated at number of responses within the audience of Lynwood Rotary members and guests.  Several of the issues discussed are mentioned herein. 

Among the issues brought up by the audience was the homeless issue. Ramon Rodriguez mentioned that the homeless count is done annually, to include participation by Lynwood Rotary and by other community volunteers.  He asked what purpose does this serve.  As the number of homeless continues and in certain areas is increasing.  Also, Ramon and Martina Rodriguez spoke of the marihuana issue.  By city ordinance, Lynwood now allows the cultivation of marihuana in limited amounts in inside buildings in industrially zoned areas.  But the question is how will the revenue generated for the city be controlled and audited, since the Federal Government so far does not allow banks to receive funds from this revenue source.  Gabriela indicated that so far, there is not a move by the Federal Government to enable banks to receive funds from this source.  Ramon emphasized that cash only will make it difficult for the city to control these funds and avoid any theft/ misuse of these funds.

Rotary member and LUSD Superintendent, Gudiel Croasthwaite, noted that some of President Trump proposals would have very adverse impact on many family and students within LUSD.  Specifically, he mentioned a proposed budget elimination of funding for youth enrichment programs athletics and additional classroom instruction in science and the arts.  Also he mentioned the deployment of immigration officials (ICE) around schools can decrease school attendance.  And he mentioned the proposed reduction or elimination of health care for low income students and families would have a strong adverse impact within the LUSD. 

In answer to a question from Daniel, Gabriela summarized several major issues important to Congresswoman Barragan:  for her congressional district (which extends from South Gate, south to the San Pedro Part) -- Immigration issues and support for Veterans;  for the Congress as a whole --  the Budget, Tax Changes and the Environment.  With reference to Security, Congresswoman Barragan is involved in Homeland Security and the protection of the LA Port.  It was noted she hosted a meeting relating to Homeland Security at the Port in November.

At the end of the meeting, Daniel reminded everyone that the next meeting with Rowland Becerra, President of the Lynwood Union Gallery, and Community Relations Assistant for the Rotary club, will be the speaker, and that the meeting time will be 6pm to 7:30 pm.  Daniel and Ramon encouraged everyone to bring friends to the meeting, as a way of encouraging the influence and membership of the Lynwood Rotary Club.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.15.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-02-15 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.08.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Feb 08, 2018

 At the February 8, meeting, members and guests heard a presentation from two groups:  the scheduled presentation from Jose Trejo, Deputy Director of the Department of Recreation and Community Services and the Superintendent from the same department, Diana Romero.

 At the meeting there was also a presentation from Vision to Learn.  The lead presenter was Erin Okazaki, BSN, RN, Health Services Specialist, and Lynwood Unified School District (LUSD). Also representing this organization were Flavio Gallarzo, LUSD Elementary Education Director, and Maribel Martinez, and Nora MacLellan.  Nora is a Volunteer Outreach Coordinator for the Rotary District 5280 Vision to Learn Program (and a member of the Westchester Rotary Club).

Before the two presentations, there were brief mention of several ongoing Lynwood Rotary projects and other community events.  President Joe Wang mentioned the sale of tickets for a Rotary District 5280 polio event.  Fourteen tickets have been sold, but Joe encouraged more to buy tickets.  Next week Friday, there will be a Vision to Learn event at Helen Keller ES, starting at 9am to possibly noon.  Three volunteers are:  Barbara Battle, Larry Esparza and Martina Rodriguez.  In response to a question from Daniel, Joe Wang said that Ramon Rodriguez has the lead responsibility to coordinate with the community relations representative from Plaza Mexico about the possibility of a program to raise funds relating to the fireworks stand sales (Jul 1-4).  Also Daniel had programs available from the Annual Gospel Brunch last Sat (Feb 3) organized by Senator Lara Ricardo.  Daniel encourage everyone to attend next year’s brunch, which will be the eighth, noting that the 500 people in attendance at the Bateman Hall Auditorium thoroughly enjoyed the food, presentations and musical groups.

Vision to Learn:  Providing Lynwood Students with the Tools to Thrive.   Information provided includes the following facts:  This is the largest school-based service of its kind in the nation, serving over 110 school districts in 200 cities across the US.  It is a non-profit organization that provides free glasses to students in low income neighborhoods.  With respect to LUSD, Vision to Learn (VTL) is allowed to service schools every two years.  It has served Lynwood students since 2014, starting with three ES participants:  Lindbergh, Washington and Will Rogers.  In 2015 the other nine elementary schools participated in the program.  During 2016, VTL offered the services to secondary education, wherein five of the six secondary schools participated.  This year, the plan is to have all schools not seen by VTL last year, to be serviced this year!

City of Lynwood, Department of Recreation and Community Services.   Among the programs mentioned by Jose Trejo is the Dodger Youth Baseball program with six divisions, providing for teams from the 5fth grade through the 12th grade.  Registration started in Feb and the playing season begins in Apr.  Another major program described by Jose is the soccer game played with only 5 players on a team for boys and girls, ages 7 to 12.  The game uses a smaller field compared to the standard soccer field.  Registration dates are in Feb and Mar, and team play starts in Mar and ends in Jun.

Diana Romero described the after school program at the Avalos Center from 3-6pm, with meals served M-F 3:00 – 3:45 pm.  Also there will be a new dance camp during Spring Break from Apr 2-5.  And the popular Easter Program will be held on Sat, Mar 31 from 11am – 2pm.

In response to a question from Daniel, Jose Trejo mentioned that a bike lane is planned to be constructed parallel to the linear park, within the current Caltrans ROW for the 105 Freeway.

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.08.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-02-08 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.01.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Feb 01, 2018

 At the February 1 meeting, members and guests discussed a variety of programs and activities.   heard a presentation by Joe Wang, President, Lynwood Rotary club. 

In the absence of JD Whitaker, Daniel reminded everyone present of the 7th Annual Gospel Brunch, on Sat, Feb 3, 10am – 2pm, in the Bateman Hall Auditorium, organized by Senator Ricardo Lara, California's 33rd District, whose district includes the City of Lynwood.  The event, which will be well-attended, is free, but it is necessary to obtain a ticket from the Lynwood Senior Center.  J.D. Whitaker will be both the Master of Ceremony and the principal speaker.  The theme this year is:  “African Americans in Times of War”.  (JD provided 10 tickets for Lynwood Rotary members, and Daniel distributed additional tickets not distributed at the previous meeting.

There was also a discussion of Fireworks Sales coordination.  Joe Wang discussed briefly the status of coordination.  The objective is to try to avoid having to pay a rental charge for use of the space provided for the fireworks stand in the Food 4 Less Supermarket parking lot, which is a part of Plaza Mexico property.  Plaza Mexico, General Manager, Mario Cardenas, has indicated that the Public Relations Staff Member from Plaza Mexico has a proposal to discuss with Rotary representatives.  Joe, and Ramon Rodriguez and Barbara Battle plan to meet with her. 

There was discuss of the importance of supporting and motivating parents from Youth act and other community supporters to help out in operating the fireworks stand.  One suggestion is to provide a discount sales ticket that could be distributed in advance to interested residents, as a means of encouraging sales at the Rotary fireworks stand.  It was mentioned that if the fireworks stand can reduce the costs of operation (charges and fees) and get more people to purchase items from the stand this year, there will be more funds available for youth scholarships this coming year.

Vision to Learn Program   Rotary member Gudiel Croasthwaite, and LUSD Superintendent, provided copies of a Wave Newspaper article, talking about the Vision to Learn Program, which is in effect, so far, at 9 LUSD schools.  Publicity was organized by LUSD, Gudiel explained and a publicity event was covered also by Channel 34 and La Opinion.

Daniel, in the absence of Fernando and Tila Millan, reminded everyone of the Youth act Roosevelt ES  5 K Run assistance.     Youth act will participate in a 5K Run event at Dodger Stadium on Sat, Mar 17, which begins at 6am.  There will be carpools organized from Lynwood.  Participants need to be at Roosevelt ES at 5:30am to join a carpool.  This is a part of the LA Marathon event.  Lynwood Rotary members are encouraged to participate in this event.

There were two guests from Teen Challenge:  Cheryl Hunt and Adriana Solete.  Teen Challenge staff periodically attends Lynwood Rotary meetings.  Cheryl noted that currently the home in Lynwood provides shelter for 26 women (a men’s shelter is located in another city).  The purpose of Teen Challenge is to help those in their care to learn to be free of all forms of addiction.  Cheryl thanked Rotary members for previously providing much needed supplies for their home.  She noted a planned funding event on Sep 29, a sunset walk along Belmont Shore, starting at 4pm.


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.01.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-02-01 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.25.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jan 25, 2018

 At the January 25 meeting, members and guests heard a presentation by Joe Wang, President, Lynwood Rotary club. 

Before the presentation, there was mention of several events,   including an announcement by guest J.D. Whitaker of the 7th Annual Gospel Brunch, on Sat, Feb 3, 10am – 2pm, in the Bateman Hall Auditorium, organized by Senator Ricardo Lara, California's 33rd District, whose district includes the City of Lynwood.  The event, which will be well-attended, is free, but it is necessary to obtain a ticket from the Lynwood Senior Center.  J.D. Whitaker will be both the Master of Ceremony and the principal speaker.  The theme this year is:  “African Americans in Times of War”.  (JD provided 10 tickets for Lynwood Rotary members, and Daniel still has 5 tickets left to give out to Rotary members.)

There was also a discussion of Fireworks Sales coordination.  Joe Wang discussed briefly coordination with Justine from Phantom Fireworks Co.  Also a representative from Plaza Mexico must be contacted.  The objective is to try to avoid having to pay a rental charge for use of the space provided for the fireworks stand in the Food 4 Less Supermarket parking lot, which is a part of Plaza Mexico property.  In addition to Joe, Ramon Rodriguez and Barbara Battle are involved in this effort.

Vision to Learn Program.  Joe Wang stated that the next LUSD School to visit will be Abbott ES on Fri, Jan 19, at 9am.  Joe and three other Rotary volunteers stated they would attend.

Youth act Roosevelt ES  5 K Run assistance.   Fernando and Tila Millan announced that   Youth act will participate in a 5K Run event at Dodger Stadium on Sat, Mar 17, which begins at 6am.  There will be carpools organized from Lynwood.  Participants need to be at Roosevelt ES at 5:30am to join a carpool.  This is a part of the LA Marathon event.  Lynwood Rotary members are encouraged to participate in this event.

(Note that there is also a 5K Run being held by Rotary District 5280, on the same day, Mar 17, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, in Griffith Park for Polio. More info later.)  Another Rotary District 5280 event is a planned trip to Tijuana, to an orphanage named, Corazon de la Vida, to provide assistance to the needy located here.  Rotary International is sponsoring this event, for Sat, Feb 24.

Adrian Landa, Field Rep for Assembly member Anthony Rendon, announced a Coffee with Rendon event at Tierra Mia Coffee Shop on Atlantic Blvd., Lynwood, for Fri, Jan 26, and he also announced two other Rendon organized events which are mentioned in the Cover Page.

Associated with LUSD, Jaffrey J. Davis announced an event at FHS on Sat, Jan 27, involving Millennials in Entertainment, with a speaker’s panel and also with live performances.

Joe Wang's presentation of his recent tour with his wife on Viking Tours provided very interesting photos of Moscow.   Particularly memorable were his photos from Moscow that included views of the Red Square, the Palace, and photos of the Moscow subway system.  The latter gives one the impression of visiting an ornately decorated art museum.  In the City of St. Petersburgh, views of several historic churches were most memorable.

Among the questions asked Joe Wang, was one from Daniel about whether graffiti and other vandalism was observed.  Joe said not in Russia, but from other of his travels, there was some observed in Eastern European countries. 

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.25.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-01-25 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.18.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jan 18, 2018

 At the January 18, meeting, members and guests heard a presentation by Irene Zapata, Teen and Adult Librarian for Lynwood Library.

Before the presentation, there was mention of several events,   including an announcement by guest J.D. Whitaker of the 7th Annual Gospel Brunch, on Sat, Feb 3, 10am – 2pm, in the Bateman Hall Auditorium, organized by Senator Ricardo Lara, California's 33rd District, whose district includes the City of Lynwood.  The event, which will be well-attended, is free, but it is necessary to obtain a ticket from the Lynwood Senior Center.  J.D. Whitaker will be both the Master of Ceremony and the principal speaker.  The theme this year is:  “African Americans in Times of War”. 

There was also a discussion of Fireworks Sales coordination.  Daniel read verbatim from a statement he wrote at a recent Rotary meeting of actions that must be taken immediately in order to try to avoid having to pay a rental charge for use of the space provided for the fireworks stand in the Food 4 Less Supermarket parking lot, which is a part of Plaza Mexico property.  President Joe Wang briefly talked about one of the first steps being to obtain information on this issue from the representative from Phantom Fireworks Co., whose first name is Justine.

Vision to Learn Program.  Joe Wang stated that the next LUSD School to visit will be Abbott ES on Fri, Jan 19, at 9am.  Joe and three other Rotary volunteers stated they would attend.

Youth act Roosevelt ES 5 K Run assistance.    Youth act will participate in a 5K Run event at Dodger Stadium on Sat, Mar 17, which begins at 6am.  There will be carpools organized from Lynwood.  Participants need to be at Roosevelt ES at 5:30am to join a carpool.  This is a part of the LA Marathon event.  Lynwood Rotary members are encouraged to participate in this event.  (Note that there is also a 5K Run being held by Rotary District 5280, on the same day, Mar 17, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, in Griffith Park for Polio. (More info later)

Irene Zapata, Teen and Adult Librarian, talked about a variety of programs at the Lynwood Library in which she is involved.    For example, Passport Services, at the Lynwood Branch are offered by appointment.  Also, the Library branch has a program to provide library cards to all LUSD students in the third grade.  Rotary member and LUSD Superintendent, Gudiel Crosthwaite, commented that the school district has been very much involved in this program.  Other examples of library workshops were explained in two flyers:  a workshop on the art and tradition of Chinese Calligraphy, and a workshop on bringing harmony into one's life through the art and practice of Feng Shui.

A major new program that Ms. Zapata is leading is a citizenship training program.  She got the program started with first classes in the fall of 2017.  But now Irene has the lead responsibility in getting a community nonprofit organization to fund this citizenship training program on an ongoing basis.  English classes are a part of this program.  Daniel encouraged everyone to visit the Lynwood Library to see how well the community uses it.

In response to a question from Daniel as part of his introduction to Irene's presentation, Irene talked about a recreational activity that is, being a part of a dance group.  For the last year Irene has been a member of a Salsa and Bachata style dancing group.  The location is the Third Street Dance Studio, near West Hollywood.  She will participate in a Performance of the LA Bachata Festival, Feb 15 – Feb 19, at the Westin Hotel near LAX.  On Friday, Feb 16, Irene says she expects to be part of the performance, which will include dancing by both the performers and by the audience, with charge for a ticket of $45. 

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.18.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-01-18 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.11.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jan 11, 2018
 At the January 11, meeting, members and guests heard a presentation by two outstanding students who are now seniors at LUSD schools.
Before the student presentations, there was mention of several events, including
 A Movie Night under the stars event at Roosevelt ES to be held on Fri, Jan 12 at 5pm.  Also Youth act will participate in a 5K Run event at Dodger Stadium on Sat, Mar 17, which begins at 6am.  There will be carpools organized from Lynwood.  Participants need to be at Roosevelt ES at 5:30am to join a carpool.  This is a part of the LA Marathon event.  Lynwood Rotary members are encouraged to participate in this event.
(Note that there is also a 5K Run being held by Rotary District 5280, on the same day, Mar 17, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, in Griffith Park for Polio. More information to follow.
Gudiel Crosthwaite, LUSD Superintendent (and Lynwood Rotary member) introduced the two LUSD students.  Also assisting was Asst. Superintendent for LUSD, Patrick Gittisboongul.  In addition, the students were introduced by Christina Camateros, formerly a teacher at FHS, and now staff to LUSD.
Mr. Crosthwaite, noted that these two students are an example of the improving academic accomplishments of LUSD students, noting that a few years ago the percentage of students graduating from their LUSD high schools was in the sixties, and now has risen to be in the nineties.
Kimberly Wenceslao, a senior and the number one student at FHS, based on her GPA score, and has an IB score, International Bacculearate, which gives her an international ranking.  In the summer of 2017, she attended John Hopkins University for 3 weeks, then went to Yale for a bio-medical class, then attended, at the school's invitation, to visit Dartmouth.  She will be enrolling at Yale, with a psychology major.  Her final career goal, she notes, is either to become a medical doctor, with a specialty in neuroscience, or to become a lawyer, with a specialty in immigration law.
Abieden or Abby Lopez, a senior at LHS, achieved being a National Merit Scholar with the added rank of “Commended Scholar.”  In the summer of 2017 she attended a 6 week summer program at MIT in general engineering, followed by attending at UCLA Tech Camp in engineering for 4 weeks.  She wants to pursue a degree in electrical engineering.  She has been accepted at Stanford, but is waiting to see what other universities accept her before deciding to go to Stanford.  She noted that she has taken courses on Saturdays and after school at Cerritos College and has received from Cerritos a Certificate of Completion in Engineering Design.
  Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.11.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-01-11 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.04.2018

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jan 04, 2018

 At the January 4, meeting, members in attendance voted on officers and directors for the year beginning July 1 2018 thru June 2019, 

The officers elected are as follows:  President, Barbara Battle; President-Elect Gudiel Crosthwaite; Secretary, Maria Quinionez (Lulu); Treasurer, Martina Rodriguez.  Members, who were elected Directors, include Fernando Millan, Iris Pygatt, and Alejandra Avalos.

Fernando and Tila Millan talked about activities of the Roosevelt ES Youth act group during the past year.   Most recently, Youth act members and some parents helped decorate the City of Downey's Rose Parade float in the City of Downey.  Also there was Youth act participation in a Christmas Toy-Give-Away event.

 There was mention of a Movie Night under the stars event at Roosevelt ES to be held on Fri, Jan 12 at 5pm.  Also Youth act will participate in a 5K Run event at Dodger Stadium on Sat, Mar 18, which begins at 6am.  There will be carpools organized from Lynwood.  This is a part of the LA Marathon event.  Lynwood Rotary members are encouraged to participate in this event.

 Youth act officers present were the Youth act President, Fernando  Brizuela and his brother who is the Youth act Secretary.

There was a gift exchange which was carried over from the last meeting held in December which was Thursday, Dec 14.  The gift items not claimed where taken by the Youth act President for use at future gift give-away events. 

Lynwood Rotary members have been again asked to participate in a Vision To Learn event at Abbott ES on Friday morning, Jan 19.  President Wang will confirm the date and time at the Jan 11 meeting.

It was noted that for the Jan 11 meeting, in addition to the program which includes two presentations by two LUSD students, one from Lynwood High School and one from Firebaugh High School, with an introduction by Supt Gudiel Crosthwaite, there will be a brief discussion of plans for the Lynwood Rotary July Fireworks sales.


  Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.04.2018 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2018-01-04 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.14.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Dec 14, 2017

 At the December 14, meeting, members discussed recent and coming events.

Voting for Lynwood Rotary officers was postponed until the first meeting in January. 

There will be opportunity for submission of additional names at the Jan 4 meeting, with final voting to occur at the Jan 4 meeting.

As reported in last week’s minutes, concerning nominations for Rotary Club officers, it was noted with much pleasure that Rotary member Gudiel Crosthwaite, Superintendent for the Lynwood Unified School District, is willing to serve as the Rotary President Elect, which means that after Barbara Battle serves as Club President starting in July 2018, that the following year, starting in July 2019, Mr. Crosthwaite will be the Club president.

With respect to operation of the Fireworks Stand in July 2018, it was agreed that Joe Wang will talk to representatives of the fireworks company, Phantom Fireworks, to confirm what charges in 2017 the Lynwood Club had to pay for use of the property in the parking lot of the Food For Less Market (which property is part of Plaza Mexico).  Then President Joe Wang, and President- Elect Barbara Battle, and Ramon Rodriguez, and if requested, Daniel Miller, will meet with the head of Plaza Mexico, Mario Cardenas, with the objective that for July 2018, the Lynwood Club would not have to pay any charges for use of the property where the fireworks stand is located every year.  If the discussions are successful with Plaza Mexico, it was noted that the Rotary Club could advertise that Plaza Mexico is making a significant contribution to the Rotary Club by allowing the location of the fireworks stand at no charge to Rotary.

Daniel again mentioned the possibility of creating a flyer that would be distributed by Rotary and Youth act and their parents to homes that are close to the location of the fireworks stand.  The flyer would urge the community to patronize the Rotary fireworks stand, and would offer a discount to persons presenting the flyer.

There was mention of the Lynwood Union Gallery Event on Friday 5pm, Dec 15, which is titled:  Cinema at the Depot, “Nightmare before Christmas.”  Ramon Rodriguez is contributing a Christmas tree to the gallery, and plans to attend the Friday evening event, as a representative of Lynwood Rotary.

 There was also mention of a Youth act event at Roosevelt ES on Thursday, 6pm.  Dec 14.  Daniel stated he would attend this event. 

There was mention of Rotary’s participation in two recent events to provide food and toys for needy families.  On Tue, Dec 12, LUSD held an event at 4:30pm at Lynwood MS that was attended by Raj, Ramon Rodriguez, Joe Wang, Barbara Battle and Tila and Fernando.  Rotary contributed $200, along with a contribution from Waste Resources Inc. of $1,000, which Rotary coordinated.  Also, the City of Lynwood had a Santa Clause event on Wed, Dec 13, at which Rotary contributed $300 for toys and food for needy families.  Ramon Rodriguez noted that these recipients were truly needy, and noted:  “We do a lot for a small Rotary Club.”

There was also discussion of the Lynwood Rotary Club’s participation in the Vision To Learn charitable organization, which is in the process of providing eye exams and glasses, where needed to students at LUSD schools.  For example, Joe Wang and Daniel Miller participated in distribution of glasses (after previous eye exams) at Caesar Chavez MS on Thursday, morning, December 14.

For the record, at the Dec 7 meeting, Rotary member Gudiel Crosthwaite, and LUSD Superintendent, talked about LUSD’s participation in the BRIDGE program.  One example of which is Lynwood MS students performing in a play written in Rwanda.  As noted “ from the BRIDGE Theatre Project, Lynwood students in grades four through eight are learning to write short plays, perform them and study other cultures.”  “The program provides 19 workshops for 500 students over eight weeks to teach students the basics of improvisation, character creation, writing conflict and dialogue, and how to collaborate with other student writers.”    

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.14.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-12-14 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.07.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Dec 07, 2017

 At the December 7, meeting, members and guests discussed coming events.

In addition officers for the Rotary Year starting July 2018 thru June 2018 were discussed and will be voted, with opportunity for submission of additional names at the Dec 14 meeting.  The final voting will occur at the Dec 14 meeting.

There was discussion about the planned participation of Youth act members and parents and Rotary members participating in the Candy Cane/ Christmas Parade that will occur on Friday, with the starting time of 7pm.  However, it was explained that as usual there will be a time for food and socializing at the home of Martina Rodriguez, starting at 5pm, whose home is on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.  (Exactly where the parade starts)

Youth act parent, Maria Garcia, talked about the planned food, and provided tickets at a cost of $7.00 each, for the get together that starts at 5:00 pm.

It was explained by Ramon Rodriguez that this year Rotary will not have a float in the parade.  Daniel commented that hopefully next year plans can be made early to ensure that there will be a Rotary float.  Youth act members as in the past can help decorate the float, and some Rotary members can then ride in the float.

Concerning nominations for Rotary Club officers, it was noted with much pleasure that Rotary member Gudiel Crosthwaite, Superintendent for the Lynwood Unified School District, is willing to serve as the Rotary President Elect, which means that after Barbara Battle serves as Club President starting in July 2018, that the following year, starting in July 2019, Mr. Crosthwaite will be the Club president.

After discussions, it was agreed that the club will continue to operate the Fireworks Stand during the four days of July 1 to July 4, with the same fireworks company.  Barbara Battle commented that the manner of operating the fireworks stand should be better organized.  Daniel mentioned the possibility of creating a flyer that would be distributed by Rotary and Youth act and their parents to homes that are close to the location of the fireworks stand.  The flyer would urge the community to patronize the Rotary fireworks stand, and would offer a discount to persons presenting the flyer.

There was mention of the Lynwoon Union Gallery Event on Friday evening, Dec 15.

 There was also mention of a Youth act event at Roosevelt ES on Thursday evening, Dec 14.  Daniel stated he would attend this event and encouraged other Rotary members to also participate.

There was mention of the great turnout of Rotary members for the City of Lynwood Mayor's State of the City Address and dinner at Bateman Hall the previous Thursday evening, Nov 30.  Mayor Maria Santillan-Beas had a most interesting and inspiring presentation that included many photos of interest, as well as informative posters of city accomplishments during Maria Santillan's long tenure on the City of Lynwood City Council.

 It was noted that at the City Council Meeting on Tue, Dec 5, the City Council selected Jose Solache to be Mayor, and Edwin Hernandez to be Mayor Pro Tem for the coming year.

President Joe Wang reminded everyone, members AND guests, to come to next week's Christmas Celebration meeting and to bring gifts to share with others in attendance.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.07.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-12-07 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.16.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Nov 23, 2017

At the November 16,   meeting,  Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation from Victor Ibarra, Field Representative for Assembly Member Mike Gipson, 64th District.

Before the presentation, Rotary Club President Joe Wang covered Vision To Learn eye screenings, noting that he along with Martina Rodriguez and Barbara Battle, participated in the screenings this week at Mark Twain ES on Mon, Nov 13; and Will Rogers ES on Tue, Nov 14; and tomorrow, Fri, Nov 17, the club’s participants will help screen students at Roosevelt ES.  Rotary member and LUSD Supt Gudiel Crosthwaite noted that Rotary members should plan to attend Vision To Learn events in Jan and Mar 2018 to observe the process of providing students with glasses (after they were previously screened).

Martina Rodriguez mentioned that the Youth act group at Roosevelt ES created Thanksgiving baskets, but this year Lynwood Rotary will not participate in their distribution.  Joe Wang explained that the turkey giveaways, which Lynwood Rotary agreed to fund 50 turkeys, needs to be coordinated with Ramon Rodriguez.  (The give-away event at the Sr. Center is Monday morning, Nov 20.)  Joe Wang reminded everyone that the next meeting will be Thursday November 30, at 6pm.  Daniel encouraged attendance at the Lynwood Film Festival at the Lynwood Union Gallery on Fri Nov 17.

Daniel introduced the speaker, Victor Ibarra, who has been on the staff of Assembly member Mike A. Gipson, 64th District for a year.  Victor is a graduate of UC Irvine with a major in Political Science.  Victor is a member of the Wilmington Rotary Club and also was a member of the Compton Rotary Club.  For Rotary District 5280 he has been the Chair of the Ethics Forum for the Youth Legislature.  So he has helped youth deal with important issues that include ethics.  With respect to the District 5280 Youth Ethics activities, Victor noted that he will provide Lynwood Rotary with specific information when a forum will be held at Marymount College in Apr 2018.

Victor described programs that Assembly member Gipson is leading and encouraged Lynwood residents to participate:  Flyers were distributed for a District Office Holiday Open House, Mon, Dec 4, 4-6pm, at the District Office, 879 W. 190th St., Suite 920, Gardena; also solar systems, and how to qualify for no-cost systems, meeting, Nov 29, 6:00-7:30 pm, 540 N. Marine Ave., Wilmington; also helping residents sign up for healthcare, every Mon, thru Jan 29, 2018, at the Gardena District Office; and another flyer listing nine bills that the assembly member has initiated, a portion of which have been signed by Gov. Brown.  Of particular note for the assembly member, is AB7, Gun Control, which will take effect Jan 1, 2018.

On behalf of Mike Gipson, Victor provided additional information.  The 64th District extends from Wilmington to Watts, which includes a small section of Lynwood.  District 64 is now 68% Latino.  Assembly member Gipson plans to run for re-election, for another two year term.  His background includes serving as Mayor Pro Tem for the City of Carson and he served as part of the Maywood Police Dept.

Major issues include the homeless population, housing, rent control, Section 8 Housing, also the future of DACA youth.  The shortage of homes and jobs is important.  The assembly member assisted in getting Compton College re-accredited.  The CEO of Compton College, Dr. Curry, has worked closely with the assembly member. Speaking of youth leaders in the community, LUSD FHS student Ricardo Ortega, now a FHS senior, has worked with the assembly member and with Senator Ricardo Lara.  Rotary member and LUSD Supt, Gudiel Crosthwaite commented on the exceptional ability of this youth.  (Daniel notes that perhaps Ricardo Ortega can be a Rotary speaker while he is still a senior at FHS.)

Note from the previous meeting on Thursday, October 19, The City of Lynwood Director of Recreation and Community Activities, Mark Flores talked about coming events. This information is repeated herein, as a helpful reminder of coming events. Minus the events that have already occurred.  Monday, November 20, a Turkey give-away at the Senior Center, and apparently, LUSD has a similar event on the same day; (it was noted that Rotary members can help volunteer at the Senior Center for turkey give-away;  Tue, Nov 28, 10 am, Ribbon Cutting Event for opening of City Hall Annex; Thursday November 30, 5:30pm  Mayor’s State of the City Address by Mayor Santillan- Beas in Bateman Hall (RSVP required); and Friday, December  8, Christmas Parade, with reception in Bateman Hall at 5pm and start of the parade at 7pm.  (Daniel noted that Lynwood Rotary and Youth act as usual will participate, starting with meeting at Martina’s home, with food provided, which is the location where the parade starts on MLK Blvd, east of Atlantic Ave.) 

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.16.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-11-23 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.09.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Nov 09, 2017

At the November 9,   meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation from a speaker from the Central Basin Municipal Water District. Leticia Vasquez, a District Director for this agency, and previously a member of the Lynwood City Council, was unable to attend.

The speaker was Mark R. Moss, Education & Grants Manager for the agency.  From a very informative power point presentation, Mark explained the water situation in California.  These include the three aqueducts, one of which is the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) aqueduct from the Colorado River. The other two from north to south, is the aqueduct owned by LACW&P and a aqueduct in the Central San Joaquin Valley.  The MWD sells water to the Municipal Water District.  The Central Basin Municipal Water District provides water to 24 cities, serving 1.7 million people, in SELA Country, to include the City of Lynwood, and now it also provides recycled water. Ground water is endangered by subsidence, and in coastal areas, intrusion of salt water is a threat.  There are 8 members on the Central Basin agency, to include Leticia Vasquez.  An easy to read color map showed the extent of the recent drought throughout the state.  Photos of Oroville Dam, the tallest in the US, in the north showed the effect of the drought with the receding water levels, followed by the heavy rains last year and the damage to the spillway.  Gov. Jerry Brown is supporting the Cal Water Fix Plan which consists of two tunnels to bring water from the Delta in the north to the aqueduct in the Central Valley. The tunnels would be 40' in diameter and 30 miles long. Risks to the state, have been assessed, to include, climate change, sea level rise, lowering of ground water levels, and seismic dangers. Adequate funding is a big question. There has been extensive public input, resulting in a IRP, Integrated Regional Plan. Questions from the audience included Dr. Edwin Pygatt asking why we have to still save water. Mark Moss replied yes because the state, especially the southern part will always be short of water.  Victor Gomez raised the issue of “a train versus a water tunnel”.  It was noted that the High Speed Train project is another state project requiring major funding.  Afterword’s Daniel suggested a repeat presentation because of the importance of this and the easy to understand presentation

Before the presentation, there was discussion about several coming events that involve the Lynwood Rotary Club.  Among the items covered was the Vision to learn eye screening at LUSD schools.  There will be eye screening at the following two schools: Tuesday, November 14, at Will Rogers ES and Friday, November 17 at Wilson ES, the time is 8:30am to approximately 12 Noon. The Lynwood Club has committed to paying for 50 turkeys for the Turkey Give-Away at the Senior Center on Monday, November 20.  Rotary volunteers are encouraged to participate in this event on Tuesday am. There was discussion about coordination with a previous donor last year (a company) to see if another 50 turkeys could be donated. 

Concerning a Rotary float for the Friday, December 8 Christmas Parade, Past President Ramon Rodriguez, stated he expected a decision tomorrow about whether the Avalos Catering Firm, the supplier of the pickup truck and float vehicle in previous years will provide the same this year.  The Lynwood Club has committed a contribution of $500.00 for this purpose.(In any event, Rotary members and Youth act will participate in the parade with or without a float.)Daniel mentioned that several Lynwood Rotary members on Thursday morning, November 7,  attended the Veterans Day breakfast in Bateman Hall and Celebration in the new Veterans Memorial Garden in front of Bateman Hall:  besides himself, Larry Esparza and Dr. Edwin Pygatt and his wife Iris

Note from the previous meeting on Thursday, October 19, The City of Lynwood Director of Recreation and Community Activities, Mark Flores talked about coming events. This information is repeated herein, as a helpful reminder of coming events. Minus the events that have already occurred.

Saturday, November 18 9am- 12 Noon, a Job Fair at Lynwood Community Center; Monday, November 20, a Turkey give-away at the Senior Center, and apparently, LUSD has a similar event on the same day; (it was noted that Rotary members can help volunteer at the Senior Center for turkey give-away;  Tuesday, November  28, 10 am, Ribbon Cutting Event for opening of City Hall Annex; Thursday, November 30, 5:30pm  Mayor’s State of the City Address by Mayor Santillan- Beas in Bateman Hall (RSVP required); and Fri, Dec 8, Christmas Parade, with reception in Bateman Hall at 5pm and start of the parade at 7pm.  (Daniel noted that Lynwood Rotary and Youth act as usual will participate, starting with meeting at Martina’s home, with food provided, which is the location where the parade starts on MLK Blvd, east of Atlantic Ave.) 


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.09.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-11-09 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.02.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Nov 02, 2017

At the November 2 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests participated  in member discussions.

There was a big “Welcome Back” declaration from everyone for the return of long time member and last year’s Club President, Ramon Rodriguez, after his recuperation from his surgery.

Among the discussion subjects, there was a decision that for the Turkey Give-Away event at the Senior Center, on Tuesday, November 28, this year the Lynwood Rotary Club will donate 50 turkeys.  There was also discussion as to whether there will be a Rotary Float for the Christmas Parade on Friday, December 8.   In the absence of Lucy Avalos, it is not clear who will provide the float that has been decorated by Youth act and some Rotary Club members.  Ramon Rodriguez agreed to follow up during the week to determine whether the pickup truck and float vehicle can be provided again this year.  (In any event, Rotary members and Youth act will participate in the parade with or without a float.)

Daniel mentioned the list of coming events that Mark Flores, City of Lynwood Director of Recreation and Community Events provided when he was speaker at the Thursday, October 19 meeting.  (Note:  this list is repeated herein, minus the Oct 31 Halloween Festival which has already occurred.)  Daniel mentioned that he will attend the Dia de los Muertos Altars event at the Lynwood Union Gallery, scheduled for November 1st & 2nd from 5pm - 8pm.  (Note:  Daniel did attend on Thursday, November 2, and comments that the numerous altars were beautiful and most informative about their meanings.)  Daniel also mentioned that he and Maria Quinionez (Lulu) attended the Rotary District 5280 Foundation Dinner on Saturday evening, October 28, at the Marriot Hotel at LA Live in DTLA.  As expected the 600 people in attendance enjoyed the food, music and program featuring Dr. Salk, the son of the first Dr. Salk, and the accomplishments in eradicating polio world-wide. The schedule of the coming meetings thru the first meeting in January 2018, was approved, to include the dates for the nominations and votes for Club officers for the year starting July 2018 thru June 2019.  It is important that everyone read this meeting schedule as shown in the meeting update in this weekly email update!

Note from the previous meeting on Thursday, October 19, The City of Lynwood Director of Recreation and Community Activities, Mark Flores talked about coming events. This information is repeated herein, as a helpful reminder of coming events.

Thursday, November 9 Veterans Day, 9:30 am breakfast, followed by unveiling of plaque at 11:00 am;  Saturday, November 18 9am - 12 Noon, a Job Fair at Lynwood Community Center; Monday, November 20, a Turkey give-away at the Senior Center, and apparently, LUSD has a similar event on the same day; (it was noted that Rotary members can help volunteer at the Senior Center for turkey give-away;  Tuesday, November 28, 10 am, Ribbon Cutting Event for opening of City Hall Annex; Thursday, November 30, 5:30pm  Mayor’s State of the City Address by Mayor Santillan- Beas in Bateman Hall (RSVP required); and Fri, Dec 8, Christmas Parade, with reception in Bateman Hall at 5pm and start of the parade at 7pm.  (Daniel noted that Lynwood Rotary and Youth act as usual will participate, starting with meeting at Martina’s home, with food provided,  which is the location where the parade starts on MLK Blvd, east of Atlantic Ave.)

Daniel noted that he will attend the Mayor’s State of the City Address by Mayor Santillan-Beas Thursday, November 30 (RSVP required) and encouraged all other Rotary members to also attend this important annual event for the City of Lynwood.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.02.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-11-02 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.26.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Oct 26, 2017

At the October 26, 6pm  meeting,  Lynwood Rotary members, Youth act, guests and parents participated in a special Halloween themed event with food provided by potluck from attendees.

To set the theme for this special meeting, Tila and Fernando Millan in previous weeks had distributed a flyer with an image of a dancing skeleton and a title: “Join Lynwood Rotary if you dare!  For a Halloween Social.” 

Tila Millan supported by Martina Rodriguez, helped Youth act leaders from Roosevelt ES talk about their previous activities this year and activities to come.  The presentation included fund raisers for the recent hurricanes, as well as the earthquake in Mexico City.

Youth act officers stood in front of the well-attended event with their parents and others in the community for recognition.  These included:  President – Alejandro Brizuela; Vice President – Bryana Miranda;  Secretary – Fernando Brizuela;  Assistant Secretary – Andrea Hernandez;  Treasurer – Gianelle Miranda; Community Liasion – Mariana Garcia; and Historian Jacob, plus Ruby Garcia.  

Everyone enjoyed the evening including the Halloween decorations, food and costumes that many Youth act members wore.

There was also a description of the Youth Vision to Learn Program from Dave Davis, a member of the Bellflower Rotary Club.  He explained that in the morning of Thursday, October 19, Rotary volunteers that included from the Lynwood Rotary Club, Martina Rodriguez, Daniel Miller and Barbara Battle checked all the students from Abbot Elementary School in Lynwood. The inspection procedure started at 8:30am and lasted until 1:00 pm.  At the October 26 meeting, Dave Davis cited the following statistics:  457 students passed the eye exam, and 177 failed, including those students already wearing glasses.  He noted that there were several students with severe poor eyesight.  As Dave explained to the students, a medical doctor and technicians will return to the school, after parents sign a form authorizing fitting for glasses, and students then can choose the style of glasses they want, and Vision to learn will pay for the glasses at no cost to the families.

Note from the previous meeting on Thursday, October 19, The City of Lynwood Director of Recreation and Community Activities, Mark Flores talked about two recent events, the October 4 Walk to School Event, and the Oct 7, Tamale Festival.  AND Mark talked about coming events. This information is repeated herein, as a helpful reminder of coming events.

Mark’s description of coming events included the following:  Tuesday, October 31, Halloween Festival, 5pm to 8pm Lynwood City Park, next to skate park, to include a costume contest for kids ages 1 year to 12 years ;  Thursday, November 9 Veterans Day, 9:30 am breakfast, followed by unveiling of plaque at 11:00 am;  Saturday, November 18 9am- 12 Noon, a Job Fair at Lynwood Community Center; Monday, November 20, a Turkey give-away at the Senior Center, and apparently, LUSD has a similar event on the same day; (it was noted that Rotary members can help volunteer at the Senior Center for turkey give-away;  Tuesday, November 28, 10 am, Ribbon Cutting Event for opening of City Hall Annex; Thursday, November 30, 5:30pm  Mayor’s State of the City Address by Mayor Santillan- Beas in Bateman Hall (RSVP required); and Friday, December 8, Christmas Parade, with reception in Bateman Hall at 5pm and start of the parade at 7pm.  (Daniel noted that Lynwood Rotary and Youth act as usual will participate, starting with meeting at Martina’s home, with food provided, which is the location where the parade starts on MLK Blvd, east of Atlantic Ave.)


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.26.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-10-26 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.19.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Oct 19, 2017

At the October 19 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard Mark Flores, City of Lynwood Director of the Department of Recreation and Community events, talk about recent events as well as planned events through December.

Supported with a power point presentation, Mark talked about two very successful recent events, as well as talk about coming events, a portion of which are mentioned herein.

On October 7 the 1st Tamale Festival was held in the front lawn of the City Hall.  Mark said that this first time event attracted a total of 500 people.  The music included a mariachi group from Plaza Mexico and a Lynwood MS Hosler Band, Los Tigres de Lynwood.  There were awards for two types of tamales. From seven restaurants, the winners were from two small restaurants in Plaza Mexico.  Mayor Santillan was a major promoter of this event.  Next year, Mark said an additional category may be added which is a restaurant outside of Lynwood category.

The second event described in detail by Mark was the Walk to School event on Wednesday, October 4. This event coincided with a national program.  The event started at the basketball courts on Bullis Rd. beginning at 7:00- 7:30 am.  Mark said an estimated 500 students and parents participated, that included Cesar Chavez and Hosler middle schools and five elementary schools, including Wilson, Roosevelt and Marshall Schools. After leaving the starting point, the school groups split into different routes for arriving at each school. Rotary member Raj asked what the purpose of this event was.  Mark explained that it teaches a safe way to walk to school and to encourage walking to school for healthy exercise.  Raj exclaimed:  “I think students should be encouraged to walk to school.”  LUSD Supt and Rotary member Gudiel Crosthwaite complemented city staff in organizing this event.  Mark said that this first year was a success and next year more schools will be planned to participate.

Mark’s description of coming events included the following:  Tuesday, October 31, Halloween Festival, 5pm to 8pm Lynwood City Park, next to skate park, to include a costume contest for kids ages 1 year to 12 years Thursday, November 9 Veterans Day, 9:30 am breakfast, followed by unveiling of plaque at 11:00 am;  Saturday, November 18 9am- 12 Noon, a Job Fair at Lynwood Community Center; Mon, Nov 20, a Turkey give-away at the Senior Center, and apparently, LUSD has a similar event on the same day; (it was noted that Rotary members can help volunteer at the Senior Center for turkey give-away;  Tuesday, November  28, 10 am, Ribbon Cutting Event for opening of City Hall Annex; Thursday, November 30, 5:30pm  Mayor’s State of the City Address by Mayor Santillan- Beas in Bateman Hall (RSVP required); and Friday, December  8, Christmas Parade, with reception in Bateman Hall at 5pm and start of the parade at 7pm.  (Daniel noted that Lynwood Rotary and Youth act as usual will participate, starting with meeting at Martina’s home, with food provided, which is the location where the parade starts on MLK Blvd, east of Atlantic Ave.)

Although not related to Mark’s presentation of City organized events, Daniel asked about the status of connecting the LA River, on the city’s eastern boundary, to the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station.  Mark briefly explained that the Connectivity Program involves provision for non-auto transportation, and that the City Council will be considering County and State funding for a bike path parallel to the Linear Park, that would be constructed in a portion of the freeway ROW, adjacent to the linear park.

Before the presentation by the speaker Mark Flores, District Governor, the meeting was run by long time Rotary member, Raj, who substituted for Rotary President Joe Wang, who with his wife is traveling and visiting several other countries.  Raj mentioned raffle tickets distributed to members on behalf of the District 5280 Foundation fund raiser.  Daniel mentioned that he was interested in attending the Annual Foundation Celebration, “Million Dollar Dinner” on Sat, October, 28, if any other club member was planning to attend. President Elect Barbara Battle, said she would like to attend.

Club member and treasurer, Martina Rodriguez, talked about the planned Halloween themed event for the next meeting at 6pm, October 26.  She distributed a flyer with an image of a dancing skeleton and a title: “Join Lynwood Rotary if you dare!  For a Halloween Social!  The food will be provided through a pot luck. Youth act and their parents will come.  Suggested food to bring, includes pizzas.

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.19.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-10-19 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.12.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Oct 12, 2017

At the October 12 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests participated in the annual visit of the District 5280 Governor.  This year the governor is Ms. Cozette Vergari.

The Governor brought two women who provide her with assistance along with Jerry Brown, District Chief of Staff.  The governor's introduction by one of her assistants provided detailed information of Ms. Vergari's extensive experience in a wide variety of fields, including serving as a lawyer, as well as professional experience in the arts, including ballet dancing. 

Ms. Vergari noted that she is no stranger to the City of Lynwood.  As a youth in the summers she explained that she lived in Lynwood, and her grandfather had a business in Lynwood.

Ms. Vergari talked about the important accomplishments of Rotary not only in this country but also world-wide, to include the campaign with Bill Gates funding to eradicate polio, which now she noted, has been eliminated in all countries except for a few new cases in three countries. 

She mentioned that District 5280, more so than many other Rotary districts,  has been organizing humanitarian trips to other countries, through which District participants do projects to help the local poverty stricken populations.  She mentioned the next planned trip during 2018.

She encouraged club members to attend the November 7 District breakfasts, which will feature A Salute to Our Veterans.  Also she mentioned the District Annual Foundation Celebration event on Saturday, October 28, to hear Keynote speaker:  Dr. Peter Salk, Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation, and President.

At the conclusion of the meeting after luncheon had been served, Lynwood Club members joined Ms. Vergari and her staff in the Lynwood conference room for discussions of the work of the Lynwood club. Much of the discussions were focused on the detailed information provided by Tila and Fernando Millan about the extensive programs and activities of the Youth act groups at Roosevelt and Helen Keller Elementary Schools. Also it was noted, that there is a search for faculty members willing to organize Interact clubs at middle schools and high schools within LUSD. There was also an explanation of the assistance provided by Gurdip Hari, including Gurdip's input to Club Runner for the Lynwood club, and also Gurdip's interest in providing an award to a youth for healthy living, and how to evaluate candidates for healthy living.

Before the presentation by the District Governor, there was discussion by Club President Joe Wang, of coming Lynwood Rotary and community events.  Joe mentioned that he and his wife will be traveling out of the country for the next two weeks, and that in his absence, long time member Raj, will run the next two meetings.

There was mention by Tila Millan of the planned Halloween Social for the evening meeting on Thursday, October 26, with a flier distributed.  It was noted that Martina Rodriguez will help plan the event with Fernando and Tila Millan.  Also Tila distributed another flier about a Fall Festival with the title:  “All Roosevelt Bears & Family Come and Join the Fun” scheduled for Friday, October 13, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

Daniel mentioned to attendees to look at the photos he took of the Vision to Learn Program that was held on the previous Thursday morning, October 5, from 8:00 am to 12 Noon at Cesar Chavez Middle School.  Lynwood Rotary members Joe Wang, Larry Esparza, Martina Rodriguez and Daniel Miller assisted in screening all the students as to vision.  The two leaders were Nora MacLellan from the Rotary Club of Westchester, and Dave Davis from the Rotary Club of Bellflower.  As described last week, it is intended that all the schools (15,000 students) within the LUSD receive this vision screening, and the opportunity to be fitted with corrective glasses.

Briefly Daniel mentioned the City of Lynwood Park and Recreation Halloween Festival on Tuesday, October 31, from 5pm to 8pm, to include a costume contest for kids ages 1 year to 12 years.

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.12.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-10-12 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.05.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Oct 05, 2017

At the October 5 meeting  Lynwood Rotary members and guests  discussed Rotary programs and activities. 

Since this was the first meeting of the month there was no speaker planned.  However, Rotary visitor Nora Maclellan provided detailed information about the Vision to Learn Rotary Program.

Before the Noon meeting, Lynwood Rotary members Joe Wang, Larry Esparza, Martina Rodriguez and Daniel Miller went to Cesar Chavez Middle School and from 8:00 am to 12Noon assisted in screening all the students as to vision.  The two leaders were Nora MacLellan from the Rotary Club of Westchester, and Dave Davis from the Rotary Club of Bellflower.  The students found to have vision deficiencies, through the coordination of the school nurse, will be given a form for their parents to sign, that will authorize the students to receive corrective glasses through the Vision to Learn Program.  Assuming there are the funds available through the Vision to Learn Program, at a later date a truck will come to the school and the authorized students can select the type of glasses they would like to wear (color, design, etc.).

It is intended that all the schools (15,000 students) within the Lynwood Unified School District (LUSD) receive this vision screening, and the opportunity to be fitted for eye glasses, as described in the previous description.  Although the Lynwood Rotary has not committed to participating in this program, Nora MacLellan and Dave Davis are hopeful that the Lynwood Rotary Club will get involved in this program for the benefit of  LUSD students.

Discussion of Lynwood Rotary events.

Lynwood Rotary Club President Joe Wang reminded meeting attendees that the next meeting on Thursday, Oct 12 will be the Annual visit of the District 5280 Governor, who this year is Ms. Cozette Vergari.  Joe urged that a special effort be made to get all members to attend this annual event.  And he noted that family members of Rotary members as well as guests are also encouraged to attend, so that there will be good turnout for hear and talk to the governor.

There was mention of the Tamale Festival in the Front Lawn of the City Hall, for Sat, Oct 7, 10am – 2pm. There was a discussion among members to see if a group of members would plan to attend the Saturday, October 28 Rotary District 5280 Foundation dinners, at which the Keynote speaker will be Dr. Peter Salk, Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation and President. Member Martina Rodriguez spoke very favorably of LUSD Supt Gudiel Crosthwaite.  She stated that she was a member of the LUSD School Board and having followed closely the LUSD for many years that Gudiel is very involved and close to all the work of the LUSD teachers and staff.  She also stated that she is going to coordinate with Gudiel to see if the Lynwood Rotary Club can be mentioned in the quarterly newsletter that is sent out to all the LUSD parents and staff.

Also Daniel mentioned that last week’s monthly evening meeting there was a very interesting speaker who is a docent for the Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum, located on Alameda Street, just south of Lynwood.  The docent, Kathleen Rabago, whose card describes  herself as a Historical Re-enactor, to include dressing as a women from the hacienda days 200-150 years ago of Alta California, described the Battle of Dominguez Hill which occurred in 1846.  The museum holds an annual event to celebrate the Battle of Dominguez Hill, which this year is October 7 and Oct 8 from 10am to 4pm.  Rowland Becerra who attended the September 28 evening meeting, will attend the museum event in order to get better acquainted with Kathleen, and Daniel encouraged other members and guests who attend the Lynwood Rotary meetings to also attend.

Also there was mention that Tila and Fernando would like to have a Halloween  theme for the October evening meet on Oct 26, with possibly a pot luck dinner.  More coordination will be needed next week.

Briefly Daniel mentioned the City of Lynwood Park and Recreation Halloween Festival on Tuesday, Oct 31, from 5pm to 8pm, to include a costume contest for kids ages 1 year to 12 years.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra 

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.05.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-10-05 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.28.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Sep 28, 2017

At the September 28, evening meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests  present, heard Museum Docent Kathleen Rabago, representing Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum,  Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220, whose Executive Director is Luis F. Fernandez.

Adding to the interest in the presentation, Ms. Rabago was dressed as a lady of a hacienda of 150- 200 years ago from Alta California.  She discussed briefly the history of the Dominguez family and their rancho which was the first land grant by Spain and extended from the area where the rancho buildings are located (on Alameda St. just south of the City of Lynwood) all the way south to the Wilmington Harbor Area).

Kathleen also described a cloth map which showed historic adobe structures throughout the Los Angeles Region.  She noted that there are around 50 adobe structures in the LA Region, some still in private ownership. Dominguez Rancho was the first land grant from Spain.  Throughout what is now So Cal. lands were taken by US forces by treaty or military force.  Kathleen stated “US President Polk got his wish.”

Kathleen talked about the Battle of Dominguez Hill, which is celebrated annually and this year the event will be Sat, Oct 7 and Sun, Oct 8, from 10am to 4pm at the Dominguez Museum.  In 1846 there was a battle between the Californios and the US Forces on Dominguez Hill, using a canon that was stored for safe keeping by a woman in El Pueblo de Los Angeles.  In anticipation of a battle, the canon was dragged from El Pueblo de Los Angeles to Dominguez Hill. Hence the name “The Battle of the Old Woman's Gun.” The Californios won the battle and the US Forces retreated to the south.  Rowland Becerra stated he would attend this event and planned further discussions with Kathleen.  Daniel stated he hoped other Rotary members and guests would also attend this annual event.

Kathleen noted that she is personally involved in various events at historic sites.  These include the annual event at El Campo Cahuenga, Studio City, in Jan (City of LA Dept of Recreation).  Also she has talked to persons involved in the CA Historical Park in Encino, explaining that the natural spring that still exists there was an important stop for settlers/ travelers from Spain, ( and then from Mexico) traveling to San Fernando Mission and locations further north.  Also Kathleen mentioned the importance of the annual event in the San Diego Harbor, in celebration of the landing of Juan Cabrillo at the harbor for the King of Spain during the late 1700's years.

Daniel noted that the Dominguez Rancho history relates to a coming Rotary meeting, at which Mayor Pro Tem Jose Solache, a graduate of Cal State Dominguez, and also a current student from the same university, will talk about their experiences attending this university.  Quoting from the well-known book, The Rancho San Pedro by Robert Gillingham, “In 1965 the Board of Trustees of CA State Colleges voted to build a new campus on the west side of Dominguez Hills, about two miles from the ranch house.  That campus today is California State University Dominguez Hills, and it houses a special collection of Rancho San Pedro manuscripts”. Daniel encouraged everyone to visit the Dominguez Museum.  He explained that at the entrance to Museum on the left wall in large letters is:  “Rancho San Pedro Dominguez Adobe 18127” and on the right side in the same large letters is: “ Dominguez Seminary The Claretians 18127”.  Except for the museum and the immediate property, the rest of the spacious landscaped property belongs to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.    

Before the presentation by Kathleen Rabago, Club President Joe Wang explained that there is a request for Rotary members to help support a vision screening event for students at Cesar Chavez Middle School on Abbott Road.  The event starts at 8am on Thur, Oct 5 at the school.  Daniel and Joe and Larry agreed to show up to help with the event for the students.  Daniel noted that the three of us have to leave the event in time to attend the 12 Noon Rotary meeting.  There was mention of the Tamale Festival in the Front Lawn of the City Hall, for Sat, Oct 7, 10am – 2pm. There was a discussion among members to see if a group of members would plan to attend the Sat, Oct 28 Rotary District 5280 Foundation dinners, at which the Keynote speaker will be Dr. Peter Salk, Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation, and President.  Also Rotary member Tila Millan talked about the funds raised by Youth act for the hurricanes in the amount of $250.00.  It was decided that the Lynwood Rotary Club will coordinate sending the funds to a designated organization.  Also Tila talked about a planned Halloween and Day of the Dead / Dia de los Muertos event at the end of October.  Daniel noted guests Beatriz Gutierrez and Rosalia Perez who stated their interest in the speaker. 

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –  

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.28.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-09-28 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.21.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Sep 21, 2017
At the September 21, meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests were present when Rotary District 5280, Chief of Staff, Jerry Brown inducted two candidates to become members of Lynwood Rotary Club. 
The new members are:  Gudiel R. Crosthwaite, New Superintendent for the Lynwood Unified School District (LUSD), and also Alejandra Avalos.
Jerry Brown also talked about current activities of Rotary worldwide, including an update on elimination of polio worldwide.
Before the presentation, President Joe Wang,
Noted that five Rotary members supported the City of Lynwood Employees Appreciation event, at the Natatorium on Saturday September 16, from 11am to 3pm. The principal duty of the Rotary members was to help with the sign-in procedures for city employees and their family members.) 
A frequent visitor, Lynwood Manager for the Lynwood Home for participants in Teen Challenge International, Cheryl Hunt, along with two of the home's current residents, talked about the Walk for Recovery 5K that was going to be held on Saturday, September 23, at Valley Christian High School, in Cerritos.
Long time Lynwood Rotary member Raj, as Foundation Chair for the Club, talked about the coming Rotary Foundation Dinner on Sat, October 28, and he encouraged members to receive raffle ticket books and to sell the 10 tickets, at $10 each (= $100.00) for fund raising for the Rotary Foundation.
There was a discussion among members to see if a group of members would plan to attend the Saturday October 28 Foundation dinner, at which the Keynote speaker will be Dr. Peter Salk, Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation, President
There was also discussion about members paying their quarterly dues (=$175 per quarter).
With President Elect Barbara Battle, taking the lead, there was a brief discussion and a brief moment of silence, wishing and praying that Club Past President Ramon Rodriguez have a quick recovery from his medical treatments, and hoping that he can attend the next meeting, Sep 28.
President Joe Wang reminded everyone that the next meeting, being the last meeting in the month, on September 28, will be at 6pm!!
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –  
Public Relations  and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.21.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-09-21 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.14.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Sep 14, 2017

At the September 14, meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation from a young man from Honduras who was severely injured as a result of falling off a train in Mexico while traveling north to the US discussed a number of issues and ideas.

The man is Jose Luis Hernandez.  His interpreter was Samuel Temblador from the organization, Jovenes, Creating Homes, Community for Youth.

Fr. Richard Estrada, Pastor of Church of the Epiphany in Lincoln Heights, had intended to be the translator for Jose Luis Hernandez, but in a conversation two days earlier, he stated that he had to attend a meeting with the Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles, about immigration issues.  Fr. Estrada described himself as a strong supporter of Jose.  Arturo Reyes stated he was hoping to see Fr. Estrada, because 40 years ago, he said, he worked with Fr. Estrada on immigration matters.

Samuel Temblador, of Jovenes, noted that Fr. Estrada was a founder of Jovenes, Inc. and now is a Board member.  Sam explained that Jose is taking English classes and also attends Puente Learning Center, a community school for students needing a nontraditional school.  A graduate of UCLA, Sam got involved through AmeriCorps, which is a government run program that promotes national volunteer and community service with nonprofit organizations.

Jose started his comments and then paused for Sam to translate.  On the back of Jose's
T-shirt were the following words:  Los Sobrevivientes de el Tren.  The Survivors of the Train, the Beast.

After his severe injury in 2006, Jose was receiving treatment in Honduras for two years.  Several years later, he organized a group of youth to charter a bus trip to the US, with the plan to meet with President Obama, about the conditions in Honduras, and the need to improve living conditions there so that there will no longer be a need for many to seek a better life in the US. The bus trip happened but the planned visit with Obama did not happen.  But now residing in the US, Jose is the head of the organization named AMIREDIS, Association Migrantes Retornados con Dicapacidad.

Jose referenced a brochure for AMIREDIS which includes a photo of Jose speaking to a group.  Excerpts from Jose's statements in the brochure include the following quotes: " I seek to generate the political willpower within the US and Honduran Governments in order to resolve immigration issues. …  My own story is that after 20 days of travel on foot and by hopping cargo trains, enduring thirst, hunger, and persecution as a migrant in Mexico, I was riding on a train coupling, taking off my shoes because my feet had swollen from so much walking, when suddenly all was dark.  I fell under the train, which amputated my leg, my arm, and part of my other hand.  By some kind of luck, the place where I fell was in a city called Delicias, Chihuahua, and people were able to get to me in time, which is how I'm still alive.  …  As a survivor, I want [people] to understand that migration only happens because of some cause in Central America, Mexico, or some other country.  … It is impossible for me to regrow my amputated leg or my arm. But it is indeed possible to stop others from becoming amputees if we can gather the political will to stop the problem at its roots by fostering favorable life conditions so that people can find alternatives in their countries, so that the promised land people seek in the US will be in their own countries."

Before the presentation, President Joe Wang, encouraged members to come to the City of Lynwood Employees Appreciation event, at the Natatorium on Sat, Sep 16, from 11am to 3pm. Rotary members should arrive at 10:30am.  The City requested Rotary members to help with the organization of this event.  (Note:  a total of five members did attend this event and helped with the sign-in procedures for city employees and their family members.) 

Daniel encouraged Rotary members to come to the Lynwood Union Gallery event scheduled later on Thursday, Sep 7,  from 5pm to 8pm, with the artist Michael Lara, noting that there will also be music.  (For the record, there were six Rotary members and three Rotary supporters, such as Maria Viera, who attended this Lynwood Union Gallery event on Thursday evening, Sep 7.)

Joe Wang reminded everyone that at the Sep 21 meeting, Jerry Brown, Chief of Staff for Rotary District 5280, will induct three candidates into the Lynwood Club:  Gudiel R. Crosthwaite, New Superintendent for the Lynwood Unified School District, and also Alejandra Avalos and Angel Farias.  All members were encouraged to bring a guest, in order to have a big turnout for this important Rotary Club event.

Maria Viera, as Block Watch Treasurer, thanked the club for its donation of hot dogs and buns and relishes for the 2017 National Night out Event on Aug 1.  College age guest Jeffrey Davis attended his first Rotary meeting and Daniel encouraged him to come back for the Sep 21 meeting for the induction of the three candidates into the Rotary Club.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club


Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.14.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-09-14 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.07.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Sep 07, 2017

At the September 7, meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests discussed a number of issues and ideas.

Among the issues agreed upon are that for the Governor’s visit at the October 12 meeting, the club will present a donation of $350.00.  It was also agreed that at the September 21 meeting, Rotary District 5280, Chief of Staff, to the Governor, will induct three candidates into the Lynwood Club:  Gudiel R. Crosthwaite, New Superintendent for the Lynwood Unified School District, and also Alejandra Avalos and Angel Farias.

Meeting as the Club Board, there was lengthy discussion, with Larry Esparza and Martina Rodriguez taking the lead, and a decision reached about changing the bank to be used for the club funds.  It will be close to the Lynwood City Hall.

Club guests, Maria Garcia, Beatrice Torres and Maria Viera were welcomed.  Maria Garcia, representing Roosevelt ES Youth act and the adult leaders, Tila and Fernando Millan talked about two fund raising projects.

For Hurricane Harvey, at Roosevelt ES, teachers will have a box for donations in their classroom and Youth act officers will collect at the end of the week.

Also there will be a Youth act Taco and Loteria at the home of Tila and Fernando Millan on Sat, Sep 9, starting at 4pm, with the proceeds from the meal tickets to be used for transportation costs for a bus for a coming Youth act event.

In response to a question from Daniel, Maria Garcia also talked about the Youth act participation in the Rotary District Annual picnic at Redondo Beach Lagoon, and she talked about how the Youth act card boat did in the boat competition.

Daniel encouraged Rotary members to come to the Lynwood Union Gallery event scheduled later on Thursday from 5pm to 8pm with the artist Michael Lara, noting that there will also be music.  Maria Viera was one of the attendees who said she would join Daniel at this art oriented event.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

         Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.07.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-09-07 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.31.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 31, 2017

At the August 31 6pm meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation by Kateri Gutierrez, Collective Avenue Coffee, and also by three members of the Collective.  The explanation included in the weekly  update for coming meeting programs, is repeated herein:  “Inspired by the community and the need for local economic development, Lynwood natives & residents, Jonathan and Kateri, founded Collective Avenue Coffee, a mobile coffee stand that engages in community efforts.  Their goal is to open a brick and mortar in Lynwood and create fair, sustainable jobs for locals.  It is the first coffee business to be run as a worker owned cooperative in LA County.  Collective Avenue Coffee wants to introduce community created jobs through its coffee shop, and would like to engage the Rotary Club in our efforts to acquire a brick and mortar location.”

The three participants, in addition to Kateri Gutierrez were:  Daisy Cuellar, resident of Boyle Heights, and a graduate of Wellesley College; Briana Tetsch, resident of Bell, and a junior at Mount St. Mary's University; and David Nieto, a resident of Lynwood and a Senior at Firebaugh HS in Lynwood; and unable to attend is Jonathan Robles, former ELAC student and coffee shop trainer.  Kateri graduated from UC Berkeley, in which she built her own major, focusing on American Consumerism.  Of note, Kateri  is a FHS graduate and also continues to reside in Lynwood. 

The Cooperative does not want to associate itself with a specific culture, such as Tierra Mia, which coffee shop locations identify them as all Latino. As worker owned, the workers become candidates and have to get voted in. 

The well-organized power point presentation included a description of Seven Cooperative Principles. As explained, the concepts include:  voluntary open membership; democratic decision making; cooperation among members; autonomy and independence; all membership economic participation; concern for the community; and education and training for all members.  Kateri noted that participants gain valuable work experience that can be included in resumes for job applications.  There currently are 8 interns in the Collective.

The quality of the coffee is important.  There are now over 15 items that are now on the menu.  In answer to a question from Member Ramon Rodriguez and current owner of a Lynwood hardware store, yes the collective is paring with a local business.  It is Balam Restaurant, at 11700 Long Beach Blvd. -- just south of the Green Line Station on Long Beach Blvd.  The collective operates at this location, 6am – 11am Tue thru Fri and 8am to 12 noon on Sat and Sun.  The Collective raised $9,000 for the espresso machine.  Also the Collective is selling cold brew bottles of coffee and plans to sell this product in retail locations throughout the area.    Also on the last  Friday nights, a program of music is offered at the same restaurant, Balam Restaurant. 

Kateri also explained that some of the awards Collective Avenue has received include the Ricardo Lara Excellence award in 2016 and the Small Business Majority's national forum for small business advocacy, in which she will be attending in Washington DC this upcoming October.

Before the presentation, Lynwood Rotary President, Joe Wang, commented about the Lynwood Rotary Club participation in the Annual District 5280 Beach Party & Cardboard Boat Race, Seaside Lagoon, Redondo Beach, held on Sat 5pm- 9pm,  Aug 26.   Joe Wang noted that there were overall fewer participants compared to holding the event earlier in the day. He had a photo of the boat race showing the Lynwood Youth act member rowing the boat.  This year the boat did not sink!   Club Secretary Lulu exclaimed that she was glad to be at the picnic and good to see all the Lynwood Youth act there with their parents. 

Marisela Santana made an announcement for a reception at the Lynwood Union Gallery, for a new artist, Michael Lara, for Thursday, Sep 7, 5pm -7pm at the Gallery.  Marisela explained that there will be music and other art on display.

 Guests at the meeting, who were presented by Daniel included:  Yolanda Rodriguez, who two years ago was Treasurer of the City of Lynwood; also Maria Viera, Block Watch Captain, &  Treasurer for Lynwood Block Watch; also Ana Barroza, Block Watch Captain, and Secretary for Lynwood Block Watch and also Secretary for the Lynwood Parking & Traffic Commission.     

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.31.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-08-31 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.24.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 24, 2017

At the August 24 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation by Sandra Ekhart, Children's Pastor, Lynwood Worship Center, and Outreach Coordinator for Forgotten Children, Inc.  (The Senior Pastor is Woody Robinson, who has served the community for 20 years.)

Deborah Warren, whose multiple titles include Senior Pastor's Assistant and Ministry Coordinator, made several comments.

More than a decade ago an outreach program was started by Lynwood Worship Center to the victims of sexual exploitation along Long Beach Blvd., which included a safe refugee house, or Drop-In Center, for the victims to visit on Long Beach Blvd.  Thanks to the hard work initiated by Pastor Paula Daniels, Associate Pastor, there continues to be an active program in serving these victims in Lynwood.  Pastor Daniels was the founder in developing “a welcoming center” for these victims.  The goal is to be a part of the solution in helping these girls develop an alternative to getting caught up in the business operated by the pimps.  Starting with creating a loving relationship for each victim, there is a need to help each girl obtain skills such as a GED education that will enable them to not have a financial need provided by the pimps.  Long Beach a “training track” used by the pimps for their business.  The Drop-In Center on Long Beach Blvd. is an important step in reaching out to these girls.  It was stated that the pimps are now going after girls as young as 12 years old.

The pimps know these girls are love starved.  They state to them they will care for them.  They try to get to know personal contacts of the victims.  The girls have a quota every day.

Support from the Welcoming Center involves helping the girls get necessary education and assistance in applying for and getting a regular job.  The Center offers them a hope.

There is a “safe house” in San Bernardino, operated by a faith based organization.  It was noted that in attempting to follow up for care and support, that unfortunately the rate of recidivism is high in the sex related industry.  It was noted that since 2006 through the efforts of Pastor Paula Daniels, 5000 girls from Long Beach Blvd. have been served.  It was explained that some of the girls are incarcerated by LASD Officers and held at the the Alameda LASD Jail.  Girls in the outreach program are sometimes taken to the LASD Jail as part of their training.

Sandra Ekhart showed a “Rescue Bag”, also referred to as a “Love Bag”, which contains items helpful for someone on the streets, and showed that it included a MacDonalds card for food.  She had handout cards that promoted financial support for Forgotten Children.  Below are several quotes:  “Our Mission is to rescue, restore, educate and bring hope to victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.  … Known Facts:  – The average age of a teen entering sex trade in the U.S. Is 12 to 14 years old.  – Many victims are runaway girls who were sexually abused as children.  – California harbors 3 of the FBI's 13 highest child sex trafficking areas in the nation:  Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego.”

Before the presentation, Lynwood Rotary President, Joe Wang, again encouraged participation in the Annual District 5280 Beach Party & Cardboard Boat Race, Seaside Lagoon, Redondo Beach. 

Joe Wang again explained his construction of the cardboard boat in which a member of the Roosevelt ES Youth act will use in the boat competition at the lagoon.  It is expected there will be a large turnout of Lynwood Rotary Youth act together with their parents and friends.  Youth act parent Maria Garcia mentioned the need for a list of names of everyone who will participate in this event.

After the presentation, Daniel suggested a visit o the Drop-In Center on Long Beach Blvd.  Sandra Ekhart explained that the Lynwood Rotary should call first and get an appointment for a group visit. Sandra mentioned the fund raising golf tournament for Monday, October 30, 2017, at the Western Hills Country Club in Chino Hills.  From the hand out card: “Forgotten Children, Inc. The Second Annual Charity Golf Classic, Swinging Against Human Trafficking, since 2006.”


 Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

 Public Relations  and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.24.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-08-24 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.17.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 17, 2017

At the August 17 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation by Long Term Rotary member and owner of T.A.J. Office & School Supply, 11410 Long Beach Blvd., Lynwood, Rajen (Raj) Dhaliwal. 

Using Wifi, Raj presented two videos about his Sikh religion.

In addition to an explanation of the Sikh religion, Raj provided some interesting facts about world history going back 5000 years.  From 1 AD (Ano Domino), Year since Jesus) to our current year, 2017, according to Raj, in terms of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), from 1 AD to 1500 AD, India was the richest country in the world.  Then from 1500-1700, China was #1 and India was #2.  Then after 1700 when the Industrial Revolution started, Europe and America became the countries with the highest GDP.  Now changes are continuing, and China will become #1,and India is now #3 after America.

The Sikh religion is concentrated in a northern part of India in the state of Punjab within India. The two videos had interesting views of the Golden Temple, located within a lake of water, in the city of Amitsar, India.  The leaders of the religion, described as gurus, goes back to the year 1469 with Guru Nanak.  The guiding force was a reaction against the caste system of Hinduism, the predominant religion in India, then and now.  The caste system was a rigid practice of controlling wealth.  Only those in the so-called ruling class, the Brahamins, could advance.  Everyone else was required to continue in their inherited position in society.

Going back to about 1600, the first ten gurus or leaders are teachers.  Their teachings were shown in one of the videos as being preserved, as holy texts.  The teachers preached against a caste system.  In the eyes of God, all human beings are the same.  This includes women, who have equal rights.  One of the videos shows the serving of food at the Golden Temple for a total of 100,000 meals in one day, all for free.  Also shown is the daily cleaning of the temple in a very elaborate manner and ritualistic manner;  also the daily procedures of the lead guru, in appearing in public, followed by at the end of the day his return to the Golden Temple.

The religion never asks for contributions, but receives a large amount of donations from the followers.  With respect to hair, “scissors never touch us,” because we should remain natural.  This applies to both women and men.  Followers of the religion have always been able to physically defend themselves against others in India, and 40% of the military in India have been and continue to be of the Sikh religion.  The concept is to be able to defend yourself and also to defend the needy. 

A place for worship is referred to as a Gurudawara, “a door to God.”  Raj noted that in the LA area, there are a number of gurudawaras, mentioning one at 1620 Preus Road, near Robertson Blvd., suggesting a visit.

Separate from the presentation by Raj, there was discussions lead by Rotary President Joe Wang. 

There was coordination about the new members to be inducted when the Rotary District Governor visits the club on Oct 12:  LUSD new superintendent, Dr. Gudiel Crosthwaite, and Alejandra Avalos, and Angel Farias.

Also there was mention of a scholarship for a Youth act volunteer for the Rotary Fireworks Stand.  It was explained that she has volunteered for this work for several years.

And there were discussions about plans for the Rotary District annual Beach Party & Cardboard Boat Race at Seaside Lagoon, Redondo Beach, Sat, Aug 26, 5pm – 9pm.  Joe Wang mentioned that as usual he will construct the boat in the next two weeks.  Lulu talked about the requirement to sign up in advance for this event.


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.17.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-08-17 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.10.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 10, 2017

At the August 10  meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation by Rotary member and previous Treasurer, Dr. Larry Esparza, about his military experiences. 

Using Wifi, everyone saw a series of videos on US Army paratrooper training. 

Larry explained the process we were watching of young men jumping out of planes as part of paratrooper training.  The location was Ft. Bragg North Carolina.  There were several films we saw.

At the end of the presentation, in response to a question from Daniel, Larry was on active duty with the US Air Force, starting Mar 1, 1968 for a total of 7 years:  3 years in the US and 4 years in England.  Then for 13 years, in civilian life, he went to school to get an AA degree, a BS degree, and more studies to become a doctor as a chiropractor, with his own doctor's office. 

Then in 1989, Larry re-enlisted to active duty in the Air Force reserves, for a total of 20 years of active duty military service.

During his presentation, Dr. Larry Esparza helped the audience relive some important US history by talking about military campaigns, some of which as a member of the Air Force Reserve, he was personally in.

Going back to 1991, there was Operation Desert Storm and Desert Shield, authorized by the Senior President Bush, which supported the 100 Day War in Iraq.

Then the Junior President Bush supported Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

More recently, in 2001 in Operation Southern Watch, US Troops were sent to Saudi Arabia to maintain watch and maintain control relating to Sadam Hazam.  Also in 2002, Operation Anaconda, from a base in Germany, US troops were dispatched to Afghanistan.


Separate from Dr. Esparza's presentation, there were discussions lead by Rotary President Joe Wang, and by Rotary Secretary, Lulu Quinionez, about several important issues.

There was coordination about the new members to be inducted when the Rotary District Governor visits the club on Oct 12:  LUSD new superintendent, Dr. Gudiel Crosthwaite, and Alejandra Avalos, and Angel Farias.

Also there was discussion about the Club Treasurer responsibilities, and the issue of authorized signatures for the Rotary bank account.  (The new club treasurer, Martina Rodriguez was unable to attend the meeting.)

And there were discussions about plans for the Rotary District annual Beach Party & Cardboard Boat Race at Seaside Lagoon, Redondo Beach, Sat, Aug 26, 5pm – 9pm.  Joe Wang mentioned that as usual he will construct the boat in the next two weeks.  Lulu talked about the requirement to sign up in advance for this event.

Daniel mentioned that photos and news about the Lynwood Rotary club can be emailed to Gurdip Hari for posting the Rotary Club Runner website.  The photos that Daniel takes of the meeting attendees are emailed to Gurdip.  Gurdip lives in three countries (each 1/3 of the year):  US, Ghana Africa and India.  He reads his emails regularly where ever he is.


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.10.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-08-10 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.03.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 03, 2017

At the August 3 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests discussed among themselves a variety of thoughts. 

Past President Ramon Rodriguez and Current President talked briefly about their impressions of the National Night Out annual event, which this year was held on Tuesday, August 1, in front of Lynwood City Hall from 5pm to 8pm.  Next to the Rotary Table, the hot dogs and buns and relishes and chips, funded by Rotary, were served by Alejandra Avalos and by another employee of Avalos Catering.  Daniel was asked to comment also about the event and he mentioned the sale of T-Shirts as a fund raising event.  The T-shirts were displayed hanging at the Rotary table, and they were also displayed hanging at the meeting.  There were 40 T-shirts in two different Lynwood oriented designs.  At the Tuesday night event, 6 T-shirts were sold.  The purchase price was $15.00 each.  Daniel brought a sign that was placed on the Rotary table, with the following wording:  “T-shirts for Sale.  The cost of the T-Shirts has been donated.  100 percent of the purchases help pay for scholarships and other Lynwood Rotary community projects.”

During the previous weekend, President Elect Barbara Battle attended the Youth act event Friday evening in South Gate Park, with mariachi music, and Daniel attended the Youth act event on Saturday morning for Youth act members to practice kayaking in Los Alamitos Bay.

Joe Wang mentioned again the District 5280 Annual Picnic and Boat Race, scheduled for Saturday, August 26, 5pm, at the Redondo Beach Lagoon.  As is the past practice, Joe will construct the cardboard boat that one or two youth act members will use in the boat race.

The three proposed new members were mentioned by Club Secretary, Lulu Quinionez:  LUSD Supt. Gudiel Crosthwaite, Alejandra Alvalos and Angel Farias. 

Rotary Guest Maria Garcia and Esmeralda Villalobos were recognized and Esmeralda was commended for her work at the fireworks stand.  Also recognized were Cal State Dominguez student Jesus Gonzalez and his mother, noting that Jesus and Mayor Pro Temp Jose Solache are scheduled to be the speakers at a coming meeting.

Rotary Guest Cheryl Hunt, Assistant Operations Manager of the LA County Teen Challenge and head of the facility in Lynwood, although not scheduled, was given permission to make a brief presentation.  Cheryl has talked about Teen Challenge at several meetings. The national organization's purpose is to provide support, to include housing, for young adults suffering from alcohol and drug addictions.  The support is oriented toward an evangelical Christian perspective.  As explained by Cheryl, the Lynwood facility provides a home for women but there are separate facilities for men.  Cheryl was promoting a coming fund raising event on September 23, Walk For Recovery.  The 5K event will be at Valley Christian High School in Cerritos.  The goal is to raise $50,000 at this event.  Cheryl noted that it costs $1,200 for room and board for one participant at the Lynwood facility.



 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.03.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-08-03 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.27.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jul 27, 2017

At the July 27  meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation from Rob Guilmette, Yoga Teacher.  Teacher Rob was introduced by Daniel, explaining that he first met Rob at a Lynwood Union Gallery event in April 2017.  He was part of a band that performed at the Gallery.  Teacher Rob explained that yoga in a broad sense is a combination of various physical exercises with a mental framework of connecting one’s body with one’s spiritual senses and with one’s connection to the immediate surroundings.  He gave examples of stretching motions in combination with breathing exercises and in encouraging the mind to think about one’s relationship with one’s surroundings.

Rob’s talk generated a lot of discussion and questions from his audience. For example, Rotary member Raj asked for clarification as to what and how does yoga practice affect one’s body.  Speaker Rob responded that it removes blockages and increases circulation.  This is accomplished in stages, noting that breathing and moving your body affects cognition in a favorable manner of increasing awareness.  Rob noted two different types of yoga: one called “Kundalini” which involves breathing and chanting.  Then there is “hatha” which emphasizes types of physical exercises and positioning of the body.

Rotary Club Secretary Maria Quinionez (Lulu) asked how yoga had helped Rob in his own life “playing in a band had caused carpal tunnel syndrome in his hands, from the repetitious motions of his hands”.  This physical problem was affecting his entire outlook on life.  Through various yoga practices, including physical movements and diet changes he completely corrected his carpel tunnel syndrome problem.

Dr. Edwin Pygatt talked about pains in his wrist, and at the end of the meeting, Rob had Edwin stood next to him and practice certain arm and wrist movements to help alleviate Edwin’s physical pains.

Tila Millan responded to Rob’s yoga talk by describing how she has used yoga practices in her elementary school classroom with her students.  She explained that after she had completed a six week yoga class herself, she has employed 5 minutes of meditation and breathing exercises with her students in the classroom, and it has had a very positive effect on the students.

Looking to the future, Rob would like to find a way that more members of the community have access to the practice of yoga, to include developing a community center for this purpose.  Currently, Rob provides a health and wellness “platform” at the Avalos Center in Ham Park on Mon and Wed at 7pm for $7.00 per person or $40.00 for the month.  Also he provides a similar program on Sundays at 9am.  There is no charge, but participants may make a donation.

Some thoughts to remember from Rob are immersion in nature, to include backyard “pockets of nature.”  Yoga has been promoted in different ways, he notes, and every teacher has a little different emphasis -- citing yoga and the Beatles in comparison with current teachers.

Before the presentation by Rob Guilmette, President Joe Wang talked about coming events.

Coming events were discussed, starting with the annual National Night Out event planned for Tuesday evening, August 1. The event will take place this year in front of Lynwood City Hall, from 5pm to 8pm.  The Lynwood Rotary Club will have a table and will provide hot dogs and buns and relish for participants in this well attended annual city event.  As a fund raising action, T-shirts with two different Lynwood oriented designs will be sold at the table for $15 each.  The costs of the T-shirts have been donated, so 100% of the income from the sales of the 40 shirts will be for Lynwood club projects for the community.  Other events planned were listed in the cover page of the weekly update which is emailed to Rotary members and to non-members who have requested these weekly updates. The events were for Youth act members and their parents. On Fri, Jul 28 at South Gate Park involving Mariachi music, and on Sat, Jul 29, Los Alamitos Bay in Long Beach for kayaking practice.   It was noted that for the boat races at the District Picnic on Sat, Aug 26, at Redondo Beach Harbor Lagoon, as usual, Joe Wang will construct the cardboard boat, and then the youth will paint the cardboard boat.  This year the District annual picnic will be held in the evening, starting at 5pm.   President Wang reminded everyone, that the District 5280 Governor will attend the Lynwood Club’s meeting for the second meeting in Oct.


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.27.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-07-27 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.20.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jul 20, 2017
At the July 20 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard a presentation from Marisela Santana, Community Relations and Public Information Consultant
Ms. Santana explained that she is Secretary and Rowland Becerra is President of the Lynwood Union Gallery that is housed in the historic Pacific Electric Train Station located in Lynwood and then moved to its present location by Caltrans with City of Lynwood involvement when the 105 Freeway was constructed along the right of way of the PE rail route from Santa Ana to downtown LA.
Marisela stated that the Gallery will be staffed by volunteers and that Monday thru Thursday, the Gallery will be open, 11am -2pm, and again 4pm -6pm.
On Saturday, July 15, from 11 am to 4 pm, the 100 Year Anniversary of the historic train station was celebrated at the present location of this building.  Many photos of the Lynwood PE train station as well as of the Pacific Electric regional train system were on display.  Presenters included from the Pacific Electric Historical Society, Michael Patris, President, and Steve Crise, Vice President.  Marisela noted that it was the first time some of the PE train photos have been on public display.
Also Marisela was very involved in the Coffee with the City Manager, Alma Martinez, also at the Lynwood Union Gallery on Thursday pm July 20, 5- 7pm.  Marisela mentioned the event was well attended, to include all city department heads, as well as many from the community.  A number of issues were raised by Lynwood residents, to include gang problems and parking on city streets.  J.D. Whitaker handled questions about parking permit districts, under consideration.  One issue is the percent of residents in a proposed residential district that must vote in favor of a parking district.
Marisela noted that the City Manager is very accessible, very open to communications with residents and businesses.
Before the presentation by Marisela Santana, President Joe Wang talked about coming events.
Coming events were discussed, starting with the annual National Night Out event planned for Tuesday evening, August 1.  The Lynwood Rotary Club will have a table and will provide hot dogs and buns and relish for participants in this well attended annual city event.  Other events planned are listed in the cover page of the weekly update which is emailed to Rotary members and to nonmembers who have requested these weekly updates.  It was noted that for the boat races at the District Picnic on Saturday, August 26, at Redondo Beach Harbor Lagoon, as usual, Joe Wang will construct the cardboard boat, and then the youth will paint the cardboard boat.  This year the District annual picnic will be held in the evening, starting at 5pm.
Daniel noted the participation of Lynwood Rotary members in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, held in South Gate Park from 9am Saturday, July 15 to 9am Sunday, July 16.  This year, this event was held for both Lynwood and South Gate.  The major coordinator for this combined Lynwood / South Gate event was Ms. Esparanza Galvan Trejo, who happens to be active in the South Gate Rotary Club.  Daniel mentioned that he attended the Relay For Life Event both before the Lynwood Union Gallery event, celebrating 100 years of the historic Pacific Electric Station building which now houses the Lynwood Union Gallery ( which event took place 11 am to 4pm), and also in the evening on Saturday. July 15.  And he noted he also drove back to South Gate for the closing Relay For Life event at 9am Sunday, Jul 16.  Mayor Pro Temp Jose Solache made a welcoming speech for the closing activities on Sunday morning.
Lynwood Rotary Secretary, Ms. Maria Qunionez, (Lulu) noted that the fund raising goal for the American Cancer Society event this year in South Gate Park was $50,000.  Lulu proudly noted that a total of $60,000 had been raised, which included more than $1,000 from Assembly Member Anthony Rendon, to bring the total up to $60,000.
President Wang reminded everyone, that the next weekly meeting will be in the evening, at 6pm, July 27.  He also mentioned that the District 5280 Governor will attend the Lynwood Club’s meeting for the second meeting in Oct.
 Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
 Public Relations  and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.20.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-07-20 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.13.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jul 13, 2017

At the July 13  meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests heard and observed a video about personal memories of the Watts Riots 25 years ago.   

The description of the program is repeated here from the weekly meeting updates.

Rowland Becerra, President of the Lynwood Union, also an active leader of other art related projects.  Mr. Becerra showed a video with voice recordings which was part of the “L.A. Riots, Lynwood” presentation at the Lynwood Union Gallery on Sat, Apr 29.

In this video a number of well-known people in the community talk about their memories of the L.A. Riots as it personally affected them and their families.  Among those filmed include current Mayor Maria Santillan and immediate past president of the Lynwood Rotary Club Ramon Rodriguez.  Some of the people filmed include then LUSD teacher Lynda George, Lynwood Travel Lodge owner Nick Patel, J.D. Whitaker, Roland Becerra, Leticia Vasquez (formerly on City Council and Mayor)   and Luis Byrd (formerly on the Lynwood City Council and who served as Mayor).

The video presentation gave pause for everyone in attendance about this momentous event, some would say, disaster, impacting everyone in the Los Angeles Region.

Before the video with recorded voices, President Joe Wang again talked about the results of the Fireworks Stand , July 1 through July 4.  He again mentioned that this fund raising event for the Lynwood Club would not have been possible without the generous time commitment of volunteers involving Youth act participants, their parents, several Roosevelt ES teachers, and several older youth volunteers using their time spent as credit for community service time.

Coming events were discussed, starting with the annual National Night Out event planned for Tuesday evening, August 1.  The Lynwood Rotary Club will have a table and will provide hot dogs and buns and relish for participants in this well attended annual city event.  Other events planned are listed in the cover page of the weekly update which is emailed to Rotary members and to non members who have requested these weekly updates.  It was noted that for the boat races at the District Picnic on Sat, Aug 26, at Redondo Beach Harbor Lagoon, as usual, Joe Wang will construct the cardboard boat, and then the youth will paint the cardboard boat. 


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.13.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-07-13 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.06.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jul 07, 2017

At the July 6 meeting, Lynwood Rotary members and guests discussed a number of activities and projects.  

President Joe Wang provided an overview of the Rotary Fireworks stand results.

The fireworks sales from the Phantom Fireworks Company amounted to about $19,000 and as usual, with most of the sales occurring on the last day, July 4.  However, the net income to the club will be only about one third of that amount, after all the expenditures are paid for.

President Joe, as well as Past President Ramon and Daniel emphasized that this project was only possible with the great amount of staffing and expertise provided by the Youth act group and parents as well as some other older youth involved in managing and assisting with the sales over the four day event, plus the day before, on Friday, June 30 to organize the product that was delivered on Friday.  Also there were several teachers from Roosevelt ES who also staffed the fireworks stand.

Possible new members were discussed, to include the new LUSD Superintendent, Gudiel Crosthwaite, who started June 1.  He started with LUSD in 2010, supervising operations for elementary and middle schools, and then he was promoted to deputy superintendent of educational services in 2013.  (Rotary member Paul Gothold resigned as LUSD Superintendent to become the Superintendent of the San Diego County Office of Education.)

LUSD Special Recognition Superintendent Crosthwaite, talked about the special recognition the school district received for a dramatic increase in the number of students taking AP (Advanced Placement) classes and AP Tests.  Daniel displayed the LA Times California Section front page for July 5, which featured the Lynwood accomplishment.  Quoting from the front page article:  “This year, Lynwood became one of two L.A. County school systems named to the College Board's honor roll for significantly increasing their number of students taking and passing AP exams.  (The other was comparatively prosperous Arcadia Unified School District.)”  Supt. Crosthwaite said that there will be banners placed at the schools to publicize this great accomplishment.

There were a number of coming events discussed. 

First of all, on Saturday, July 15, from 9am to 9am on Sunday, July 16, there is the 24 Hour American Cancer Society Relay for Life in South Gate Park.  Club Secretary Lulu will organize a Lynwood Rotary Club group to participate.  Daniel mentioned that he will start at 9am on Sat, and then leave to participate in another important event that starts at 11am at the Lynwood Union Gallery to commemorate the history of the Pacific Electric Railway System.  The Lynwood Union Gallery building is part of the historic Pacific Electric Station that served Lynwood, which building was moved by Caltrans to its present location, across from Lynwood City Hall, when the 105 Freeway was constructed and opened in 1995. The President of the Pacific Electric Railway System Society will make a major presentation, starting at 11:00 am.  There will be historic maps and photos on display.  And it is planned that there will be drawings of trains that youth will do. 

 On Tuesday, July 18 there will be the next District 5280 Breakfast meeting at the usual location, the hotel on Century Blvd.  Near LAX.  The breakfast meeting starts at 8:00 am and Rotary members are urged to make a reservation before the date.

Another event for Lynwood Youth act members is planned for Saturday, July 29, from 9am to 3pm, which is Kayaking in Los Alamitos Bay in east Long Beach.  To show support for this kayaking sport, Rotary members are encouraged to show up.  Daniel suggests that there be carpooling from the Lynwood City Hall, to leave at 8am.  (The youth and parents will have their own transportation to this event.)

Also there will be the Annual District 5280 Picnic and Boat Competition at Redondo Beach Harbor in late August with Lynwood Youth act participants.  As usual, Joe Wang will construct the cardboard boat, and then the youth will paint the cardboard boat. 


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.06.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-07-07 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.28.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 29, 2017

At the June 28, meeting, Lynwood Rotary members joined South Gate Rotary members at their regular meeting on Wednesday Noon, June 28, in the South Gate Auditorium Building in South Gate Park.


Before the speaker, South Gate Lynwood officers, including Jesus Cruz, the Club President, had a number of announcements and related comments.


The Speaker was Valentina Cardenas, Managing Director, of East LA Classic Theatre.


Ms. Cardenas is under contract to a local school in the South Gate area, which is part of the LACUSD.

Her video was very interesting. It portrayed high school students performing formal dances as well as practicing vocal parts.  It was obvious in the video that the students were learning great artistically oriented skills, seeing them in classroom situations and on the stage.

After the meeting, Daniel met with Valentina and suggested that the LUSD staff would be interested in seeing the video and in talking with Ms. Valentina Cardenas.


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.28.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-06-29 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary meeting Update 06.22.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 22, 2017

At the June 22, meeting, members and guests at the overflow evening meeting celebrated the installation of new officers for the Lynwood Rotary Club and for the Youth act Club.

In addition to the camaraderie made possible by the large turnout from both the Lynwood Rotary Club and from the Youth act Group and their parents there were a number of memorable presentations.

Jerry Brown, Chief of Staff for Rotary District 5280, (and member of the South Gate Rotary Club), performed the installation of officers for the Lynwood Rotary Club and for the Youth act Club.  Jerry Brown also talked about recent Humanitarian trips of Rotary International.  Jerry mentioned his personal experiences in Mexico and how much the people there appreciated the help provided by Rotary members spending time with people living in poverty in several villages 

Outgoing President Ramon Rodriguez talked about his long association with the Lynwood Club, to include his memories of Club members regularly working with an orphanage near Tijuana.  Incoming President Joe Wang talked about his plans to promote the varied activities and programs of the Club, and outgoing President Ramon pledged his continuing involvement in all the Club's activities.

New Rotary members Fernando and Tila Millan and Juana Carrera were recognized and welcomed.

Incoming President Elect Barbara Battle was also recognized and Ms. Battle stated her intentions as to support for the Club in the coming two years.

Awards / Certificates of Appreciation were given out to Club members for work performed and accomplishments during the 2016- 2017 year.  Similarly, recognition and awards were presented to Youth act members, as well as talk about some of the coming events planned for the Youth act Club.  

At the end of the meeting, an Auction was held and led by Club member Rajen Dhaliwal.  This was a lot of fun, with members competing against each other with higher bids, thus resulting in significant income for the club!

(There was brief coordination and reminders for Club members and guests, as well as Youth act members and their parents about the work required to staff the fireworks stand from July First through July Fourth.)


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

        Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary meeting Update 06.22.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-06-22 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.15.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 16, 2017

At the June 15, meeting, members and guests heard the speaker, Marisela Santana, Public Relations Consultant and Community Relations Activist, talk about her activities within the community.

Before the speaker, Club President Elect, Joe Wang talked about the scheduled Annual Officer Installation Meeting next Thursday, Jun 22 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Room 1 of Bateman Hall, with dinner served at 6:00 pm.  Joe said everyone is encouraged to bring guests.  Jerry Brown will be the installation officer from District 5280, who is District Chief of Staff.

Joe also talked about the staffing requirements for the Fireworks Sales Stand from July 1 thru July 4.  This year there will be a requirement for overnight security, Friday, June 30, and also for the nights of July 1 thru July 3. On Tuesday, July 4, after sales are ended around 10 pm, there will be a requirement to pack up and take the unsold product to the fireworks company in the vicinity of the City of Commerce.  Someone will have to volunteer their pick-up truck to transport the unsold product.

 Fernando Millan stated that Youth act members and some of their parents will volunteer for the four days of fireworks sales.  Fernando handed out a schedule of Youth act events for the summer and early fall, that starts with new officer training on Jun 19 and Jun 20, and includes the fireworks stand staffing.  He noted that Youth act will also participate in the Relay for Life run at South Gate Park on Jul 15 and Jul 16.Daniel mentioned again the American Cancer Society 24 hour Relay for Life, for Lynwood and South Gate this year at the South Gate Park, from 9am on Saturday, July 15 to 9am on Sunday, July 16. (Hopefully Lulu, who was not present, will again take the lead in organizing Lynwood Rotary participation.)

Rotary member Victor Gomez, in reference in part to Marisela Santana’s planned events talked about his sign advertising company, Call Bulletin, providing free space to publicize community and city events.  It was stated that a request should be made for free advertising space for the planned July 15 event celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Train Depot Building, which is now the Lynwood Union Gallery.

Speaker Marisela Santana.  Daniel introduced Marisela, noting her contributions to community events within Lynwood. In response to questions from Daniel, Marisela explained that she was the Public Information Officer (PIO) at the City of Lynwood for 3- ½ years until she was laid off due to budget cuts in March 2016.  She stated she had hurt feelings, but this year she again was actively involved in community projects, stating that “I love this community.”  She   noted that before working for the City of Lynwood, she was a reporter for the LA Wave newspapers for 15 years. Another comment, Marisela stated that she assisted a community project involving the waste disposal contractor, WR, Waste Resources. The work involves touring streets and alleys of Lynwood to get the contractor to quickly pick up discarded furniture and other bulky items.

Marisela described the recent very successful Women’s Expo event (Saturday, May 13) that she helped organize that included vendors selling women’s beauty products.  Marisela, in reference to this Expo declared that it gives her “much pleasure to help women look beautiful and feel happy.”  She noted that at the Expo, the first 100 women participants received a free hat.  Marisela noted that she has worked with Mayor Santillan for many years and also noted that next year with more advance planning; there can be a Women’s History Month event in Lynwood. Responding to Marisela’s Expo event, Rotary member Iris Pygatt noted that she graduated from a cosmetology school, along with her other educational accomplishments.

Marisela talked about her involvement in the Lynwood Union Gallery in the historic train depot building.  She explained that for the first time there is an arts and history center in Lynwood.  For the Board of this organization, Rowland Becerra is the President and Marisela is the Secretary of the Board.  A coming event described by Marisela is the 100th Anniversary of the train depot building, to be celebrated on Sat, July 15.

As explained in part by Joe Wang, who, as a professional engineer, has served the City of Lynwood as head of the Public Works Department, and also for a short time, as the City Manager, the historic building that now houses the Lynwood Union Gallery, was part of the Pacific Electric Train Depot for the City of Lynwood when the PE train tracks passed through Lynwood, along the route of what is now the 105 Freeway.  At the request of the City of Lynwood, Caltrans had the historic building moved to its present location, when the 105 Freeway was constructed.  There is a Railway Society historical organization, whose President lives in Pasadena, which is assisting in providing historical photos of trains.  Also youth are going to be encouraged to do art work of trains, perhaps based in part on historical photos that can be found.  Speaking of youth involvement, Fernando mentioned that kids talented in art should have a place to display their art work and suggested that LUSD should be involved.  For the July 15 event, images of trains, by both youth and adults in the Lynwood community is planned to be a major part of this gallery event. Also mention was made that students at CSULA may be involved in the Jul 15 Gallery event.  


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.15.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-06-16 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.08.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 09, 2017

At the June 8,  meeting, members and guests heard the speaker, and Lynwood Rotary member , Gurdip Hari, talk about his latest book, “Go Back to Nature & Heal your 'Self'”. Before the speaker, Club President Ramon Rodriguez, presided over a very large turnout, consisting of a large number of Lynwood members and their guests, also members from the South Gate Rotary Club, and two members from the Downey Rotary Club.

 President Ramon mentioned again the coming evening meeting on Thursday, June 22, for the annual installation of Lynwood Rotary officers for the year starting July 1, 2017 thru  June 30, 2018.  Members are encouraged to bring guests to this important annual meeting!  Also, President Ramon agreed to the request from the South Gate Rotary Club that the week after June 22 evening meeting, would be a joint meeting with the South Gate Rotary Club at their meeting time and place;  Wednesday, June 28, 12pm – 1:30 pm at the Auditorium Building in South Gate Park.  (Hence there will no Lynwood Rotary meeting on Thursday, June 29.)Jerry Brown from the South Gate Club and Chief of Staff for District 5280 again talked about the District 5280 humanitarian trip in which he participated, to the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, arriving at Meredith.   Jerry described some of the specific tasks the participants did to help the very poor residents of this part of Mexico.

 President Ramon again talked about the staffing requirements for the Jul 1 to Jul 4 fireworks sales, as well as the requirements for the day before and day after the four days of sales, for product delivery and organization and for product packing of unsold product, after the four days of sales.  Also mentioned is the requirement for a volunteer to stay overnight each night parked in a vehicle each night that there is fireworks product at the site. It was noted that Daniel Miller and Barbara Battle attended the District 5280 Assembly Meeting held at the City of Carson Community Center from 7:30 am to Noon on Saturday, June 3. This annual event, in addition to hearing presentations from outgoing and incoming District 5280 staff, provides for attendance at separate sessions that explain Rotary procedures and programs that are helpful for Rotary members to learn about. 

There was discussion again about the American Cancer Society 24 hour Relay for Life, for Lynwood and South Gate this year at the South Gate Park, from 9am on Sat, Jul 15 to 9am on Sun, July 16. A representative of this event encouraged Lynwood and South Gate Rotary Clubs to participate:  Daniela E. Rodriguez, Downey Rotary / Wesley Health Centers. (Hopefully Lulu, who was present, will again take the lead in organizing Lynwood Rotary participation.)

Daniel introduced guests, City of Lynwood Mayor Pro Tem Jose Solache and City Manager Alma Martinez. Then Daniel introduced Jesus Gonzalez who is a resident of Lynwood and a student at CSU Dominguez.  Jesus is seeking scholarship assistance and stated:  “I am currently working on my B.A. and is focusing on getting my Spanish Linguistics.  I want to teach a second / first Language.”  It was stated that the Club will contribute $100 initially, but there may be additional contributions. MPT Solache told Jesus that he graduated from Dominguez and welcomed the scholarship request from Jesus.  Then Fabian Valencia, a potential new Lynwood Club member and head of Lost Angels, which meets weekly at the American Legion Post in South Gate, distributed a flier with a photo of the artist, Sheila Fonseca who won the Congressional Art Competition from US Rep Nanette Diaz Barragan.s District. Lost Angeles assisted in this accomplishment.  Sheila may visit the Capitol and her painting will be displayed for 1 year in the Capitol, in addition to a $1,000 award.

Speaker Gurdip Hari  This short description of Gurdip’s presentation does not imply that the speaker had little to say.  His topic addressed a world of issues relating to right living thru effective diet and regular exercise and a psychological and religious outlook on the world.  Purchasing Gurdip’s book at the meeting and quickly scanning it the next day, Daniel highly recommends that everyone read the book, and Daniel will loan the book to Rotary members and guests.  Just a few of the multitude of concepts are mentioned herein.  For example, Gurdip told a memorable history of the life of Mahatma Gandy of India.  The author Gurdip states he is 60 years old but functions as a man much younger, “including perfect vision.”  His life includes daily work outs, with 30 minute bike rides in a gym.  Keeping his body physically clean, as well as keeping his home clean.  Drinking 1-1/2 liters of water each morning.  Spiritually, one must know yourself, the Kingdom of God is within each one of us.  Everyone has a dream.  Avoid procrastinations and make a monthly health to-do list.  Knowledge is power when practically applied.       

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations    and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.08.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-06-09 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.01.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 02, 2017
At the June 1, meeting, members and guests discussed among themselves a variety of subjects, and at the end of the meeting, a Club Board meeting was held. 
Club President Ramon Rodriguez again talked about the reasons for the new evening meetings on the last Thursday of each month, and the hope that this will be one way to attract new membership.  He also talked about the staffing requirements for the Jul 1 to Jul 4 fireworks sales, as well as the requirements for the day before and day after the four days of sales, for product delivery and organization and for product packing of unsold product, after the four days of sales.
President Ramon encouraged Rotary members to attend the same day (Thurs. Jun 1) event at 6pm to 8pm at the Lynwood Union Gallery to interact with the City of Lynwood LASD Captain, Terry Carter, and his deputies who attended. There was much talk about the thoughts of Lynwood citizens present on security related issues, and much helpful information from Captain Carter about how his deputies are helpful in making Lynwood as safe as it can be. (A total of four Rotary members attended this important community event.)
President Ramon also mentioned the District 5280 Assembly Meeting to be held at the City of Carson Community Center from 7:30 am to Noon on Sat, June 3.  He described the useful sessions on Rotary procedures and programs that are helpful for Rotary members to learn about.  Daniel said he would attend, with the possibility of several other members attending.
There was discussion again about the American Cancer Society 24 hour Relay for Life, for Lynwood and South Gate this year at the South Gate Park, from 9am on Saturday, July 15 to 9am on Sunday, July 16.  Hopefully Lulu will again take the lead in organizing Lynwood Rotary participation.
Among the guests, was Veronica Ledesma, Senior Staff Representative for House Speaker Anthony Rendon.  She provided an overview of services available from the Assembly Speaker’s staff.
President Ramon and Barbara Battle reported on the very successful 11th Annual Officer recognition for the Rotary Youth Group at Roosevelt ES, which event was held in the main meeting  room of Bateman Hall, on Tue evening, May 30, and was attended by four Lynwood Rotary members.
Jerry Brown, Chief of Staff for Rotary District 5280, again attended the Lynwood Club’s weekly meeting (his attendance is always much appreciated) and talked about, among other Rotary activities,  his experience attending a  District Humanitarian week long trip to Meredith in the Yucatan Peninsula part of Mexico. 
At the end of the discussions, there was a Club Board meeting.  After discussions among all the members present at the Board meeting, it was agreed that there will be reduced dues for new members joining who plan on only attending the evening meetings.  For these members there will also be a charge for the meals which charge will be collected at each meeting.  Club Secretary, Maria Quinionez (Lulu) will issue written documentation for general distribution of this change.
There was also agreement that at least three new members will be inducted into the club at the Thursday evening June 22 induction meeting, which will include Tila and Fernando Millan. There was discussion about options for replacing Larry Esparza as Treasurer, since he has indicated that he will not be able to continue to serve as Treasurer for the next year.  One possibility mentioned was getting Arturo Reyes, who operates his own accounting business, to accept this responsibility, supplemented by another member for the three months when Arturo is unable to attend the meetings, during the height of the income tax season.
President Ramon reminded everyone that next week, members from  the South Gate Rotary Club will attend the Jun 8 meeting to hear Lynwood Rotary member Gurdip Hari, talk about his most recent book that he has had published.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.01.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-06-02 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.25.2017 

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on May 26, 2017
At the May 25, meeting, members and guests attended the first Lynwood Rotary evening meeting!
Incoming Rotary President Joe Wang provided a preview of a planned presentation on a recent trip with his wife to Greece.
Club President Ramon Rodriguez, talked about the reasons for experimenting with an evening meeting on the last Thursday of each month for six months.  Ramon explained that people responsible for managing a small business in many instances cannot be away from their business to attend a luncheon meeting for an hour and a half.  We want people who are willing and able to help others, and this includes people who cannot readily attend a luncheon meeting.  Ramon cited the example of Tila and Fernando Millan, both teachers at Roosevelt ES, who were in attendance, who cannot attend luncheon meetings.  Also a guest was introduced who is a teacher at Roosevelt ES, Jasmin Alvarez, who would like to become a Rotary member.
Tila and Fernando gave an overview of all the activities that the youth at Roosevelt ES Rotary Youth Group are involved in, and how these activities contribute to these youth learning skills that will help them to become responsible and productive adults throughout their lives.  Speaking of the youth activities, President Ramon again stated how helpful is the work of the Rotary youth and their parents in helping operate the four day sales, July 1 thru July 4, of fireworks at the fireworks stand in the Food For Less Market parking lot, which is located in Plaza Mexico.
Club Secretary, Maria Quinionez, (Lulu) who has not been able to attend the luncheon meetings regularly, due to her work commitments, mentioned her fond memories of being with long time Lynwood Rotary member Jim Morton.  Lulu also talked about the 24 Hour Relay for Life event organized by the American Cancer Society, to include the very memorable Luminarias / Candle Light event that is part of the race.  This year, the 24 hour event will be a combined Lynwood / South Gate event in South Gate Park beginning on Sat am July 15 and ending Sunday morning, July 16.  Daniel said that he would again participate in the 24 hour event, and asked if Lulu could again take the lead in organizing the Lynwood Club participation.   (At the last meeting, Ms. Esperanza Galvan Trejo from the South Gate Rotary, passed out a Sponsorship Commitment Form and encouraged the Lynwood Club to make a donation which is due by June 1.) 
Assistant District Governor, Mark Rojo, attended the meeting and talked about Rotary District 5280 activities, to include the District's international trips to other countries to observe other cultures and to help with specific projects of benefit to the needy in other countries.  (After the meeting, the Assistant District Governor, met with the outgoing and incoming Club presidents, for coordination of their responsibilities.)
Also Fernando and Tila mentioned the planned Roosevelt Elementary School Youth Act Club Annual Banquet on Tues, May 30, from 5pm to 8pm, in the large meeting room of Bateman Hall.  Daniel urged that the Lynwood Club attend with at least one table of adults for this event.
Speaker Joe Wang for his planned presentation talked briefly about his trip to Santorini, Greece, located along the Ionian Sea, with a photo on the screen that clearly portrayed a most interesting place to visit and to have a vacation.  Joe's presentation will be rescheduled for this summer.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
        Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.25.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-05-26 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.18.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on May 19, 2017
At the May 18,  meeting, members and guests heard  Priscilla Segura, Public Information Officer for the Central Basin Municipal Municipal Water District, the current situation concerning water use.
Before the main presentation, in the absence of Club President Ramon Rodriguez, Incoming President Joe Wang, led the meeting.  Joe Wang talked about the first evening meeting next week that will be held in the Senior Center on Thursday, May 25 from 6pm to 7:30 pm. It was noted that the Senior Center has a kitchen and also audio-visual facilities.  Joe encouraged everyone to bring at least one guest. Daniel introduced a regular visitor, Fabian Valencia, who is head of Lost Angels, a community arts group that meets weekly at the VFW Facility in South Gate.  Fabian again talked about the arts-oriented activities offered through Lost Angels. 
Another event for Lynwood Rotary members is the American Cancer Relay for Life Run to be held in South Gate Park for a 24 hour period, Jul 15 – 16.  Last year the event was held in the Lynwood Park across the street and Lulu organized club participation, which included half of the Lynwood Club members. Ms. Esperanza Galvan Trejo from the South Gate Rotary, passed out a Sponsorship Commitment Form and encouraged the Lynwood Club to make a donation which is due by June 1.  Daniel stated that he hoped that Lulu can again organize the Lynwood club's participation. 
Daniel mentioned that he attended  a Wednesday May 17 event 2pm -4pm at St. Francis Medical Center Auditorium  to participate in a Healthy Lynwood Partnership meeting with staff from LA County Dept. of Public Health and other community members, including Mark Flores, who represented the City of Lynwood.  The next meeting will be in mid to late June.  Daniel encouraged that one other Lynwood Rotary member attend these meetings.
There will be the Roosevelt Elementary School Act Club Annual Banquet in the large room of Bateman Hall on Tues from 5pm to 8pm, May 30.  Daniel urged that the Lynwood Club attend with at least one table of adults for this event.
Priscilla Segura started her presentation by explaining that the Director of the District 4, for the water district, Leticia Vasquez, had a another event to attend.  Priscilla's power point presentation included very interesting graphics of the changing weather patterns in the state, as well as interesting photos of the largest dam in the state in California at Oroville. She started with graphics showing that the central basin formed in 1952 serves 24 cities in the Southeastern portion of LA County.   In addition to the five elected directors, there are now 3 more directors who are appointed.   About ½ of the water in the region is from ground water, and the other half from imported water from the Colorado River thru the facilities of the Metropolitan Water District, which receives this water and then sells it to the municipal water district which in sells the water to its member cities. 
Changes in the drought conditions throughout the state this year were shown in color maps with gradual diminished accumulated drought as the winter season progressed this year throughout the  state.  The increasing use of recycled water was illustrated showing the treatment processing from the condition of the water as raw sewage to the secondary and tertiary treatment levels of the recycled water. (The secondary treatment includes use of organisms to eat the bacteria.) Tertiary treated water is now used for irrigation in many parks and public landscaping, including in part of Lynwood.  Flowing in lavender colored pipes, the water is not supposed to be used for drinking, although drinking a little would not make one sick, but it does have some chemicals that are harmful if consumed routinely.
Photographs of Oroville Dam along the Feather River in Northern California showed the water level at its lowest level ever before the seasonal rains started after the 5 year drought, and then photographs of the water level when the dam was full this year; and shown were photos of the spillway before and in use and photos of the recent damage from the flooding after the emergency use of the spillway.
Ways to save water were shown, to include use of drought tolerant plants in landscaping.  A question was asked which of six plants shown in a photo was drought tolerant.  One of the six plants was a cactus.  The answer was that all six plants are low water use plants even though only the cactus looks drought tolerant.  So there are many plants to choose from and still conserve water.   Also, water saving appliances in the home will save a lot of water.  For example, new watering saving toilets only use about 1.5 gallons per flush, compared to older toilets which use 3 gallons per flush.
Priscilla described the free trips that can be taken to observe water facilities along the Colorado River and in Northern California.  Daniel mentioned that he attended one of these weekend trips and highly recommended the trip, both from the information received and because it was a fun thing to do and to interact with others on the trip. Priscilla suggested that she return for another presentation and Daniel suggested next winter would be a good time.
        Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
        Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.18.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-05-19 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.11.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on May 12, 2017

At the May 11,  meeting, members and guests heard Mark Flores, Director of the Department of Recreation and Community Services, along with Jose Trejo, Deputy Director of the same department, City of Lynwood.

Before the main presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez mentioned several coming events. 

Club President Ramon Rodriguez mentioned the coming District 5280 annual District Assembly which is held at the City of Carson Conference Center.  The event this year is Saturday, June 3, from 7:30am to Noon.  The Assembly has a number of sessions that describe Rotary Avenues of Service, and include information as to skills and activities involved in these programs.  Ramon encouraged all club members to plan to attend this event.

Another event for Lynwood Rotary members is the American Cancer Relay for Life Run to be held in South Gate Park for a 24 hour period, July 15 – 16.  Last year the event was held in the Lynwood Park across the street and Lulu organized club participation, which included half of the Lynwood Club members. Ramon stated he will ask Lulu if she can again organize the Lynwood club's participation. Participating groups bring camping equipment to stay in during the 24 hour run.  The concept is that a minimum of one person from each participating group is on the track during the 24 hour period from Sat am to Sun am.

President Ramon stated that he hoped to get City approval this week about the planned evening meetings on a trial basis, with the first evening meeting set for Thursday, May 25, 6 pm to 7:30 pm in Bateman Hall.  Daniel mentioned that club member Martina Rodriguez urged that there be special decorations in the meeting room.  Also it was suggested that other special activities be planned for this evening meeting.  And Martina and other members urged that everyone bring a guest to this meeting.

Daniel encouraged attendance at a Wednesday May 17 event 2pm at St. Francis Medical Center to participate in a Healthy Lynwood Partnership meeting with staff from LA County Dept. of Public Health.

Also before the main presentation, the club heard again from Cheryl Hunt, Assistant Operations Manager of Teen Challenge International, which has a facility for young women in Lynwood.  Two representatives present were Brittany Hawk, who stated: “After completing Teen Challenge my goal is to go to Bible College and then go home to take care of my two year old daughter.”  Also Cynthia Castro stated:  “After completing 16 months at Teen Challenge I plan on pursuing ministry at Teen Challenge Ministry Institute, and I want to work for Teen Challenge.”

Mark Flores and Jose Trejo described a number of the programs and activities of the City.  Among the many programs and activities described was the recent opening of the Lucy Avalos Center in Ham Park.  Also described were the recent annual start of kids soft ball program and the start of the community gardens in the linear park, also a Celebration of Lynwood Women (Sat, May 13),  also Movies in the park, Thursday evenings, also a Keep Lynwood Clean event, July 29;  also major repairs/ upgrades to the northern end of Ham Park; and a new bike trail that will connect Lynwood with other walkways and paths.

With strong concurrence from Daniel, Mark and Jose will return in Jan or Feb 2018 with an update on plans for park improvements using funds available from the Measure A Parks Funds that were approved by the voters in a LA County election.


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra 

         Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.11.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-05-12 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.04.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on May 05, 2017
At the May 4, meeting, members and guests heard discussed a number of events and proposals. 
Fabian Valencia, recently a frequent guest at the club meetings and the leader of Lost Angeles, with weekly meetings at the South Gate VFW meeting place, talked about funding for parks from LA County Measure A. He mentioned that LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis is strongly supporting this measure.  Fabian said that there will be funds available for park improvements in Lynwood.  In response to a question from Daniel for additional information, Fabian cited Jane Beasley, Administrator, LA County Regional Park and Open Space District.  In addition, a source of information is:  Teresa Villegas, Parks Deputy for Supervisor Hilda Solis.
Club President Ramon Rodriguez mentioned the coming District 5280 annual District Assembly which is held at the City of Carson Conference Center.  The event this year is Saturday, June 3 from 7:30am to Noon.  The Assembly has a number of sessions that describe Rotary Avenues of Service, and include information as to skills and activities involved in these programs.  Ramon encouraged all club members to plan to attend this event.
Another event for Lynwood Rotary members is the American Cancer Relay for Life Run to be held in South Gate Park for a 24 hour period, Jul 15 – 16.  Last year the event was held in the Lynwood Park across the street and Lulu organized club participation, which included half of the Lynwood Club members.  Ramon stated he will ask Lulu if she can again organize the Lynwood club's participation.  Participating groups bring camping equipment to stay in during the 24 hour run.  The concept is that a minimum of one person from each participating group is on the track during the 24 hour period from Saturday morning to Sunday morning.
There was discussion from several members about the planned evening meetings on a trial basis, with the first evening meeting set for Thursday, May 25, 6 pm to 7:30 pm in Bateman Hall.  President Ramon stated that the club should be advised in the coming week, if the City approves this time change for the last Thursday each month.  This trial is planned for six months, and if it results in increased attendance and membership, then the club will be asked to approve that all the meetings be held in the evening.  Club member Martina Rodriguez recommended that for this first evening meeting, that there be special decorations in the meeting room.  Also it was suggested that other special activities be planned for this evening meeting.  And Martina and other members urged that everyone bring a guest to this meeting.
President Ramon then described his involvement and participation in the event held on Saturday, Apr 29, at the Lynwood Union Gallery, which event was titled:  “L.A. Riots: Lynwood.”  Residents with memories of their personal experiences during the riots in April 1992 were filmed so that a video exists.  TV media press attended this event and recorded some of what was said and filmed some of the documentation for this event in the gallery.  President Ramon talked about his personal memories, to include a rioting group that organized themselves on Atlantic Blvd and Rosecrans Ave and proceeded to walk north.  He mentioned boarding up windows and also placing barricades of bags of cement and sand in front of his store for protection.  At the event there were a number of residents who were filmed to include present Mayor Maria Santillan.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.04.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-05-05 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.27.2017

At the April 27, 2017 meeting, members and guests heard Rajinder Dhaliwal, long term member of the Lynwood Rotary Club and owner of TAZ Office and School Supply Store at 11410 Long Beach Blvd. City of Lynwood

Before the speaker, Club President Ramon Rodriguez talked about the success of the important event during the past week:  the Earth Day event which was held in front of City Hall on Sat, Apr 22, from 10 am to 2pm. In addition to the attendance of President Ramon, two other Rotary members came by to show their support.  Overall, President noted that this event was well-attended, with tables set up for various groups, and also a food truck was present.

 And Ramon mentioned the coming event at The Lynwood Union Gallery on Sat, April 29, 12pm – 4-pm, entitled L.A. Riots:  Lynwood.  At the Apr 20 meeting, Daniel mentioned Rowland Becerra's quote from the weekly email update:  “The L.A. Riots changed many communities.  This is our story.”

And Ramon mentioned the importance of the coming Lynwood Rotary Club Fireworks Stand sales from July 1 thru July 4.


The Presentation from Club Member Rajinder Dhaliwal explained the importance of the business development that has occurred and continues to occur in the country of India.

As mentioned by Raj, India is part of a group of countries that is emerging to become more significant world-wide, which includes besides India, Brazil, Russia and China.

The educational system in India is producing students who are more advanced compared to the US.  A personal example, when Raj's daughter Amana came to the US she was way ahead of students for her age here. 

Another example cited by Raj is the fact that in California's Silicon Valley the technical industries employ a high percentage of employees who come from India and were educated in India.  Raj also cited the industries of the medical field and of NASA who employ a significant percentage of employees from India.

 Another fact stated by Raj: “the eight largest companies in America are run by Indians.”  Referring to people born and educated in the country of India.

 So now we see a trend of many aspiring young people going to India to study in order to help assure their success in technically demanding jobs.

Raj presented a number of comparisons relating to the business world.  Just to mention several herein:  as to the key statistic of economic comparison of GDP, Raj stated that the US is around 2% this year compared to 7% for India  


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club



Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.27.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-04-28 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.20.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Apr 21, 2017
At the April 20, 2017 meeting, members and guests heard Rotary youth leaders from Roosevelt ES and from two of their parents about their recent past activities and some of their planned activities in the coming months.
Before the speaker, Club President Ramon Rodriguez talked about the Earth Day event to be held in front of City Hall on Saturday, April 22 from 10 am to 2pm. Daniel said that there should be several Rotary members in attendance.  President Ramon said he would attend and possibly there will be another one or two members attending. Also Ramon stated that the Annual District Assembly will be Saturday, June 3, 7:30am to 11am, at the usual location, the Conference Center for the City of Carson.  If possible all members should plan to attend because of the very informative presentations about various Avenues of Service Rotary programs and Ramon mentioned the coming event at The Lynwood Union Gallery on Saturday, April 29, 12pm – 4-pm, entitled L.A. Riots: Lynwood.  Daniel mentioned Rowland Becerra's quote from the weekly email update:  “The L.A. Riots changed many communities.  This is our story.”
During informal discussions among the Rotary youth and the two parents present, Club Secretary Lulu recommended that the Rotary club receive a monthly report from and about the youth activities.  This would be a way to provide more recognition as to the accomplishments of the youth.   It was also suggested by member Martina Rodriguez that a club member be appointed to serve as liaison. Club member Barbara Battle accepted this responsibility. It was mentioned that the Rotary youth will have an evening event in June to announce the incoming youth officers, but no date has been set.
Also President Ramon mentioned how helpful the Rotary youth and their parents have been in staffing the Lynwood Rotary Club Fireworks Stand sales each year from July 1 thru July 4.  Several of the parents have had a major role in the sales each year.  Club Secretary Maria Quinionez, Lulu, noted that the City Council at its last meeting approved officially the club's fireworks stand.
The Presentation included remarks from the Rotary youth members and two parents present.  Daniel explained that Tila and Fernando had planned to attend but that they were in Las Vegas for a two day conference relating to their responsibilities as teachers at Roosevelt ES.  Fernando said that he and Tila have reviewed with the youth who will attend this meeting as to the events to be described.Daniel asked the youth and their parents to stand up together for their presentation. The six present were parent Aida Machucca and her daughters, Amairciny  Machucca and Ahida B. Machucca; also parent Brenda Moreno and her daughter Kayla Moreno, and also Kishawn Battle.
Parent Aida Machucca stated that her two girls are learning various and useful things about their community.  Parent Brenda Romero noted that besides Kayla Romero, her son, now in the 8th grade, has been an active Rotary youth member.  “It is nice for kids to be a part of the community.  They get a good feeling that they belong, it is a positive, not negative feeling they get.”
Youth President Amairciny Machucca mentioned the Lynwood American Cancer Run, the July Fireworks sales, the District Boat Race in September, the Long Beach Fun Run, the Oct LA Marathon, for Dia de los Muertos, and a November. Sr. Citizen Home visit. Youth Vice President Ahida Machucca mentioned the Dec Lynwood Candy Cane Parade (with flags of many countries) with Rotary youth from Helen Keller ES; a Sr. Citizen Home visit for Christmas; decoration of the Downey float for the Rose Parade; the March Marathon which began at Dodger Stadium (starting at 6am, to give out water to runners); and a Passion of Christ event during Lent at St. Emydius Church.   Also they visited the Columbia Space Museum in Downey. Youth Secretary Kayla Moreno started by describing the duties of the Secretary.  She noted that the youth members watch videos to learn why we help with tasks, such as money for Polio.  Kayla noted there will be a Mother’s Day bake sale at school, the annual banquet for officer elections, helping staff the fireworks stand, and they will attend a Dodgers Game.  In answer to a question from President Ramon, Kayla said there are 30 youth members, that they meet every Friday after classes, and that the Youth officers meet every Monday after classes to plan for each Friday meeting. 
Daniel Miller/ Omar Franco /Rowland Becerra 
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.20.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-04-21 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.13.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Apr 14, 2017

At the April 13, 2017 meeting, members and guests heard  Isaiah Cooper,  with his power point presentation, talk about his cross country air plane pilot experiences last summer, when he was 16.

Before the speaker, Club President Ramon Rodriguez talked about the Annual Lynwood Easter Egg Hunt Event at Lynwood Park on Sat, 11am to 1:30 pm.  Lynwood Rotary has always been a major supporter of this event.  Ramon noted that he will attend at lunch time and encouraged all members to attend as a show of support for this fun annual event.  Also, he again mentioned the Rotary District breakfast, the last District breakfast for this year, Tue, Apr 18, 7:30am – 9am, at the usual hotel, the Westin Hotel on Olympic Blvd. near LAX . The speaker is from the faculty at UCLA, Dr. Dennis Hong, a robotics expert, who is known to be a dynamic speaker.  Ramon said that he cannot attend, but Daniel is planning to attend.  Also Ramon stated that the Annual District Assembly will be Sat, Jun 3, 7:30am to 11am, at the usual location, the Conference Center for the City of Carson.  If possible all members should plan to attend because of the very informative presentations about various Avenues of Service Rotary programs.  Also Ramon mentioned the Earth Day event to be held in front of City Hall on Sat, Apr 22, from 10 am to 2pm.

Ramon handed out a proposed letter to the City of Lynwood, requesting use of the Bateman Hall room for an evening meeting, the last Thursday of each month, thru Dec 2017.  The specific dates are listed.  Ramon asked for and received concurrence from all members present as to the dates shown.  Ramon stated that he believes and hopes this change will result in a 40 percent increase in membership.  If successful, Ramon stated that his intention would be to recommend to the club that starting in 2018, all the weekly meetings be evening meetings. 

The Speaker, Isaiah Cooper, is a student at Compton Unified School District, through the CUSD Thurgood Marshall Independent Study program.  Because of his interest in flying he is also associated with the Compton Woodley Airport, and the Aeronautical Museum on site.  There was a large turnout to hear about Isaiah's experiences, which as he explained, has captured the interest of many media persons. (His mother, Natalia Knox, was also in the audience.)

Isaiah, using a power point presentation, had photos of his plane at various airports for the total trip which took 13 days to fly to the east coast and back to California.  Airports and adjacent cities that Isaiah described include Cheyenne Wyoming, Detroit, La Guardia Airport, New York City, El Paso Texas, somewhere in Arizona and then home to the Compton Airport.  At El Paso, the plane had to turn back, due to high winds from a passing storm.

Club member Victor Gomez pointed out that the first photo of Isaiah's plane included on the plane's side the name of his company, Bulletin Displays.  Upon an inquiry from Daniel, Victor explained that a manager at the airport involved in funding Isaiah's trip, obtained the donation from his company, along with other donations.  In Cheyenne Wyoming, as shown in a photo, that plane was damaged due to high winds, and landed a mile from the airport.  Then a slightly larger plane, a Cessna 172, was obtained for the rest of the trip.At the Detroit landing, Isaiah described what a very favorable visit was for him.  It included about 50 kids cheering him   Here he recalled a little girl giving him a hug, and then they talked for, he said, two hours.  At a different location, there was a representative from the Tuskegee Airmen who talked with him. 

Isaiah then talked about funding needs.  Besides funding for his traveling as a pilot, he then addressed funding needs to support youth programs among the low income population.  A plan is necessary he said with remarks about “visiting successful people in such places as Beverly Hills”. He mentioned a woman who has counseled him about funding and interacting with youth, whose name is Sterling Berliant.  ( Side by Side: interacting with youth).  Apparently Isaiah's exposure to funding requests to the wealthy have led him to contemplate the importance of working with low income youth for their betterment, though it is not clear how this relates to his piloting goals.  He stated parents where he lives do not have the resources like those in Beverly Hills, but it is important “Keeping light where there is darkness,” and another quote: “we must find ways for kids to find substitutes for drugs and alcohol. “At the end of his presentation, a number of the members and guests talked personally with Isaiah, and exchanged contact information, to include one guest of note:  Jose Jaurigin, Student Services, LUSD.  Also, Irene Zapata, Teen Librarian for the Lynwood Library.   .

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra  

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.13.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-04-14 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.06.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Apr 07, 2017

At the April 6, 2017 meeting, members and guests discussed among themselves several issues.  Guests included Jesse Martinez, Maria Viera (and briefly, Margaret Arajo.)

Before the Rotary Board Meeting, Daniel described the women’s event, entitled, “Herstory”, held last Thursday, Mar 30, from 5pm to 8pm at the Lynwood Union office and museum.  The event was organized by Marisela Santana and by Rowland Becerra.  The event focused on the accomplishments of women, and included display of art works, live music and refreshments.  Daniel and President Ramon attended, along with several Rotary members. Daniel presented a collage of photos he took at the event, which photos included Rotary members present.

Daniel encouraged members to attend the annual Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for Sat, Apr 15, 11am – 1:30pm at Lynwood City Park, noting that Rotary members have always supported this popular community event.  Also Daniel mentioned Earth Day, planned for Apr 22 at the Lynwood Civic Center.

Also it was mentioned at the meeting by President Ramon that all the paperwork for the fireworks sales, July 1- July 4, have been filed in the City Clerk’s Office. Daniel mentioned that he talked with Fernando Millan about the need for Rotary youth and their parents to again staff the fireworks stand.  Fernando stated that during the Spring break, he will bring some Rotary youth to the weekly meeting on April 20

At the Rotary Board Meeting, there was considerable discussion pro and con about the request of guest Jesse Martinez to become a Lynwood Rotary member.  Members will receive the required confirmation inquiry, through which 100 percent OK is required for any person seeking to become a Rotary member in the club.

A separate issue also generated considerable discussion which, was proposed by President Ramon, which was the proposal by President Ramon to change the weekly meeting time from noon to an evening meeting, say, 6:00pm to 7:30pm, once or twice a month.  The purpose of the proposed change in time is to try to attract new members who, due to their work requirements, cannot attend a noon meeting.

Daniel suggest the first Thursday of each month.  He stated that due to his requirements to attend various evening functions, he cannot attend regularly Lynwood Rotary meetings, if they are held in the evening.  He stated: “I am not going to schedule speakers at meetings that I cannot attend.”  Therefore he proposed the evening meeting be scheduled on the first Thursday, when no speaker is scheduled.  However President Ramon and other members preferred an evening meeting when there is a speaker scheduled, as a way of making the meeting more interesting for potential new members. If necessary, President Ramon stated another Rotary member will be responsible for getting the speaker on the evening meeting which is proposed for the last Thursday of each month.

After further discussions, there was a vote and it was unanimous that on a trial basis the last Thursday of each month will be changed to an evening meeting.  The time probably will be 6:00pm to 7:30 pm.  It is assumed and hoped that the location will continue to be Bateman Hall.  Recreation staff directed that the requested change in meeting time be through a written request to City staff from President Ramon.  As documented by member Barbara Battle, “The motion was made by Joe Wang, seconded by Victor Gomez, to start a Pilot Program, the last Thursday of  June.  President Ramon will send a letter to City.  Motion carried unanimously.”  (Daniel voted in favor of the motion.)  The first two meetings with the changed meeting time will be:  Thursday June 29 and Thursday July 27.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.06.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-04-07 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.30.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 31, 2017
At the March 30, 2017, members and guests heard a very interesting presentation by Irene Zapata, Teen Services Librarian, Lynwood Library, and County of Los Angeles Public Library.
Before the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez introduced the new Assistant District Governor for the Lynwood Rotary Club, Mark Rogo. Mr. Rogo explained that the District Governor, Greg O' Brian, asked him to take over from the ADG, Hector Torres, who had to resign for business reasons. He explained that the District is interested in helping the Lynwood club accomplishing its Rotary objectives. He stated that he is available to help us. One example is helping our club in obtaining matching grants. He noted the importance of the annual District Conference, to be held this year at Lake Arrowhead, May 4-7, at which the 61 clubs within District 5280 will be participating.  President Ramon suggested that any Lynwood club members interested in visiting the Conference one of the three days, do so on the first day, that is Friday.  ADG Rogo also described the District Humanitarian trip to Columbia, which will include 5 days of doing community projects to help the poor.
At the April 6 meeting, for member discussions, President Ramon mentioned again that one possible change is to consider moving the time of the meetings from noon to the evenings, for all or some of the meetings. He noted that he knows of four candidates for membership that would   come to an evening meeting. Joe Wang mentioned again coordination with the Club Secretary. Maria Quinionez, Lulu, as to ensuring that all the paperwork is complete for the annual fireworks sales, July 1-4. Daniel mentioned that he talked with Fernando Millan about the need for Rotary youth and their parents to again staff the fireworks stand.  Fernando stated that during the Spring break, he will bring some Rotary youth to the weekly meeting on April 20.  President Ramon again reminded everyone that the last District Breakfast this Rotary year will be Tue, Apr 28, at the usual location, the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX. President Ramon encouraged members and guests in attendance to visit the Women's Day celebration to be held after the Rotary meeting, starting at 5pm at the Lynwood Union office and museum.
Speaker Irene Zapata was introduced by Daniel. He noted that he became acquainted with Ms. Zapata, because he usually visits the Lynwood Library after the Thursday meetings, to use the library personal computers to work on the weekly Rotary updates, which Rowland Becerra then sends out to members, nonmembers who have requested updates, and a group of city staff. He noted that on any day, one can observe that the library is full of library users, to include a large number of youth.
Using a power point presentation, Irene talked about some of the many programs and activities that the Lynwood library is currently doing. She noted that the Lynwood library first opened in 1915, and moved to its current location in 1977. This branch is one of 86 libraries within the LA County system of public libraries. Books can be ordered from other branches and are delivered to the Lynwood branch, as soon as the books are available at another branch. The library has not only books, but also movies, music and access to digital materials. Club member Iris Pygatt, noted that she did research in studying for her Master’s Degree at the Lynwood library. Among the programs that Irene described is a robotic project for teens, also story times for children, and a summer reading program for youth. Irene explained that in working with Teens, the students are directed to develop study habits that will help with their future college studies.  A coming event with flyer is a Flamenco Show on Apr 20. Also Irene displayed a flyer for obtaining a Pass Port. Lynwood is one of only a few County libraries that provide this service. In answer to a question from Daniel, Irene stated that she has worked at the Lynwood Branch for about 2 years, and prior to that about 1 year that at the West Hollywood County Branch Library.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.30.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-03-31 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.23.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 24, 2017

At the March 23, 2017,  members and guests heard a very interesting presentation by Mark A. Kudler, President, Bulletin Displays, LLC, “Creative Outdoor Advertising”

Before the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez talked about a Rotary International Polio Foundation financial campaign.  Rotary is asking for 26.50 for each club member, which amounts to $371.00 for the Lynwood Club.  President Ramon noted that our club has already approved this contribution, and he noted the club will be recognized at the District Conference in May.  There are three club categories:  small, medium and large.  For a small club, President Ramon noted that we do a great job.

At the April 6 meeting, for member discussions, President Ramon mentioned again that one possible change is to consider moving the time of the meetings from noon to the evenings, for all or some of the meetings.  He noted that he knows of four candidates for membership that would come to an evening meeting.  President Ramon mentioned the celebration of the opening of the new community center building in Ham Park which is named the Lucy Avalos building in her honor.  The event was held the previous evening (Wed, Mar 22) and was attended by several Rotary members.  Also, President Ramon expressed his great appreciation for the Rotary sign that is posted on the Bulletin Displays sign board adjacent to the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station.

Daniel passed around again this meeting, photos of the Rotary sign on the Bulletin Displays sign board.  He also passed out flyers of the coming event at Dominquez Rancho Adobe Museum, Rancho Days, which will take place on Sat, March 25.  Daniel will attend and possibly Ivan and some family members.

Diana Romero from the Recreation Department talked about the annual Easter Egg Hunt event before Easter, and the role that the Lynwood Rotary will play.  Among the guests were Gurdip and his wife, who he explained, now divide their time between living in Irvine, and also living in India and in  Africa.  Gurdip stated that he is a life time member of the Lynwood Rotary Club, and disseminates information on the Lynwood Club to Rotary District channels of information.  Daniel confirmed that Gurdip will be scheduled to be a speaker in May or June, at which time; he can talk about his latest book that he has recently published.

Speaker Mark Kudler, was introduced by President Ramon.  Mr. Kudler explained how he grew up in the sign board business through his grandfather which business was located in Central LA.  “I grew up working with crane trucks in the summer, and then I started doing paperwork.”  “I love what I do.”  Especially, he stated, because it has been a family business.  Signs along the freeway are the primary locations that his company prefers.  For family owned businesses, Mark Kudler states he likes to offer special reduced prices.  He explained how technology has changed the sign business.  Compared to paper signs, now digital signs are becoming more prevalent.  He explained that digital signs can be programmed so that the message can change throughout the day, based on news events, sports events, etc. 

In response to questions from Daniel, Mr. Kudler, explained that advertising in bus shelters is a specialized market, and varies greatly as to its profitability.  Upon further questions, Mr. Kudler, noted how his company has been involved in a program within the City of Compton, which consists of channeling some revenues from signs along freeways to help support advertising related to bus shelters, and the maintenance costs of those shelters, to include the trash cans. 

President Ramon and Daniel noted that it is great to see a company like Bulletin Display, taking special satisfaction in being a family owned enterprise, and in being interested in participating and supporting the communities where their business is located. 


 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.23.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-03-24 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.16.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 17, 2017

At the March 16, 2017, members and guests heard a very interesting presentation by Luis Fernandez, Executive Director, Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum, in Rancho Dominguez.

Before the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez talked about a coming event planned in Griffith Park weekend for a Polio Peace International 5K walk.  President Ramon encouraged members and guests to attend the Ham Park Community Center Opening Celebration on Wed, Mar 22, 5-8pm.  The Center is named the Lucy Avalos Center.  Out of respect and admiration for all the community work of Lucy, to include being a long term member of the Lynwood Rotary, Ramon urged all Lynwood Rotary members to attend this event.  Ramon talked about Lucy's numerous ways that she helped the community, noting that she joined the Lynwood Rotary Club in 2001, at the time she started her catering business.  Ramon and next year's Club President, Joe Wang talked about the necessary application process for the Club's fireworks sales stand, July 1 thru July 4, noting the importance of this event, as the principal source of funds for the Lynwood club.  President Ramon again mentioned that at the April 6 meeting, member discussions will include ways to increase membership, including the possibility of changing the meeting times for the weekly meetings.  One possibility would be to have at least one meeting each month in the evening, so that persons who due to their work schedules cannot attend a noon meeting, but could attend an evening meeting.

Guests at the meeting included Maria Viera, very active in the community and a Block Watch Captain, who was commended for her repair of the worn Rotary banner that has been hung on the wall for each Rotary weekly meeting.   Another guest was Jessica Martinez, who at a previous meeting explained that she is representing the cannabis businesses that seek to obtain permits from the City of Lynwood for its production within the city.  There is a requirement for these businesses to work with community organizations for the provision of donations to community projects.  She stated that she seeks to coordinate this objective with community organizations such as the Lynwood Rotary.  Further, she mentioned her interest in becoming a Lynwood Rotary member.  President Ramon spoke how happy he was that the South Gate Rotary Club was attending today's meeting, and he introduced the South Gate President, Jesus Cruz, who in turn introduced his club's members who were present.  Daniel thanked the two staff representatives from Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon's office in attendance, and suggested that they be a speaker soon about issues of particular interest for the Assembly Speaker.

Speaker Mr. Luis Fernandez, using a very informative presentation from Power Point, explained the history of the Dominguez family and rancho.  The Dominguez Rancho Adobe Museum, located just a few miles south of Lynwood, exists to preserve the important legacy of the Dominguez family.  This legacy goes back to the initial exploration and settlements starting from the late 1700’s, whereby the Spanish King Carlos III, directed the exploration of Alta California, which exploration included the Franciscan Priest, Father Serra. To promote colonization, the king allowed land grants.  The first to take advantage of the offer was Juan Jose Dominguez, a soldier who came with the Portola Expedition and Father Serra in 1769.  In 1784, Dominguez received the First Spanish Land Grant, which he named the Rancho San Pedro.  It was a magnificent 75,000 acre spread southwest of Los Angeles, extending along the coastline from Redondo Beach to include the entire Los Angeles Harbor area.  As shown in Mr. Fernandez's illustrations, Juan Dominguez had six daughters, whose marriages include families whose names we recognize today, such as the cities of Carson, and the street Del Amo.  Family members include one who was one of those who signed the California Constitution, and another who served as a Mayor of Los Angeles.  The family was a major contributor to the Catholic Church, and in the 1920's donated 17 acres to the Claretian Fathers, on which property is the location of the museum, with the historical buildings of the home of the original Dominguez family.

Of note, the museum provides tours for school children in the 3rd and 4th grades, and the curriculum conforms to California curriculum for the teaching of California history relating to the founding of the mission system.  There are also tours available for adults.   There is a coming annual event on Sat, March 25, 12pm to 4pm, Rancho Days.  Also in the fall, there is another major annual event, that commemorates a battle between Californios and US Navy Military, that took place in the area, just before the Treaty that ended hostilities, which is the Treaty of Cahuenga in 1847, followed shortly thereafter by the Treaty of Guadalupe, whereby most of what is now the Southwestern part of the US, was ceded to the US from Mexico.

 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.16.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-03-17 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.09.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 10, 2017

At the March 9, 2017,  members and guests heard a very interesting presentation by Michael Kodama, Executive Director for Eco Rapid Transit.  In addition, pertinent information on the City of Lynwood Transit Oriented Development (TOD) plan that has been approved by the Lynwood City Council (with a $800,000 TOD planning grant from LA Metro), was provided by Bruno Naulls, Project Manager for the City of Lynwood Department of Development, Compliance and Enforcement Services.

Before the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez talked about the Lynwood Union Grand Opening Celebration at Lynwood Park, on Sat., Mar 4, which was organized by the Chair of Lynwood Union, Rowland Becerra.  The Lynwood Rotary table, placed in a very prominent location, was staffed by President Ramon, Joe Wang, Barbara Battle, and Daniel.  Daniel passed out photos of the event.  Rotary District events are the next Rotary District Breakfast on Apr 18.  Also President Ramon again mentioned the District Conference at Lake Arrowhead, May 7-10.  Although the Lake Arrowhead hotel is full, there is other close by locations, where interested Rotary members could stay while attending all or part of the three day annual conference for District 5280.

Guests at the meeting included Maria Viera, very active in the community and a Block Watch Captain, also Block Watch Captain Ana Barraza.   Another guest was Jessica Martinez.  She explained that she is representing the cannabis businesses that seek to obtain permits from the City of Lynwood for its production within the city.  Apparently there is a requirement for these businesses to work with community organizations for the provision of donations to community projects.  She stated that she will seek to coordinate this objective with organizations such as Rotary. President Ramon encouraged members and guests to attend the Ham Park Community Center Opening Celebration on Wed, Mar 22, 5-8pm.  The Center is named the Lucy Avalos Center.  Out of respect and admiration for all the community work of Lucy, to include being a long term member of the Lynwood Rotary, Ramon urged all Lynwood Rotary members to attend this event.  Rotary objectives to increase membership.  President Ramon stated that at the April 6 meeting, one of the topics to be discussed will be possible changes in meeting times, such as a breakfast meeting or an evening meeting, so that persons who cannot attend lunch time meetings, could attend at other hours of the day.  Also to be discussed are additional brochures, which specifically include “you are invited” message to come to a Rotary meeting.  Another Rotary business item is the annual fireworks stand applications.  As the incoming president, July 1, Joe Wang has the lead responsibility for completion of the paper work with the fireworks company and with the city. A last item of Rotary business is that the next meeting on Mar 16, the South Gate Rotary Club will join with the Lynwood club for a combined meeting at Bateman Hall.

Speaker Mr. Kodama, referring to two brochures he brought, described the planned rail line from Artesia to DTLA and then on to its terminal at the Hollywood/Burbank Airport.  He explained that the Eco Rail Project is a Joint Powers Authority of all the cities on line the route, as shown in the route map in one of the two hand-outs.  The planned rail line received funding from Metro Measure R passed by the electorate in 2008, and the project will receive additional funding from Metro Measure M passed in Nov 2016.  The completion date may extend to 2040; he noted that with Metro CEO Phil Washington's push for public-private partnerships, the project could be accelerated with a possible opening as early as 2024.  Some of the rail route will be at grade; in the area of Vernon, at least some of the route will be elevated rail, due to the extensive freight rail operations along this route segment; and in the DTLA area some of the route may be underground.  The route of the line will cross the Green Line, with a station between the Long Beach Blvd. Station and Lakewood Station, at Garfield Ave.  The projected total cost is 4-5 billion dollars.  Bruno Naulls mentioned a process in place within the city, as a result of the completion of the TOD plan that will enhance development opportunities within the plan boundaries with the focus on the Long Beach Blvd. Station.  Mike Kodama mentioned the development opportunities that will be created with the Eco Line in operation.  There was considerable discussion about the transition in the region from a rail oriented system which reached its peak in the 1920's to a shift to auto use and a land use pattern of dispersed development; and now there is a focus on a reorientation to development patterns that are oriented to greater use of public transportation.  There was discussion about the lack of safety on the Metro Rail system, with examples cited.  It was agreed that safety must be enforced / that is, be a high priority in the operation of the regional bus and rail system, in order for the transition to greater use of public transportation to become a reality. 


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.09.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-03-10 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.02.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Mar 03, 2017

At the March 2, 2017,  members and guests shared a number of ideas and comments.

President Ramon Rodriguez talked about the speaker at the District Breakfast on Tue, Feb 28 at the Westin Hotel near LAX.  The speaker, Angela The speaker, Angela Perez Paraquio, is originally from the Philippines, and was the 2nd of 8 children in her family, and she grew up in Hawaii.  In 2001, she was the first Miss America winner to be of Asian background.  After she won, she described her very extensive travels for the next year throughout the country and in other countries, which are part of the responsibilities of being Miss America.  Daniel and Ramon commented about how memorable Angela’s presentation was.

Other District events are the next Rotary District Breakfast on Apr 18.  Also President Ramon again mentioned the District Conference at Lake Arrowhead, May 7-10.  Although the Lake Arrowhead hotel is full, there is other close by locations, where interested Rotary members could stay while attending all or part of the three day annual conference for District 5280.

Guests at the meeting included Maria Viera, very active in the community and a Block Watch Captain; also guest Beatrice Gutierrez, about whom Daniel expressed hope that she would attend more meetings. 

Daniel mentioned again the Sat, Mar 4 event at Lynwood Park, which celebrates the Grand Opening of The Lynwood Union.  Four club members, including President Ramon, and Daniel and Joe Wang and Barbara Battle will staff a Rotary table at this important community event.  There will be flyers/ brochures available at the table that describes the work of the Lynwood Rotary within the community.  In the future, President Ramon suggested a brochure that could be distributed to businesses and other groups that says: “You are invited” to a Rotary meeting.

Daniel mentioned that The Lynwood Union organized the painting of five utility boxes by high school students with more planned.  Also there will be a large mural painted on a wall facing Lynwood Park, and The Lynwood Union has the lead role in obtaining funding for this major art work.

There was mention that a long time Rotary member of 20 years ago, passed away this week, Jose Urias, and a card in memoriam, was passed around for signing. Martina mentioned that the Rosary would be in All Souls Cemetery in Long Beach that evening.   Also, Daniel asked how Frank Calderon was doing after his hear attack on Christmas Day.  Daniel noted that Frank is at home with his wife Pearline. 

In attendance was Jerry Brown, District 5280 Chief of Staff, and longtime member of the South Gate Rotary Club.  It was agreed that the South Gate Club will join the Lynwood Club for a joint meeting in the coming two months.  This time the South Gate Club (which meets on Wednesday noon) will come to a Lynwood meeting.  Jerry noted what Rotary International is accomplishing worldwide is “mind boggling.”  For example, the campaign for ending polio throughout the world, there currently has been new outbreaks of Polio in only two countries:  Nigerian and Pakistan.  Jerry talked about a recent Rotary trip to Mexico, specifically Merida in Yucatan, helping impoverished youth and their families.  Jerry described specific actions that the Rotary visitors were able to carry out as ways of helping the local residents that they interfaced with.

Daniel circulated more photos of the new Rotary sign on a Display Bulletin sign board, at the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station.  This group of photos was taken from the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station platform. (Thank you again, member Victor Gomez, an employee with Display Bulletin, LLC.) 

  Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 

  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club 

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 03.02.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-03-03 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.23.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Feb 24, 2017

At the February 23, 2017 meeting, members and guests met to hear Ms. Mariana Astorga-Almanza, Visual & Performing Art Coordinator, for the Lynwood Unified School District (LUSD.)  Ms. Astorga-Almanza is charged with advancing, building and fostering arts education in Lynwood, to include such activities as:  art, music, dance, theater, etc.  She talked about some of the programs and activities that she is coordinating and promoting with the LUSD. 

Sitting in front of the club attendees, Mariana held the attention of all attendees, as she described her experiences.  Growing up in Bell Gardens, with parents from Mexico, who wanted a better life for their children, she explained that on weekends she lived in Lynwood with extended family.

She has played the flute for 20 years. While in high school in Riverside she decided she would be a music teacher, and wanted to go to USC to be in the USC Band.  She enrolled at USC in 2002, marched in the USC Band, to include the Rose Parade.  After USC graduation in 2006, she obtained in 2013 her Master’s Degree from CSULA, followed by her doctorate at UCLA.  Her first experience as a classroom teacher started in 2007 at Joseph Leconte MS in Hollywood, while living in South Pasadena.  Leaving her classroom teaching, she noted how she missed her children, like they were a part of her family.  She started with LUSD in Oct 2016, as a coordinator in Visual Arts.  With 14,000 students in LUSD, Mariana supervises 24 art educator teachers.  Examples of art related programs include:  at the 2nd grade, visual arts, music, and theater in 3 10-week sessions.  In the 5th grade there is a partnership with a dance instructor.  At the middle school level, there are 4 new music teachers.  As a part of this teaching, Mariana described equipping them with instruments.  In the Spring there will be a arts competition from ES students, with judges from Lynwood HS.

Before the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez, mentioned again the District Breakfast on Tue, Feb 28.  (See the description in the Cover Page attachment.)  Also he mentioned again the District Conference at Lake Arrowhead, May 7-10.  At the District Conference, the Lynwood Club will be recognized for the club’s financial support for Polio Plus.  The club has acted to contribute $26.50 per member (14 members) which amounts to $371.00.

 Also President Ramon mentioned that at a previous meeting, the Rotary visitor from a Rotary Club in Kentucky, Dr. Earl Menzel, would like to receive a small Lynwood Rotary banner, in exchange for his club banner as a donation to the Lynwood Club.

 Daniel circulated photos from last week’s mailing on Feb 16, which shows members standing below the new Rotary sign on a Display Bulletin sign board, at the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station.  (Thank you again, member Victor Gomez, an employee with Display Bulletin, LLC.)  Daniel also recognized Block Watch Captains in attendance, Maria Viera and Ana Barraza.  Daniel also recognized and greeted Marvin Aceves and a fellow employee from Marvin’s construction company.  Marvin stated he will transfer his Rotary membership to the Buena Park Rotary Club.

Daniel and Ramon mentioned that the Lynwood Rotary Club will have a table at the Grand Opening of the Lynwood Union Gallery, Saturday, March 4 event from 10am to 3pm, at the historic Lynwood Depot, which will house The Lynwood Union Museum and office.    Daniel and Barbara Battle will staff the table, and Ramon said he will be able to come for two hours around noon.  Daniel encouraged more club members to volunteer, since additional club members at the table makes a good impression for all the participants in this community event.  Daniel mentioned that Rowland Becerra has requested from Mark Flores, Head of the Lynwood Recreation Department, for a table and some chairs.


  Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 

  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.23.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-02-24 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.16.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Feb 17, 2017

At the February 16, 2017 meeting, members and guests met to meet together.

Rotary Events:  Before the speaker's presentation, President  Ramon mentioned  again that the next District 5280 Breakfast will be Tuesday,  Feb 28, at the usual location, which is the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX.  The event begins at 7:30 am and ends at 8:45 am.  The speaker will be Angela Perez Paraquio, who was Ms. America for 2001.  Since then, she has served as a teacher and as a school principal.  Ramon noted that he and Daniel and Victor Gomez are going for sure, and Club Secretary, Maria Quinonez, may also RSVP.  A carpool will be organized and leave from Lynwood City Hall at 6:30 am.

President Ramon mentioned again the Rotary District Conference, at Lake Arrowhead, the weekend of May 7-10 is 100 percent full.  However interested Rotary members can attend this annual conference on a day basis. 

Daniel and Ramon mentioned that the Lynwood Rotary Club will have a table at the Grand Opening of the Lynwood Union, Sat, March 4 event from 10am to 3pm, at the historic Lynwood Depot, which will house The Lynwood Union Museum and office. Daniel and Barbara Battle will staff the table, and Ramon said he will be able to come for two hours around noon.  Daniel encouraged more club members to volunteer, since additional club members at the table makes a good impression for all the participants in this community event.  Daniel mentioned that Rowland Becerra has requested from Mark Flores, Head of the Lynwood Recreation Department, for a table and some chairs.

Club President Ramon Rodriguez explained that the meeting will adjourn early at about 1:00 pm in order that club members can assemble in front of the new Lynwood Rotary sign adjacent to the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station for a photo. Rotary member Victor Gomez announced that his company's sign board ( Display Bulletin LLC) was installed with a Lynwood Rotary message starting on Monday, Feb 13.

Club member Ivan Ezquievel explained that the planned speaker, Tomy Loreta, Salesian High School Administrative Director for Sports was unable to attend the meeting.  Ivan stated that he will try to get Tomy  Loreta rescheduled as a speaker, or as a alumni of the school, he will present a program about Salesian High School's history of providing an active program of athletic activities.

Ivan also the memorial service held for Jim Jenkins, the longtime manager of the Brandy Salon, a popular location for quincienieras and other similar events in the community.  Ivan mentioned the staff that will continue to operate this facility.

President Ramon mentioned that Frank Calderon had a heart attack on Christmas Day.  His wife, Pearlone, said that he is recovering at their home.  Also Ramon mentioned that the Assistant District Governor for Rotary District 5280, for this area of the District, Hector Torres, has taken a leave of absence, with no reason given.  (Hector Torres is a member of the South Gate Rotary Club, and a resident of South Gate.)

Ramon welcomed back, long time Lynwood Rotary member, Dr. Manlapaz, who has not attended a meeting for some time.  Thanks to member Victor Gomez for bringing Dr. Manlapaz to the meeting.


  Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 

  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.16.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-02-17 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.09.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Feb 10, 2017

At the February 16, 2017 meeting, members and guests met to meet together.

Rotary Events:  Before the speaker's presentation, President  Ramon mentioned  again that the next District 5280 Breakfast will be Tuesday,  Feb 28, at the usual location, which is the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX.  The event begins at 7:30 am and ends at 8:45 am.  The speaker will be Angela Perez Paraquio, who was Ms. America for 2001.  Since then, she has served as a teacher and as a school principal.  Ramon noted that he and Daniel and Victor Gomez are going for sure, and Club Secretary, Maria Quinonez, may also RSVP.  A carpool will be organized and leave from Lynwood City Hall at 6:30 am.

President Ramon mentioned again the Rotary District Conference, at Lake Arrowhead, the weekend of May 7-10 is 100 percent full.  However interested Rotary members can attend this annual conference on a day basis. 

Daniel and Ramon mentioned that the Lynwood Rotary Club will have a table at the Grand Opening of the Lynwood Union, Sat, March 4 event from 10am to 3pm, at the historic Lynwood Depot, which will house The Lynwood Union Museum and office. Daniel and Barbara Battle will staff the table, and Ramon said he will be able to come for two hours around noon.  Daniel encouraged more club members to volunteer, since additional club members at the table makes a good impression for all the participants in this community event.  Daniel mentioned that Rowland Becerra has requested from Mark Flores, Head of the Lynwood Recreation Department, for a table and some chairs.

Club President Ramon Rodriguez explained that the meeting will adjourn early at about 1:00 pm in order that club members can assemble in front of the new Lynwood Rotary sign adjacent to the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station for a photo. Rotary member Victor Gomez announced that his company's sign board ( Display Bulletin LLC) was installed with a Lynwood Rotary message starting on Monday, Feb 13.

Club member Ivan Ezquievel explained that the planned speaker, Tomy Loreta, Salesian High School Administrative Director for Sports was unable to attend the meeting.  Ivan stated that he will try to get Tomy  Loreta rescheduled as a speaker, or as a alumni of the school, he will present a program about Salesian High School's history of providing an active program of athletic activities.

Ivan also the memorial service held for Jim Jenkins, the longtime manager of the Brandy Salon, a popular location for quincienieras and other similar events in the community.  Ivan mentioned the staff that will continue to operate this facility.

President Ramon mentioned that Frank Calderon had a heart attack on Christmas Day.  His wife, Pearlone, said that he is recovering at their home.  Also Ramon mentioned that the Assistant District Governor for Rotary District 5280, for this area of the District, Hector Torres, has taken a leave of absence, with no reason given.  (Hector Torres is a member of the South Gate Rotary Club, and a resident of South Gate.)

Ramon welcomed back, long time Lynwood Rotary member, Dr. Manlapaz, who has not attended a meeting for some time.  Thanks to member Victor Gomez for bringing Dr. Manlapaz to the meeting.


  Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 

  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club


Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.09.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-02-10 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.02.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Feb 03, 2017

At the February 2, 2017 meeting, members and guests met to meet and listen to the speaker, Ms. Courtney Habegger, contract employee for the sign board company, Bulletin Displays, LLC.   

Rotary Events:

Before the speaker's presentation, President  Ramon mentioned  again that the next District 5280 Breakfast will be Tuesday,  February 28, at the usual location, which is the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX.  The event begins at 7:30 am and ends at 8:45 am.  The speaker will be Angela Peres Paraja, who was Ms. America for 2001.  Ramon noted that he and Daniel are going for sure, and Club Secretary, Maria Quinonez, may also RSVP.  Next week Ramon noted that we need a firm commitment from members to attend.  With Advance RSVP, the cost to the club is less per attendee. A carpool will be organized and leave from Lynwood City Hall at 6:30 am.

Daniel and Ramon discussed whether the Lynwood Rotary Club should have a table at the Saturday, March 4 event from 10am to 3pm, at the historic Lynwood Depot, which will house The Lynwood Union Gallery and office.  It was decided that the club will have a table.  Daniel and Barbara Battle will staff the table, and Ramon said he will be able to come for two hours around noon.  Daniel encouraged more club members to volunteer, since additional club members at the table makes a good impression for all the participants in this community event.

Speaker Presentation:  Courtney Habegger.

Club member Daniel, in his introduction of Ms. Courtney, explained that one of his volunteer activities for LA Metro is to inspect several times a month the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station and submit a report to Metro management, as to station cleanliness, graffiti, etc. Several months ago, he observed Ms. Courtney unload equipment from her truck and then install a ladder and then climb up to do repairs on the sign board located on the south side of the Long Beach Blvd. Park-ride lot.  He took photos of this and mounted them on a collage that was framed.  He presented this to Courtney, with extra copies for Courtney.

 Courtney explained that she met a gentleman in the last year who worked for a company that services sign boards.  After she expressed an interest in the work, he started to show her the procedures, including all the safety equipment that is required.  So she accompanied him step by step as to the work procedures, to include, following him up the ladder(s) to the platform of the signs.  She described the equipment that includes a safety harness, so that should the worker slip and fall, the safety harness would catch and person, thus avoiding any injury.

Although her parents were divorced, with her father and an uncle, she gained a lot of experience in doing manual labor.  This included equipment repairs, since her family operates a construction company.  Her experience includes doing repairs for cars and motorcycles.  She attended Cal Poly Pomona majoring in engineering, but then switched to agronomy and graduated in 2012.   She was involved in the management of a 20 acre farm, to help with family finances. 

In answer to questions from Daniel, Courtney mentioned that she lives in Long Beach and also volunteers for Faith Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Long Beach.  Daniel also asked if anyone ever comments that in her sign board work it is unusual to see a women doing this work.  Courtney replied no.  Rotary member Victor Gomez, an employee of  Call Bulletin sign company, and the person from whom she receives her assignments, replied that now it is a “new world” and people are accustomed to seeing women do work that used to be done only by men.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –  

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club


Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 02.02.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-02-03 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.26.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jan 27, 2017

At the January 26, 2017 meeting, members and guests met to meet and greet each other.  This meeting the one guest present was Maria Viera, active community participant and also a City of Lynwood Block Watch Captain. 


Rotary Events:

 President  Ramon mentioned that the next District 5280 Breakfast will be Tuesday,  Feb 28, at the usual location, which is the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX.  The event begins at 7:30 am and ends at 8:45 am.  The speaker will be Angela Peres Paraja, who was Ms. America for 2001.  Ramon noted that he and Daniel are going for sure, and Club Secretary, Maria Quinonez, may also RSVP.  Next week Ramon noted that we need a firm commitment from members to attend.  With Advance RSVP, the cost to the club is less per attendee.

Community Support Needed:

Also, a reminder from the speaker on January 12, Tony Hua, LUSD, Director of Secondary Education.    As to community support, Mr. Hua explained that there is a Career Tech Advisory Board with the next meeting on Feb 9.  Additional volunteers are encouraged to come to this meeting.  

Member Discussions:

Barbara Battle shared her experiences on two trips to Israel.  As an active Catholic, Barbara described how meaningful it was to her to visit places described in the Bible.  Specifically,  to visit the place where Jesus was born in Bethlehem was a very memorable experience for Barbara.  Also when she visited the place where Jesus was crucified, Ms. Barbara also described how meaningful seeing this place was for her.



 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club



Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.26.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-01-27 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.19.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jan 20, 2017

At the January 19, 2017 meeting, members and guests heard Fabian Valencia, Leader of Lost Angeles, Spiritual and Psychological Aid, Inc.

Rotary Events. President Ramon mentioned again the annual Rotary District conference will be held May 4 thru May 7, at the Lake Arrowhead Hotel & Spa. He noted that reservations for the event are full as to staying at the Hotel. But he also noted that Rotarians could come to the event for one day, without staying at the hotel. Also Ramon mentioned that the next District 5280 Breakfast will be Feb 28, at the usual location, which is the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX.  The event begins at 7:30 am and ends at 8:45 am.  The speaker will be Angela Peres Paraja, who was Ms. America for 2001.

Daniel mentioned that the usual annual homeless count for the City of Lynwood should be scheduled soon. He mentioned that Rotary usually has several volunteers, along with other Lynwood community volunteers.  The event occurs on one evening, starting with a brief orientation and instruction in Bateman Hall. 

Victor Gomez, now a Rotary member again, announced that his company's sign board, located near the Green Line Station and facing north, will again be used to advertise and promote the Lynwood Rotary Club.  Daniel suggested that after the sign board has the Rotary message, that maybe we can have a photo of Rotary members on the ground with the sign in the background.

Also, another reminder from the speaker on Jan 12, Tony Hua, as to community support, Mr. Hua explained that there is a Career Tech Advisory Board with the next meeting on Feb 9.  Additional volunteers are encouraged to come to this meeting.  

The speaker, Fabian Valencia, of Lost Angels, had a power point presentation about his work in the community, and he brought two wooden models of guitars, as examples of the artwork done by participants.  In the power point presentation, Fabian showed a photo of a truck/ trailer with a large canvass on the side with an art mural.  That was a start for Lost Angeles, and now he is an instructor at La Causa youth build located at the South Gate American legion facility. He distributed a flyer of activities at the South Gate American Legion Post 335 located at 9535 California Street. Activities include: arts and crafts; music --including Trumpet and Guitar; Aztec dancing; and creative body. Fabian encouraged Rotary members and other Lynwood community members to come and participate and observe. 

Fabian mentioned that his programs and activities help provide life skills and help empower youth to create something.  He also mentioned a LA River project that is focused on youth envisioning whether from the river, one should see only buildings or whether planting trees to add nature to the banks of the river is to be preferred.

For more information of the Lost Angeles activities at the American Legion Post, the flyer lists:  CALL   323 – 413-6632 and EMAIL:  LOSTANGELSLC@GMAIL.COM   the flyer also states:  Special Events Sign up for our Mural Design Contest.  Artist wanted – enter your Art for First Friday Art Show.  Also it notes:  space for Artist and Vendors Available.  Call/ text for details.

Daniel noted that he first met Fabian Valencia at the Art Community Event in Lynwood Park this summer, at which event; the Lynwood Rotary Club had a table.  Fabian had a large canvass hung on a fence, on which participants in attendance could paint images and designs using various colors of paint provided.  In support of Lost Angels, Ramon Rodriguez said that from his hardware store, he could donate various colors of paint in cans that had been practically used.  Also Raj, said to Fabian, that he could come by his stationery and school supply store, for some items he could donate.   .

 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –  

 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.19.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-01-20 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.12.2017

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jan 13, 2017

At the January 12, 2017 meeting, members and guests again talked about how the New Year was celebrated with their friends and families. 

Rotary Events. President Ramon mentioned again the annual Rotary District conference will be held May 4 thru May 7, at the Lake Arrowhead Hotel & Spa. Rotary member Joe Wang mentioned that he attended a meeting on Sat, Jan 7, to interview 5 candidates for the position of District Governor for Rotary District 5280. He explained that there were 15 members on the selection panel, including 3 past District governors, who could not vote.  As Joe mentioned last week of the 5 candidates, 4 are women and 1 is a man.

Rotary visitor from Argentina:  Before the presentation from the speaker, a Rotary guest from Argentina spoke about her club's activities and expressed her interest about Rotary activities at the Lynwood Rotary Club. Daniel and President Ramon provided a translation of her remarks.  She explained that her city is close to Paraguay, a long air flight from Buenos Aires. For possible communication in the future her contact information is included:  Maria Luisa Mudwtti, Ciudad Resistencia, Chao, Republica Argentina,, cell 54-9-3624842082.

Tony Hua, Director Secondary Education, Lynwood Unified School District (LUSD).  Assisted by a power point program, Mr. Hua explained the purpose and programs of Career Tech Pathways. (CTP)  The purpose is to train students for specific career paths with the assistance of businesses and governmental entities.

Mr. Hua provided statistics showing the growing accomplishments of Lynwood students, to include the fact that this last year the graduation percentage was 94% for Lynwood High School and 96% for Firebaugh High School.  This compares with around 60% some years ago. 

CTP, Mr. Hua noted is not about programs per se, but about encouraging students to be productive.  “We have a chance to save all these kids, not to give up on them.”  It is important to develop partnerships with businesses, such as dental offices and retail businesses, and culinary arts and engineering skills.  Our goal is that 100% of the students be enrolled.  He noted he has observed the accomplishments of students who never expected to graduate from high school.  “Within LUSD we have a moral obligation that we ensure all students share in these opportunities that will provide an equitable opportunity for all.  We know that the world is changing so we have to adopt what we can do as educators.  When caring people come together, it shows that ZIP codes will not determine career successes.”   As an example of the competitive situation in college acceptances, UCLA only accepts 20% of the student applications.

Questions from the audience included Martina who stated she hoped universities come to evaluate the effectiveness of the programs.  Mr. Hua stated that they are partnering with universities, noting that besides partnerships with businesses, coordination with colleges is important, one example of which, is Cerritos College.  Another question from Club Secretary Lulu was what the role of parents Mr. Hua responded that we have workshops for parents to learn how to advocate for their kids.  As to community support, Mr. Hua that there is a CTE Advisory Board with the next meeting on Feb 9.  Additional volunteers are encouraged to come to this meeting.  

In answer to questions from Daniel, here is some background info about Tony Hua.  He graduated from Des Moines HS, and obtained a BA in English from U. of Iowa.  At Loyal Marymount in LA he obtained a Master’s in Education.  He started as a classroom teacher at Lynwood Middle School in 2001, and then in 2010 he served in an administrative position at Firebaugh HS.  He started his present position three months ago.  He has participated in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), and currently resides in Garden Grove. Happy New Year!!!   Again, President Ramon Rodriguez encouraged everyone at the meeting to have a great Happy New Year for the Year 2017!  

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 01.12.2017 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2017-01-13 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary meeting Update 12.15.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Dec 16, 2016
At the December 15th  meeting, members and guests celebrated Christmas.
The large number of guests was due to guests from the Lynwood Teen Challenge home as well as guests from the Senior Center and other Lynwood residents to share in Christmas fellowship and to participate in the annual gift exchange.
Meeting Introductions.  Among the extensive number of introductions, Elias Saikaly, P.E., Senior Public Works Manager, City of Lynwood introduced himself, noting that he worked for Rotary member Joe Wang, when Joe worked for the City of Lynwood.   Later in the meeting, Daniel mentioned the Principal of Roosevelt ES, Ms. Sandra J. Verduzco, who participated in the before Christmas parade activities together with Rotary parade participants at the home of Martina Rodriguez, and then had a seat on the Rotary float, from which she waived at the large turnout along the parade route.
Teen Challenge.  As planned, Ms. Cheryl Bradford, Manager of the Teen Challenge Inc. facility in Lynwood brought a number of the local Teen Challenge residents.  They brought with them a very beautiful and informative display of their activities with photos of their residents.  Five women from the facility from age 17 to age 42, described their lives before they started their yearlong stay at the local home, as well as their current experiences and outlook on life.  Before becoming a part of Teen Challenge their lives involved drug and alcohol dependency, and in one case domestic abuse.  They all described their current lives as a life of complete sobriety and with an outlook on life consisting of religious inspiration, and a commitment to engage themselves in a productive and caring life with family members and friends.
As explained, when Cheryl Bradford has been the club speaker several times, Teen Challenge is an international organization with facilities for women and for men in several locations in California.
Rotary Club President Ramon Rodriguez explained that he is personally acquainted with the positive influence that Teen Challenge does have on their participants.  With his lead, the Rotary Club agreed to provide a wide variety of cleaning supplies and equipment for the Lynwood facility, which items were on display at the meeting.  Cheryl expressed a big thank you for all the items, noting that with 28 beds in the local home, there is much need for all these cleaning items.
Christmas Candy Cane Lane Parade.  President Ramon mentioned again the successful entry of the Lynwood Rotary in the Friday evening, Dec 2 annual city parade.  Martina Rodriguez noted that there were around 50 participants of students and parents from Roosevelt ES that included some participants from Helen Keller ES.  Ramon Rodriguez mentioned that a PA microphone was damaged that was part of the beautiful float that included youth dressed as Mary and Joseph.  So, the club will have to replace the microphone that was loaned by Lucy's brother, who had a major role in constructing and decorating the float. 
Christmas Exchange gifts.  There was excellent participation in this event from both members and guests.   Many brought gifts appropriately gift-wrapped.  In addition, Daniel brought a number of items unwrapped and encouraged members and guests, including Teen Challenge visitors, to take his unwrapped items.  
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!  President Ramon Rodriguez reminded everyone that the next two Thursdays are dark.  So, the next meeting will be next year, Thursday, January 5.  President Ramon urged everyone to have a safe and wonderful holiday time with family and friends and said:  “See you next year!!!”  
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary meeting Update 12.15.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-12-16 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.08.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Dec 09, 2016
At the December 8th  meeting, members and guests celebrated several events
Including appreciation for the toy donations organized by Rotary Youth act for donation to students at Roosevelt ES with apperception also for the donations from the local business, Food 4 Less Market. (Also thanks for the help of Club secretary, Lulu with the toy donations.)   Before the parade, youth and some of the parents enjoyed food and fun in the back yard of the home of Martina Rodriguez.  Also, it was great to have the Principal of Roosevelt ES to attend the event at Martina’s home before the parade and to sit on the beautiful float and wave at the very large turnout of spectators along the parade route.  As usual, Youth act participants marched in the parade each carrying a flag of a different country.
The Dec 8 Rotary meeting was beautifully decorated in honor of the club elections, with two Assistant Governors from Rotary District 5280 in attendance:  Jerry Brown, and Hector Torres.
The donated toys were artistically displayed by Youth act participants who attended the Dec 8 meeting.
The meeting had many guests, including City of Lynwood Mayor, Maria Santillan, and the new City Manager, Alma K. Martinez.  The Mayor read a proclamation prepared by the Office of Assembly member Anthony Rendon, commending the beautiful life of Lucy Avalos and her many contributions to the Lynwood community. (Thanks are due for the help of Maria Santana in helping arrange for the certificate for Lucy Avalos.) Also, Club Secretary, Lulu, read remembrances from several Club members for the four departed Club members.  Besides Lucy Avalos, remembrances were read for Oliver Conner, Gerardo Raya and Jim Morton.  Iris Pygatt talked about her remembrances of Oliver including his installation as Club president in 1984 and his interest in working with Rotary youth. 
Other memories include Lulu's noting that Jim Morton was the Club secretary for many years until Lulu took over, and that for Jim Morton, Lynwood was his family.  Arturo Reyes commented that he met Lucy thru her husband who was working for the City of Lynwood.  Lucy told him that she was born in Mexico and was very proud of her Mexican heritage.  She helped with the Sister City youth from Talpa, when the youth visited Lynwood.  She provided the food for the annual Las Posadas events; Also Lucy was very supportive of the United Families of Lynwood.
President Ramon Rodriguez described the successful Rotary participation in the Annual Candy Lane Parade, on Friday evening, Dec 2.  Lucy's brother helped build the float.  It was very beautiful!   The float was decorated in part by Youth act participants.  As usual, Youth act participants marched in the parade and carried flags from different countries.
At the end of the meeting, the elections were held, with the following results.
President Elect:  Barbara Battle; Secretary:  Maria Quinionez (Lulu);  Treasurer:  Larry Esparza; Note:  The current President-Elect is Joe Wang, who will become Club President on July 1, 2017.  Barbara Battle will be President-Elect throughout 2017, and will become Club President on July 1, 2018.  The Board members elected include:  Victor Gomez, Martina Rodriguez, Raj Daliwander; Ivan Esquivel, Daniel Miller; Arturo Reyes, Iris Pygatt, and Ruben Cervantes.
President Ramon Rodriguez reminded all members and guests planning to attend the December 15 club meeting, to bring a gift for the gift exchange.
(Ramon Rodriguez has arranged to provide needed office supplies for residents of the Teen Challenge facility in Lynwood, whose Manager is Cheryl Bradford.)

             Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.08.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-12-09 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.01.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Dec 02, 2016
At the December 1st meeting, members and guests discussed current Rotary events and plans.
Introductions included a first time visitor, Cecil Leighton, Esq.  currently a resident of Lynwood.  He mentioned that recently he was treated at St. Francis Medical Center, by Dr. Van Miller, the brother of Rotary member Daniel Miller.  His brother, Van, suggested that Cecil and Daniel might like to get acquainted.  So, with contact information from Dr. Van Miller, Daniel called Cecil and invited him to today's Rotary meeting.  Daniel commented that Cecil has known a lot about the history of SE Los Angeles County, including Lynwood.  In addition to practicing law, is a writer about a variety of subjects, including Catholic Theology.   Daniel commented that perhaps Cecil would become a Rotary member.
.Before the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez provided an update on his effort to repair the trailer hitch that will be needed for the Rotary float in the Candy Cane Parade on Dec 2. Lucy's brother-in-law and Ivan will help with the float decoration and Ramon encouraged members to come to his store in the late afternoon on Thurs., Dec 1, to help the Rotary youth complete the float decorations.   He also mentioned the Turkey give away event at the Senior Event, two days before Thanksgiving, and thanked the excellent turnout of Rotary members to help with this event.  Rotary donated 120 turkeys through the financial help of local business, and in addition, there were about another 100 turkeys given away at the Senior Center.
President Ramon also talked about providing needed office supplies for residents of the Teen Challenge facility in Lynwood. He said that Cheryl Bradford, Manager of the Teen Challenge Lynwood facility will be invited to the Dec 15 Rotary meeting, along with the young adult women who reside in the facility. President Ramon also mentioned that everyone attending the Dec 15 meeting (including guests) should plan to bring a gift for giveaway among all attendees. Ramon also mentioned that he is helping plan for the memorial event at the Dec 8 meeting for the recently departed members, of which the most recent is Lucy Avalos.
Martina Rodriguez talked about the arrangements for the Candy Lane Parade on Fri starting at 4pm.  As usual, parents and Youth act participants will arrive at her house at 4pm for food and fun before the parade starts in front of her house, at about 6pm.  Daniel mentioned that the address is 5416 MLK Blvd., just east of Atlantic Ave.  Daniel encouraged all Rotary members to attend and march with the Rotary float.  If you arrive by 4pm parking is possible to find on the streets south of MLK Blvd.   Martina also mentioned preparing to donate several gift baskets to Teen Challenge at the Dec 15 meeting.
Marisela Santana showed a certificate prepared by the office of Assembly Member Anthony Rendon, in memory of Lucy Avalos.  Marisela said that she will arrange for a deputy to Assembly Member Rendon to present the certificate at the Dec 8 Rotary meeting.  Also, although she was attending an annual conference for City Clerks, there was mention that Lulu may be preparing Christmas baskets for needy families to include coordination with the Food 4 Less Market.

       Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 12.01.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-12-02 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.17.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Nov 18, 2016
At the November 17th  meeting, members and guests heard a presentation by Abigael Carde, Rotary Interactor from Da Vinci Science High School in Hawthone. 
Because of her detailed bio information provided, the description provided in the meeting updates is repeated here:  “Christopher Reyes, from the UCLA Rotaract (and Lynwood Rotary Club speaker on Nov 13)   “ … asked me today at the Youth Conference if I would like to speak at one of your meetings, and I would love to.  …  I can speak about my experience with Rotary and how I’ve become involved with Rotary and Interact throughout my high school years, as I’ve done almost everything there is for an Interactor to do.  If there are any other topics you’d like for me to talk about, please let me know and I can do it!”
Here are more quotes from Abigael Carde: “ Here is my bio information:  I am Abigael Carde.  I am 17 years old and am a senior at Da Vinci Science in Hawthorne, Ca.  I have been a part of Interact since my freshman year.  Last year I was my club's treasurer and I am currently a Co-President, as well as one of the District's Assistant Interact Representatives.  I attended RYLA my freshman year, and became a counselor in my junior year of high school.  Two of my favorite things are volunteering and reading.  Serving my community gives me a great sense of accomplishment knowing that I have helped my community in a positive way and impacted people's lives by completing tasks.  My biggest accomplishment was hosting a haircut-a-thon in March.  I got 9 other girls and myself to cut and donate hair, and we donated 11.5 feet of hair to women who have lost hair due to diseases.  …   I plan to to speak about my experience with Interact and Rotary.  Rotarians know that it's important to be involved with their interact clubs, but I believe that it's more important than many Rotarians think because us Interactors have so many ideas that we want to pursue with our club, but we don't have the resources or knowledge to do so.  I have achieved a lot through Rotary, and I say through Rotary and not Interact because I always seek advice and assistance whenever I want to start a project or event for my Interactors, and without Rotarians, I would have never been able to achieve the things I've done through Interact.”
As a part of Daniel’s introduction, he thanked Abigael’s mother and father for attending the meeting, Leandro and Maricel Carde.  Leonardo talked about his extensive experience with Rotary clubs, to include the Hawthorne Rotary Club.  Daniel noted that Abigael’s father is responsible for getting his daughter involved in Rotary youth activities at an early age. 
Among the many accomplishments, related by Abigael, is her “haircut-a-thon” described above.  Abigael talked about Rotary youth exchange programs she participated in, that included a summer visit to Italy.  She described her visit to Rome and to other Italian cities.  As a result of her experience in international youth exchange programs, and the Rotary emphasis on helping people, Abigueal organized a project to send 900 books to the Philippians, and another project that sent 350 pairs of shoes to another country.
During the time for questions, Daniel asked for more information about the Rotary youth exchange programs, and the potential for the Lynwood Rotary to apply to Rotary International to organize a competition for a Lynwood youth to be selected for a visit to another country, similar to what Abigael' experienced.
Before the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez  provided an update on his effort to repair the trailer that will be needed for the Rotary float in the Candy Cane Parade on Dec 2. Lucy's brother-in-law and Ivan will help with the float decoration and Ramon will call members to help with the decoration.  President Ramon talked about providing needed office supplies for residents of the Teen Challenge facility in Lynwood.  Ramon mentioned again the planned Turkey give away next Tue, Nov 21, at the Lynwood Senior Center.  Rotary members should arrive at 830 am, for the event which starts at 9:00 am.  Lynwood Rotary will provide the club banner for the canopy to be provided by the city..  With the support of a Lynwood business, Rotary will give out 120 turkeys through the Lynwood Senior Center.  Daniel mentioned that he would attend the Mayor's State of the City Address on Thur evening, Nov 17.  At the evening event, Rotary members who attended included Iris Pygatt and her husband, Dr. Pygatt, who received a special recognition for his military service in World War II.  Also attending were Barbara Baxter, Larry Esparza and a guest, and Lulu and several members of her family. Also in attendance was Rotary member Raj's daugher, Tamana.  President Ramon mentioned again the Rotary District 5280 District Conference scheduled for Dec 4 thru 6 in Lake Arrowhead,  He encouraged members to sign up (RSVP needed soon) describing how informative and interesting are these District conferences.  Also Lulu is coordinating Christmas baskets for needy families, to include coordination with the Food 4 Less Market. 

Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra  –      Public Relations and Community Outreach  for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.17.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-11-18 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.10.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Nov 11, 2016
At the November 10th meeting, members and guests heard a presentation by Lorry Hemp, City of Lynwood, Public Works Special Projects Manager, talk about the City of Lynwood City Hall Annex construction underway.  
Using a power point presentation, Lorry Hemp explained the project objectives. She described the Old Annex Building and the departments that housed there before it was torn down.  The decision to build a new building had to be scaled down to fit the available budget.  She introduced two engineers with companies under contract for the construction:  Gregg Murray and Robert Lathrop.  Her presentation addressed the following:  budget, project scope and design.  The total construction cost is $ 5.5 million, with the total budget being $7 million.  The total size is over 10,000 sq. feet.  In addition to new council chambers, there will offices for each of the council members, as well as the offices and storage area for IT Staff.  The council chambers will provide increased capacity from the present 70 to 120 persons, and there will be overflow capacity in the lobby for additional attendees.  The project was approved by the Council in June 2014, with ground breaking just occurring in October 2016, and with completion scheduled for November 2017.  Concrete is just now being done for the foundations.  The old council chamber will remain for various city related functions.  The two contract engineers present provided interesting comments about the importance of forward thinking and of being proactive in the necessary coordination of all the elements for the construction. 
One of the questions from a guest was to what extent is the new building “green” construction.  Part of the answer is that with respect to solar energy there will be solar panels for the new Community Center Building in Ham Park.
Before the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez talked about his efforts to repair the trailer that has been used for the Rotary float in the annual Candy Cane Parade.  He described the work underway to ensure that the trailer is operational for the float.  He mentioned that Lucy Avalos’ brother-in-law will help decorate the float. 
Among the guests present at the meeting was Cheryl Bradford, Manager of the Teen Challenge International Lynwood facility, who was the Rotary speaker two weeks ago.  She talked about a need for student and office supplies for Lynwood Teen Challenge residents.  President Ramon advised that he would sell the needed supplies at wholesale prices from his Ace Hardware Store in Lynwood.  Roman stated that he was very impressed with the presentations of the three women living at the Lynwood facility when they spoke at the Rotary meeting two weeks ago.
President Ramon mentioned again the Rotary District 5280 District Conference scheduled for Dec 4 thru 6 in Lake Arrowhead,  He encouraged members to sign up (RSVP needed soon) describing how informative and interesting are these District conferences.  There was also mention again of the scheduled turkey give away event scheduled for Tue, Nov 22.  Lynwood Rotary will provide its banner for the canopy to be provided by the City.  With the support of a Lynwood business, Rotary will give out 120 turkeys through the Lynwood Senior Center.
At 11am on Nov 10, before the Rotary meeting the annual Veteran’s Day Celebration was held by the City of Lynwood, this time, in front of Bateman Hall.  Veterans Larry Esparza, Dr. Pygatt, and Daniel were a part of the well-attended event.  Daniel mentioned that last Thursday evening, Nov 3, Rotary member Ruben Cervantes with Juliano of the Human Passage (also a recent Rotary speaker) presented the Nov 8 election propositions at the American Legion Hall in South Gate.  Rotary members Daniel and Ivan Ezquiekel attended this important and informative forum.
Daniel again mentioned that he received an invitation in the mail for the Mayor’s State of the City Address, scheduled for Thur, Nov 17, in the Bateman Hall Auditorium from 5:30 – 8:00 pm. Daniel is attending, and noted that other interested Rotary members needed to RSVP by Nov 7, at Tel# (310) 603-0220, ext 319.Among the guests, Daniel specifically recognized Tony Huya, LUSD  Director of Secondary Education, and Esperanza Galvan Trejo, a past president of the South Gate Rotary Club; and Daniel also recognized, Victor Gomez, a manager with Bulletin Display Sign Board company; Daniel noted that Victor is a former Lynwood Rotary member.  Victor stated that he may become a member again. 
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.10.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-11-11 08:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.03.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Nov 04, 2016

At the November 3rd  meeting, members and guests discussed a variety of Rotary planned events and community activities. 

Rotary member Paul Gothold, LUSD Superintendent, in response to questions, discussed California propositions affecting the Lynwood school district. He discussed funds budgeted for school capital improvement projects in relation to California propositions.  He discussed Measure K, previously passed, and the pending Measure M.  He mentioned the Citizens  Oversight Committee, and encouraged Rotary members and guests present, to consider applying for this important oversight function for the school district.

Rosie Carrillo, Manager, Lynwood Senior Center, discussed the scheduled turkey give away event scheduled for Tue, Nov 22.  Lynwood Rotary will provide its banner for the canopy to be provided by the City.  She also mentioned the Veteran’s Day Celebration that will be held in front of Bateman Hall at 11am, on Thursday November 10. To attend includes Daniel, Larry, and hopefully Dr. Pygatt, husband of Rotary member Iris Pygatt.

President Ramon mentioned that the trailer that has been used for the float organized in previous years by Lucy Avalos requires some repairs, and he is checking on this in the coming week.  Martina Rodriguez mentioned that the Youth act participants in the Christmas parade will meet at her home before the parade starts, as has been the custom. 

Among the guests, was Blanca Ramirez, who said that this was her first meeting, but that she is interested in helping out with Lynwood Rotary projects.  Also three first time guests brought by Lulu were Julio Sanchez, and his parents, Veronica and Nicolas.

President Ramon mentioned that Rotary District 5280 has a District Conference scheduled for December 4 thru December 6, in Lake Arrowhead.  He said that anyone interested in attending needs to RSVP soon.

At the suggestion of Daniel, the meeting planned to commemorate Rotary members who have passed:  Gerardo, Jim Morton, Oliver Conner, and Lucy Avalos, is now scheduled for the December 8 Rotary meeting, instead of the Dec 1 Rotary meeting.  A brief Rotary Board meeting included a description of Rotary Club requirements for another first time guest, Kateri Gutierrez, who expressed an interest in becoming a Rotary member. Before the Board meeting, she discussed her work in the development of a coffee shop type business that will be entirely owned by the employees.  Currently it is a mobile operation within Lynwood, but the plan is to develop a brick and mortar business within Lynwood.  The name of her new business is Collective Avenue Coffee.

Rotary member Ruben Cervantes described an event he has organized (with Juliano, who recently was a speaker at a Lynwood Rotary meeting) for Thursday, November 3, 6-8 pm. at the American Legion Hall in South Gate, which will be a presentation of the California and Local propositions for the November 8 Elections.  The location is:  9535 California Ave. South Gate.  Although short notice, Daniel and Ivan advised Ruben that they will attend this important and informative event!

Daniel mentioned that he received an invitation in the mail for the Mayor’s State of the City Address, scheduled for Thursday, Nov 17, in the Bateman Hall Auditorium from 5:30 – 8:00 pm. Daniel is attending, and other interested Rotary members need to RSVP by Nov 7, at Tel# (310) 603-0220, ext. 319.

Daniel commented that it was good to see so many guests at this meeting, and that hopefully this is an indication of potential membership growth for our club!


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 11.03.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-11-04 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.27.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Oct 28, 2016

At the October 27th meeting, members and guests heard Ms. Cheryl Bradford, Assistant Operations Manager, and Teen Challenge Internal. 

Ms. Bradford described the mission and operations of the organization.  She described the home provided for young women that is located in Lynwood on Euclid Ave., at the southern edge of the City of Lynwood.  She described the activities and counseling provided the women who are staying in the Lynwood home (with a maximum stay permitted of one year.)

One of the questions asked from the audience was what follow- up is available and done for women at this home after they leave.  Another question is the activities and counseling provided at other locations similar to the Lynwood home, and the response was yes it is similar. Another question addressed by Cheryl, is opportunities for education and vocational training for persons living temporarily in these homes.

The presentation with photos showed women and some men interacting with other persons in several homes provided in the network of Teen Challenge homes.  Also leaders from Teen Challenge talking about the message:  “We are a Christian organization … No one is beyond Christ’s redemption … we are faith based, for participants what is accomplished is more than just getting off drugs and alcohol; it is developing a relationship with peers, and also a relationship with God … the miracle of Teen Challenge, is to understand that things can change, … allow God to enter our lives … when you receive Jesus, you receive a power to overcome the past …

Three members from the Lynwood home, Maria, Heather and Christy, ages 43, and the other two in their 20’s, talked about their past addictions and their new lives they are now living.

The presentation included a detailed display that included a variety of photos of program members, as well as brochures and descriptions of Teen Challenge activities.  Ms. Bradford encouraged meeting attendees to come visit the Lynwood home on Euclid Ave. in Lynwood between Long Beach Blvd and Santa Fe Ave.   Every Tuesday, interviews are held at the Lynwood home.  There is no charge for living at the home, but the applicants have to demonstrate a willingness to take the first steps to recovery. 

Ms. Bradford cited statistics of the number people in the world and in the U.S., who are suffering from various forms of addiction.  Rotary member Martina asked Cheryl about her opinion about Proposition 64 – the marijuana proposition. Cheryl replied that she had to study the proposition before offering an opinion.  A warm applause was given to Cheryl and her three representatives from the Lynwood Teen Challenge home. 

After the speaker's presentation, Club President Ramon Rodriguez, led the attendees in discussion of several projects. The club will provide turkeys at the turkey give away event at the Senior Center, with the costs funded by a local company. This event is Tue, Nov 22, 9am, at the Lynwood Senior Center.  Larry Esparza will bring a Rotary banner for the table and canopy to be provided.

 Next meeting there will be more discussion of the decision that the first meeting in Dec (Dec 1) will be a commemoration for recently departed Rotary members, with a short brochure to be available for distribution. Members to be remembered are:  Gerardo, Jim Morton, Oliver Conner, and Lucy Avalos.

 Also there will be more discussion about family preferences for commemorating Lucy as a part of the Rotary (and Youth act) participation in the annual Christmas parade on Fri, Dec 2.  President Ramon will coordinate with Lucy’s daughter, Veronica, about the parade and a float in the parade to honor Lucy.

There were comments from President Rodriquez and from others who attended the Rotary District event Saturday, October 22,2016 at  US IOWA  Battleship moored in the harbor in San Pedro. As Daniel commented, it was a most memorable evening!!!   Ramon talked about the inspiring experience of touring the battleship along with the Rotary dinner event, noting that he estimated there were 500 Rotarians and guests in attendance.  Ramon stated that the experience enhanced his beliefs as to what a great country we live in. He also noted the talk by several District leaders of the worldwide Rotary campaign to end Polio, as well as a current polio funding campaign that involves each club within District 5280.


Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.27.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-10-28 07:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.20.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Oct 19, 2016
At the October 20th meeting, members and guests met the speaker, Edwin Saucedo, USC Student Body President / Undergraduate Student Government,  and heard and saw his power point presentation.
The description of Edwin Saucedo in the weekly update is included here, since Edwin mentioned briefly all of the activities, in addition to other projects included in his power point presentation.  Edwin Saucedo is a senior at the University of Southern California double majoring in Political Science and Sustainable Planning and a candidate for Masters in Public Administration.  He is a first generation college student who has been honored as a Gate Millennium, Norman Topping, and Presidential Scholar.
Outside of USC, Edwin has interned for LA City Council Member Bernard Parks, the Center for Asian Americans United for Self-Empowerment, and California Assembly member Ed Chau.  Edwin has also worked abroad as an Intern in the Asia-Idaho Trade Office in Taipei. This summer, Edwin interned in the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.  In this role he worked to ensure that housing discrimination is abolished across the country and underserved communities are given access to economic opportunities.  Edwin was also elected as a District Level Delegate for Hilary Clinton to represent the 44th Congressional District at the Democratic National Convention.
Most recently Edwin led the United States at the G20 Youth Summit held in China.  Here, Edwin delivered a speech on Social Injustices happening across the world and ways the G20 nations can work together to ensure Social Justice and Equal Opportunities for all.  He also advocated for the inclusion and recognition of the rights of the LGBTQI and refugee communities in negotiations. Not included in his bio is a recent stay in Brazil, to observe and learn about the cultural differences he notes.  Of particular note in his presentation, Edwin served as an Intern in Washington DC in the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity and he described working as an Intern in Taipei in the Asia-Idaho Trade Office.  And most impressive, Edwin led the US Team of five students to the G20 Youth Summit held in China. 
Edwin was elected as a delegate for the 44th Congressional District to attend the Democratic National Convention.  He explained that he did not attend the DNC, due to his commitment to be the leader of the US delegation at the G20 Conference in China (the two events occurred at the same time).  As a candidate from the 63rd Assembly District (Anthony Rendon's district, which includes Lynwood), at a coming dinner event, Edwin will receive the award of “LA County Democrat of the Year”.  Edwin was born in Lynwood, then his family moved to Houston before returning to LA.  Edwin is a graduate of South Gate HS, and to attend USC, he received several financial aid grants.  He has worked with SE Cities to help organize support for Hillary Clinton.  One example of working with local cities is Edwin's successful efforts to get two candidates elected to the City Council of the City of Bell (Fidencio Gallardo and Ali Salah).
There were a number of questions from members and guests.  Martina Rodriguez asked Edwin about her concerns about State Proposition 64 (Making Recreational Marijuana Legal) and its impacts on communities like Lynwood.  Edwin commented that Martin's concerns were a good question.  President Ramon, Secretary Lulu, Member Barbara Battle and Daniel all congratulated Edwin on his amazing accomplishments to date in his leadership actions within different levels of our communities and within governmental agencies.  Lulu's statement reflected everyone's thoughts:  “Congratulations to you for everything you have done.”
 After the speaker's presentation, Club President Ramon Rodriguez, led the attendees in discussion of several projects, in part through a Board meeting.   Maria Viera and Maria Garcia were thanked for their attendance, and President Ramon again recognized Ms. Garcia for her work every day at the fireworks stand in July.  The club will provide turkeys at the turkey give away event at the Senior Center, with the costs funded by a local company.  Also there was a decision that the first meeting in Dec (Dec 1) will be a commemoration for recently departed Rotary members, with a short brochure to be available for distribution.  Also Member Ivan participated in a discussion about family preferences for commemorating Lucy as a part of the Rotary (and Youth act) participation in the annual Christmas parade on Fri, Dec 2.  Also there was final coordination for the Oct 22 US IOWA Rotary District Event.    
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –     
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.20.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-10-20 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.13.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Oct 12, 2016
At the October 13h meeting, members and guests met the speaker, Christopher Reyes, Rotary District 5280 RYLA Counselor, and heard and saw his power point presentation.
As included in the weekly meeting updates, Chris Reyes stated in his email bio info:  “My name is Christopher Reyes.  I'm a 3rd year UCLA Psychology student.  I will be presenting briefly about what career I have chosen and why, my position/ role as a RYLA Counselor, my past as an Interactor and current duties as a Rotaractor.” 
[Daniel notes the Rotary terms are:  RYLA -- Rotary Youth Leadership Association; Interactor – Rotary Youth groups for High School students; Rotaractor – Rotary Youth groups for college students. ]
 Chris explained his background.  He is a graduate of St. Bernard HS (LA Archdioceses School) in Playa Del Rey.  He has been a member of the Westchester Rotary Club for five years and also for five years he has been the RYLA Counselor for District 5280. 
Chris explained that his personal life experiences, led him to pursue psychology study and also to accept the responsibility to be the RYLA Counselor.  He noted that he has had a personal problem of self-image and depression and that both his study of psychology and of youth leadership responsibilities in RYLA have helped himself, as well as enable him to help others.  Understanding himself better, he notes, has enabled him to help others.  He mentors students but he states that they have mentored him at the same time. He notes that the medical field is a great way to carry out the Rotary principle of Service above Self.
One of his responsibilities is to encourage Rotary clubs to send students to RYLA.  Also he has a responsibility to help communications and joint activities between Interactor and Rotaractor and Rotary groups and also with helping to coordinate with Rotary Young Professionals
The purpose of RYLA is to facilitate fun activities that are associated with leadership messages and skills. 
In the coming weekend, he noted, there will be a District 5280 youth conference at a middle school in Hawthorne.  He stated he expected there will be several hundred Interactors at this annual conference.
Also noted in his presentation is a nonprofit website that helps participants to push yourself.  And an interesting motto of this organization for personal motivation is the reason to do something:  “Because I said I would.”
Before the speaker's presentation, Club President Ramon Rodriguez, called for a moment of silence in honor and memory of Lucy Avalos.
Following a discussion, President Ramon acted to order flowers for the memorial events for Lucy.
Also discussed was a request from the City of Lynwood for the Club to fund Thanksgiving turkeys. There was mention of what the club has donated for Thanksgiving events in recent years.
After the speaker's presentation, Club member Ruben Cervantes talked about the results of the Oct 1 Fitness Fair that he organized.  He noted that the event was well-attended, but next year, the events should be located closer to each other, to contribute to a better sense of everyone being together.  It was noted that next year, Rotary could participate with a table, and information about Rotary, as a way of supporting the event and publicizing Lynwood Rotary activities.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –
 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 10.13.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-10-13 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.29.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Sep 28, 2016
At the September 29th meeting, members and guests heard Juliano Jarquin, The Humane Element Passage, who described his business of motivating participants to accomplish their goals for themselves and for their organizations, through the title:  The Humane Element Passage.  In his introduction, Daniel repeated phrases from his detailed biography:  Tribal Leadership, the journey to Life Mastery; his developed educational curriculums on Tribal leadership, the arts, psychology, emergency response and personal / business development; Juliano resides in South Gate, has made a presentation to the South Gate Rotary Club and is Chair of the Health & Education Commission for the City of Huntington Park.  He noted his varied experiences starting with having to learn English in Elementary School, attending military school, attending college in Miami, spending time in Barcelona, attending UCLA, being involved with Coach John Wooden, and living for eight months with the Mayans.  His business card includes:  Personal & Business Development, with credentials of MHA, SPHR, CPC -- Organizational Behaviorist, Instructional Designs and Grant Writer.
His power point presentation is intended for training session lasting several hours, so there was much content to communicate for presentation lasting 20 minutes.  Here are only a few phrases from the presentation.  Among Juliano’s points are feel your “Ganas”.  “Ganas” in Spanish means wants and desires.  We need to recharge ourselves everyday just like our cell phones.  Every day make time to relax, spend time in silence and think about “enjoying the ride.”  One needs to feel, which is emotional; to think, which is cognitive, and to act, which is behaviorist.  Other points:  the three pillars -- The Community Pillar, in addition to partnership development, what motivates current and prospective communities is important.  The Solutions Pillar solves the needs of the community and creates value for the organization.  The Strategy Pillar involves evaluation of the best paths to long –term value. 
Before Juliano did his presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez attendees heard Assembly member Mike Gipson, 64th District and Chair Joint Legislative Audit Committee. He thanked the group for allowing him to speak.  He noted that he personally introduced 40 bills, and he described several of the bills that the governor signed.  Specifically SB813 (the final bill was from a fellow state senator with the same purpose) that removes the statute of limitations for charges of rape. Also AB 1067 that provides that formerly incarcerated youth receive priority for applications for employment with state agencies.  He mentioned that a bill for gun control he initiated was not signed by the governor, although other gun control measures were approved.  He stated that gun control legislation is important to making communities safer, but that these measures are not an infringement of the Second Amendment rights of citizens to own their own weapons.  He stated what needs to be controlled more effectively is the ownership of military type weapons.  Citizens can and should continue to buy and possess their own weapons for hunting recreation.
Also before Juliano’s presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez mentioned again the Rotary District 5280 dinner on Sat, Oct 22, 3pm - 9pm. He also mentioned another Rotary District 5280 Breakfast meeting on Tue, Oct 11, from 7:00 am – 9:00 am at the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX.  The program will be about the Olympic Games to include women’s Olympic Team 5 times’ winner, Janet Evans (More information on the Cover Page.)
 Rotary member Ruben Cervantes talked about his planned Fitness Fair across the street from City Hall on this coming Saturday, October 1, 10am -3pm.   
(More information is available on the Cover Page.)
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.29.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-09-29 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.22.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Sep 21, 2016
At the September 22th meeting, members and guests heard Basil A. Hewitt, Senior Engineer, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, talk about the responsibilities and operations on the LACSD Agency. 
Using a power point presentation, Mr. Hewitt showed photos of the region at the time the sanitation districts were first organized for disposing of waste water in 1923 and also historical photos of the handling of solid wastes around 1950, to include the use of home incinerators and views of the oppressive and dangerous smog in LA areas at that time. Interesting and easy to understand brochures were distributed that explains the functions of the agency.  The Sanitation Districts consist of 24 independent special districts that encompass 78 cities and unincorporated territory within LA County. The 24 Districts work cooperatively under a Joint Administration Agreement with one administrative staff headquartered near the City of Whittier.  (Being a much larger entity than other cities, Los Angeles City performs these functions separately on its own.)In summary, the functions performed are disposal of sewer water, with additional responsibilities of the disposal of solid waste (starting in the 1950's) and more recently water recycling, and two refuse to energy facilities. As described in one of the brochures, facilities include 1,410 miles of sewers, 48 active pumping plants, and 11 wastewater treatment plants.  For solid waste management there are two active and four closed sanitary landfills, two landfill energy recovery/transfer facilities, one recycle center with respect to recycled water, one of the brochures explains that this water produced by the Sanitation Districts is sold through local public and private water suppliers.  And that a network of purple pipes and pumps delivers the recycled water throughout Los Angeles County. Also distributed was a map for District No. 1, in which the City of Lynwood is located, and also a chart of the service charge sewage units for Sanitation District No. 1. Rotary member Raj and several other members had questions about the charges they pay for homes and/or businesses within the City of Lynwood.  Mr. Hewitt suggested that those with questions on charges they pay could send him a copy of the bill and he would discuss the rates. Mr. Hewitt noted that the rates for the sanitation districts are low in comparison to rates elsewhere.  
After the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez mentioned again that the Lynwood Rotary Club has 10 people signed up to attend the Rotary District 5280 dinner on Saturday, October 22, 3pm - 9pm.  Relating to this event, member Raj urged everyone to turn in the raffle tickets for the Rotary Foundation fundraising.  Rotary member Ruben Cervantes talked about his planned Fitness Fair across the street from City Hall on Sat, Oct 1, 10am -3pm.   Rotary volunteer Rowland Becerra attended the meeting and thanked Rotary members for their support of the End of Summer Festival held this past Saturday, September 17, 11am – 4pm, across the street from Lynwood City Hall. Rowland described all the activities at the event, to include involving youth attendees to participate in painting a portable mural.  Rowland mentioned how one youth expressed his thanks for being encouraged to paint on the mural, noting that youth can learn that they can do art that benefits the community instead of destructive tagging.  Rowland mentioned other activities at the festival, including the youth skate boarding competition and also the four bands that played on a temporary stage. Daniel thanked Fernando for the attendance of several Youth act members and their parents and for bringing a canopy for the Rotary table. 
President Rodriguez mentioned another Rotary District 5280 Breakfast meeting on Tuesday, October 11, from 7:00 am – 9:00 am at the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX.  The program will be about the Olympic Games to include women’s Olympic Team 5 times’ winner, Janet Evans. Rotary guest Cheryl Bradford, Assistant Operations Manager for Teen Challenge International described the Teen Challenge mission of alcohol and drug recovery and their Lynwood campus for housing women, with other locations for women and for men.  In recognition of National Alcohol & Drug Addition Recovery Month, there will be a Walk for Recovery, Sat, Sep 24, at Valley Christian High School, Cerritos   
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra –   
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.22.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-09-22 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.15.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Sep 14, 2016
At the September 15h meeting, members and guests heard Ervin Bromell Jr.,  representing East Side Riders Bike Club (ESRBC). 
For 5 years the ESRBC has been operated out of a bike shop on Central Ave., one block north of Imperial Hwy. (in Watts), and open usually 9 to 5.  In the introduction, Daniel described that he met this club at an annual bike event held at Union Station several months ago.  It was explained that East Side does not refer to ELA, but rather to east side of Alameda St. in South LA.  The scheduled speaker, John Jones, is the owner of the bike shop.  His full time job is a staff member to LA City Councilmember Joe Buscaino, 15th District, which district encompasses, the areas of San Pedro, Wilmington, and extends to a portion of South LA.  John Jones had to travel to Washington DC to represent the council member.
The speaker Erwin started his presentation with a video of the ESRB doing bike trips in the community involving youth, along with other community youth activities.  The bike shop or bike center has had a youth training program that teaches complete repair and assembly of bikes.  The students are given a bike at the completion of the training.  The importance of bike safety and the rules for operating bikes are taught.  For example, bikes must be ridden only in streets, not on sidewalks.  It is illegal to ride a bike on a sidewalk; also bikes can be ridden only with the flow of traffic.  Not adhering to these rules subjects the violators to traffic violations, the same as a driving violation.  Students at the bike center are taught how to ride bikes safely.  Other events are held to provide free food to the community.  Also monthly memorial bike rides have been held in memory of crime related fatalities in the community.  All of these events are free, and funding continues to be much needed if the bike center is to stay open.  For anyone desiring to visit an event of this club, and/or to support the club in any way, speaker Erwin Bromell, Jr.  Can be contacted as follows:  (310) 736 – 7575;  EB, or Erwin Bromell resides with his family in Compton.
After the presentation, President Ramon Rodriguez had interesting background information on the amazing history of the USS IOWA Battle Ship.  The Lynwood Rotary Club has 10 people signed up to attend the Rotary District 5280 dinner on Sat, Oct 22, 3pm - 9pm.  Relating to this event, member Raj urged everyone to pay for their issue of raffle tickets for the Rotary Foundation fund rising.  Rotary member Ruben Cervantes talked about his planned Fitness Fair across the street from City Hall on Saturday, October 1, 10am -3pm.   Daniel mentioned the End of Summer Festival this coming weekend, Saturday, September 17, 11am – 4pm, across the street from Lynwood City Hall.  Daniel will attend the entire event, and President Rodriguez two hours, and Fernando will arrange for several Youth act members and parents to attend, 2pm – 4pm.  The City Recreation Department will provide a table for the Lynwood Rotary information, and Fernando will bring a canopy.
President Rodriguez mentioned another Rotary District 5280 Breakfast meeting on Saturday, October 15, from 7:30 am – 9:00 am at the Westin Hotel on Century Blvd. near LAX.  The speaker will be women’s Olympic Team 5 times’ winner, Janet Evans.  More information will be available at the next meeting.
A final note:  the Tuesday event, September 13, 6pm to 9pm, Shakeys Pizza Restaurant on Paramount Blvd. in Downey, was a great success, with a total of about 60- 70 turnout of Youth act, their parents, and Lynwood Rotary members and spouses.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.15.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-09-15 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.08.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Sep 07, 2016
At the September  8th  meeting, members and guests heard a great presentation  by  Sergio Infanzon, Planning Deputy for Los Angeles City Councilmember, Gilbert Cedillo.
Sergio started by talking about his initial experiences in the US.  He was born in Mexico and came to the US when he was 19 years old.  With an engineering degree, Sergio worked for about a year for South Gate Public Works Department; he also worked in public works for the La Puente School District.  He was elected to the City Council for the City of Bell Gardens, and served the city for five years, including two years as Mayor- Pro Temp.  He mentioned several items that helped improve Bell Gardens while he was on the City Council.  Sergio subsequently joined the staff of LA City Council Member, Gilbert Cedillo, whose district extends from Highland Park to the Pico-Union area immediately west of DTLA.  He briefly referenced some of the problems at the time of the cities of Bell, Cudahy and South Gate.  While on the Bell Gardens City Council, Sergio served as First VP of the Gateway Cities Council of Governments (COG).
Sergio described several major issues that the City of LA is addressing, noting that these issues also exist in the cities of Southeast LA County, to include Lynwood.  One issue is adequate and affordable housing for the general population, noting the increasingly high cost of housing, especially in lower income areas now experiencing so-called gentrification changes.  Also the issue of the homeless, where within LA, the homeless population is now 40,000. Small micro units are one approach, as has been done for the homeless in Seattle.  Another challenge for LA City is upgrading the infrastructure.  With respect to transportation, Sergio mentioned the Measure M on the ballot for LA County, and its importance.  Also, because Rotary member Daniel asked Sergio to talk about the plans for changes to the LA River, Sergio provided copies of a brochure describing projects and plans to convert the LA River into a recreational and scenic resource for LA City.  This is occurring for the northern half of the 51 mile river from the western end of the SF Valley to the area just south of DTLA.   Plans for the remaining portion of the LA River are being carried out by the Public Works Department of LA County.
At the conclusion of his presentation, Rotary Club President remarked that the accomplishments and leadership of Sergio is an example of the benefits to the US from immigrants from Mexico Sergio mentioned that the LA City Hall building is a historical building and that tours can be arranged, noting that the top floor, the 25th floor, has great views of the surrounding DLA
After the speaker's skilled and informative presentation, there were several questions, including asking about his USC education. He replied that his four year degree was for mechanical engineering.  When Sergio mentioned state wide issues,  Martina Rodriguez asked Sergio to explain the marijuana issue on the statewide ballot, which he then briefly explained what will be permitted if the measure is approved by the voters, with reference to Colorado's recent allowing of the sale of marijuana.
Following the speaker, Club President Ramon Rodriguez, convened a board meeting with all club members present participating.  The two issues addressed were the club funding for the Shakeys Pizza Event as a thank you for the Rotary Youth act support, to include parents,  of the help with the July fireworks sales on Tues, Sep 13 at 6pm at the Downey restaurant on Paramount Blvd.  Also there was approval of the final format of the club brochure to be printed by TAJ, and of the number of copies for the initial printing.  Also discussed were ways to distribute the brochure as a way of attracting new membership.
Lynwood Rotary will have a table at the End of Summer Festival, Sat, Sep 17, 11am -4pm (across the street from City Hall)  Daniel will staff the table, and President Rodriguez will help staff the table for two hours.  Daniel encouraged other members to also help staff the table. New member Ruben Cervantes discussed his planned Fitness Fair, for Sat Oct 1, 10 am to 3 pm.  Ruben described several ways that Lynwood Rotary could help support this event.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.08.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-09-08 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.01.16

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 31, 2016
At the September 1st meeting, members and guests discussed among themselves coming events within Rotary and within the community. 
All of the events on the weekly update Rotary cover page were discussed. 
In addition Rotary Member Ruben Cervantes made a special presentation on the Fitness Fair  he has planned for Saturday, October 1, across the street at Lynwood Park and within the Gymnasium Ruben Cervantes operates the Lynwood School of Strength, and is a contractor to the Lynwood Unified School District The event will be from 10am to 3pmThere will be a variety of activities, to include health / medical screenings;  a yoga institute;  a boot camp/  obstacle course for a physical workout;  Zumba exercise  with instructors; a soccer tournament;  and in the gym, a Lucha Libre performance (tickets will be $25.00 for adults and $10.00 for kids)
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 09.01.16 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-09-01 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting update 08.25.16

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 24, 2016
At the August 25th meeting, members and guests heard Ramon Cardenas, President of the Greater Lynwood Chamber of Commerce. 
As stated by Daniel Miller in his introduction, Mr. Cardenas is owner of a commercial real estate company in Lynwood, and has been on the Chamber Board for about five years, and has been President of the Chamber for three months.
Mr. Cardenas noted that Lynwood does not have so-called big box retail stores or other large businesses.  The chamber needs to reach out to the many small businesses, for many of which Spanish is the first language.   Also the Chamber should consider not only working with the businesses but also with consumers.  A Taste of Lynwood involving restaurants is being planned.  A website for the chamber is being developed and should be open in a month.
Grand Openings are good to promote new businesses.  Ramon Cardenas stated the Chamber wants to hire a full time staff member and also to start a newspaper.  Also the Chamber should organize ways to give back to local schools.  How can we help students, especially those not going to college?   
Activities of the Chamber as described by President Cardenas include mixers to attract small business within Lynwood, also mixers that involve businesses who are members of Chambers of Commerce in adjacent cities. One mixer noted involved Bell Gardens and Commerce and attracted over 100 businesses.
Rotary President Rodriguez stated he is glad to hear that the Chamber receives no funding from the City, but that partnering with the City on specific programs would be good.
During the presentation, there was a very constructive discussion of the procedures and rules that the current chamber is adhering to. Rotary member Raj and Rotary President Ramon Rodriguez expressed their support for the Chamber in the light of the explanation from President Cardenas as to how the chamber is operating, to include adherence to the requirement that there be a rotation of responsibilities within the Chamber. Raj pointed out that he was the principal author of the chamber's By-Laws, and inquired whether they are being adhered to. Both Raj and President Ramon Rodriguez emphasized the need for transparency in all the work of the chamber.  It was stated that there should be a rotation of Chamber board members of one third each year.  President Ramon Rodriguez stated: “I like what I see happening.”
Before the presentation, Rotary Club President Ramon, discussed all the coming events, to include the Rotary District Picnic and boat race, this Sat, Aug 27, 5pm to 9pm In Redondo Beach Lagoon.  See the cover page attachment for the list of coming events.   After this weekend's major District Picnic event, the next event is Thursday, Sep 8, The Annual District  Literacy Breakfast, at Lawry's The Prime Rib Restaurant on La Cienaga Blvd, from 7am to 9am.  Ramon was pleased to announce that a total of five members will attend this annual event. Also there will be a Rotary table at the Lynwood Union End of Summer Festival in Lynwood Park, Sat, Sep 17, organized by Rotary Volunteer, Rowland Becerra.
At the end of the meeting, new Rotary member Ruben Cervantes announced a planned Fitness Fair that he is organizing for Saturday, October 1, 10 am to 3pm.  Events will include in Lynwood Park, an obstacle course for a physical workout, and a Lucha Libre Event in the adjacent gym.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra – 
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting update 08.25.16 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-08-25 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.18.16

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 17, 2016
At the August 18th meeting, members and guests heard Michael Kodama, Project Manager, under contract to the City of Lynwood, for the Lynwood Transit Area Strategic Plan,
The City of Lynwood received an $800,000 planning grant from LA Metro, to develop a land use plan for development adjacent to the Green Line Station, north along Long Beach Blvd. and then west along Imperial Hwy. to Alameda Street, to include the Plaza Mexico property.
The speaker, Michael Kodama, provided explanations, with the support of his power point presentation.  The presentation included photos of commercial and residential properties in mixed land use.  One of the objectives is to access transit centers, in this case, the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station, in a manner that encourages walking and biking access.  For example, a change in the on and off ramps to the 105 Freeway, are proposed as a means of improving pedestrian and bike access to this station.  The speaker also mentioned better access from the new Linear Park and from the LA River trail to this station.
The speaker mentioned the land use concept of mixed land use between commercial use at the street level and residences on floors above the street level.  The speaker described how new apartments should be designed to open into adjacent open spaces.  Within this area, there can be a multi-level parking structure with ground floor commercial.  Also that parking can be shared between adjacent commercial and residential uses. The speaker described that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires detailed analysis of impacts and of mitigation measures.
Daniel asked Rotary guest Paulette Bradley to comment, since Paulette is a regular rider of the LA Metro bus and rail system, to include regular travel to downtown LA (DTLA) and to West LA.  First of all, she noted that the changes to the ticket vending machines (TVMs) make it much easier to pay the fares for bus and rail.  She noted that both pedestrian and auto access to this station should be improved and that the lighting for the station at the street level should be improved so that it is not so dark both at night and also during the day.  Daniel commented that there should be a direct pedestrian access to Plaza Mexico, adjacent to the Motel, to encourage use of Plaza Mexico by Green Line riders.  With such improved access, it could generate use of Plaza Mexico from other areas of Metropolitan LA, especially considering the expanding LA Metro rail system.
Important coming dates for the Lynwood Transit Area Strategic Plan: Wed, Aug 30, City of Lynwood Planning Commission: Tuesday September 6 and Tuesday, September 20 City of Lynwood City Council
Before the presentation President Ramon Rodriguez, thanked all the members for providing excellent explanation of the work done by Lynwood Rotary Club, at last week’s annual visit by the District Governor.  Ramon exclaimed that Governor Greg O’ Brien was impressed with the club’s activities and programs.  Ramon noted that it is good that our members associate effectively with each other. The two new members that were inducted by the Governor:  Barbara Battle and Ruben Cervantes, is a start for membership growth.  By the end of the year Ramon stated that we should strive for a total of 20 members.  Barbara Battle may be involved in youth leadership.  Also the club has the potential to work with Ruben Cervantes in his physical training programs in the community.  For example, Ruben described Michelle Obama’s program to encourage youth to become more physically active:  “Get Moving”. 
President Ramon mentioned how the Lynwood Rotary Club used to be involved in Rotary International work.  He cited the support of the Door of Faith Orphanage in Tijuana, and suggested the club consider providing assistance again, to include regular visits to the orphanage.
Club Secretary Lulu received a thank you from the American Cancer Society for the $1,000 donation by individual club members as part of the club’s participation in the annual Relay for Life event at Lynwood Park.
President Ramon again mentioned coming events:  the annual District Picnic and boat races at Redondo Beach on Saturday August 27, 5pm – 9pm also the Pizza Party at Shakey’s Restaurant in Paramount, for Youth act and their parents on Tuesday, September 13, at 6pm.  Also the Rotary District dinner event at the USS Iowa Battle Ship in San Pedro Saturday October 22 3pm-9pm. The first announcement of a Rotary District Breakfast at Lawry’s 100 North La Cienega Blvd. LA, Annual Literacy Breakfast (no charge, but reservations required by September 5.)  Ticket books for the raffle at the Oct 22 Rotary Foundation event were distributed to members.  Club members are asked to sell all ten tickets at $10 each (=$100), both to publicize Rotary and to raise funds for the District Rotary Event.
President Ramon, will determine whether the club will plan a casino bus trip, as a fund raising event for the club, depending on whether there is sufficient interest, since it is necessary to have a full bus of participants for the weekend event. 
Daniel Miller /Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra  
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.18.16 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-08-18 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.11.16

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 11, 2016
The August 11th meeting was the annual visit by the District 5280 Governor, Greg O’ Brien, to the Lynwood Rotary Club.   
As planned, the District Governor met with Rotary members at 11am in the staff conference room in Bateman Hall.  This meeting was an exchange of information, whereby Rotary members talked of their activities and programs, to include Youth act and the adult leaders, Tila and Fernando Millan.  The club’s finances were discussed by Club Treasurer, Larry Esparza, noting that besides dues, the club’s income comes from the annual fireworks sales, at which it was explained, that in addition to the participation of all the members, Youth act members and their parents provide much help.  The Governor was impressed with the extensive list of youth activities described.
The District Governor, who has been active in the Palos Verdes Peninsula Rotary Club, described various programs that have been successful in reaching out to groups in their community that had not been a part of Rotary.  For example, the Governor described events that were planned to celebrate specific community groups.  First to attract community members of Asian ethnicity, and then subsequently, an event to attract community members from with a Middle Eastern background.  Also he mentioned how his club changed the format of the traditional Christmas party into an event that was held at a local theater, were the balcony was reserved for the club with food and drinks served before the performance and during intermission.  The Governor described a speaker’s bureau his club developed over several years with several dozen speakers.  Daniel handed out the weekly update that is emailed by Rotary volunteer Rowland Becerra to three separate email groups:  members; non-members who have requested to receive the weekly updates, and a small group of city staff.  The weekly updates lists coming speakers for two months in advance; also a separate attachment of the minutes of the last meeting; and a cover page which highlights coming events.
The Governor suggested the Lynwood club make lists of small businesses and of other groups in the Lynwood community, and then consider how to communicate with each group in order to attract new membership.  President Ramon Rodriguez explained the Lynwood club is in the process of doing this, and described the flyer, based on the format of the South Gate Rotary Club format, that will be developed for the Lynwood Club.
At the regular meeting that started at 12 Noon,  
There were a large number of guests in attendance. Before the Governor started his presentation, Daniel introduced two students, both Lynwood residents:  Oscar Avila, now attending a science and math magnet school in Carson, and Alexander Vazquez, a student at Lynwood Middle School.  Oscar described his summer school experiences for the last two summers, thanking Rotary for its financial support.  Oscar became an Eagle Scout at the young age of 15.  His summer experiences include John Hopkins summer school for both summers.  Alexander Vazquez, as explained by Oscar, is having similar summer experiences.  The Governor gave out awards to four Rotary members.  The Governor inducted two new members:  Barbara Battle, who was sponsored by Club Secretary Lulu; and Ruben Cervantes, who was sponsored by Rotary member Ivan Esquivel.  Lulu highlighted some of the many accomplishments in the community by Barbara. Ivan talked about Ruben’s physical ed. Programs for LUSD staff, and the value of avoiding being overweight.
The Governor’s presentation was both informative and inspiring. He talked about his training he received to become a governor. He described several historical leaders, including Paul Harris and Herb Taylor and his Jewel Tea Company in Chicago during the Great Depression in the thirties. There was a sign on a wall at training for the governors "Imagine." The governor said he thought about that word a lot and we can do the same. The governor talked about the "4 way test" and how it came about for several decades. The governor talked about International leaders in Europe before, WWII. He mentioned the fact that in 1945 in San Francisco at the conference to develop United Nations Charter they were 49 members participation in the conference. The governor described more involvement of Rotary International leaders in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks. Over all the governor presented us with much to remember about Rotary, including the following, "Imagine" "Service, Ethics, Good Will, World Peace" and Peace thru service." 
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra  
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.11.16 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-08-12 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.04.16

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Aug 07, 2016
At the August 4th meeting, Lynwood Rotary President Ramon Rodriguez,
Started the meeting by explaining that now the first Thursday of each month, there is no speaker.  Instead, the meeting is focused on discussions and plans of coming Rotary events. 
Next week, Rotary District 5260 is having a District Breakfast meeting on Tue, Aug 9, from 7am to 8:45 am at the Weston Hotel near LAX.  These breakfast meetings enable Rotary members to meet members from other Rotary clubs and to also hear interesting speakers.  The speaker is Bob Kline, a former manager of the NFL Rams, and will discuss the return of the Rams to LA.  There will be a carpool leaving at 6:30 am from city hall.  Besides Ramon, Larry Esparza, Lulu and Dr. Manlapaz will attend.  Ramon encouraged more members to come, also guests can attend.  The $40.00 cost will be paid by the Lynwood Club.
President Ramon thanked members for staffing the Rotary table at the National Night Event on Aug 2: which included Ramon, Larry, Dr. Manlapaz, Joe Wang and Lulu and Daniel.  Lucy Avalos was thanked at the meeting for her personal contribution to the hot dogs and buns provided by Lynwood Rotary.  Youth act members helped with the food distribution.  Ramon noted that by 7pm all 500 hotdogs and buns had been consumed by attendees at the National Night Event!  Martina Rodriguez mentioned that Block Watch groups attended the National Night Out Event, and that Block Watch groups are very important in helping make neighborhoods safe.  Neighbors need to stay in touch with each other regularly for the safety of each family in the neighborhood, and Block Watch organization helps everyone to stay in touch and look out for possible crime on everyone's block.
Fernando Millan again talked about the District 5280 Annual Picnic and Boat Races at the Redondo Beach Lagoon, Saturday, Aug 27, 5pm – 9pm.  With a large turnout from Youth act, the Lynwood Rotary always has one of the largest groups at this annual event.  (See also the description on the weekly update cover page.)  Also, Fernando mentioned that Youth act will attend a movie night at South Gate Park, at 5 pm on Aug 12.  Fernando also mentioned that as a thank you for Youth act and their parents help with the fireworks stand, there will be a pizza party at Shakeys Pizza in Paramount, on Sep 13, at 6pm.
New members to be inducted by the District Governor next week, Barbara Battle and Ruben Cervantes, talked about their interest in becoming Lynwood Rotary members.  (Ramon, in answer to an inquiry from Daniel, noted that Marvin Aceves can be inducted into the club again, at a later time.)
At the end of the meeting, a Board meeting of members
Included discussions on several items intended to help increase membership and to explain the work of the club. For example, Ramon mentioned that the club needs to do outreach with city businesses to develop membership.  The Board approved the proposed new member’s kit that Club Secretary, Lulu proposed.  It was agreed to buy ten kits.  It is hoped that within a two year period, the ten kits will have been given out to new members. There was discussion about printing a brochure about the Lynwood Rotary Club using the format that the South Gate Rotary Club has for its brochure.  Raj agreed to accept responsibility for the printing of the brochure.  The number to be printed will be between 100 and 200 copies.  Because some of the information in the brochure will change each year, it was agreed that printing a larger number will likely result in having to redo the brochure even though not all of the copies may not have been distributed.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra  
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 08.04.16 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-08-08 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.21.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jul 20, 2016
At the July 21th meeting, members and guests heard the speaker, Lynwood Rotary member , Hilario (Larry)  Esparza, talk about his recent important Veterans Award, and also about his military experiences.
Concerning the award, it was an event that Dr. Esparza, or Larry, will always remember.
The award was the Veteran of the Year.  Every district in the state gave out this award.  But it was particularly impressive for Larry, since his award was from Assembly Member Anthony Rendon who is the speaker of the California Assembly.  As Larry noted, his certificate was the only certificate that was glass enclosed in a frame!
The day started with a early flight from LAX to Sacramento. Then he was picked up and driven to a special breakfast, a personalized tour of the Capitol, a photo op event, a special lunch at the Sacramental Convention Center.  Then Speaker Anthony Rendon made a speech directed to all the veteran honorees.  However, Speaker Rendon read Larry's bio- statement in his certificate in front of everyone attending this celebration event.  Larry's certificate was the only one read to everyone!  Then he was taken back to the Capitol and then driven back to the airport.
In all, Larry will always remember everything about this event and noted that he felt much appreciated!
Before the speaker Ramon Rodriguez, addressed the group.   
He again talked about the annual Rotary District 5280 Annual Picnic at the Redondo Beach Lagoon.  This time the event has been scheduled sooner: it will be Sat, Aug. 27.  And it will be later, from 5 pm to 9 pm. Also Ramon thanked Rotary members who attended the Rotary District 5280 Breakfast Meeting on Tues, Aug 9 at the Weston Hotel near LAX, from 7:30 am to 8:45 am. As always at District Breakfast meetings it was a very interesting program.   Also Ramon thanked Lynwood Rotary members who attended the City of Lynwood National Night out event on Tuesday evening August 2, at Ham Park, 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
Ramon talked about the visit of the Rotary District Governor, Greg O'Brien, at the Thursday noon, August 11 meeting.  It is intended that Barbara Battle will be formally inducted into the club by the governor. Also, Marvin Aceves, may also be formerly re-united with the club.
   Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra 
  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.21.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-07-21 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.14.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jul 13, 2016
At the July 14th meeting, members and guests heard the speaker, Miguel Angel Ochoa, provide a very effective motivational presentation. 
Only mentioning a portion of what he presented, Ochoa arrived with his family in 1991 when he was ten years old.  He was one of 15 siblings. A resident of Lynwood, due to some violent crime incidents at that time, his mother transferred him to Bell Gardens HS.  He is a graduate of Cal State LA majoring in psychology and philosophy.   Thanks to a friendship with Jose Solache, he worked for the Old Timers Club providing services to seniors for several years.  Then he said it is time for me to start my own business.  He is a director of clinics now for 3 years, providing services and products, a business that now includes 9 countries, “ it's been a wonderful ride”, he exclaims! His motivational presentation consists of a mental cycle of success.  You must define what success you want.  “God gave us gifts” Using the white board, Miguel wrote a series of words that ended with four key words:  “faith, enthusiasm, action and results.”
In responses from the audience, Miguel asked members from the audience to suggest words to describe the steps to success. Before he wrote on the white board the word “results”, Rotary member Raj offered “Prosperity”, which is close to the word, “Results.” 
Other audience comments were Club President Ramon Rodriguez, who commented that he also came with his family when he was young, and that all of us in this country have an opportunity to accomplish our goals, and to help others.
Daniel thanked Miguel for his inspiring presentation, and suggested that he return to be a speaker again.  Daniel also thanked Miguel's business associate, George Ortiz, for attending, and suggested that both of them consider being Rotary members.
Before the speaker Ramon Rodriguez addressed the group noting again the contributions of Tila and Fernando and all the youth and parents that they brought to help run the fireworks stand. 
Ramon suggested a pizza night for the kids and their parents as a thank you. Fernando attended the meeting, and talked about the annual Rotary District 5280 Annual Picnic at the Redondo Beach Lagoon.  This time the event has been scheduled sooner: it will be Sat, Aug. 27.  And it will be later, from 5 pm to maybe 9 pm.  He talked about the annual card board boat races.  He noted that the Lynwood Youth act group with all their families is one of the largest groups at this annual event.  Joe Wang has already constructed the boat, with only the painting to be done.  Two youth act girls have been selected to participate in the boat races.  Fernando mentioned that perhaps the Youth act Group would want to participate in the Chili Cook-off, and in addition to adding to the food provided for the event, compete for the winning chili.
Ramon mentioned that soon the club will know the financial results of the fireworks sales.  After the close of the meeting, a Rotary Club Board meeting was briefly held, at which it was approved that the club will provide for the hot dogs and relishes for the national night out!  Rotary member Lucy Avalos has agreed to provide all the buns.  The National Night out Event is Tuesday, Aug 2.
Daniel welcomed again Rotary guest Barbara Battle, noting that it would great if Barbara Battle would become a member.
 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra  
 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.14.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-07-14 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.07.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jul 06, 2016
At the July 7th meeting, members and guests heard the speaker, Jose Trejo, Deputy Director of the Department of Recreation and Community Services talk about programs and activities that the Department is providing for the community.
Jose Trejo mentioned some of his experiences during the 25 years he has worked for the City of Lynwood.
Jose Trejo talked about the many activities sponsored and organized by his department for this summer.  He had numerous fliers describing these events.
For example, he had fliers for a variety of events this summer. For seniors, there is the trip to the Chumash Casino Resort on Sat, Jul 9.  Then there is the Summer Picnic on Thursday Jul 21 and the Senior Summer Jazz Night on Thursday Jul 28. Then for everyone, there is Pizza with the Captain, Kerry A. Carter, at Plaza Mexico, on Jul 14. Then for youth, there are three sessions of Lynwood Summer Day Camp, each session about three weeks long.
Also there is a summer meal for kids and teens for Breakfast and Lunch at three locations.
There are the Fun Wed Field Trips for all ages, with three trips planned per month for June, July, and August.
Also there are separate tennis classes for youth and teens in July and August and there is registration for fall 2016 Youth Soccer.
Don’t forget the Movies in the Park at Yvonne Burke – John D. Ham Park (11832 Atlantic Ave.) the movies begin at 7:45 pm on eight Thursdays, with the last movie night being Aug 18. Also Jose mentioned as explained in one flier, the City needs sponsors for each movie.  For $375.00 a sponsor receives high profile recognition with opportunities to advertise the business / products.
Jose described the Outdoor Fitness Area improvements in Lynwood Park, near the tennis courts.
Jose also mentioned the progress on the construction of the new community center at Ham Park, which is projected to be completed by the fall. He suggested he come back to talk about this new facility when it opens.
Before the speaker, Ramon Rodriguez, addressed the group, noting that this was his first meeting, at which he is now the Lynwood Rotary President. 
He also noted that he is proud to say that this is his third time serving as president of the Lynwood Rotary Club.
President Rodriguez stated he wanted to acknowledge the participation of everyone who helped out at the fireworks sales.  It was he emphasized, a “one hundred percent effort” of everyone involved, and that the presence and work involved was “like a family” all contributing to the event.  Also, he noted, we should plan now for next year's fireworks sales event.  Also, he noted that as soon as it is available, we will need a report from the Treasurer on the financial results.
Among the guests, a special welcome to Celese Johnson,  Director, Special Education, and  LUSD Representative for this meeting and also a warm welcome to Barbara Baxter.
  Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra  
  Pub         Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 07.07.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-07-07 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.30.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 29, 2016
There was an informal meeting on Thursday, June 30, at the Rotary Fireworks Stand.
Ms. Lucy provided the lunch for all the volunteers, consisting of Rotary members, and Youth act members and some of their parents.
Unpacking the product and placing it on the shelves and counters is a time consuming task. The entire product has to be labeled with a price, to include sales tax.  The work started around 11 am and was not completed until around 5pm.  Based on experience from sales in previous years, the product needs to be organized in an easy way to see, both for the potential buyers, and for the sales staff.
On Saturday, July 2, Youth act members and their parents organized a potluck lunch.  Then on Monday, July 4, Ms. Lucy provided in the afternoon a major lunch that included BBQ food.  (July 3 and July 4 are always the two days with the largest sales.)
This year's fireworks stand was definitely an organizational success, in terms of how the sales were conducted, and all the expert help provided by Rotary members, Youth act parents and Youth act members. 
As to the how successful the fireworks stand was in terms of income raised for the club, that will require about a week or longer for that information to be confirmed. 
In addition to income generated for the club, it has to be said that the sense of team work and camaraderie of everyone present, both adults and youth, is also a strong benefit, in setting a precedent of everyone working together.
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra  
        Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.30.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-06-30 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.23.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 22, 2016
There was no meeting on Thursday, June 23, due to the 10 Year Youth act Celebration Event on Friday, June 24, 2016.
The event was held in the large meeting room of Bateman Hall.  There were more than 300 people at this event.  Youth act members from the ten years of the existence of this youth group and many parents were in attendance.  In addition Lynwood Rotary members attended, along with community representatives, supporting Youth act and supporting the Lynwood Rotary Club.  Sign- in for this celebration event started at 5:00 pm, and dinner started at 6:00 pm.
Old and new officers for both Youth act and for the Lynwood Rotary Club were recognized, as well as a variety of certificates for accomplishments were presented to both Youth act and Rotary members.  From 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm, a very talented DJ provided a variety of EDM music, and many adults and youth danced. 
A special thank you is due to the adult leaders of Youth act at Roosevelt ES, Tila and Fernando Millan.  The amazing accomplishments during this ten year period of the Youth act group(s) in Lynwood are due to the leadership skills of Mr. and Mrs. Millan.  They have been extremely effective in obtaining the support and participation of Lynwood youth and their parents and family members during these ten years!
The next day, Sat, June 25, was the annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life event in Lynwood Park.  This event this year was for a period of 12 hours from 9:30 am to 9:30 pm.  Lynwood Rotary members, and Youth act members and family participated in this event.
(The Lynwood Rotary, as a financial sponsor of this event was prominently mentioned in multiple signs posted throughout the part of the Lynwood Park used by the Relay for Life event.)
  Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra 
  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.23.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-06-23 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.16.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 15, 2016
At the June 16th meeting, members and guests were presented a detailed description of the current purposes and activities of the Roosevelt ES Youth act group, with the adult leadership of Tila and Fernando Millan.
Fernando presented a detailed power-point presentation of the Youth act programs and activities.  He mentioned that Youth act at Roosevelt ES helps build leaders, exposes students to other cultures and seeks to accomplish the Rotary Four way test, to include: is it true, is it fair, and will it help build friendships.  The Youth act group has year round activities.  Examples include:  participation in the annual LA Marathon; Feeding the homeless; helping decorate the City of Downey Rose Parade Flout; Visiting local senior citizen homes; Fund raising for international organizations, such as providing provisions for victims of the Haiti tsunami, and for earthquake victims in the Philippines; also helping the Pennies for Patients for Leukemia patients.
Tila stated that she has 27 years’ experience working with youth, starting with the youth at her parish, St. Emydius Catholic Church in Lynwood.  From her church youth work, then she started youth work in Rotary.  “Our kids need a lot of support.” “Kids want support from adults.”  “Show kids what they can accomplish.” “A kid must feel connected.”  That is a motivation for joining gangs.  She noted that we can change for the better our communities by working closely with our youth.
Before the Youth act presentation, Ms. Leticia Vasquez, District 4 Director of the Central Basin Municipal Water District provided a description of her agency and of water-saving programs available for residents.
 The agency has 25 employees and serves 22 cities in LA County, from ELA and Whittier to Signal Hill to the city boundary of Carson.  The agency sells water to cities obtained from the Metropolitan Water District.  Ms. Vasquez described some of the water-saving programs available to residents in cities served by her agency.  She had handouts describing these programs.
Also before the Youth act presentation, there was discussion about the 10 Year Celebration of Youth act on Friday evening, Friday, June 24; also the American Cancer Society Relay Race on Saturday, June 25 from 9am to 9pm in Lynwood Park; and also the Fireworks Stand from July 1 through July 4.
Concerning the Ten Year Youth act Celebration, everyone was encouraged to invite guests for this important event.  The program starts with sign-ins at 5:00 pm, and from 9:00 to 11:00 pm there will be dancing to the music provided.
Lulu mentioned that the annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life Event in Lynwood Park this year will be only for 12 hours, instead of the usual 24 hours.  So, on Sat, Jun 25, the event will start at 9 am and end at 9pm the same day. Daniel noted that last year, the club had a large turnout of relay walkers, along with a large turnout of Youth act members with some of their parents.  Hopefully, this year we will also have a big turnout for the relay event!  Ramon Rodriguez mentioned the need to organize work shifts for the fireworks stand for the four days of July 1 through July 4.  The Club will require the participation of all the members, as well as a good turnout of Youth act volunteers and at least some of their parents.  There also will be a staffing requirement for Thursday, June 30, in order to unpack the fireworks product and get the entire product organized in the shelves in the trailer, with all the product labels posted.  Lunch will be provided for all volunteers on Thursday, June 30.  Martina Rodriguez mentioned that she is finishing up her third time as serving as Lynwood Rotary Club president.  She stated she has “stabilized” the club during her term.  She also mentioned that a way needs to be found to ensure that Tila and Fernando become members.  She also mentioned how proud she is that her son is graduating from UCLA in biology specializing in macular cell development, so his specialty as a MD will use involve this special study. 
Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra 
 Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.16.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-06-16 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.09.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 08, 2016
At the June 9th  meeting, before members and guests listened to the speaker, Veronica Ledesma, President-Elect Ramon Rodriguez, in the absence of President Martina Rodriguez, talked about the Ten-Year Youth act Celebration to be held Friday evening,
June 24 in Bateman Hall,
One item requiring follow-up is the apparent requirement by the City of Lynwood for insurance for guests attending this event.  Club secretary, Maria Quinonez, (Lulu) handed out event invitations for guests already invited by members. It was noted that members are encouraged to invite guests, but the final RSVP date is Friday, June 17, one week in advance of the event on Friday, June 24.  Ramon reminded everyone to bring appropriate items for the auction.  While a final decision has not been reached, it appears that there will only be a silent auction, plus a “50 -50 Game” described by Lulu, which is a way of obtaining contributions through a group game. Lulu also discussed the program for the event, and the sequence of what will take place, to include the recognition of current and past Youth act participants and leaders, as well as the installation of the Youth act Leaders and of Lynwood Rotary Officers for the coming year.  The program starts with sign-ins at 5:00 pm, and from 9:00 to 11:00 pm there will be dancing to the music provided.
Lulu mentioned that the annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life Event in Lynwood Park this year will be only for 12 hours, instead of the usual 24 hours.  So, on Sat, Jun 25, the event will start at 9am and end at 9pm the same day. Daniel noted that last year, the club had a large turnout of relay walkers, along with a large turnout of Youth act members with some of their parents.  Hopefully, this year we will also have a big turnout for the relay event!
There was discussion of Lynwood Rotary members attending the Rotary District 5280 Foundation Dinner on Oct 22 on board the Battleship USS Iowa in San Pedro.  Our members have already signed up for a table.
Ramon mentioned the need to organize work shifts for the fireworks stand for the four days of July 1 through July 4.  The Club will require the participation of all the members, as well as a good turnout of Youth act volunteers and at least some of their parents.  There also will be a staffing requirement for Thursday, June 30, in order to unpack the fireworks product and get the entire product organized in the shelves in the trailer, with all the product labels posted.
Rotary member Lucy Avalos asked to make a brief speech, which was translated by Ramon.  Lucy mentioned how she wanted to be recognized not as the “caterer” but as a “member” of the Lynwood Rotary Club.  She stated that she is very happy to be a part of the club.  She said she “congratulates” everyone for being a club member, and she looks forward to the new club leaders for the coming year (July 2016 to June 2017).  She declared that she “respects everyone in the club” and hopes that everyone else in the club do the same.
Daniel introduced the speaker, Veronica Ledesma, Senior Field Representative  for Assembly Member Anthony Rendon, 63rd Assembly District, who also holds the very important position of Speaker of the Assembly.
Veronica provided information on the wide variety of constituent services available through the Assembly Member.  Some of the examples she mentioned, included help with DMV issues, Unemployment benefits and delayed payments, and issues relating to states taxes.  She noted that tours can be arranged for the state capitol in Sacramento, and even help with arranging tours for the Federal Government in Washington, D. C.
Also Veronica explained that Assembly Member Rendon has an “open door” to listen to constituents as to what they like and do not like about existing and proposed state legislation.  Also the Assembly Member is open to listen to constituent ideas about suggested / requested new legislation.  In answer to a question from Daniel, Veronica explained the significance of Proposition 50 that was on the ballot for the June 7 Primary elections. 
 Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra 
Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.09.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-06-09 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.02.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Jun 01, 2016
At the June 2nd meeting, members and guests discussed among themselves coming community events, before a Rotary Board Meeting was held at the end of the meeting.
The annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life Event in Lynwood Park this year will be only for 12 hours, instead of the usual 24 hours.  So, on Sat, June 25, the event will start at 9am and end at 9pm the same day.  Daniel reminded the group that this event is the day after our club's Ten Year Celebration of Youth act on Fri, Jun 24, in the evening at Bateman Hall.  He noted that last year, the club had a large turnout of relay walkers, along with a large turnout of Youth act members with some of their parents.  Hopefully, this year we will also have a big turnout for the relay event!
There was discussion of Lynwood Rotary members attending the Rotary District 5280 Foundation Dinner on Oct 22 on board the Battleship USS Iowa in San Pedro.  Our members have already signed up for a table.
Rotary guest, Veronica Ledesma, briefly mentioned her new position as Senior Field Representative for Assembly Member Anthony Rendon, 63rd Assembly District, who also holds the important position of Speaker of the Assembly.
Daniel mentioned along with Deborah Jackson, City of Lynwood, Director of Community Relations, they attended the Conference on Sat, May 28, at Cal State Dominguez Hills, entitled:  “It's Our Neighborhood: Conference  – Organizing and Empowering for Action.”  The conference was organized by Assembly Member Mike Gipson, 64th Assembly District.  Also participating was California Senator Isadore Hall.  This conference is intended to be an annual conference.  Daniel and Deborah both stated that next year Lynwood Block watch members should attend this conference, or else a similar conference be held in Lynwood for Block watch members and other interested Lynwood residents and businesses.
At the Rotary Board meeting, led by Club President Martina Rodriguez, detailed plans for the Ten Year Celebration of Youth act in Lynwood, along with Club Installation of the new officers for the 2016-2017 year were reviewed and agreed to.   There was particular concern and focus on coordination between the two caterers who will provide the food, one of them being Lucy Avalos, and the other obtained by Tila and Fernando.  Also the details of the funding to be provided by the Lynwood Rotary Club budget and also the funding to be provided by the Youth act organization.  It was noted that Club members are encouraged to bring guests, but this must be done ASAP with the specific names submitted to Martina.
  Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra
  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club
Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 06.02.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-06-02 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.26.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on May 25, 2016
At the May 26th meeting, members and guests heard a presentation from Chris Wilson, Field Representative for Assembly member Mike Gipson, 64th  Assembly District.  In the introduction, Daniel exclaimed that it is always nice to see Chris at the Lynwood Rotary meetings.    Also glad to have Kyle Lee, Intern for the assembly member.   Upon inquiry, Kyle explained that he is a recent graduate of CSU Dominguez Hills, majoring in Political Science.

Chris talked about the Sat, May 28 Conference, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm at CSU Dominguez Hills, Loker Student Union, 1000 E. Victoria St., Carson, CA 90747.  As stated on the flyer Chris distributed, “It’s Our Neighborhood” Conference “Organizing and Empowering for Action.”  “Calling all NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL and NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH LEADERS.”  Chris explained that after the 9:30 am – 10:00 orientation and getting acquainted time,  there will be four breakout sessions of a half hour each, so that attendees can attend all four sessions, prior to the final get together.  At the conference will be law enforcement from LAPD, also Deputy Williams from the LASD Century Station, also LAFD and LA County FD.  Training programs to be discussed, include CERT, COPE, American Red Cross, and Cal Geological Staff (earthquake preparations).  Also, resources available thru 211 Calls will be explained.  Chris noted that the City of Lynwood and its residents are a good example of a community that other areas should replicate!  Questions from attendees included Martina, who expressed an interest in how to better prepare for earthquake disasters.  Daniel stated that he will attend the Sat conference.

Chris also talked about legislative issues, noting that tomorrow; Fri, May 27 is the deadline for submitting legislative proposals that affect the state budget.  Chris mentioned proposed AB2055 that Assembly Member Gipson is supporting.  In some ways this bill seeks to replace the work of the city redevelopment agencies that were abolished a few years ago.  The intent is to enable “business friendly” tax breaks that are intended, to accomplish a variety of community development projects, to include affordable housing.  Chris described how he and Assembly Member Gipson stayed overnight in Wilmington, traversing “street corner to street corner” to talk face to face to homeless people about their housing needs.  He mentioned talking to a woman who said her name was “Noname.”  There were follow up communications, and now “Noname” is residing in a home provided by a community nonprofit org.  Chris commented that public agencies need to be good listeners to the homeless in helping them to relocate into housing that meets their needs.  Ramon asked about how the data is used from the annual homeless counts (in which Lynwood Rotary members participate).  Chris replied that the County homeless authority uses the data to help get more federal funding and to set priorities for homeless housing.

Before the presentation by Chris Wilson, Ramon Rodriguez talked about the plans for the Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the Lynwood Rotary Youth act at Roosevelt ES.  The event will be held on Friday evening, Jun 24, starting at 5pm in the large banquet room at Bateman Hall.  Ramon noted that all Youth act members and their families for the ten years of Youth act will be invited, and that 300 attendees are being planned.  In addition Lynwood Rotary members and their families for this time period, are invited, and 40 attendees are projected from this group.  Also some of the speakers at the weekly meetings will be invited to attend.  As to financing, Youth act is contributing to the cost, and in addition, Ramon explained, that the annual Lynwood Rotary budget provides for $1,500 for an annual event like this.  

Daniel Miller/ Omar Franco/ Rowland Becerra  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.26.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-05-26 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.19.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on May 18, 2016

At the May 19th meeting, members and guests heard a presentation from Mr. Mark Kazuo Robbins, Government and Community Relations Officer, Japanese American National Museum, Little Tokyo, Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA).

In Daniel's introduction, he noted that Mark obtained a law degree from UCLA and passed the Bar to practice law, first in Maryland and then in California.  Mark began his presentation explaining the mission of the JAN Museum as well as his function in working with different groups in the community to increase awareness of what the museum offers.

The JAN Museum is located in Little Tokyo, in DTLA, one of the three “Little Tokyo” communities remaining in the US.  The museum helps educate about and be a source of inspiration for America's diversity.  It does this by sharing the culture and experience of Japanese Americans.  Japanese Americans have been in the US for 130 years.  One of the permanent exhibits in the museum presents the experience of Japanese Americans living in the internment camps during World War II.  Daniel mentioned that during his one visit to the museum, the museum docent leading Daniel's group explained that he had lived in an internment camp when he was a child. The exhibit includes a replica of an actual structure where families lived.  As an important note, Mark used the term “incarceration” camps.  He stated that there were a total of 130,000 Japanese Americans confined to the “incarceration” camps, located in various locations in the US, including California.

The museum also has changing exhibits.   For example, there is an exhibit entitled: “Making Waves – 1920 -1940” which is about Japanese American photographers and their photos during this time period.  Coming soon is an exhibit showing various styles of origami (folded paper style) art works. Also coming is an exhibit showing the art and culture of Polynesian Pride.  Then there is a coming event featuring mixed heritage culture.  Also, there are two big festivals every year, one in August and one in January.  The museum gives tours for school kids, to include helping fund the cost of busing kids to the museum, where financial need prevents such activities.  LUSD Director of Elementary Education, K-8, Alfonso Jimenez, in attendance at the meeting, expressed an interest in having LUSD students getting tours of the museum.  (Note from Daniel: let's hope this happens!)

At the end of his presentation, Mark briefly mentioned three US Supreme Court decisions which while WWII was still ongoing, upheld the “incarceration” camps and related government actions, such as mandatory curfews against Japanese Americans.  Mark also mentioned that in the 1980's several actions were initiated by representatives of the Japanese American community to nullify the previous Supreme Court decisions.  This was accomplished.  (Note by Daniel: basically the Supreme Court's justification of the “incarceration” actions of the US government, and related actions, were that the Federal Government had to rely on the recommendations of what was justifiable from the recommendations of the military at that time)

 Before the presentation, President-Elect Ramon Rodriguez explained that he was substituting for Club President, Martina Rodriguez, who could not attend this meeting. He explained that the Club Board met .on Wed. May 18 at 8pm, and made plans for the Fri, Jun 24, 10th Anniversary Youth act Celebration Event.  It will be held in the large banquet room at Bateman Hall, with 40 tables set up, and an anticipation of 300 persons in attendance.  He also talked about the Annual Rotary Foundation Dinner Event to be held Sat, Oct 22, on board the USS Iowa Battleship in San Pedro in the LA Harbor.  Tickets are $125.00, per person, if paid in the next month.  After two more acceptances at the meeting, there are now a total of ten persons signed up, so the club will be all sitting at the same table.  Ramon also mentioned that the club will have to sign up lists for work shifts for the fireworks stand staffing: Jul 1 thru Jul 4.

Club Secretary, Maria Quinonez  (Lulu), mentioned  that the Lynwood Rotary Club will again participate in the 24 Hour American Cancer Relay for Life, in Lynwood Park, starting at 9:00 am on Sat, June 25 to 9:00 am, Sun, June 26.  Youth act members and some parents will also participate.  Lulu also noted that the club had a table at the Lynwood hub for the CICLAVIA event last Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm.  Rotary Youth act volunteers from Roosevelt and Helen Keller Elementary Schools and some parents also helped out, along with Tila and Fernando Millan. 

Daniel Miller / Omar Franco / Rowland Becerra  Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club


Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.19.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-05-19 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.12.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on May 11, 2016

 At the May 12th meeting, members and guests heard a presentation from Pastor Nisan Steward, of Greater Emanuel Temple, City of Lynwood.   Pastor Nisan is the son of the church's founding pastor, Bishop Carl W. Stewart. 

Pastor Nisan thanked the Rotary Club for inviting him to be a speaker. Lynwood is a great place in which to live and grow up, he explained!   “The spirit in this city is great!.”  “Our goal is for Lynwood to be a top city in California.” As described later in the presentation, the church has plans for expanding its outreach to the Lynwood community by developing an expanded youth training program.

 Greater Emanuel Pastor Nisan started with a brief history of his church.  His father, Bishop Carl W. Stewart, founded his first church on Main Street in South Los Angeles in 1965.  In 1977, Pastor Nisan noted, his uncle found a property in Lynwood, and Bishop Nisan then moved his church to the City of Lynwood, at the site of the present church, when Pastor Nisan was, he noted, three years old.  The existing church was constructed in 1987.  His father installed him as the church's pastor on February 19, 2012.  Then he noted that shortly thereafter his father passed on. 

Pastor Nisan attended Inglewood HS, Warren HS in Downey and Cerritos College.  While growing up as a youth Pastor Nisan learned to be a drummer.  Pastor explained that in addition to serving as pastor, that he is professionally involved in music performance.  This is his sixth season performing with “Dancing with the Stars”.  This involves two performance seasons each year.  In answer to a question from Daniel, Pastor noted that his professional work takes place at the CBS Lot at Fairfax & Beverly, and that visitors can attend the shows.

Pastor Nissan explained that in addition to acquiring a craft as a drummer, he actively participated in music and adult bible reading at the church. This emphasis in these activities for youth at the church has continued.  The church has plans for a structural expansion of the church property for a youth center to better enable development of an after school program for youth with emphasis on teaching music skills.  It is envisioned to have two two youth groups:  a younger age group and a group for teens.  The instruction will include aspects of producing music to include production and engineering.

 After all, Pastor Nisan declares, look at the Bible, Jesus Christ was very interested in working with the youth.  Pastor Nisan also noted that in his own family, his own children, ages 8, 6, and 3 years, helps him to focus on the importance  of encouraging youth in the community to develop skills of interest to them and that will serve them well as they progress on their journey to become adults.

Another area of outreach for the church is development of a ministry to the hispanic community.  Already on the staff of the church, Olivia Solzano and her husband, Isidro, are in the process of developing a hispanic ministry, including a Sunday service in Spanish. (Daniel noted that the couple attended the meeting at which Pastor Nisan had originally been scheduled to speak.)

After the presentation, Bridget, representing the planned Relay for Life from the American Cancer Society, described the event at Lynwood Park, from Sat, June 25, 9am to Sun, June 26, 9am.  She thanked the Lynwood Rotary for its commitment to contribute $1,000, and thus will be included as a official sponsor, to include being shown on the event T-Shirt.  (This contribution is from the club budget, plus individual contributions from members.)  Other coming events noted were the annual Rotary District 5280 Assembly Meeting at the Carson Community Center on Sat, May 14.  (Martina Rodriguez, Ramon Rodriguez, Larry Esparza and Maria Quinonez (Lulu) attended.) Also Daniel noted that the Lynwood Rotary Club will have a booth at the Lynwood hub for the CICLAVIA event on Sun, from 9am to 4pm.  (Besides Daniel, Ramon Rodriguez, Lulu, Tila and Fernando Millan, and Youthact members from Roosevelt ES and Helen Keller ES and some of their parents helped staff the Rotary booth.  (The featured item was the photo poster boards, as well as copies of a flyer and handouts about what Rotary does.) 

Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco 

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.12.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-05-12 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.05.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on May 04, 2016

At the May 5th meeting, members and guests heard a changed  presentation from Ms. Maria Quinonez (Lulu).  Ms. Quinonez had planned to talk about the coming state and federal elections in the context of the involvement of the City Clerk's office.  Instead she presented a series of Rotary club issues that will be addressed at a Rotary Board Meeting on Wed. May 11, 7 pm at the home of Lynwood Rotary President Martina Rodriguez.


The club had the good fortune of having long time Rotary youth participant and leader Victor Ortiz attend this meeting.  Victor was accompanied by his wife, Zineb, orginally from Morocco.  So Victor and Zenib talked about their recent experiences living in Chicago.  More importantly, they talked about their lifestyle.  Victor explained that he adopted the Muslim faith about three years ago, which was before he met Zineb in Lynwood.  They both talked about the basics of the Muslim faith as well as the culture that they are now a part of. 

There were a lot of questions from the members and guests in attendance.  Raj compared his religion, that of the Sikhism, which has its origins in what is today, modern day Pakistan.  The Sikhs are a major religion in India now. 

Back to Victory and his wife, Zineb, there were explanations as to the dress worn by men and women Muslims.  Also explanations as to what is the manner of greeting between men and women Muslims.  For example, there is no physical touching permitted between men and women in greetings.  It is OK for women to touch other women in greetings, but not between the sexes  A slight bowing of the head is the most that is a substitute. It was noted that some restrictions on women, such as the prohibition of women driving in Saudi Arabia is a cultural thing.  It is not based on the Koran.  In sum, the unexpected presentation of Victor and Zineb was most interesting and appreciated.

As to announcements, Daniel mentioned the coming event on Sunday, May 15, which is CICLAVIA  for Southeast Cities, to include the City of Lynwood.  These events consist of closing several streets to cars on a Sunday in order to have bike riding and walking all day on the closed streets.  On May 15, from 9am to 4pm the streets involved in the several participating cities that include South Gate and Huntington Park, will be open only to bikers and walkers.  In Lynwood, Long Beach Blvd. will be closed to vehicles until State Street, and then State Street will be closed until just north of Imperial Hwy. where there is the big circular median area.  At this location the City of Lynwood will have a series of booths, promoting city activities.  Also other organizations are expected to have booths also.

Note:  After the meeting, Daniel made arrangements with Mark Flores, Director of the Department of Recreation and Community Services, to have a table and chairs for the Rotary Club to staff.  As Chair of Community Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club, Daniel will staff this booth/ table during the entire Ciclavia event.  But he hopes that other Rotary members will join him at least in shifts of several hours.  Also, the Rotary Youthact and their adult leaders, Fernando and Tila Millan, may help staff the table.  The Youthact is already planning to serve as volunteers for the Ciclavia organization for the May 15 event.  Daniel will have a take one flyer for distribution on the table, as well as have on display the photo collages that he has assembled during the last several years, and was last used at last year's National Night Out event in Lynwood.

Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco 

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 05.05.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-05-05 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.28.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Apr 27, 2016

 At the April 28th meeting, members and guests heard the presentation by Pamela Carmona, Project Manager, St. Francis Medical Center, for Choose Health LA kid.


Ms. Carmona talked about this outreach effort to involve the community in proper nutrition for children. 

This project involves pilot teams to get restaurants to make available and encourage children to  obtain more nutritious meals.  The objective is less quantity and more healthy meals. 

La Huasteca Restaurant in Plaza Mexico was the first restaurant to participate in the program.  The restaurant has a insert in the regular menu to feature healthy menu items for children.  Another participating restaurant that was mentioned is Periguete Restaurant in Paramount.

Ms. Carmona described the work of this program that involves all the schools.

Comments from the audience included  Rotary Club President for 2016- 2017, Ramon Rodriguez, who asked about the food and vegetables and fruit that is sold at Farmers Markets. 

Club member Raj commented that EBT cards can now be used to purchase food at fast food restaurants.  He commented that typical food purchased at these restaurants is not conducive to avoiding obesity in children. .

Pamela Carmona also talked about the need for regular healthy exercise for youth.  In this context, she mentioned  the Ciclivia event coming to several Southeast LA County cities, to include the City of Lynwood, on May 15.  There will be a network of streets closed to regular traffic in order to enable bike riders to use the entire street for the day.  In the City of Lynwood, Long Beach Blvd. will a part of this network of streets for bike riding for the day.

Before the presentation by the speaker,  Club President Martina Rodriguez mentioned the fund raising event that Tila and Fernando were going to hold the next day on Apr 29 at Roosevelt ES for the benefit YouthAct activities and programs.  The fund raising involved Tacos Loteria. 

Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco 

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.28.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-04-28 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.21.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Apr 20, 2016
At the April 21th meeting, members and guests heard the presentation by Rowland Becerra Chair for the art and performance organization, Lynwood Union.  Rowland presented the public art at the Long Beach Blvd. Green Line Station.  In power point slides, he showed the artwork that is located both on the platform level, and at the plaza level of both sides of Long Beach Blvd.

The name of the art works is Celestial Chance.  The principal  artist is Sally Weber, whose other artworks include extensive work in the medium of holographic art.  Holographic art involves appearance of art through the dispersion of light against specific art objects.  As Rowland illustrated, at the top of the underside of the station canopies on the platform, there are reflective horizontal panels, which reflect light from the rays of the sun.  Depending on the angle of the sun, one can see refracted light on the panels on the station platform.

The theme of the station's art is traditional and contemporary visions of the sky. As Rowland portrayed in a beautiful slide, artist Weber states:  “The same sky is above us all, but we see it differently depending upon our traditions, beliefs, and the technology we have to explore it.”  Adjacent to McCaslin's ceramic tile work, is a native American Indian legend

 This theme includes the ceramic tile artwork on the plaza level on both sides of Long Beach Blvd., by the artist, selected by Sally Weber, Viqui McCaslin.  The artist McCaslin's  designs come from traditional paintings from a LA County cave near Simi Valley.   These native Americans used caves as sacred winter and summer solstice sites.

In the sky, all the rest of the stars appear to rotate around the North Pole Star.  In a Chumash legend, the North Star, Polaris, marked the place through which their benevolent god, Sky Coyote,   represented by the North Star, drops the bounty of heaven for the people below.  The wording of this legend appears on brick-colored panels adjacent to McCaslin's ceramic tile and also on inserts in the platform above.  From a photo of these panels, Rowland read the wording in Spanish and Daniel read the wording in English.  (copies were distributed as a memento).



As to a scientific means of observing the sky, on the platform floor there are several images in interlocking curved patterns inspired by a contemporary  instrument (called a “squid') used for measuring the infrared light from stars.

Daniel thanked Rowland for his presentation and noted that Rowland may prepare another presentation on the artwork at several other stations on the Green Line and the Blue Line.

After the presentation, President Martina Rodriguez mentioned the planned memorial service for Oliver Conner at Rose Hills Cemetery in Whittier On Sat. Apr 23, at 3:00 pm.            

Daniel Miller /  Omar Franco 

Public Relations and Community Outreach for the Lynwood Rotary Club

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.21.2016 Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari 2016-04-21 00:00:00Z 0

Lynwood Rotary Meeting Update 04.14.2016

Posted by Gurdip (Honorary Member) Hari on Apr 13, 2016

 At the April 14th meeting, members and guests heard the presentation by Leticia Vasquez, Central Basin Municipal Water District, Director, District 4 and by Prescilla Segura, Public Information Officer, who presented various programs and issues relating to the Central Basin Municipal Water District 

Using a easy to understand power point presentation, information was provided about the water district, about various  programs relating to the mission of the water district, also about a number of issues to include recent data pertaining to the climate and drought situation in California.

Director Leticia Vasquez provided an overview, followed by the informative slide program presented by Prescilla Segura.

The information provided included the Central Basin projects and funding from:  Proposition 50, and Proposition  84, both administered by the Department of Water Resources.  Also Proposition 1, the State Water Bond.  Assembly Member Anthony Rendon has been and is a major supporter of the state Water Bond.

Of particular note, was the description of the expanded use of recycled water for parks and school grounds.  For example, the cities of Lynwood, South Gate and Bell Gardens are receiving additional recycled water.

Comments from the meeting attendees included Rotary member Raj who commented that after a rain one can observe a lot of water from the LA River draining to the ocean, and whether it is feasible to capture this rain runoff.  Also Marvin Aceves commented about  whether any funding was available for repairs of leaking sprinkler piping in several large condominium projects he has been involved in as a construction contractor. 

Director Leticia Vasquez commented that there has been available rebates for the costs of new draught tolerant landscaping.  She mentioned the example of the home of Lorene Reed in Lynwood who received compensation for her new draught tolerant landscaping and noting that Lorene's water cost  is less than one half of the previous cost. 

Before the presentation  President Martina Rodriguez talked about the passing of long term club member,